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Famous Pug Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Pug poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous pug poems. These examples illustrate what a famous pug poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also: blessed
A woman so distinguished from the rest,
Except discretion only, she possessed.
--But now, "Mon cher dear Pug," she cries, "adieu!"
And the discourse broke off does thus renew:
--"You smile to see me, whom the world perchance
Mistakes to have some wit, so far advance
The interest of fools, that I approve
Their merit, more than men's of wit, in love.
But, in our sex, too many proofs there are 
Of such whom wits undo, and fools repair.
This, in my time, wa...Read more of this...
by Wilmot, John

...has the cutest brown caniche,
The French for "poodle" on a leash,
 While I have Bingo;
A dog of doubtful pedigree,
Part pug or pom or chow maybe,
 But full of stingo.

The daughter of the village Maire
Would like to speak with me, I'll swear,
 In her sweet lingo;
But parlez-vous I find a bore,
For I am British to the core,
 And so is Bingo
Yet just to-day as we passed by,
Our two dogs haulted eye to eye,
 In friendly poses;
Oh, how I hope to-morrow they
Will wag their tai...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William lullaby, 
And friends in boots tramp round us as we die, 
Snuffling aloud. 

At morning's call 
The small-voiced pug-dog welcomes in the sun, 
And flea-bit mongrels, wakening one by one, 
Give answer all. 

When evening dim 
Draws round us, then the lonely caterwaul, 
Tart solo, sour duet, and general squall, -- 
These are our hymn. 

Women, with tongues 
Like polar needles, ever on the jar; 
Men, plugless word-spouts, whose deep fountains are 
Within their lun...Read more of this...
by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
...bless the name of the Lord Jesus. 

Let Zadok the son of Baana rejoice with Viburnum. 

Let Vaniah rejoice with Pug in a pinner. God be gracious to house of Vane especially Anne. 

Let Besodeiah rejoice with the Nettle. 

Let Melatiah rejoice with Adonis Bird's eye. 

Let Jadon rejoice with Borrage. 

Let Palal rejoice with the female Balsamime. God be gracious to my wife. 

Let Ezer rejoice with Basella Climbing Nightshade. 

Let Uzai ...Read more of this...
by Smart, Christopher
The Vermin, the Theif, and the Tory in vain
Of the trap, of the Jail, of the Quagmire complain.
But welfare poor Pug! for he playes with his Clog;
And tho' he would be rid on't rather than his life,
Yet he lugg's it, and he hug's it, as a man does his wife....Read more of this...
by Flatman, Thomas

...lonely as a dry and used orchard
spread over the earth
for use and surrender.

shot down like an ex-pug selling
dailies on the corner.

taken by tears like 
an aging chorus girl
who has gotten her last check.

a hanky is in order your lord your

the blackbirds are rough today
ingrown toenails
in an overnight
wine wine whine,
the blackbirds run around and
fly around
harping about
Spanish melodies and bones.

and everywh...Read more of this...
by Bukowski, Charles

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Pug poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things