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Famous Shackles Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Shackles poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous shackles poems. These examples illustrate what a famous shackles poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Burns, Robert
...his uncouth clime,
A land unknown to prose or rhyme;
Where words ne’er cross’t the Muse’s heckles,
Nor limpit in poetic shackles:
A land that Prose did never view it,
Except when drunk he stacher’t thro’ it;
Here, ambush’d by the chimla cheek,
Hid in an atmosphere of reek,
I hear a wheel thrum i’ the neuk,
I hear it—for in vain I leuk.
The red peat gleams, a fiery kernel,
Enhuskèd by a fog infernal:
Here, for my wonted rhyming raptures,
I sit and count my sins by chapters...Read more of this...

by Killigrew, Anne
...r to bloody Wounds oppose your Breast
No Ill, by which the Body can be prest; 
You will so sensible a Torment find, 
As Shackles on your captivated Mind. 

The Mind from Heaven its high Descent did draw, 
And brooks uneasily any other Law, 
Than what from Reason dictated shall be, 
Reason, a kind of In-mate Deity. 
Which only can adapt to ev'ry Soul
A Yoke so fit and light, that the Controle
All Liberty excels; so sweet a Sway, 
The same 'tis to be Happy, and Obey; 
C...Read more of this...

by Gibran, Kahlil
...blood and burn my body, but you cannot kill or hurt my spirit. 

You may tie my hands with chains and my feet with shackles, and put me in the dark prison, but who shall not enslave my thinking, for it is free, like the breeze in the spacious sky. 

You are my brother and I love you. I love you worshipping in your church, kneeling in your temple, and praying in your mosque. You and I and all are children of one religion, for the varied paths of religion are b...Read more of this...

by Philips, Katherine
...will injure them do crave. 
Men's weakness makes love so severe, 
They give him power by their fear, 
And make the shackles which they wear. 
Who to another does his heart submit, 
Makes his own idol, and then worships it. 
Him whose heart is all his own, 
Peace and liberty does crown, 
He apprehends no killing frown. 
He feels no raptures which are joys diseased, 
And is not much transported, but still pleased....Read more of this...

by Laurence Dunbar, Paul
...n de back an' in de front;
But de Lawd is all aroun' you,
Fu' to ba' de battle's brunt.
Dey kin fo'ge yo' chains an' shackles
F'om de mountains to de sea;
But de Lawd will sen' some Moses
Fu' to set his chillun free.
An' de lan' shall hyeah his thundah,
Lak a blas' f'om Gab'el's ho'n,
Fu' de Lawd of hosts is mighty
When he girds his ahmor on.
But fu' feah some one mistakes me,
I will pause right hyeah to say,
Dat I 'm still a-preachin' ancient,
I ain't talkin' '...Read more of this...

by Lima, Rossy Evelin
                go on
vacant in all my sovereignty.
The shackles that once held me
slid through my broken bones.
I am the liberated severed woman,
the woman without yoke or tether....Read more of this...

by Philips, Katherine

Others there are that place Content 
In Liberty from Government: 
But who his Passions do deprave, 
Though free from shackles is a slave. 
Content and Bondage differ onely then, 
When we are chain'd by Vices, not by Men. 

Some think the Camp Content does know, 
And that she fits o'th' Victor's brow: 
But in his Laurel there is seen 
Often a Cypress-bow between. 
Nor will Content herself in that place give, 
Where Noise and Tumult and Destruction live. 

Bu...Read more of this...

by Toomer, Jean
...Come, brother, come. Lets lift it;
come now, hewit! roll away!
Shackles fall upon the Judgment Day
But lets not wait for it. 

God's body's got a soul,
Bodies like to roll the soul,
Cant blame God if we dont roll,
Come, brother, roll, roll!

Cotton bales are the fleecy way,
Weary sinner's bare feet trod,
Softly, softly to the throne of God,
"We aint agwine t wait until th Judgment Day!

Nassur; nassur,
Eoh...Read more of this...

by Herrick, Robert
...r cold,
As is the mould;
And all affections are forgot,
Or trouble not.
Here, here the slaves and prisoners be
From shackles free;
And weeping widows, long opprest,
Do here find rest.
The wronged client ends his laws
Here, and his cause;
Here those long suits of Chancery lie
Quiet, or die;
And all Star-chamber bills do cease,
Or hold their peace.
Here needs no court for our Request
Where all are best;
All wise, all equal, and all just
Alike i'th' dust.
Nor nee...Read more of this...

by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
...on that day; 
And the eagle sailed up on strong pinions, 
And frightened the lion at bay.

Since the chains and the shackles are broken, 
And citizens now replace slaves, 
Since the hearts of your heros have spoken
How dear they held freedom - by graves.

Your beautiful banner is blotless
As it floats to the breezes unfurled, 
And but for one blemish, all spotless
Is the record you show to the world.

Like a scar on the features of beauty, 
Lies Utah, sin-cursed t...Read more of this...

by Ashbery, John
The Rhône slogs along through whitish banks
And the Rio Grande spins tales of the past.
The Loir bursts its frozen shackles
But the Moldau's wet mud ensnares it.
The East catches the light.
Near the Escaut the noise of factories echoes
And the sinuous Humboldt gurgles wildly.
The Po too flows, and the many-colored
Thames. Into the Atlantic Ocean
Pours the Garonne. Few ships navigate
On the Housatonic, but quite a few can be seen
On the Elbe. For c...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...ratified all those vows, and strictly kept them; 
Thou knowest I have not once lost nor faith nor ecstasy in Thee; 
(In shackles, prison’d, in disgrace, repining not,
Accepting all from Thee—as duly come from Thee.) 

All my emprises have been fill’d with Thee, 
My speculations, plans, begun and carried on in thoughts of Thee, 
Sailing the deep, or journeying the land for Thee; 
Intentions, purports, aspirations mine—leaving results to Thee.

O I am sure they really c...Read more of this...

by Hayden, Robert
...yonder Bible city

Some go weeping and some rejoicing 
some in coffins and some in carriages 
some in silks and some in shackles

 Rise and go or fare you well

No more auction block for me
no more driver's lash for me

 If you see my Pompey, 30 yrs of age, 
 new breeches, plain stockings, ***** shoes; 
 if you see my Anna, likely young mulatto 
 branded E on the right cheek, R on the left, 
 catch them if you can and notify subscriber. 
 Catch them if you can, but it won...Read more of this...

by Browning, Robert
...f clatter and blaze meant,
And if, in this minute of wonder,
No outlet, 'mid lightning and thunder,
Lay broad, and, his shackles all shivered,
The lion at last was delivered?
Ay, that was the open sky o'erhead!
And you saw by the flash on his forehead,
By the hope in those eyes wide and steady,
He was leagues in the desert already,
Driving the flocks up the mountain,
Or catlike couched hard by the fountain
To waylay the date-gathering negress:
So guarded he entrance or egress...Read more of this...

by Lowell, Amy
...following morn,
Would come to marry her, and shuddering:
"I will die rather, death has lesser fears."
Max felt the shackles drop from the oath which he had sworn.

"My Dearest One, the hid joy of my heart!
I love you, oh! you must indeed have known.
In strictest honour I have played my part;
But all this misery has overthrown
My scruples. If you love me, marry me
Before the sun has dipped behind those trees.
You cannot be wed twice, and Grootver, foile...Read more of this...

by Thomson, James
...ers swell,
Impatient for the Day. -- Those sullen Seas, 
That wash th'ungenial Pole, will rest no more,
Beneath the Shackles of the mighty North;
But, rousing all their Waves, resistless heave, --
And hark! -- the length'ning Roar, continuous, runs
Athwart the rifted Main; at once, it bursts,
And piles a thousand Mountains to the Clouds!
Ill fares the Bark, the Wretches' last Resort,
That, lost amid the floating Fragments, moors
Beneath the Shelter of an Icy Isle;
While N...Read more of this...

by Dickinson, Emily
...ouch Liberty -- then know no more,
But Noon, and Paradise --

The Soul's retaken moments --
When, Felon led along,
With shackles on the plumed feet,
And staples, in the Song,

The Horror welcomes her, again,
These, are not brayed of Tongue --...Read more of this...

by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
Where they suffered and still wondered why their wonder made no noise. 

There were slaves who dragged the shackles of a precedent unbroken, 
Demonstrating the fulfilment of unalterable schemes, 
Which had been, before the cradle, Time’s inexorable tenants 
Of what were now the dusty ruins of their father’s dreams.
There were these, and there were many who had stumbled up to manhood,
Where they saw too late the road they should have taken long ago: 
There wer...Read more of this...

by Mandelstam, Osip
with some exceptions
is so dreary
is so absolutely pitiless
churns the gut to 
shackles hope
makes little things
pulling up a shade
putting on your shoes
walking out on the street
more difficult
the famous gather to
applaud their
the fools are
you sick 
************....Read more of this...

by Davidson, John
...We thirty million trained 
And licensed murderers, 
Like zanies rigged, and chained 
By drill and scourge and curse 
In shackles of despair 
We know not how to break -- 
What do we victims care 
For art, what interest take 
In things unseen, unheard? 
Some diplomat no doubt 
Will launch a heedless word, 
And lurking war leap out! 

We spell-bound armies then, 
Huge brutes in dumb distress, 
Machines compact of men 
Who once had consciences, 
Must trample harvests down -- 
Vin...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Shackles poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs