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Famous Firelight Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Firelight poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous firelight poems. These examples illustrate what a famous firelight poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

by Eliot, T S (Thomas Stearns)
...aring forms
  Leaned out, leaning, hushing the room enclosed.
  Footsteps shuffled on the stair.
  Under the firelight, under the brush, her hair
  Spread out in fiery points
  Glowed into words, then would be savagely still.                        110

  "My nerves are bad to-night. Yes, bad. Stay with me.
  "Speak to me. Why do you never speak. Speak.
  "What are you thinking of? What thinking? What?
  "I never know what you are...Read more of this...

by Brontë, Emily
...thorn-trees gaunt, the walks o'ergrown,
I love them, how I love them all!

Still, as I mused, the naked room,
The alien firelight died away,
And from the midst of cheerless gloom
I passed to bright unclouded day.

A little and a lone green lane
That opened on a common wide;
A distant, dreamy, dim blue chain
Of mountains circling every side;

A heaven so clear, an earth so calm,
So sweet, so soft, so hushed an air;
And, deepening still the dream-like charm,
Wild moor-sheep...Read more of this...

by Hardy, Thomas
'Tis the morrow; the fog hangs thicker, 
The postman nears and goes: 
A letter is brought whose lines disclose 
By the firelight flicker 
His hand, whom the worm now knows:

Fresh--firm--penned in highest feather-- 
Page-full of his hoped return, 
And of home-planned jaunts of brake and burn 
In the summer weather, 
And of new love that they would learn....Read more of this...

by Lindsay, Vachel
Cups from the angels' pale tables
That will make me both handsome and wise,
For I have beheld her, the princess,
Firelight and starlight her eyes.
Pauper I am, I would woo her.
And--let me drink wine, to begin,
Though the Koran expressly forbids it."
"I AM YOUR SLAVE," said the Jinn.

"Plan me a dome," said Aladdin,
"That is drawn like the dawn of the MOON,
When the sphere seems to rest on the mountains,
Half-hidden, yet full-risen soon." 
Build me ...Read more of this...

by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
And down on one of them, with all my clothes on, 
Like a man getting into his own grave, 
I lay—and waited. As the firelight sank, 
The moonlight, which had partly been consumed 
By the black trees, framed on the other wall
A glimmering window not far from the ground. 
The coals were going, and only a few sparks 
Were there to tell of them; and as they died 
The window lightened, and I saw the trees. 
They moved a little, but I could not move,
More than to turn m...Read more of this...

by Tebb, Barry

Her tail is like a worn-out brush.

Chimney stacks

Blind black walls

Of factories

Grimy glass

Flickering firelight

 In black-leaded grates.


Hunslet de Ledes

Hop-scotch, hide and seek,


Not one tree in Hunslet

Except in the cemetery

The lake filled in

For fifty years,

The bluebell has rung

Its last perfumed peal.


I couldn’t play out on Sunday

Mam and dad thought us a cut

Above the rest, it was another

Tes...Read more of this...

by Seeger, Alan
You loved me once. . . . Under the western seas 
The pale moon settles and the Pleiades. 
The firelight sinks; outside the night-winds moan -- 
The hour advances, and I sleep alone. 


Farewell, dear heart, enough of vain despairing! 
If I have erred I plead but one excuse -- 
The jewel were a lesser joy in wearing 
That cost a lesser agony to lose. 

I had not bid for beautifuller hours 
Had I not found the door so near unsealed, 
N...Read more of this...

by Lawrence, D. H.
...The darkness steals the forms of all the queens,
But oh, the palms of his two black hands are red, 
Inflamed with binding up the sheaves of dead 
Hours that were once all glory and all queens. 

And I remember all the sunny hours
Of queens in hyacinth and skies of gold, 
And morning singing where the woods are scrolled
And diapered above the chaunting ...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
...holy calm delight; 

Ere the evening lamps are lighted 5 
And like phantoms grim and tall  
Shadows from the fitful firelight 
Dance upon the parlor wall; 

Then the forms of the departed 
Enter at the open door; 10 
The beloved the true-hearted  
Come to visit me once more; 

He the young and strong who cherished 
Noble longings for the strife  
By the roadside fell and perished 15 
Weary with the march of life! 

They the holy ones and weakly  
Who the cro...Read more of this...

by Carroll, Lewis
...d there's an end to mirth and play.
Ah, well-a-day 

Rest your old bones, ye wrinkled crones!
The kettle sings, the firelight dances.
Deep be it quaffed, the magic draught
That fills the soul with golden fancies!
For Youth and Pleasance will not stay,
And ye are withered, worn, and gray.
Ah, well-a-day! 

O fair cold face! O form of grace,
For human passion madly yearning!
O weary air of dumb despair,
From marble won, to marble turning!
"Leave us not thus!" we fon...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Thus dissuading spake Nokomis, 
And my Hiawatha answered 
Only this: "Dear old Nokomis,
Very pleasant is the firelight, 
But I like the starlight better, 
Better do I like the moonlight!"
Gravely then said old Nokomis: 
"Bring not here an idle maiden, 
Bring not here a useless woman, 
Hands unskilful, feet unwilling; 
Bring a wife with nimble fingers, 
Heart and hand that move together, 
Feet that run on willing errands!"
Smiling answered Hiawatha: 
'In the land of...Read more of this...

by Whittier, John Greenleaf on! 
Ah, brother! only I and thou 
Are left of all that circle now, -- 
The dear home faces whereupon 
That fitful firelight paled and shone. 
Henceforward, listen as we will, 
The voices of that hearth are still; 
Look where we may, the wide earth o'er, 
Those lighted faces smile no more. 
We tread the paths their feet have worn, 
We sit beneath their orchard trees, 
We hear, like them, the hum of bees 
And rustle of the bladed corn; 
We turn the pages that they...Read more of this...

by Lowell, Amy
...ars from Hindoostan,
While the blade of a Turkish yataghan
Made a waving streak of vitreous white
Upon the wall, in the firelight.
Foils with buttons broken or lost
Lay heaped on a chair, among them tossed
The boarding-pike of a privateer.
Against the chimney leaned a *****
Two-handed weapon, with edges dull
As though from hacking on a skull.
The rusted blood corroded it still.
My host took up a paper spill
From a heap which lay in an earthen bowl,
And lighted...Read more of this...

by Chesterton, G K
...ty house of stars,
Being what heart you are,
Up the inhuman steeps of space
As on a staircase go in grace,
Carrying the firelight on your face
Beyond the loneliest star.

Take these; in memory of the hour 
We strayed a space from home
And saw the smoke-hued hamlets, quaint
With Westland king and Westland saint,
And watched the western glory faint
Along the road to Frome.


Before the gods that made the gods
Had seen their sunrise pass...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...he days to come, though my lips were dumb, in my heart how I cursed that load.
In the long, long night, by the lone firelight, while the huskies, round in a ring,
Howled out their woes to the homeless snows -- O God! how I loathed the thing.

And every day that quiet clay seemed to heavy and heavier grow;
And on I went, though the dogs were spent and the grub was getting low;
The trail was bad, and I felt half mad, but I swore I would not give in;
And I'd often sing t...Read more of this...

by Hecht, Anthony
...A dying firelight slides along the quirt
Of the cast iron cowboy where he leans
Against my father's books. The lariat
Whirls into darkness. My girl in skin tight jeans
Fingers a page of Captain Marriat
Inviting insolent shadows to her shirt.

We rise together to the second floor.
Outside, across the lake, an endless wind
Whips against the headstones ...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth with old Nokomis, waiting
For the steps of Hiawatha
Homeward from the hunt returning.
On their faces gleamed the firelight,
Painting them with streaks of crimson,
In the eyes of old Nokomis
Glimmered like the watery moonlight,
In the eyes of Laughing Water
Glistened like the sun in water;
And behind them crouched their shadows
In the corners of the wigwam,
And the smoke In wreaths above them
Climbed and crowded through the smoke-flue.
Then the curtain of the doorwa...Read more of this...

by Tolkien, J R R
...nd I,
and once we wandered there
in the long days now long gone by,
a dark child and a fair.
Was it on the paths of firelight thought
in winter cold and white,
or in the blue-spun twilit hours
of little early tucked-up beds
in drowsy summer night,
that you and I in Sleep went down
to meet each other there,
your dark hair on your white nightgown
and mine was tangled fair?

We wandered shyly hand in hand,
small footprints in the golden sand,
and gathered pearls and shells i...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

Thus dissuading spake Nokomis,
And my Hiawatha answered
Only this: "Dear old Nokomis,
Very pleasant is the firelight,
But I like the starlight better,
Better do I like the moonlight!"

Gravely then said old Nokomis:
"Bring not here an idle maiden,
Bring not here a useless woman,
Hands unskilful, feet unwilling;
Bring a wife with nimble fingers,
Heart and hand that move together,
Feet that run on willing errands!"

Smiling answered Hiawatha:
"In the land of the Da...Read more of this...

by Eliot, T S (Thomas Stearns)
...walls; staring forms
Leaned out, leaning, hushing the room enclosed.
Footsteps shuffled on the stair.
Under the firelight, under the brush, her hair
Spread out in fiery points
Glowed into words, then would be savagely still. 
 "My nerves are bad to-night. Yes, bad. Stay with me.
"Speak to me. Why do you never speak. Speak.
 "What are you thinking of? What thinking? What?
"I never know what you are thinking. Think."
 I think we are i...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Firelight poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things