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Famous Fellers Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Fellers poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous fellers poems. These examples illustrate what a famous fellers poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Burns, Robert the rage of Battle.

The stubborn Tories dare to die;
As soon the rooted oaks would fly
 Before th’ approaching fellers:
The Whigs come on like Ocean’s roar,
When all his wintry billows pour
 Against the Buchan Bullers.

Lo, from the shades of Death’s deep night,
Departed Whigs enjoy the fight,
 And think on former daring:
The muffled murtherer of Charles
The Magna Charter flag unfurls,
 All deadly gules its bearing.

Nor wanting ghosts of Tory fame;
Bold Sc...Read more of this...

by Laurence Dunbar, Paul' you!
But you won't be sich a scab
Ez to run aroun' an' blab.
Mebbe 't ain't the way with you,
But you know some fellers do.
Spoils a girl to let her know
'At you talk about her so.
Don't you know her? her name 's Liz,
Nicest girl in town she is.
Purty? ah, git out, you gilly—
Liz 'ud purt 'nigh knock you silly.
Y' ought 'o see her when she 's dressed
All up in her Sunday best,
All the fellers nudgin' me,
An' a-whisperin', gemunee!
Betcher life 'at I feel pr...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...march o' progress an' machinery as' such,
I wonder if, when all is said, they add up to so much?
An' were not these old fellers in their sweet an' simple way
Serener souled an' happier than we poor mugs to-day?
They have us licked, I thought, an' stood wi' mingled gloom an' cheer
Before that starry statoo o' Appoller Belvydeer.

So I'll go back to Pumpkinville an' to my humble home,
An' dream o' all the sights I saw in everlastin' Rome;
But I will never speak a word o' th...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...'orsespittel, where all the Doctors is at?
Ye see, Ma'am, this part o' the buildin' is closed on account o' repairs;
Us fellers is only the pynters, a-pyntin' the 'alls and the stairs."...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...And though no wrath of heart I show
 When I see red,
I fear no S. O. B. but oh
 Myself I dread.

Though fellers reckon me a dope
 And trigger-shy,
'Tain't nice to dangle on a rope,
 And like Pa die.
So as I belly to the bar
 Meek is my breath . . .
No guts! --Don't needle me too far,
 Elizabeth!...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...don't know what it means,
Folks call that Swede "magnanimous"
- But picking nuggets big as beans,
you oughta' hear them fellers cuss!...Read more of this...

by Lawson, Henry
...-- `Kindly pass the sugar', aft. 

We are shabby, rough, 'n' dirty, an' our feelin's out of tune, 
An' it's hard on fellers for'ard that was used to go saloon; 
There's a broken swell among us -- he is barracked, he is chaffed, 
An' I wish at times, poor devil, for his own sake he was aft; 
For they'd understand him, aft, 
(He will miss the bath-rooms aft), 
Spite of all there's no denyin' that there's finer feelin's aft. 

Last night we watched the moonlight as it sp...Read more of this...

by Paterson, Andrew Barton
...And a crawlin' thing like you! 
Oh, you Mormonite gorilla! 
Well, I've heard it from the first 
That you wizened little fellers 
Is a hundred times the worst! 

But a dried-up ape like you are, 
To be marchin' through the land 
With a pack of lovely wimmen -- 
Well, I cannot understand!" 
"You mistake," said the Professor, 
In a most indignant tone -- 
While the ladies shrieked and jabbered 
In a fashion of their own -- 
"You mistake about these ladies, 
I'm a lecturer of the...Read more of this...

by Butler, Ellis Parker
...urn that to a joke;
Mark Twain couldn’t, bet you that!
That’s where Meeker beats Mark flat!

Just imagine three or four
Fellers in Jim Beemer’s store—
‘Long comes Meeker, and some feller
Says, “See Meeker’s bum umbreller.”
Quick as lightning Meeker ‘d yell:
“Don’t you guy my bumberell!
Where’s the feller dares to hoot
At this sping-spang bumbershoot?
Show me some one dares to call
Bad names at my bumbersoll!”
Right like that! Right off the reel!
Say, you’d ought to heard ...Read more of this...

by Field, Eugene
...on the Noo York Sun!"

We broke it gently to him, but he didn't seem surprised,
Thar wuz no big burst uv passion as we fellers had surmised.
He said that Whoppers wuz a man he 'd never heerd about,
But he mought have carried papers on a Jarsey City route;
And then he recollected hearin' Mr. Laffan say
That he'd fired a man named Whoppers fur bein' drunk one day,
Which, with more likker underneath than money in his vest,
Had started on a freight-train fur the great 'n...Read more of this...

by Field, Eugene
...The Blue Horizon wuz a mine us fellers all thought well uv,
And there befell the episode I now perpose to tell uv;
'T wuz in the year uv sixty-nine,--somewhere along in summer,--
There hove in sight one afternoon a new and curious comer;
His name wuz Silas Pettibone,--a' artist by perfession,--
With a kit of tools and a big mustache and a pipe in his possession.
He told us, by our lea...Read more of this...

by Lawson, Henry
...the bruises on his face, 
Though his argument had scarcely any bearing on the case: 
`What's the good o' keepin' sober? Fellers rise and fellers fall; 
What I might have been and wasn't doesn't trouble me at all.' 

But he couldn't stay to argue, for his beer was nearly gone. 
He was glad, he said, to meet me, and he'd see me later on; 
He guessed he'd have to go and get his bottle filled again, 
And he gave a lurch and vanished in the darkness and the rain. 

.Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...s, say! Wasn't he just a bird!

He always 'ad tracts in his pocket, the which he would haste to present,
And though the fellers would use them in ways that they never was meant,
I used to read 'em religious, and frequent I've been impressed
By some of them bundles of 'oly dope he carried around in his vest.

For I -- and oh, 'ow I shudder at the 'orror the word conveys!
'Ave been -- let me whisper it 'oarsely -- a gambler 'alf of me days;
A gambler, you 'ear -- a gambler....Read more of this...

by Lowell, Amy
...d my face in the dark
To shut out thinkin'!"
"Why, that ain't nothin'.
You ain't be'n half so kind to me
As lots o' fellers' girls.
Gi' me a kiss, Dear,
And let's make up."
"Make up!
You poor fool.
Do you suppose I care a ten cent piece
For you now.
You've killed yourself for me.
Done it out o' your own mouth.
You've took away my home,
I hate the sight o' the place.
You're all over it,
Every stick an' stone means you,
An' I hate 'em all."
"...Read more of this...

by Field, Eugene
...nd, if I darst, I'd lick my pa for the times that he's licked me!
I'd lick my brother an' my teacher, too!
I'd lick the fellers that call round on sister after tea,
An' I'd keep on lickin' folks till I got through!
You bet! I'd run away
From my lessons to my play,
An' I'd shoo the hens, an' tease the cat, an' kiss the girls all day--
If I darst; but I darsen't!...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...Sky's a-waxin' grey,
Got to be a-goin';
Gittin' on my way,
Where? I ain't a-knowin'.
Fellers, no more jokes,
Fun an' frisky greetin'--
So long, all you folks,
Been nice our meetin'.

Sky's a-growin' dark,
Have to be a-startin'.
Feeble is the spark,
Pitiful the partin'.
Family an' all,
Thanks for joy I owe you;
Gotta take my call;
Been sweet to know you.

Sky's a-mighty black,
Close my heart's to breakin'.
Lonesome is the ...Read more of this...

by Laurence Dunbar, Paul
...W'en us fellers stomp around, makin' lots o' noise,
Gramma says, "There's certain times come to little boys
W'en they need a shingle or the soft side of a plank;"
She says "we're a-itchin' for a right good spank."
An' she says, "Now thes you wait,
It's a-comin'—soon or late,
W'en a feller's itchin' fer a spank."
W'en a feller's out o' school, you know how he ...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Fellers poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs