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Famous Quail Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Quail poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous quail poems. These examples illustrate what a famous quail poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
Which cheer the winter, hail the spring, 
 That live in peace or prey; 
They that make music, or that mock, 
The quail, the brave domestic cock, 
 The raven, swan, and jay. 

Of fishes—ev'ry size and shape, 
Which nature frames of light escape, 
 Devouring man to shun: 
The shells are in the wealthy deep, 
The shoals upon the surface leap, 
 And love the glancing sun. 

Of beasts—the beaver plods his task, 
While the sleek tigers roll and bask, 
 N...Read more of this...
by Smart, Christopher

And the weak spirit quickens to rebel
For the bent golden-rod and the lost sea smell
Quickens to recover
The cry of quail and the whirling plover
And the blind eye creates
The empty forms between the ivory gates
And smell renews the salt savour of the sandy earth

This is the time of tension between dying and birth
The place of solitude where three dreams cross
Between blue rocks
But when the voices shaken from the yew-tree drift away
Let the other yew be shaken and reply...Read more of this...
by Eliot, T S (Thomas Stearns)
...t --
The small waters seeping upward,
The tight grains parting at last.
When sprouts break out,
Slippery as fish,
I quail, lean to beginnings, sheath-wet....Read more of this...
by Roethke, Theodore assembled 
The wrecks of strength her soul retained; 
For though the wasted body trembled, 
The unconquered mind, to quail, disdained. 

She crossed the sea­now lone she wanders 
By Seine's, or Rhine's, or Arno's flow; 
Fain would I know if distance renders 
Relief or comfort to her woe. 

Fain would I know if, henceforth, ever, 
These eyes shall read in hers again, 
That light of love which faded never, 
Though dimmed so long with secret pain. 

She will retur...Read more of this...
by Bronte, Charlotte pretty nervous.

 There's the warm sweet smell of blackberry bushes along

 the path and in the late afternoon, quail gather around a dead

 unrequited tree that has fallen bridelike across the path. Some-

 times I go down there and jump the quail. I just go down there

 to get them up off their butts. They're such beautiful birds.

 They set their wings and sail on down the hill.

 O he was the one who was born to be king! That one, turn-

 ing d...Read more of this...
by Brautigan, Richard

...s were loosed, his life were safe, 
Unless that bitter priesthood should prevail, 
And make even terror to their malice quail. 

Yet if I tell the dream­but let me pause.
What dream ? Erewhile the characters were clear,
Graved on my brain­at once some unknown cause
Has dimmed and rased the thoughts, which now appear,
Like a vague remnant of some by-past scene;­
Not what will be, but what, long since, has been. 

I suffered many things, I heard foretold 
A dreadful...Read more of this...
by Bronte, Charlotte
...I see the despondent red man in the west, lingering about the banks of Moingo, and about
He has heard the quail and beheld the honey-bee, and sadly prepared to depart. 

I see the regions of snow and ice; 
I see the sharp-eyed Samoiede and the Finn; 
I see the seal-seeker in his boat, poising his lance; 
I see the Siberian on his slight-built sledge, drawn by dogs;
I see the porpoise-hunters—I see the whale-crews of the South Pacific and the North
 Atlantic;...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt
...on by low scragged
Walking the path worn in the grass, and beat through the leaves of the brush;
Where the quail is whistling betwixt the woods and the wheat-lot; 
Where the bat flies in the Seventh-month eve—where the great gold-bug drops
 through the dark; 
Where flails keep time on the barn floor; 
Where the brook puts out of the roots of the old tree and flows to the meadow; 
Where cattle stand and shake away flies with the tremulous shuddering of their
...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt
...amber and gold it grows 
When the sun sinks late in the West; 
And the breeze sweeps over the rippling rows 
Where the quail and the skylark nest. 
Mountain or river or shining star, 
There’s never a sight can beat— 
Away to the sky-line stretching far— 
A sea of the ripening Wheat. 

When the burning harvest sun sinks low, 
And the shadows stretch on the plain, 
The roaring strippers come and go 
Like ships on a sea of grain; 
Till the lurching, groaning waggons bea...Read more of this...
by Paterson, Andrew Barton
...tight snarl to a weasel.
Fierce. I stitch the flippers on a seal.
Splayed. I pierce the heartbeat of a quail.

I like her to be naked and to kneel.
Tame. My motionless, my living doll.
Mute. And afterwards I like her not to tell....Read more of this...
by Duffy, Carol Ann
Or island solitude, unsponsered, free,
Of that wide water, inescapable.
Deer walk upon our mountains, and the quail
Whistle about us their spontaneous cries;
Sweet berries ripen in the wilderness;
And, in the isolation of the sky,
At evening, casual flocks of pigeons make
Abiguous undulations as they sink,
Downward to darkness, on extended wings....Read more of this...
by Stevens, Wallace
...rain! for your long hot dry Autumn
Had net-worked with brown
The white skin of each grape on the bunches,
Marked like a quail's crown,
Those creatures you make such account of,
Whose heads,—specked with white
Over brown like a great spider's back,
As I told you last night,— 
Your mother bites off for her supper;
Red-ripe as could be.
Pomegranates were chapping and splitting
In halves on the tree:
And betwixt the loose walls of great flintstone,
Or in the thick dust
On the...Read more of this...
by Browning, Robert
That claims and keeps ascendency;
And like the bird whose pinions quake,
But cannot fly the gazing snake,
Will others quail beneath his look,
Nor 'scape the glance they scarce can brook.
From him the half-affrighted friar
When met alone would fain retire,
As if that eye and bitter smile
Transferred to others fear and guile:
Not oft to smile descendeth he,
And when he doth 'tis sad to see
That he but mocks at misery.
How that pale lip will curl and quiver!
Then fix o...Read more of this...
by Byron, George (Lord)
...iting for the phone to ring?
Who should it be? What fountain is expected to
thrash forth mysteries of morning joy? What quail-like giant tail of 
promises, pleiades, psalters, plane-trees,
what parapets petalling-forth the invisible
into the world of things,
turning the list into its spatial-form at last,
into its archival many-headed, many-legged colony . . .
Oh look at you.
What is it you hold back? What piece of time is it the list
won't cover? You down the...Read more of this...
by Graham, Jorie
...outh to manhood grown,
     Not long should Roderick Dhu's renown
     Be foremost voiced by mountain fame,
     But quail to that of Malcolm Graeme.

     Now back they wend their watery way,
     And, 'O my sire!' did Ellen say,
     'Why urge thy chase so far astray?
     And why so late returned? And why '—
     The rest was in her speaking eye.
     'My child, the chase I follow far,
     'Tis mimicry of noble war;
     And with that gallant pasti...Read more of this...
by Scott, Sir Walter! 
You look like death; is it the falling sickness? 
Or has the mere thought of the Indian journey 
Made your marrow quail with a cold fever? 

The Stranger (to the Captain) 
You are the master of this ship? 

Captain I am. 

This huddled man belongs to me: a slave 
Escaped my service. 

Captain Lord, I knew not that. 
But you are in good time. 

Stranger And was the slave 
For putting out with you? Where are your bound? 

To India. F...Read more of this...
by Abercrombie, Lascelles
...of his eyes like they crying for us,
and I feeding him white rum, while every crest
with Leviathan-lash made the Flight quail
like two criminal. Whole night, with no rest,
till red-eyed like dawn, we watch our travail
subsiding, subside, and there was no more storm.
And the noon sea get calm as Thy Kingdom come.

11 After the Storm

There's a fresh light that follows a storm
while the whole sea still havoc; in its bright wake
I saw the veiled face of Maria Concep...Read more of this...
by Walcott, Derek
...ed to deed, 
Fast spurring on his reeking steed, 
Where sallying ranks the trench assail, 
And make the foremost Moslem quail; 
Or where the battery, guarded well, 
Remains as yet impregnable, 
Alighting cheerly to inspire 
The soldier slackening in his fire; 
The first and freshest of the host 
Which Stamboul's Sultan there can boast 
To guide the follower o'er the field, 
To point the tube, the lance to wield, 
Or whirl around the bickering blade; — 
Was Alp, the Adrian ren...Read more of this...
by Byron, George (Lord)
...oused into sudden passion, she
In tone of cold malignity:
"To others, yea: but not to thee." 

But when she saw him quail and quake,
And when he urged "For pity's sake!"
Once more in gentle tones she spake. 

"Thought in the mind doth still abide
That is by Intellect supplied,
And within that Idea doth hide: 

"And he, that yearns the truth to know,
Still further inwardly may go,
And find Idea from Notion flow: 

"And thus the chain, that sages sought,
Is to a gloriou...Read more of this...
by Carroll, Lewis
...down rich fields and frosty river beaches 
We'll trample bright persimmons, while you kill 
Bronze partridge, speckled quail, and canvasback.


Down to the Puritan marrow of my bones 
There's something in this richness that I hate. 
I love the look, austere, immaculate, 
Of landscapes drawn in pearly monotones. 
There's something in my very blood that owns 
Bare hills, cold silver on a sky of slate, 
A thread of water, churned to milky spate 
Streaming through ...Read more of this...
by Wylie, Elinor

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Quail poems.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry