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Homer Poems

A collection of select Homer famous poems that were written by Homer or written about the poet by other famous poets. PoetrySoup is a comprehensive educational resource of the greatest poems and poets on history.

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we are purer than the azure of Venice, 
washed by both the sea and the sun! 

I spit on the fact 
that neither Homer nor Ovid 
invented characters like us, 
pock-marked with soot. 
I know 
the sun would dim, on seeing 
the gold fields of our souls! 

Sinews and muscles are surer than prayers. 
Must we implore the charity of the times! 
We ¨C 
each one of us ¨C 
hold in our fists 
the driving belts of the worlds! 

This led to my Golgothas in the...Read more of this...
by Mayakovsky, Vladimir

...ds her orient rays. 
I see the age the happy age roll on 
Bright with the splendours of her mid-day beams, 
I see a Homer and a Milton rise 
In all the pomp and majesty of song, 
Which gives immortal vigour to the deeds 
Atchiev'd by Heroes in the fields of fame. 
A second Pope, like that Arabian bird 
Of which no age can boast but one, may yet 
Awake the muse by Schuylkill's silent stream, 
And bid new forests bloom along her tide. 
And Susquehanna's rocky stream...Read more of this...
by Brackenridge, Hugh Henry
...ion, Country, Genius of his Age:
Without all these at once before your Eyes,
Cavil you may, but never Criticize.
Be Homer's Works your Study, and Delight,
Read them by Day, and meditate by Night,
Thence form your Judgment, thence your Maxims bring,
And trace the Muses upward to their Spring;
Still with It self compar'd, his Text peruse;
And let your Comment be the Mantuan Muse.

When first young Maro in his boundless Mind
A Work t' outlast Immortal Rome design'd,
Perh...Read more of this...
by Pope, Alexander
Refines upon the women of my youth. 
What, and the soul alone deteriorates? 
I have not chanted verse like Homer, no-- 
Nor swept string like Terpander, no--nor carved 
And painted men like Phidias and his friend: 
I am not great as they are, point by point. 
But I have entered into sympathy 
With these four, running these into one soul, 
Who, separate, ignored each other's art. 
Say, is it nothing that I know them all? 
The wild flower was the larger; I ...Read more of this...
by Browning, Robert
...e those dear, 
Embraces death without one sigh or tear.
Life's martyrs still the endless drama play
Though no great Homer lives to chant their worth to-day.


And if he chanted, who would list his songs, 
So hurried now the world's gold-seeking throngs? 
And yet shall silence mantle mighty deeds? 
Awake, dear Muse, and sing though no ear heeds! 
Extol the triumphs, and bemoan the end
Of that true hero, lover, son and friend
Whose faithful heart in his last ch...Read more of this...
by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler

...or my comfort, languishing in bed,
"Just so immortal Maro held his head:"
And when I die, be sure you let me know
Great Homer died three thousand years ago.

Why did I write? what sin to me unknown
Dipp'd me in ink, my parents', or my own?
As yet a child, nor yet a fool to fame,
I lisp'd in numbers, for the numbers came.
I left no calling for this idle trade,
No duty broke, no father disobey'd.
The Muse but serv'd to ease some friend, not wife,
To help me through ...Read more of this...
by Pope, Alexander
...[Note: This Homeric Hymn, composed in approximately the seventh century BCE, served for centuries thereafter as the canonical hymn of the Eleusinian Mysteries. The text below was translated from the Greek by Hugh G. Evelyn-White and first published by the Loeb Classical Library in 1914. This text has been scanned and proof-read by Edward A. Beach, Depart...Read more of this...
by Homer,
...ed. My guide 
 Before I questioned told, "That first ye see, 
 With hand that fits the swordhilt, mark, for he 
 Is Homer, sovereign of the craft we tried, 
 Leader and lord of even the following three, - 
 Horace, and Ovid, and Lucan. The voice ye heard, 
 That hailed me, caused them by one impulse stirred 
 Approach to do me honour, for these agree 
 In that one name we boast, and so do well 
 Owning it in me." There was I joyed to meet 
 Those shades, who close...Read more of this...
by Alighieri, Dante wills
And never stoop to a mechanical
Or servile shape, at others' beck and call.

Mere dreams, mere dreams! Yet Homer had not Sung
Had he not found it certain beyond dreams
That out of life's own self-delight had sprung
The abounding glittering jet; though now it seems
As if some marvellous empty sea-shell flung
Out of the obscure dark of the rich streams,
And not a fountain, were the symbol which
Shadows the inherited glory of the rich.

Some violent bitter man, ...Read more of this...
by Yeats, William Butler
...d verse,
AEolian charms and Dorian lyric odes,
And his who gave them breath, but higher sung,
Blind Melesigenes, thence Homer called,
Whose poem Phoebus challenged for his own. 
Thence what the lofty grave Tragedians taught
In chorus or iambic, teachers best
Of moral prudence, with delight received
In brief sententious precepts, while they treat
Of fate, and chance, and change in human life,
High actions and high passions best describing.
Thence to the famous Orators ...Read more of this...
by Milton, John
...he truth of "the tale of Troy divine" still continues, much of it resting upon the word {'?peiros} [in Greek]: probably Homer had the same notion of distance that a coquette has of time, and when he talks of the boundless, means half a mile; as the latter, by a like figure, when she says eternal attachment, simply specifies three weeks. 

(24) Before his Persian invasion, and crowned the altar with laurel, &c. He was afterwards imitated by Caracalla in his race. I...Read more of this...
by Byron, George (Lord) do) the labored-lewd discourse
That e'en thy young invention's youngest heir
Besmirched the world with.

Father Homer, thee,
Thee also I forgive thy sandy wastes
Of prose and catalogue, thy drear harangues
That tease the patience of the centuries,
Thy sleazy scrap of story, -- but a rogue's
Rape of a light-o'-love, -- too soiled a patch
To broider with the gods.

Thee, Socrates,
Thou dear and very strong one, I forgive
Thy year-worn cloak, thine iron stringencies
...Read more of this...
by Lanier, Sidney
...This magnificent raid at the heart of darkness, this lost battle--
We don't know enough, we'll never know.
Oh happy Homer, taking the stars and the Gods for granted....Read more of this...
by Jeffers, Robinson
...Achilles' wrath, to Greece the direful spring
  Of woes unnumber'd, heavenly goddess, sing!
  That wrath which hurl'd to Pluto's gloomy reign
  The souls of mighty chiefs untimely slain;
  Whose limbs unburied on the naked shore,
  Devouring dogs and hungry vultures tore.(41)
  Since great Achilles and Atrides strove,
  Such was the sovereign d...Read more of this...
by Homer, is the measure of the man, 
And not the Kaffir, Hottentot, Malay, 
Nor those horn-handed breakers of the glebe, 
But Homer, Plato, Verulam; even so 
With woman: and in arts of government 
Elizabeth and others; arts of war 
The peasant Joan and others; arts of grace 
Sappho and others vied with any man: 
And, last not least, she who had left her place, 
And bowed her state to them, that they might grow 
To use and power on this Oasis, lapt 
In the arms of leisure, sacred fr...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
Here living Teapots stand, one Arm held out,
One bent; the Handle this, and that the Spout: 
A Pipkin there like Homer's Tripod walks;
Here sighs a Jar, and there a Goose Pie talks;
Men prove with Child, as pow'rful Fancy works,
And Maids turn'd Bottels, call aloud for Corks.

Safe past the Gnome thro' this fantastick Band,
A Branch of healing Spleenwort in his hand.
Then thus addrest the Pow'r--Hail wayward Queen!
Who rule the Sex to Fifty from Fifteen,
Parent...Read more of this...
by Pope, Alexander
...sober State, and of majestic Mien,
The Sister-Muses in his Train -- 'Tis He!
Maro! the best of Poets, and of Men!
Great Homer too appears, of daring Wing!
Parent of Song! and, equal, by his Side,
The British Muse, join'd Hand in Hand, they walk,
Darkling, nor miss their Way to Fame's Ascent.

Society divine! Immortal Minds!
Still visit thus my Nights, for you reserv'd,
And mount my soaring Soul to Deeds like yours.
Silence! thou lonely Power! the Door be thine:
See, o...Read more of this...
by Thomson, James
...his were Méry's room to-day. 
 That noble poet! Happy town, 
 Marseilles the Greek, that him doth own! 
 Daughter of Homer, fair to see, 
 Of Virgil's son the mother she. 
 To you I'd say, Hold, children all, 
 Let but your eyes on his work fall; 
 These papers are the sacred nest 
 In which his crooning fancies rest; 
 To-morrow winged to Heaven they'll soar, 
 For new-born verse imprisoned still 
 In manuscript may suffer sore 
 At your small hands and childish ...Read more of this...
by Hugo, Victor
...b in the simplicity of fire!
The Soul. Look on that fire, salvation walks within.
The Heart. What theme had Homer but original sin?


Must we part, Von Hugel, though much alike, for we
Accept the miracles of the saints and honour sanctity?
The body of Saint Teresa lies undecayed in tomb,
Bathed in miraculous oil, sweet odours from it come,
Healing from its lettered slab. Those self-same hands perchance
Eternalised the body of a modern saint that once
Had...Read more of this...
by Yeats, William Butler
...lves dressed up in gold and purple ate them.
That's the kind of thing that's being done all the time by poets,
from Homer to Tennyson;
They're always comparing ladies to lilies and veal to venison,
And they always say things like that the snow is a white blanket
after a winter storm.
Oh it is, is it, all right then, you sleep under a six-inch blanket of
snow and I'll sleep under a half-inch blanket of unpoetical
blanket material and we'll see which one keeps warm,
And...Read more of this...
by Nash, Ogden

Book: Reflection on the Important Things