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Famous Seraphs Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Seraphs poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous seraphs poems. These examples illustrate what a famous seraphs poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Davidson, John
And flowers sprang up about her feet
She entered heaven; she climbed the stair
And knelt down at the mercy-seat.

Seraphs and saints with one great voice
Welcomed that soul that knew not fear.
Amazed to find it could rejoice,
Hell raised a hoarse, half-human cheer....Read more of this...

by Wheatley, Phillis
Press his soft hand, and seat him on his throne;
Then smilling thus: "To this divine abode,
"The seat of saints, of seraphs, and of God,
"Thrice welcome thou." The raptur'd babe replies,
"Thanks to my God, who snatch'd me to the skies,
"E'er vice triumphant had possess'd my heart,
"E'er yet the tempter had beguil'd my heart,
"E'er yet on sin's base actions I was bent,
"E'er yet I knew temptation's dire intent;
"E'er yet the lash for horrid crimes I felt,
"E'er vanity ...Read more of this...

by Byron, George (Lord)
And as my damp hair stiffened, thus it spake:

"Is man more just than God? Is man more pure
Than He who deems even Seraphs insecure?
Creatures of clay—vain dwellers in the dust!
The moth survives you, and are ye more just?
Things of a day! you wither ere the night,
Heedless and blind to Wisdom's wasted light!"...Read more of this...

by Poe, Edgar Allan
...itchery may test,
The rhythmical number
Which lull'd him to rest?"

Spirits in wing, and angels to the view,
A thousand seraphs burst th' Empyrean thro',
Young dreams still hovering on their drowsy flight-
Seraphs in all but "Knowledge," the keen light
That fell, refracted, thro' thy bounds, afar,
O Death! from eye of God upon that star:
Sweet was that error- sweeter still that death-
Sweet was that error- even with us the breath
Of Science dims the mirror of our joy-
To them...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...maranth was woven round it.

I saw her mid the realms of light,
In everlasting radiance gleaming;
Co-equal with the seraphs bright,
Mid thousand thousand angels beaming.

I strove to reach her, when, behold,
Those fairy forms of bliss Elysian,
And all that rich scene wrapt in gold,
Faded in air–a lovely vision!

And I awoke, but oh! to me
That waking hour was doubly weary;
And yet I could not envy thee,
Although so blest, and I so dreary....Read more of this...

by Poe, Edgar Allan
...gdom by the sea;
But we loved with a love that was more than love-
I and my Annabel Lee;
With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me.

And this was the reason that long ago 
In this kingdom by the sea 
A wind blew out of a cloud chilling
My beautiful Annabel Lee;
So that her highborn kinsman came
And bore her away from me 
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.

The angels not half so happy in heaven 
Went envyin...Read more of this...

by Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
...e, whose days go on.


He reigns above, He reigns alone; 
Systems burn out and have his throne; 
Fair mists of seraphs melt and fall 
Around Him, changeless amid all, 
Ancient of Days, whose days go on.


He reigns below, He reigns alone, 
And, having life in love forgone 
Beneath the crown of sovran thorns, 
He reigns the Jealous God. Who mourns 
Or rules with Him, while days go on?


By anguish which made pale the sun, 
I hear Him charge his saint...Read more of this...

by Dickinson, Emily
...he drunken Bee
Out the Foxglove's door—
When Butterflies—renounce their "drams"—
I shall but drink the more!

Till Seraphs swing their snowy Hats—
And Saints—to windows run—
To see the little Tippler
Leaning against the—Sun—


Wild Nights—Wild Nights!
Were I with thee
Wild nights should be
Our luxury!

Futile—the Winds—
To a heart in port—
Done with the Compass—
Done with the Chart!

Rowing in Eden—
Ah, the Sea!
Might I but moor—Tonight—
In Thee!
...Read more of this...

by Pope, Alexander
...enest beams,
And whisp'ring angels prompt her golden dreams.
For her th' unfading rose of Eden blooms,
And wings of seraphs shed divine perfumes,
For her the Spouse prepares the bridal ring,
For her white virgins hymeneals sing,
To sounds of heav'nly harps she dies away,
And melts in visions of eternal day.

Far other dreams my erring soul employ,
Far other raptures, of unholy joy:
When at the close of each sad, sorrowing day,
Fancy restores what vengeance snatch'd aw...Read more of this...

by Schiller, Friedrich von
...nd ye round the brimming cup,--
Yonder kindly spirit greeting,
While the foam to heaven mounts up!

He whom seraphs worship ever;
Whom the stars praise as they roll,
Yes to him now drain the bowl
Mortal eye can see him never!

Courage, ne'er by sorrow broken!
Aid where tears of virtue flow;
Faith to keep each promise spoken!
Truth alike to friend and foe!
'Neath kings' frowns a manly spirit!--
Brethren, noble is the prize--
Honor due to every merit!
Death to all t...Read more of this...

by Dickinson, Emily
...unken Bee
Out of the Foxglove's door --
When Butterflies -- renounce their "drams" --
I shall but drink the more!

Till Seraphs swing their snowy Hats --
And Saints -- to windows run --
To see the little Tippler
Leaning against the -- Sun --...Read more of this...

by Robinson, Mary Darby
...dst ethereal fire,
Thou strik'st thy DELLA CRUSCAN lyre, 
While round, to catch the heavenly song,
Myriads of wond'ring seraphs throng:
Whether thy harp's empassioned strain
Pours forth an OVID's tender pain;
Or in PINDARIC flights sublime,
Re-echoes thro' the starry clime;
Thee I'll adore; transcendent guest,
And woe thee to my burning breast. 

But, if thy magic pow'rs impart
One soft sensation to the heart,
If thy warm precepts can dispense
One thrilling transport o'er...Read more of this...

by Paterson, Andrew Barton
...ay courses, 
And p'raps they might let me slip in. 
It would look rather well the race-card on 
'Mongst Cherubs and Seraphs and things, 
"Angel Harrison's black gelding Pardon, 
Blue halo, white body and wings." 

And if they have racing hereafter, 
(And who is to say they will not?) 
When the cheers and the shouting and laughter 
Proclaim that the battle grows hot; 
As they come down the racecourse a-steering, 
He'll rush to the front, I believe; 
And you'll hear the...Read more of this...

by Robinson, Mary Darby
...eye more radiant than the day
Beam'd with persuasion's temper'd ray;
Sweet was her voice, and while she sung
Myriads of Seraphs hover'd round,
Eager to iterate the sound, 
That on her heav'n-taught accents hung. 
Wond'ring I gaz'd! my throbbing breast, 
Celestial energies confest; 
Transports, before unfelt, unknown, 
Throng'd round my bosom's tremb'ling throne, 
While ev'ry nerve with rapture strange, 
Seem'd to partake the blissful change. 

Now with unmov'd and dau...Read more of this...

by Poe, Edgar Allan
...from out

The scenic solitude!
It writhes! - it writhes! - with mortal pangs

The mimes become its food 
And the seraphs sob at vermin fangs

In human gore imbued.
Out - out are the lights - out all!

And over each quivering form 
The curtain a funeral pall 

Comes down with the rush of a storm 
And the angels all pallid and wan 

Uprising unveiling affirm
That the play is the tragedy "Man" 

And its hero the Conqueror Worm.
...Read more of this...

by Rossetti, Christina
...brows the aureole crown--
His locks writhe like a cloven snake--
He left his throne to grovel down
And lick the dust of Seraphs' feet;
For what is knowledge duly weighed?
Knowledge is strong, but love is sweet;
Yea, all the progress he had made
Was but to learn that all is small
Save love, for love is all in all.

I tell you what I dreamed last night:
It was not dark, it was not light,
Cold dews had drenched my plenteous hair
Through clay; you came to seek me there.
A...Read more of this...

by Whittier, John Greenleaf storm and flood,
To one fixed trust my spirit clings;
I know that God is good!

Not mine to look where cherubim
And seraphs may not see,
But nothing can be good in Him
Which evil is in me.

The wrong that pains my soul below
I dare not throne above,
I know not of His hate, - I know
His goodness and His love.

I dimly guess from blessings known
Of greater out of sight,
And, with the chastened Psalmist, own
His judgments too are right.

I long for household voic...Read more of this...

by Byron, George (Lord)
And Lust and Rapine wildly reign
To darken o'er the fair domain.
It is as though the Fiends prevailed
Against the Seraphs they assailed,
And, fixed on heavenly thrones, should dwell
The freed inheritors of Hell;
So soft the scene, so formed for joy,
So curst the tyrants that destroy!

He who hath bent him o'er the dead
Ere the first day of Death is fled,
The first dark day of Nothingness,
The last of Danger and Distress,
(Before Decay's effacing fingers
Have swept the l...Read more of this...

by Byron, George (Lord), 
Splitting some planet with its playful tail, 
As boats are sometimes by a wanton whale. 


The guardian seraphs had retired on high, 
Finding their charges past all care below; 
Terrestrial business fill'd nought in the sky 
Save the recording angel's black bureau; 
Who found, indeed, the facts to multiply 
With such rapidity of vice and woe, 
That he had stripp'd off both his wings in quills, 
And yet was in arrear of human ills. 


His business so au...Read more of this...

by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
As Uriel spoke with piercing eye 25 
A shudder ran around the sky; 
The stern old war-gods shook their heads; 
The seraphs frown'd from myrtle-beds; 
Seem'd to the holy festival 
The rash word boded ill to all; 30 
The balance-beam of Fate was bent; 
The bounds of good and ill were rent; 
Strong Hades could not keep his own  
But all slid to confusion. 

A sad self-knowledge withering fell 35 
On the beauty of Uriel; 
In heaven once eminent the god 
Withdr...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Seraphs poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things