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Famous Shop Window Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Shop Window poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous shop window poems. These examples illustrate what a famous shop window poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

by Breton, Andre
...eydew hunt
There are rocking chairs on a deck there are branches that may well scratch you in the
There are in a shop window in the rue Notre-Dame-de-Lorette
Two lovely crossed legs caught in long stockings
Flaring out in the center of a great white clover
There is a silken ladder rolled out over the ivy
There is
By my leaning over the precipice
Of your presence and your absence in hopeless fusion
My finding the secret
Of loving you
Always for the first time...Read more of this...

by Yeats, William Butler
...His art is happy, but who knows his mind?
I see a schoolboy when I think of him,
With face and nose pressed to a sweet-shop window,
For certainly he sank into his grave
His senses and his heart unsatisfied,
And made - being poor, ailing and ignorant,
Shut out from all the luxury of the world,
The coarse-bred son of a livery-stable keeper --
Luxuriant song.

Hic. Why should you leave the lamp
Burning alone beside an open book,
And trace these characters upon the sands...Read more of this...

by Aiken, Conrad
...ssly with her finger-nails 
And smiles, and thinks happily of many things.


I stood for a long while before the shop window 
Looking at the blue butterflies embroidered on tawny silk. 
The building was a tower before me, 
Time was loud behind me, 
Sun went over the housetops and dusty trees; 
And there they were, glistening, brilliant, motionless, 
Stitched in a golden sky 
By yellow patient fingers long since turned to dust.


The first bell is silver, 
A...Read more of this...

by Lowell, Amy
...Red slippers in a shop-window, and outside in the 
street, flaws of grey,
windy sleet!...Read more of this...

by Milligan, Spike
...astic waste
There was no Queens Counsel
To take my brief.
The cot I might have warmed
Stood in Harrod's shop window.
When my passing was told
My father smiled.
No grief filled my empty space.
My death was celebrated
With tickets to see Danny la Rue
Who was pretending to be a woman
Like my mother was....Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Shop Window poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things