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Famous Bewitching Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Bewitching poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous bewitching poems. These examples illustrate what a famous bewitching poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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Sweet Anna has an air-a grace,
 Divine, magnetic, touching:
She talks, she charms-but who can trace
 The process of bewitching? · · · · · ·...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert

...he cup, so beware!
 Nay, more—there is danger in touching;
But who can avoid the fell snare,
 The man and his wine’s so bewitching!...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert
...e’e was my ruin,
Fair tho’ she be, that was ne’er my undoin’;
’Twas the dear smile when nae body did mind us,
’Twas the bewitching, sweet, stown glance o’ kindness:
’Twas the bewitching, sweet, stown glance o’ kindness.

Sair do I fear that to hope is denied me,
Sair do I fear that despair maun abide me,
But tho’ fell fortune should fate us to sever,
Queen shall she be in my bosom for ever:
Queen shall she be in my bosom for ever.

Chloris, I’m thine wi’ a passion s...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert
...ress,Such as in heaven eternally abides,Moves from their lovely and bewitching smile.So could I gaze, the whileLove, at his sweet will, governs them and guides,—E'en though the sun were nigh,Resting above us on his onward wheel—On her, intensely with undazzled eye,Nor of ...Read more of this...
by Petrarch, Francesco
...ce I feel the shameThat, at my age, he makes me thus a thiefOf that bewitching lightFor which my life is steep'd in cureless grief;In youth I better mightHave ta'en the part which now I needs must take,For less dishonour boyish errors make. Read more of this...
by Petrarch, Francesco

A gown of imaginary gauze. The shy prince drank 
A toast to her in champagne from her slipper 

And breathed, "Bewitching!" Breathed, "I am bewitched!" 
--She said to her godmother, "Men!" 
And, later, looking down to see her flesh 
Look back up from under lace, the ashy gauze 
And pulsing marble of a bridal veil, 
She wished it all a widow's coal-black weeds. 

A sullen wife and a reluctant mother, 
She sat all day in silence by the fire. 
Better, later, to ...Read more of this...
by Jarrell, Randall
...ith pity's dulcet plaint,
Or soothe the sorrows of the breaking heart? 

Who can forget thy penetrating eye, 
The sweet bewitching smile, th' empassion'd look?
The clear deep whisper, the persuasive sigh,
The feeling tear that Nature's language spoke? 

Rich in each treasure bounteous Heaven could lend,
For private worth distinguish'd and approv'd,
The pride of WISDOM,­VIRTUE's darling friend,
By MANSFIELD honor'd­and by CAMDEN lov'd! 

The courtier's cringe, the flatt'rer's ...Read more of this...
by Robinson, Mary Darby
...hy ravish'd eye behold 
The softest gems of Nature's mould;
Each charm, that REYNOLDS learnt to trace, 
From SHERIDAN's bewitching face. 

Imperious TURKEY's pride is seen
In Beauty's rich luxuriant mien; 
The dark and sparkling orbs that glow 
Beneath a polish'd front of snow: 
The auburn curl that zephyr blows 
About the cheek of brightest rose: 
The shorten'd zone, the swelling breast, 
With costly gems profusely drest; 
Reclin'd in softly-waving bow'rs, 
On painted be...Read more of this...
by Robinson, Mary Darby
...of it smiling,
Smoothly it swings, with a triplicate beat;
Calling, replying, yearning, beguiling,
Wooing the heart and bewitching the feet.
Every drop of blood
Rises with the flood,
Rocking on the waves of the strain;
Youth and beauty glide
Turning with the tide--
Music making one out of twain,
Bearing them away, and away, and away,
Like a tone and its terce--
Till the chord dissolves, and the dancers stay,
And reverse.

Violins leading, take up the measure,
Turn wit...Read more of this...
by Dyke, Henry Van
...ON drops a tear. 

Behold the wretch, whose sordid heart, 
Steep'd in Content's oblivious balm, 
Secure in Luxury's bewitching calm, 
Repels pale Mis'ry's touch, and mocks Affliction's smart; 
Unmov'd he marks the bitter tear, 
In vain the plaints of woe his thoughts assail, 
The bashful mourner's pitious tale 
Nor melts his flinty soul, nor vibrates on his ear, 

O blest REFLECTION ! let thy magic pow'r 
Awake his torpid sense, his slumb'ring thought, 
Tel1 him ADVERSITY...Read more of this...
by Robinson, Mary Darby
...before last, Unless some singular eventShould intervene to save the place,A truly asinine remark,A soul-bewitching face, Or blessed encounter, full of joy,Unscheduled on the Giesen Plan,With, here, an addict of Tolkien,There, a Charles Williams fan. Since Merit but a dunghill is,I mount the rostrum unafraid:Indeed, 'twere damnable to askIf I am overpaid. Spirit is willing to repeatWithout a qualm the same old talk,Bu...Read more of this...
by Auden, Wystan Hugh (W H)
...I'LL gaze no more on her bewitching face, 
Since ruin harbours there in every place ; 
For my enchanted soul alike she drowns 
With calms and tempests of her smiles and frowns. 
I’ll love no more those cruel eyes of hers, 
Which, pleased or anger’d, still are murderers : 
For if she dart, like lightning, through the air 
Her beams of wrath, she kills me with despair : 
If she be...Read more of this...
by Carew, Thomas
...uise,Which still I not enjoy, and still complain!O dear delusion! O bewitching pain!Transports, at once my punishment and prize!If haply those soft eyes some kindly beam(Eyes, where my soul and all my thoughts reside)Vouchsafe, in tender pity to bestow;Sudden, of all my joys the murtheress tried,<...Read more of this...
by Petrarch, Francesco
...=Page_142>[Pg 142]I saw young Cupid, saw his laughing eyesWith such bewitching, am'rous sweetness roll,That every human glance I since despise.Believe, dear friend! I saw the wanton boy;Bent was his bow to wound my tender soul;Yet, ah! once more I'd view the dang'rous joy. Read more of this...
by Petrarch, Francesco
...Beauty blooms, and Fortune smiles, 
And wealth the easy breast beguiles; 
When pleasure from her downy wings,
Her soft bewitching incense flings;
THEN, Friends look kind­and round the heart
The brightest flames of passion move,
False Flatt'ry's soothing strains impart
The warmest Friendship­fondest Love;
But when capricious FORTUNE flies,
Then FRIENDSHIP fades;­and PASSION dies....Read more of this...
by Bronte, Charlotte
...And the charm vanished!
And my sense returned, so strangely banished,
And, starting as from a nap,
I knew the crone was bewitching my lady,
With Jacynth asleep; and but one spring made I
Down from the casement, round to the portal,
Another minute and I had entered,---
When the door opened, and more than mortal
Stood, with a face where to my mind centred
All beauties I ever saw or shall see,
The Duchess: I stopped as if struck by palsy.
She was so different, happy and beau...Read more of this...
by Browning, Robert
...mes spirit;
into each other they mature and grow.
Like axles, their forms tremblingly orbit,
round which it whirls, bewitching and aglow.
Thirsters, and they receive drink,
watchers, and see: they receive sight.
Let them into one another sink
so as to endure each other outright....Read more of this...
by Rilke, Rainer Maria
...moan thy name?
That long sad monotone - the same - the same -
Matching the mute insatiable sea
That throbs with life's bewitching agony,
Too long to measure and too fierce to tame!
An hurtful joy, a fascinating shame
Is this great ache that grips the heart of me.

Even as a cancer, so this passion gnaws
Away my soul, and will not ease its jaws
Till I am dead. Then let me die! Who knows
But that this corpse committed to the earth
May be the occasion of some happier bi...Read more of this...
by Crowley, Aleister
...he earth, bestows 
 On what it seeks and what it loves 
 Its thorn or rose; 
 Since April to the trees 
 Gives a bewitching sound, 
 And sombre night to grief gives ease, 
 And peace profound; 
 Since day-spring on the flower 
 A fresh'ning drop confers, 
 And the fresh air on branch and bower 
 Its choristers; 
 Since the dark wave bestows 
 A soft caress, imprest 
 On the green bank to which it goes 
 Seeking its rest; 
 I give thee at this hour, ...Read more of this...
by Hugo, Victor
...culptor from stark stone
 Shapes godlihood.
But let me just caress,
 Like silver birds,
For their own loveliness--
 Bewitching words....Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things