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Famous In The Pink Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous In The Pink poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous in the pink poems. These examples illustrate what a famous in the pink poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

by Smart, Christopher
For ADORATION 'mongst the leaves 
 The gale his peace reports. 

Increasing days their reign exalt, 
Nor in the pink and mottled vault 
 The opposing spirits tilt; 
And, by the coasting reader spi'd, 
The silverlings and crusions glide
 For ADORATION gilt. 

For ADORATION rip'ning canes 
And cocoa's purest milk detains 
 The western pilgrim's staff; 
Where rain in clasping boughs enclos'd, 
And vines with oranges dispos'd, 
 Embow'r the social laugh...Read more of this...

by Tebb, Barry

Like tawses, incense like choking fog

The procession to the altar a parade

Of the dead and God was over the road

In the pink and blue threaded lupins

Massed behind the rusted padlock of

The gate to the unused path by the

Bridge over the railway.

I began this prayer of poetry in poverty

And this never-ending song started in silence

After the bells quietened and Sunday was in

Church or still in bed as I watched the tusky

Growing in the fecund darkness. ...Read more of this...

by Wilde, Oscar

He was a Grecian lad, who coming home
With pulpy figs and wine from Sicily
Stood at his galley's prow, and let the foam
Blow through his crisp brown curls unconsciously,
And holding wave and wind in boy's despite
Peered from his dripping seat across the wet and stormy night.

Till with the dawn he saw a burnished spear
Like a thin thread of gol...Read more of this...

by Sassoon, Siegfried
...So Davies wrote: ' This leaves me in the pink. ' 
Then scrawled his name: ' Your loving sweetheart Willie ' 
With crosses for a hug. He'd had a drink 
Of rum and tea; and, though the barn was chilly, 
For once his blood ram warm; he had pay to spend, 
Winter was passing; soon the year would mend. 

He couldn't sleep that night. Stiff in the dark 
He groaned and thought of Sun...Read more of this...

by Bishop, Elizabeth their crying, crying,
the only sound there is
except for occasional sizhine
as a large aquatic animal breathes.

In the pink light
the small red sun goes rolling, rolling,
round and round and round at the same height
in perpetual sunset, comprehensive, consoling,

while the ships consider it.
Apparently they have reached their destination.
It would be hard to say what brought them there,
commerce or contemplation....Read more of this...

by Sandburg, Carl
...WHAT cry of peach blossoms
 let loose on the air today
I heard with my face thrown
 in the pink-white of it all?
 in the red whisper of it all?

What man I heard saying:
 Christ, these are beautiful!

And Christ and Christ was in his mouth,
 over these peach blossoms?...Read more of this...

by Mansfield, Katherine
...led, tumbled,
With his two old eggs
From two white hens,
His loaf from a kind ladie,
The fresh nutmegs,
The cutlet-ends
In the pink and white paper frills.
And away rumbled
The little hot-pot,
So much too hot,
From the ton between the hills....Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member In The Pink poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs