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Famous Shrilly Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Shrilly poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous shrilly poems. These examples illustrate what a famous shrilly poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...athless heart of motherhood
Within me shudder, lest the naked glebe
Should yawn once more into the gulf, and thence
The shrilly whinnyings of the team of Hell,
Ascending, pierce the glad and songful air,
And all at once their arch'd necks, midnight-maned,
Jet upward thro' the mid-day blossom. No!
For, see, thy foot has touch'd it; all the space
Of blank earth-baldness clothes itself afresh,
And breaks into the crocus-purple hour
That saw thee vanish.

Child, when thou...Read more of this...

by Keats, John
...wing die
In music, through the vales of Thessaly:
Some idly trailed their sheep-hooks on the ground,
And some kept up a shrilly mellow sound
With ebon-tipped flutes: close after these,
Now coming from beneath the forest trees,
A venerable priest full soberly,
Begirt with ministring looks: alway his eye
Stedfast upon the matted turf he kept,
And after him his sacred vestments swept.
From his right hand there swung a vase, milk-white,
Of mingled wine, out-sparkling generous...Read more of this...

by Robinson, Mary Darby

Then, slowly would she turn her head,
And watch the narrow wicket;
And shudder, while the wintry blast
In shrilly cadence swiftly past
Along the neighb'ring thicket.

One night, it was in winter time,
The Castle bell was tolling;
The air was still, the Moon was seen,
Sporting, her starry train between,
The thin clouds round her rolling.

And now she watch'd the wasting lamp,
Her timid bosom panting;
And now, the Crickets faintly sing,
And now she hears t...Read more of this...

by Wilde, Oscar
...llies all in bloom.

Then up and down the field the sower goes,
While close behind the laughing younker scares
With shrilly whoop the black and thievish crows,
And then the chestnut-tree its glory wears,
And on the grass the creamy blossom falls
In odorous excess, and faint half-whispered madrigals

Steal from the bluebells' nodding carillons
Each breezy morn, and then white jessamine,
That star of its own heaven, snap-dragons
With lolling crimson tongues, and eglantine
I...Read more of this...

by Homer,
...many names.[1]

He caught her up reluctant on his golden car and bare her away lamenting. Then she cried out shrilly with her voice, calling upon her father, the Son of Cronos, who is most high and excellent. But no one, either of the deathless gods or of mortal men, heard her voice, nor yet the olive-trees bearing rich fruit: only tenderhearted Hecate, bright-coiffed, the daughter of Persaeus, heard the girl from her cave, and the lord Helios, Hyperion's brigh...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...h cries awoke, and the wan day
Went glooming down in wet and weariness:
But under her black brows a swarthy one
Laugh'd shrilly, crying, "Praise the patient saints,
Our one white day of Innocence hath past,
Tho' somewhat draggled at the skirt. So be it.
The snowdrop only, flowering thro' the year,
Would make the world as blank as Winter-tide.
Come--let us gladden their sad eyes, our Queen's
And Lancelot's, at this night's solemnity
With all the kindlier colours of...Read more of this...

by Davidson, John
...ard the South sing o'er the land
I saw the yellow sunlight fall
On knolls where Norman churches stand.

And ringing shrilly, taut and lithe,
Within the wind a core of sound,
The wire from Romney town to Hythe
Along its airy journey wound.

A veil of purple vapour flowed
And trailed its fringe along the Straits;
The upper air like sapphire glowed:
And roses filled Heaven's central gates.

Masts in the offing wagged their tops;
The swinging waves pealed on the shore...Read more of this...

by Lawrence, D. H.
...ope is seen
Of open hands: 
Dance in and out 
Small-bosomed girls of the spring of love,
With a bubble of laughter, and shrilly shout 
Of mirth; then the dripping of tears on your glove....Read more of this...

by Lowell, Amy
From the sunny door-jamb high,
Swings the shell of a butterfly.
Scrape of insect violins
Through the stubble shrilly dins.
Every blade's a minaret
Where a small muezzin's set,
Loudly calling us to pray
At the miracle of day.
Then the purple-lidded night
Westering comes, her footsteps light
Guided by the radiant boon
Of a sickle-shaped new moon....Read more of this...

by Yeats, William Butler
...o bless the hands that play,
The mouths that speak, the notes and strings,
O masters of the glittering town!
O! lay the shrilly trumpet down,
Though drunken with the flags that sway
Over the ramparts and the towers,
And with the waving of your wings.

First Voice. Maybe they linger by the way.
One gathers up his purple gown;
One leans and mutters by the wall -
He dreads the weight of mortal hours.

Second Voice. O no, O no! they hurry down
Like plovers tha...Read more of this...

by Dyke, Henry Van
...tered, followed, floated,
Round the Half-Moon creeping up the bay; 
Even so your voices creaked and chattered,
Laughing shrilly o'er the tidal rips,
While your black and beady eyes were glistening
Round the sullen British prison-ships. 

Children of the elemental mother,
Fearless floaters 'mid the double blue,
From the crowded boats that cross the ferries
Many a longing heart goes out to you. 
Though the cities climb and close around us,
Something tells us that our so...Read more of this...

by Wilde, Oscar
...ll filch their beech-nuts from the sleeping Pans
So softly that the little nested thrush
Will never wake, and then with shrilly laugh and leap will rush

Down the green valley where the fallen dew
Lies thick beneath the elm and count her store,
Till the brown Satyrs in a jolly crew
Trample the loosestrife down along the shore,
And where their horned master sits in state
Bring strawberries and bloomy plums upon a wicker crate!

Sing on! and soon with passion-wearied face
Throu...Read more of this...

by Lindsay, Vachel
From the mouth of the Congo 
To the Mountains of the Moon.
Death is an Elephant,
Torch-eyed and horrible,
Shrilly and with a heavily accented metre.
Foam-flanked and terrible.
BOOM, steal the pygmies,
BOOM, kill the Arabs, 
BOOM, kill the white men,
Listen to the yell of Leopold's ghost
Like the wind in the chimney.
Burning in Hell for his hand-maimed host.
Hear how the demons chuckle and yell
Cutting his hands off, down in Hel...Read more of this...

by Montgomery, Lucy Maud
And the moonshine makes it gleam 
Like a wonderland of dream, 
And the sharp winds all the day 
Pipe and whistle shrilly gay. 

Safe beneath the snowdrifts lie 
Rainbow buds of by-and-by; 
In the long, sweet days of spring 
Music of bluebells shall ring, 
And its faintly golden cup 
Many a primrose will hold up. 

Though the winds are keen and chill 
Roses' hearts are beating still, 
And the garden tranquilly 
Dreams of happy hours to be­
In the summer days of ...Read more of this...

by Lanier, Sidney
...e and full
That blade flew up and hilt flew down, and left
Lord Raoul unfriended of his weapon.
The fool cried shrilly, "Shall a knight of France
Go stabbing his own cattle?" And Lord Raoul,
Calm with a changing mood, sat still and called:
"Here, huntsmen, 'tis my will ye seize the hind
That broke my dagger, bind him to this tree
And slice both ears to hair-breadth of his head,
To be his bloody token of regret
That he hath put them to so foul employ
As catching villa...Read more of this...

by Scott, Sir Walter
...of gold,
     Consigned to heaven his cares and woes,
     And sunk in undisturbed repose,
     Until the heath-cock shrilly crew,
     And morning dawned on Benvenue.


The Island.


     At morn the black-cock trims his jetty wing,
          'T is morning prompts the linnet's blithest lay,
     All Nature's children feel the matin spring
          Of life reviving, with reviving day;
     And while yon little bark glides down the ...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...ries awoke, and the wan day 
Went glooming down in wet and weariness: 
But under her black brows a swarthy one 
Laughed shrilly, crying, `Praise the patient saints, 
Our one white day of Innocence hath past, 
Though somewhat draggled at the skirt. So be it. 
The snowdrop only, flowering through the year, 
Would make the world as blank as Winter-tide. 
Come--let us gladden their sad eyes, our Queen's 
And Lancelot's, at this night's solemnity 
With all the kindlier...Read more of this...

by de la Mare, Walter
...hs were still, 
And the ivy-tod neath the empty sill, 
And never from her window looked out Mrs. Gill 
On the Fairy shrilly mocking in the garden. 

'What have they done with you, you poor Mrs. Gill?' 
Quoth the Fairy brightly glancing in the garden; 
'Where have they hidden you, you poor old Mrs. Gill?' 
Quoth the Fairy dancing lightly in the garden; 
But night's faint veil now wrapped the hill, 
Stark 'neath the stars stood the dead-still Mill, 
And out of h...Read more of this...

by Hayden, Robert
...pleads in dusty zinnias,
while she in spite of crippling fat
 pursues and corners him.

She strikes and strikes the shrilly circling
 boy till the stick breaks
in her hand. His tears are rainy weather
 to woundlike memories:

My head gripped in bony vise
 of knees, the writhing struggle
to wrench free, the blows, the fear
 worse than blows that hateful

Words could bring, the face that I
 no longer knew or loved . . .
Well, it is over now, it is over,
 and...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
The crystal icicle is hung.

Where, from their frozen urns, mute springs
Pour out the river's gradual tide,
Shrilly the skater's iron rings,
And voices fill the woodland side.

Alas! how changed from the fair scene,
When birds sang out their mellow lay,
And winds were soft, and woods were green,
And the song ceased not with the day!

But still wild music is abroad,
Pale, desert woods! within your crowd;
And gathering winds, in hoarse accord,
Amid the vocal ree...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Shrilly poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things