Famous Question Mark Poems by Famous Poets
These are examples of famous Question Mark poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous question mark poems. These examples illustrate what a famous question mark poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).
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...said: "You see this apple?"
I squeeze it and look-cider."
The serpent had a good drink
And curled up into a question mark.
Adam drank and said: "Be my god."
Eve drank and opened her legs
And called to the cockeyed serpent
And gave him a wild time.
God ran and told Adam
Who in drunken rage tried to hang himself in the orchard.
The serpent tried to explain, crying "Stop"
But drink was splitting his syllable.
And Eve started scre...Read more of this...
Hughes, Ted
...curls the silver spark,
Barbed, baited, waiting, of a thought--
Which in the world is upside down,
The fish hook or the question mark?...Read more of this...
Nemerov, Howard
...ng hearts to make a picture of.
The river—I remember this like a picture—the river was the upper twist of a written question mark.
I know now it takes many many years to write a river, a twist of water asking a question.
And white stars moved when the moon moved, and one red star kept burning, and the Big Dipper was almost overhead....Read more of this...
Sandburg, Carl
Dont forget to view our wonderful member Question Mark poems.