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Famous Down To Earth Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Down To Earth poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous down to earth poems. These examples illustrate what a famous down to earth poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Levine, Philip
...ending, a widow 
bearing white carnations at dusk 
to a hillside graveyard turned 
to blank rubble, a cinder floating 
down to earth and blinking slowly out, 
too small to mean a thing, too tired 
to even sigh. If life comes back, 
as we are told it does, each time one 
step closer to the edge of truth, 
then I am ready for the dawn 
that calls a sullen boy from sleep 
rubbing his eyes on a white window 
and knowing none of it can last the day....Read more of this...

by Subraman, Belinda eyes.

The answer is outside our window.
Astronomers look
for the beginning
and find there is no end.

Down to earth
there are frozen lines,
winter trees,
stalled cars in dirty snow,
sorrow over endings.

The real world is through the window,
infinite, ageless.
Though a clear veil
keeps us distant,
the soul of what 
we can never prove
keeps us close....Read more of this...

by Gregory, Rg
and the one i met rushing up
from the ground where the glasshouse
splashed around to reflect me
as i passed on my way down to earth
and the squirt of my dad's best tomatoes
and my mum's angry mask of a face
that just wasn't brought up to be fruitful)
so i fled - or i flew - out the gate
up the street till i melted
just like that daft icarus before me
and i thought
  well why the sod not
so i jumped in a pond till i cooled
and the blood from a scratch on my hand
turned the g...Read more of this...

by Blake, William
...thy cruel hand,
Seek'st thou that flow'r to deck thy horrid temples?

`My lord was like a star in highest heav'n
Drawn down to earth by spells and wickedness;
My lord was like the opening eyes of day
When western winds creep softly o'er the flowers;

`But he is darken'd; like the summer's noon
Clouded; fall'n like the stately tree, cut down;
The breath of heaven dwelt among his leaves.
O Elenor, weak woman, fill'd with woe!'

Thus having spoke, she rais?d up her head,
An...Read more of this...

by Lawrence, D. H.
'Tis a degradation deep to me, that my best
Soul's whitest lightning which should bright attest
God stepping down to earth in one white stride,

Means only to you a clogged, numb burden of flesh
Heavy to bear, even heavy to uprear
Again from earth, like lilies wilted and sere
Flagged on the floor, that before stood up so fresh.
...Read more of this...

by Fletcher, John Gould there, watching aloof in silence; 
Until at last one mad stray bolt from the zenith 
Shall strike it in an instant down to earth. 


There was a darkness in this man; an immense and hollow darkness, 
Of which we may not speak, nor share with him, nor enter; 
A darkness through which strong roots stretched downwards into the earth 
Towards old things: 

Towards the herdman-kings who walked the earth and spoke with God, 
Towards the wanderers who sought for they kn...Read more of this...

by Abercrombie, Lascelles
...the passengers below.

Light has killed the winter and all dark dreams.
Now winds live all in light,
Light has come down to earth and blossoms here,
And we have golden minds.
From out the long shade of a road high-bankt,
I came on shelving fields;
And from my feet cascading,
Streaming down the land,
Flickering lavish of daffodils flowed and fell;
Like sunlight on a water thrill'd with haste,
Such clear pale quivering flame,
But a flame even more marvellously yell...Read more of this...

by Arnold, Matthew
...y father!--and his voice choked there.
And then a dark cloud pass'd before his eyes,
And his head swam, and he sank down to earth.
But Sohrab crawl'd to where he lay, and cast
His arms about his neck, and kiss'd his lips,
And with fond faltering fingers stroked his cheeks,
Trying to call him back to life; and life
Came back to Rustum, and he oped his eyes,
And they stood wide with horror; and he seized
In both his hands the dust which lay around,
And threw it on his h...Read more of this...

by Lanier, Sidney
...essional, advance
From darkness o'er the murk mad factories
Into yon flaming road, and sink, strange Ministrants!
Sheer down to earth, with many minstrelsies
And motions fine, and mix about the scene
And fill the Time with forms of ancient mien?

"Bright ladies and brave knights of Fatherland;
Sad mariners, no harbor e'er may hold,
A swan soft floating tow'rds a magic strand;
Dim ghosts, of earth, air, water, fire, steel, gold,
Wind, grief, and love; a lewd and lurking band
O...Read more of this...

by Field, Eugene
...Two dreams came down to earth one night
From the realm of mist and dew;
One was a dream of the old, old days,
And one was a dream of the new.

One was a dream of a shady lane
That led to the pickerel pond
Where the willows and rushes bowed themselves
To the brown old hills beyond.

And the people that peopled the old-time dream
Were pleasant and fair to see,
And the...Read more of this...

by Turner Smith, Charlotte
...ith fragrant airs, to fan my throbbing breast,
Fain would I snatch an interval from Care,
That weighs my wearied spirit down to earth;
Courting, once more, the influence of Hope
(For "Hope" still waits upon the flowery prime)
As here I mark Spring's humid hand unfold
The early leaves that fear capricious winds,
While, even on shelter'd banks, the timid flowers
Give, half reluctantly, their warmer hues
To mingle with the primroses' pale stars.
No shade the leafless copses ...Read more of this...

by Whittier, John Greenleaf
...gray old trees 
Where their pleasant green came forth, 
And the winds, which follow wherever he goes, 
Have shaken them down to earth. 

He comes, - he comes, - the Frost Spirit comes! 
From the frozen Labrador, 
From the icy bridge of the northern seas, 
Which the white bear wanders o'er, 
Where the fisherman's sail is stiff with ice, 
And the luckless forms below 
In the sunless cold of the lingering night 
Into marble statues grow! 

He comes, - he comes, - the Frost S...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...e was bored, as some gods are,
 With high celestial mirth,
He clutched the reins of a shooting star,
 And he steered it down to earth.

The Junior God, 'mid leaf and bud,
 Passed on with a weary air,
Till lo! he came to a pool of mud,
 And some hogs were rolling there.
Then in he plunged with gleeful cries,
 And down he lay supine;
For they had no mud in paradise,
 And they likewise had no swine.

The Junior God forgot himself;
 He squelched mud through his toes;
...Read more of this...

by Abercrombie, Lascelles
...engers below.

Light has killed the winter and all dark dreams.
Now winds live all in light,
Light has come down to earth and blossoms here,
And we have golden minds.
From out the long shade of a road high-bankt,
I came on shelving fields;
And from my feet cascading,
Streaming down the land,
Flickering lavish of daffodils flowed and fell;
Like sunlight on a water thrill'd with haste,
Such clear pale quivering flame,
But a flame even more marvellously ...Read more of this...

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things