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Best Famous Transports Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Transports poems. This is a select list of the best famous Transports poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Transports poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of transports poems.

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Written by Friedrich von Schiller | Create an image from this poem


 Friend!--the Great Ruler, easily content,
Needs not the laws it has laborious been
The task of small professors to invent;
A single wheel impels the whole machine
Matter and spirit;--yea, that simple law,
Pervading nature, which our Newton saw.
This taught the spheres, slaves to one golden rein, Their radiant labyrinths to weave around Creation's mighty hearts: this made the chain, Which into interwoven systems bound All spirits streaming to the spiritual sun As brooks that ever into ocean run! Did not the same strong mainspring urge and guide Our hearts to meet in love's eternal bond? Linked to thine arm, O Raphael, by thy side Might I aspire to reach to souls beyond Our earth, and bid the bright ambition go To that perfection which the angels know! Happy, O happy--I have found thee--I Have out of millions found thee, and embraced; Thou, out of millions, mine!--Let earth and sky Return to darkness, and the antique waste-- To chaos shocked, let warring atoms be, Still shall each heart unto the other flee! Do I not find within thy radiant eyes Fairer reflections of all joys most fair? In thee I marvel at myself--the dyes Of lovely earth seem lovelier painted there, And in the bright looks of the friend is given A heavenlier mirror even of the heaven! Sadness casts off its load, and gayly goes From the intolerant storm to rest awhile, In love's true heart, sure haven of repose; Does not pain's veriest transports learn to smile From that bright eloquence affection gave To friendly looks?--there, finds not pain a grave? In all creation did I stand alone, Still to the rocks my dreams a soul should find, Mine arms should wreathe themselves around the stone, My griefs should feel a listener in the wind; My joy--its echo in the caves should be! Fool, if ye will--Fool, for sweet sympathy! We are dead groups of matter when we hate; But when we love we are as gods!--Unto The gentle fetters yearning, through each state And shade of being multiform, and through All countless spirits (save of all the sire)-- Moves, breathes, and blends, the one divine desire.
Lo! arm in arm, through every upward grade, From the rude mongrel to the starry Greek, Who the fine link between the mortal made, And heaven's last seraph--everywhere we seek Union and bond--till in one sea sublime Of love be merged all measure and all time! Friendless ruled God His solitary sky; He felt the want, and therefore souls were made, The blessed mirrors of his bliss!--His eye No equal in His loftiest works surveyed; And from the source whence souls are quickened, He Called His companion forth--ETERNITY!

Written by Mary Darby Robinson | Create an image from this poem

Ode to Despair

 TERRIFIC FIEND! thou Monster fell, 
Condemn'd in haunts profane to dwell, 
Why quit thy solitary Home, 
O'er wide Creation's paths to roam? 
Pale Tyrant of the timid Heart, 
Whose visionary spells can bind 
The strongest passions of the mind, 
Freezing Life's current with thy baneful Art.
Nature recoils when thou art near, For round thy form all plagues are seen; Thine is the frantic tone, the sullen mien, The glance of petrifying fear, The haggard Brow, the low'ring Eye, The hollow Cheek, the smother'd Sigh, When thy usurping fangs assail, The sacred Bonds of Friendship fail.
Meek-bosom'd Pity sues in vain; Imperious Sorrow spurns relief, Feeds on the luxury of Grief, Drinks the hot Tear, and hugs the galling Chain.
AH! plunge no more thy ruthless dart, In the dark centre of the guilty Heart; The POW'R SUPREME, with pitying eye, Looks on the erring Child of Misery; MERCY arrests the wing of Time; To expiate the wretch's crime; Insulted HEAV'N consign'd thy brand To the first Murd'rer's crimson hand.
Swift o'er the earth the Monster flew, And round th' ensanguin'd Poisons threw, By CONSCIENCE goaded­driven by FEAR, Till the meek Cherub HOPE subdued his fell career.
Thy Reign is past, when erst the brave Imbib'd contagion o'er the midnight lamp, Close pent in loathsome cells, where poisons damp Hung round the confines of a Living Grave; * Where no glimm'ring ray illum'd The flinty walls, where pond'rous chains Bound the wan Victim to the humid earth, Where VALOUR, GENIUS, TASTE, and WORTH, In pestilential caves entomb'd, Sought thy cold arms, and smiling mock'd their pains.
THERE,­each procrastinated hour The woe-worn suff'rer gasping lay, While by his side in proud array Stalk'd the HUGE FIEND, DESPOTIC POW'R.
There REASON clos'd her radiant eye, And fainting HOPE retir'd to die, Truth shrunk appall'd, In spells of icy Apathy enthrall'd; Till FREEDOM spurn'd the ignominious chain, And roused from Superstition's night, Exulting Nature claim'd her right, And call'd dire Vengeance from her dark domain.
Now take thy solitary flight Amid the turbid gales of night, Where Spectres starting from the tomb, Glide along th' impervious gloom; Or, stretch'd upon the sea-beat shore, Let the wild winds, as they roar, Rock Thee on thy Bed of Stone; Or, in gelid caverns pent, Listen to the sullen moan Of subterranean winds;­or glut thy sight Where stupendous mountains rent Hurl their vast fragments from their dizzy height.
At Thy approach the rifted Pine Shall o'er the shatter'd Rock incline, Whose trembling brow, with wild weeds drest, Frowns on the tawny EAGLE's nest; THERE enjoy the 'witching hour, And freeze in Frenzy's dire conceit, Or seek the Screech-owl's lone retreat, On the bleak rampart of some nodding Tow'r.
In some forest long and drear, Tempt the fierce BANDITTI's rage, War with famish'd Tygers wage, And mock the taunts of Fear.
When across the yawning deep, The Demons of the Tempest sweep, Or deaf'ning Thunders bursting cast Their red bolts on the shivering mast, While fix'd below the sea-boy stands, As threat'ning Death his soul dismays, He lifts his supplicating hands, And shrieks, and groans, and weeps, and prays, Till lost amid the floating fire The agonizing crew expire; THEN let thy transports rend the air, For mad'ning Anguish feeds DESPAIR.
When o'er the couch of pale Disease The MOTHER bends, with tearful eye, And trembles, lest her quiv'ring sigh, Should wake the darling of her breast, Now, by the taper's feeble rays, She steals a last, fond, eager gaze.
Ah, hapless Parent! gaze no more, Thy CHERUB soars among the Blest, Life's crimson Fount begins to freeze, His transitory scene is o'er.
She starts­she raves­her burning brain, Consumes, unconscious of its fires, Dead to the Heart's convulsive Pain, Bewilder'd Memory retires.
See! See! she grasps her flowing hair, From her fix'd eye the big drops roll, Her proud Affliction mocks controul, And riots in DESPAIR, Such are thy haunts, malignant Pow'r, There all thy murd'rous Poisons pour; But come not near my calm retreat, Where Peace and holy FRIENDSHIP meet; Where SCIENCE sheds a gentle ray, And guiltless Mirth beguiles the day, Where Bliss congenial to the MUSE Shall round my Heart her sweets diffuse, Where, from each restless Passion free, I give my noiseless hours, BLESS'D POETRY, TO THEE.
Written by Walt Whitman | Create an image from this poem

Centenarian's Story The

 GIVE me your hand, old Revolutionary; 
The hill-top is nigh—but a few steps, (make room, gentlemen;) 
Up the path you have follow’d me well, spite of your hundred and extra years; 
You can walk, old man, though your eyes are almost done; 
Your faculties serve you, and presently I must have them serve me.
Rest, while I tell what the crowd around us means; On the plain below, recruits are drilling and exercising; There is the camp—one regiment departs to-morrow; Do you hear the officers giving the orders? Do you hear the clank of the muskets? Why, what comes over you now, old man? Why do you tremble, and clutch my hand so convulsively? The troops are but drilling—they are yet surrounded with smiles; Around them, at hand, the well-drest friends, and the women; While splendid and warm the afternoon sun shines down; Green the midsummer verdure, and fresh blows the dallying breeze, O’er proud and peaceful cities, and arm of the sea between.
But drill and parade are over—they march back to quarters; Only hear that approval of hands! hear what a clapping! As wending, the crowds now part and disperse—but we, old man, Not for nothing have I brought you hither—we must remain; You to speak in your turn, and I to listen and tell.
When I clutch’d your hand, it was not with terror; But suddenly, pouring about me here, on every side, And below there where the boys were drilling, and up the slopes they ran, And where tents are pitch’d, and wherever you see, south and south-east and south-west, Over hills, across lowlands, and in the skirts of woods, And along the shores, in mire (now fill’d over), came again, and suddenly raged, As eighty-five years agone, no mere parade receiv’d with applause of friends, But a battle, which I took part in myself—aye, long ago as it is, I took part in it, Walking then this hill-top, this same ground.
Aye, this is the ground; My blind eyes, even as I speak, behold it re-peopled from graves; The years recede, pavements and stately houses disappear; Rude forts appear again, the old hoop’d guns are mounted; I see the lines of rais’d earth stretching from river to bay; I mark the vista of waters, I mark the uplands and slopes: Here we lay encamp’d—it was this time in summer also.
As I talk, I remember all—I remember the Declaration; It was read here—the whole army paraded—it was read to us here; By his staff surrounded, the General stood in the middle—he held up his unsheath’d sword, It glitter’d in the sun in full sight of the army.
’Twas a bold act then; The English war-ships had just arrived—the king had sent them from over the sea; We could watch down the lower bay where they lay at anchor, And the transports, swarming with soldiers.
A few days more, and they landed—and then the battle.
Twenty thousand were brought against us, A veteran force, furnish’d with good artillery.
I tell not now the whole of the battle; But one brigade, early in the forenoon, order’d forward to engage the red-coats; Of that brigade I tell, and how steadily it march’d, And how long and how well it stood, confronting death.
Who do you think that was, marching steadily, sternly confronting death? It was the brigade of the youngest men, two thousand strong, Rais’d in Virginia and Maryland, and many of them known personally to the General.
Jauntily forward they went with quick step toward Gowanus’ waters; Till of a sudden, unlook’d for, by defiles through the woods, gain’d at night, The British advancing, wedging in from the east, fiercely playing their guns, That brigade of the youngest was cut off, and at the enemy’s mercy.
The General watch’d them from this hill; They made repeated desperate attempts to burst their environment; Then drew close together, very compact, their flag flying in the middle; But O from the hills how the cannon were thinning and thinning them! It sickens me yet, that slaughter! I saw the moisture gather in drops on the face of the General; I saw how he wrung his hands in anguish.
Meanwhile the British maneuver’d to draw us out for a pitch’d battle; But we dared not trust the chances of a pitch’d battle.
We fought the fight in detachments; Sallying forth, we fought at several points—but in each the luck was against us; Our foe advancing, steadily getting the best of it, push’d us back to the works on this hill; Till we turn’d, menacing, here, and then he left us.
That was the going out of the brigade of the youngest men, two thousand strong; Few return’d—nearly all remain in Brooklyn.
That, and here, my General’s first battle; No women looking on, nor sunshine to bask in—it did not conclude with applause; Nobody clapp’d hands here then.
But in darkness, in mist, on the ground, under a chill rain, Wearied that night we lay, foil’d and sullen; While scornfully laugh’d many an arrogant lord, off against us encamp’d, Quite within hearing, feasting, klinking wine-glasses together over their victory.
So, dull and damp, and another day; But the night of that, mist lifting, rain ceasing, Silent as a ghost, while they thought they were sure of him, my General retreated.
I saw him at the river-side, Down by the ferry, lit by torches, hastening the embarcation; My General waited till the soldiers and wounded were all pass’d over; And then, (it was just ere sunrise,) these eyes rested on him for the last time.
Every one else seem’d fill’d with gloom; Many no doubt thought of capitulation.
But when my General pass’d me, As he stood in his boat, and look’d toward the coming sun, I saw something different from capitulation.
Enough—the Centenarian’s story ends; The two, the past and present, have interchanged; I myself, as connecter, as chansonnier of a great future, am now speaking.
And is this the ground Washington trod? And these waters I listlessly daily cross, are these the waters he cross’d, As resolute in defeat, as other generals in their proudest triumphs? It is well—a lesson like that, always comes good; I must copy the story, and send it eastward and westward; I must preserve that look, as it beam’d on you, rivers of Brooklyn.
See! as the annual round returns, the phantoms return; It is the 27th of August, and the British have landed; The battle begins, and goes against us—behold! through the smoke, Washington’s face; The brigade of Virginia and Maryland have march’d forth to intercept the enemy; They are cut off—murderous artillery from the hills plays upon them; Rank after rank falls, while over them silently droops the flag, Baptized that day in many a young man’s bloody wounds, In death, defeat, and sisters’, mothers’ tears.
Ah, hills and slopes of Brooklyn! I perceive you are more valuable than your owners supposed; Ah, river! henceforth you will be illumin’d to me at sunrise with something besides the sun.
Encampments new! in the midst of you stands an encampment very old; Stands forever the camp of the dead brigade.
Written by Alan Seeger | Create an image from this poem


 In that fair capital where Pleasure, crowned 
Amidst her myriad courtiers, riots and rules, 
I too have been a suitor.
Radiant eyes Were my life's warmth and sunshine, outspread arms My gilded deep horizons.
I rejoiced In yielding to all amorous influence And multiple impulsion of the flesh, To feel within my being surge and sway The force that all the stars acknowledge too.
Amid the nebulous humanity Where I an atom crawled and cleaved and sundered, I saw a million motions, but one law; And from the city's splendor to my eyes The vapors passed and there was nought but Love, A ferment turbulent, intensely fair, Where Beauty beckoned and where Strength pursued.
II There was a time when I thought much of Fame, And laid the golden edifice to be That in the clear light of eternity Should fitly house the glory of my name.
But swifter than my fingers pushed their plan, Over the fair foundation scarce begun, While I with lovers dallied in the sun, The ivy clambered and the rose-vine ran.
And now, too late to see my vision, rise, In place of golden pinnacles and towers, Only some sunny mounds of leaves and flowers, Only beloved of birds and butterflies.
My friends were duped, my favorers deceived; But sometimes, musing sorrowfully there, That flowered wreck has seemed to me so fair I scarce regret the temple unachieved.
III For there were nights .
my love to him whose brow Has glistened with the spoils of nights like those, Home turning as a conqueror turns home, What time green dawn down every street uprears Arches of triumph! He has drained as well Joy's perfumed bowl and cried as I have cried: Be Fame their mistress whom Love passes by.
This only matters: from some flowery bed, Laden with sweetness like a homing bee, If one have known what bliss it is to come, Bearing on hands and breast and laughing lips The fragrance of his youth's dear rose.
To him The hills have bared their treasure, the far clouds Unveiled the vision that o'er summer seas Drew on his thirsting arms.
This last thing known, He can court danger, laugh at perilous odds, And, pillowed on a memory so sweet, Unto oblivious eternity Without regret yield his victorious soul, The blessed pilgrim of a vow fulfilled.
IV What is Success? Out of the endless ore Of deep desire to coin the utmost gold Of passionate memory; to have lived so well That the fifth moon, when it swims up once more Through orchard boughs where mating orioles build And apple flowers unfold, Find not of that dear need that all things tell The heart unburdened nor the arms unfilled.
O Love, whereof my boyhood was the dream, My youth the beautiful novitiate, Life was so slight a thing and thou so great, How could I make thee less than all-supreme! In thy sweet transports not alone I thought Mingled the twain that panted breast to breast.
The sun and stars throbbed with them; they were caught Into the pulse of Nature and possessed By the same light that consecrates it so.
Love! -- 'tis the payment of the debt we owe The beauty of the world, and whensoe'er In silks and perfume and unloosened hair The loveliness of lovers, face to face, Lies folded in the adorable embrace, Doubt not as of a perfect sacrifice That soul partakes whose inspiration fills The springtime and the depth of summer skies, The rainbow and the clouds behind the hills, That excellence in earth and air and sea That makes things as they are the real divinity.
Written by Vachel Lindsay | Create an image from this poem

The Raft

 The whole world on a raft! A King is here,
The record of his grandeur but a smear.
Is it his deacon-beard, or old bald pate That makes the band upon his whims to wait? Loot and mud-honey have his soul defiled.
Quack, pig, and priest, he drives camp-meetings wild Until they shower their pennies like spring rain That he may preach upon the Spanish main.
What landlord, lawyer, voodoo-man has yet A better native right to make men sweat? The whole world on a raft! A Duke is here At sight of whose lank jaw the muses leer.
Journeyman-printer, lamb with ferret eyes, In life's skullduggery he takes the prize — Yet stands at twilight wrapped in Hamlet dreams.
Into his eyes the Mississippi gleams.
The sandbar sings in moonlit veils of foam.
A candle shines from one lone cabin home.
The waves reflect it like a drunken star.
A banjo and a hymn are heard afar.
No solace on the lazy shore excels The Duke's blue castle with its steamer-bells.
The floor is running water, and the roof The stars' brocade with cloudy warp and woof.
And on past sorghum fields the current swings.
To Christian Jim the Mississippi sings.
This prankish wave-swept barque has won its place, A ship of jesting for the human race.
But do you laugh when Jim bows down forlorn His babe, his deaf Elizabeth to mourn? And do you laugh, when Jim, from Huck apart Gropes through the rain and night with breaking heart? But now that imp is here and we can smile, Jim's child and guardian this long-drawn while.
With knife and heavy gun, a hunter keen, He stops for squirrel-meat in islands green.
The eternal gamin, sleeping half the day, Then stripped and sleek, a river-fish at play.
And then well-dressed, ashore, he sees life spilt.
The river-bank is one bright crazy-quilt Of patch-work dream, of wrath more red than lust, Where long-haired feudist Hotspurs bite the dust.
This Huckleberry Finn is but the race, America, still lovely in disgrace, New childhood of the world, that blunders on And wonders at the darkness and the dawn, The poor damned human race, still unimpressed With its damnation, all its gamin breast Chorteling at dukes and kings with ****** Jim, Then plotting for their fall, with jestings grim.
Behold a Republic Where a river speaks to men And cries to those that love its ways, Answering again When in the heart's extravagance The rascals bend to say "O singing Mississippi Shine, sing for us today.
" But who is this in sweeping Oxford gown Who steers the raft, or ambles up and down, Or throws his gown aside, and there in white Stands gleaming like a pillar of the night? The lion of high courts, with hoary mane, Fierce jester that this boyish court will gain — Mark Twain! The bad world's idol: Old Mark Twain! He takes his turn as watchman with the rest, With secret transports to the stars addressed, With nightlong broodings upon cosmic law, With daylong laughter at this world so raw.
All praise to Emerson and Whitman, yet The best they have to say, their sons forget.
But who can dodge this genius of the stream, The Mississippi Valley's laughing dream? He is the artery that finds the sea In this the land of slaves, and boys still free.
He is the river, and they one and all Sail on his breast, and to each other call.
Come let us disgrace ourselves, Knock the stuffed gods from their shelves, And cinders at the schoolhouse fling.
Come let us disgrace ourselves, And live on a raft with gray Mark Twain And Huck and Jim And the Duke and the King.

Written by Mary Darby Robinson | Create an image from this poem

Ode to Eloquence

 HAIL! GODDESS of persuasive art! 
The magic of whose tuneful tongue 
Lulls to soft harmony the wand'ring heart 
With fascinating song; 
O, let me hear thy heav'n-taught strain, 
As thro' my quiv'ring pulses steal 
The mingling throbs of joy and pain, 
Which only sensate minds can feel; 
Ah ! let me taste the bliss supreme, 
Which thy warm touch unerring flings 
O'er the rapt sense's finest strings, 
When GENIUS, darting frown the sky, 
Glances across my wond'ring eye, 
Her animating beam.
SWEET ELOQUENCE! thy mild controul, Awakes to REASON's dawn, the IDIOT soul; When mists absorb the MENTAL sight, 'Tis thine, to dart CREATIVE LIGHT; 'Tis thine, to chase the filmy clouds away, And o'er the mind's deep bloom, spread a refulgent ray.
Nor is thy wond'rous art confin'd, Within the bounds of MENTAL space, For thou canst boast exterior grace, Bright emblem of the fertile mind; Yes; I have seen thee, with persuasion meek, Bathe in the lucid tear, on Beauty's cheek, Have mark'd thee in the downcast eye, When suff'ring Virtue claim'd the pitying sigh.
Oft, by thy thrilling voice subdued, The meagre fiend INGRATITUDE Her treach'rous fang conceals; Pale ENVY hides her forked sting; And CALUMNY, beneath the wing Of dark oblivion steals.
Before thy pure and lambent fire Shall frozen Apathy expire; Thy influence warm and unconfin'd, Shall rapt'rous transports give, And in the base and torpid mind, Shall bid the fine Affections live; When JEALOUSY's malignant dart, Strikes at the fondly throbbing heart; When fancied woes, on every side assail, Thy honey'd accents shall prevail; When burning Passion withers up the brain, And the fix'd lids, the glowing drops sustain, Touch'd by thy voice, the melting eye Shall pour the balm of yielding SYMPATHY.
'Tis thine, with lenient Song to move The dumb despair of hopeless LOVE; Or when the animated soul On Fancy's wing shall soar, And scorning Reason's soft controul, Untrodden paths explore; 'Till by distracting conflicts tost, The intellectual source is lost: E'en then, the witching music of thy tongue Stealing thro' Mis'ry's DARKEST GLOOM, Weaves the fine threads of FANCY's loom, 'Till every slacken'd nerve new strung, Bids renovated NATURE shine, Amidst the fost'ring beams of ELOQUENCE DIVINE.
Written by Friedrich von Schiller | Create an image from this poem

The Celebrated Woman - An Epistle By A Married Man

 Can I, my friend, with thee condole?--
Can I conceive the woes that try men,
When late repentance racks the soul
Ensnared into the toils of hymen?
Can I take part in such distress?--
Poor martyr,--most devoutly, "Yes!"
Thou weep'st because thy spouse has flown
To arms preferred before thine own;--
A faithless wife,--I grant the curse,--
And yet, my friend, it might be worse!
Just hear another's tale of sorrow,
And, in comparing, comfort borrow!

What! dost thou think thyself undone,
Because thy rights are shared with one!
O, happy man--be more resigned,
My wife belongs to all mankind!
My wife--she's found abroad--at home;
But cross the Alps and she's at Rome;
Sail to the Baltic--there you'll find her;
Lounge on the Boulevards--kind and kinder:
In short, you've only just to drop
Where'er they sell the last new tale,
And, bound and lettered in the shop,
You'll find my lady up for sale!

She must her fair proportions render
To all whose praise can glory lend her;--
Within the coach, on board the boat,
Let every pedant "take a note;"
Endure, for public approbation,
Each critic's "close investigation,"
And brave--nay, court it as a flattery--
Each spectacled Philistine's battery.
Just as it suits some scurvy carcase In which she hails an Aristarchus, Ready to fly with kindred souls, O'er blooming flowers or burning coals, To fame or shame, to shrine or gallows, Let him but lead--sublimely callous! A Leipsic man--(confound the wretch!) Has made her topographic sketch, A kind of map, as of a town, Each point minutely dotted down; Scarce to myself I dare to hint What this d----d fellow wants to print! Thy wife--howe'er she slight the vows-- Respects, at least, the name of spouse; But mine to regions far too high For that terrestrial name is carried; My wife's "The famous Ninon!"--I "The gentleman that Ninon married!" It galls you that you scarce are able To stake a florin at the table-- Confront the pit, or join the walk, But straight all tongues begin to talk! O that such luck could me befall, Just to be talked about at all! Behold me dwindling in my nook, Edged at her left,--and not a look! A sort of rushlight of a life, Put out by that great orb--my wife! Scarce is the morning gray--before Postman and porter crowd the door; No premier has so dear a levee-- She finds the mail-bag half its trade; My God--the parcels are so heavy! And not a parcel carriage-paid! But then--the truth must be confessed-- They're all so charmingly addressed: Whate'er they cost, they well requite her-- "To Madame Blank, the famous writer!" Poor thing, she sleeps so soft! and yet 'Twere worth my life to spare her slumber; "Madame--from Jena--the Gazette-- The Berlin Journal--the last number!" Sudden she wakes; those eyes of blue (Sweet eyes!) fall straight--on the Review! I by her side--all undetected, While those cursed columns are inspected; Loud squall the children overhead, Still she reads on, till all is read: At last she lays that darling by, And asks--"What makes the baby cry?" Already now the toilet's care Claims from her couch the restless fair; The toilet's care!--the glass has won Just half a glance, and all is done! A snappish--pettish word or so Warns the poor maid 'tis time to go:-- Not at her toilet wait the Graces Uncombed Erynnys takes their places; So great a mind expands its scope Far from the mean details of--soap! Now roll the coach-wheels to the muster-- Now round my muse her votaries cluster; Spruce Abbe Millefleurs--Baron Herman-- The English Lord, who don't know German,-- But all uncommonly well read From matchless A to deathless Z! Sneaks in the corner, shy and small, A thing which men the husband call! While every fop with flattery fires her, Swears with what passion he admires her.
-- "'Passion!' 'admire!' and still you're dumb?" Lord bless your soul, the worst's to come:-- I'm forced to bow, as I'm a sinner,-- And hope--the rogue will stay to dinner! But oh, at dinner!--there's the sting; I see my cellar on the wing! You know if Burgundy is dear?-- Mine once emerged three times a year;-- And now to wash these learned throttles, In dozens disappear the bottles; They well must drink who well do eat (I've sunk a capital on meat).
Her immortality, I fear, a Death-blow will prove to my Madeira; It has given, alas! a mortal shock To that old friend--my Steinberg hock! If Faust had really any hand In printing, I can understand The fate which legends more than hint;-- The devil take all hands that print! And what my thanks for all?--a pout-- Sour looks--deep sighs; but what about? About! O, that I well divine-- That such a pearl should fall to swine-- That such a literary ruby Should grace the finger of a booby! Spring comes;--behold, sweet mead and lea Nature's green splendor tapestries o'er; Fresh blooms the flower, and buds the tree; Larks sing--the woodland wakes once more.
The woodland wakes--but not for her! From Nature's self the charm has flown; No more the Spring of earth can stir The fond remembrance of our own! The sweetest bird upon the bough Has not one note of music now; And, oh! how dull the grove's soft shade, Where once--(as lovers then)--we strayed! The nightingales have got no learning-- Dull creatures--how can they inspire her? The lilies are so undiscerning, They never say--"how they admire her!" In all this jubilee of being, Some subject for a point she's seeing-- Some epigram--(to be impartial, Well turned)--there may be worse in Martial! But, hark! the goddess stoops to reason:-- "The country now is quite in season, I'll go!"--"What! to our country seat?" "No!--Travelling will be such a treat; Pyrmont's extremely full, I hear; But Carlsbad's quite the rage this year!" Oh yes, she loves the rural Graces; Nature is gay--in watering-places! Those pleasant spas--our reigning passion-- Where learned Dons meet folks of fashion; Where--each with each illustrious soul Familiar as in Charon's boat, All sorts of fame sit cheek-by-jowl, Pearls in that string--the table d'hote! Where dames whom man has injured--fly, To heal their wounds or to efface, them; While others, with the waters, try A course of flirting,--just to brace them! Well, there (O man, how light thy woes Compared with mine--thou need'st must see!) My wife, undaunted, greatly goes-- And leaves the orphans (seven!!!) to me! O, wherefore art thou flown so soon, Thou first fair year--Love's honeymoon! All, dream too exquisite for life! Home's goddess--in the name of wife! Reared by each grace--yet but to be Man's household Anadyomene! With mind from which the sunbeams fall, Rejoice while pervading all; Frank in the temper pleased to please-- Soft in the feeling waked with ease.
So broke, as native of the skies, The heart-enthraller on my eyes; So saw I, like a morn of May, The playmate given to glad my way; With eyes that more than lips bespoke, Eyes whence--sweet words--"I love thee!" broke! So--Ah, what transports then were mine! I led the bride before the shrine! And saw the future years revealed, Glassed on my hope--one blooming field! More wide, and widening more, were given The angel-gates disclosing heaven; Round us the lovely, mirthful troop Of children came--yet still to me The loveliest--merriest of the group The happy mother seemed to be! Mine, by the bonds that bind us more Than all the oaths the priest before; Mine, by the concord of content, When heart with heart is music-blent; When, as sweet sounds in unison, Two lives harmonious melt in one! When--sudden (O the villain!)--came Upon the scene a mind profound!-- A bel esprit, who whispered "Fame," And shook my card-house to the ground.
What have I now instead of all The Eden lost of hearth and hall? What comforts for the heaven bereft? What of the younger angel's left? A sort of intellectual mule, Man's stubborn mind in woman's shape, Too hard to love, too frail to rule-- A sage engrafted on an ape! To what she calls the realm of mind, She leaves that throne, her sex, to crawl, The cestus and the charm resigned-- A public gaping-show to all! She blots from beauty's golden book A name 'mid nature's choicest few, To gain the glory of a nook In Doctor Dunderhead's Review.
Written by Alfred Lord Tennyson | Create an image from this poem

Sir Galahad

 MY good blade carves the casques of men, 
My tough lance thrusteth sure, 
My strength is as the strength of ten, 
Because my heart is pure.
The shattering trumpet shrilleth high, The hard brands shiver on the steel, The splinter'd spear-shafts crack and fly, The horse and rider reel: They reel, they roll in clanging lists, And when the tide of combat stands, Perfume and flowers fall in showers, That lightly rain from ladies' hands.
How sweet are looks that ladies bend On whom their favours fall ! For them I battle till the end, To save from shame and thrall: But all my heart is drawn above, My knees are bow'd in crypt and shrine: I never felt the kiss of love, Nor maiden's hand in mine.
More bounteous aspects on me beam, Me mightier transports move and thrill; So keep I fair thro' faith and prayer A virgin heart in work and will.
When down the stormy crescent goes, A light before me swims, Between dark stems the forest glows, I hear a noise of hymns: Then by some secret shrine I ride; I hear a voice but none are there; The stalls are void, the doors are wide, The tapers burning fair.
Fair gleams the snowy altar-cloth, The silver vessels sparkle clean, The shrill bell rings, the censer swings, And solemn chaunts resound between.
Sometimes on lonely mountain-meres I find a magic bark; I leap on board: no helmsman steers: I float till all is dark.
A gentle sound, an awful light ! Three arngels bear the holy Grail: With folded feet, in stoles of white, On sleeping wings they sail.
Ah, blessed vision! blood of God! My spirit beats her mortal bars, As down dark tides the glory slides, And star-like mingles with the stars.
When on my goodly charger borne Thro' dreaming towns I go, The cock crows ere the Christmas morn, The streets are dumb with snow.
The tempest crackles on the leads, And, ringing, springs from brand and mail; But o'er the dark a glory spreads, And gilds the driving hail.
I leave the plain, I climb the height; No branchy thicket shelter yields; But blessed forms in whistling storms Fly o'er waste fens and windy fields.
A maiden knight--to me is given Such hope, I know not fear; I yearn to breathe the airs of heaven That often meet me here.
I muse on joy that will not cease, Pure spaces clothed in living beams, Pure lilies of eternal peace, Whose odours haunt my dreams; And, stricken by an angel's hand, This mortal armour that I wear, This weight and size, this heart and eyes, Are touch'd, are turn'd to finest air.
The clouds are broken in the sky, And thro' the mountain-walls A rolling organ-harmony Swells up, and shakes and falls.
Then move the trees, the copses nod, Wings flutter, voices hover clear: 'O just and faithful knight of God! Ride on ! the prize is near.
' So pass I hostel, hall, and grange; By bridge and ford, by park and pale, All-arm'd I ride, whate'er betide, Until I find the holy Grail.
Written by Mary Darby Robinson | Create an image from this poem

Ode to the Nightingale

 SWEET BIRD OF SORROW! ­why complain 
In such soft melody of Song, 
That ECHO, am'rous of thy Strain, 
The ling'ring cadence doth prolong? 
Ah! tell me, tell me, why, 
Thy dulcet Notes ascend the sky.
Or on the filmy vapours glide Along the misty moutain's side? And wherefore dost Thou love to dwell, In the dark wood and moss-grown cell, Beside the willow-margin'd stream­ Why dost Thou court wan Cynthia's beam? Sweet Songstress­if thy wayward fate Hath robb'd Thee of thy bosom's mate, Oh, think not thy heart-piercing moan Evap'rates on the breezy air, Or that the plaintive Song of Care Steals from THY Widow'd Breast alone.
Oft have I heard thy mournful Tale, On the high Cliff, that o'er the Vale Hangs its dark brow, whose awful shade Spreads a deep gloom along the glade: Led by its sound, I've wander'd far, Till crimson evening's flaming Star On Heav'n's vast dome refulgent hung, And round ethereal vapours flung; And oft I've sought th'HYGEIAN MAID, In rosy dimply smiles array'd, Till forc'd with every HOPE to part, Resistless Pain subdued my Heart.
Oh then, far o'er the restless deep Forlorn my poignant pangs I bore, Alone in foreign realms to weep, Where ENVY's voice could taunt no more.
I hop'd, by mingling with the gay, To snatch the veil of Grief away; To break Affliction's pond'rous chain; VAIN was the Hope­in vain I sought The placid hour of careless thought, Where Fashion wing'd her light career, And sportive Pleasure danc'd along, Oft have I shunn'd the blithsome throng, To hide th'involuntary tear, For e'en where rapt'rous transports glow, From the full Heart the conscious tear will flow, When to my downy couch remov'd, FANCY recall'd my wearied mind To scenes of FRIENDSHIP left behind, Scenes still regretted, still belov'd! Ah, then I felt the pangs of Grief, Grasp my warm Heart, and mock relief; My burning lids Sleep's balm defied, And on my fev'rish lip imperfect murmurs died.
Restless and sad­I sought once more A calm retreat on BRITAIN's shore; Deceitful HOPE, e'en there I found That soothing FRIENDSHIP's specious name Was but a short-liv'd empty sound, And LOVE a false delusive flame.
Then come, Sweet BIRD, and with thy strain, Steal from my breast the thorn of pain; Blest solace of my lonely hours, In craggy caves and silent bow'rs, When HAPPY Mortals seek repose, By Night's pale lamp we'll chaunt our woes, And, as her chilling tears diffuse O'er the white thorn their silv'ry dews, I'll with the lucid boughts entwine A weeping Wreath, which round my Head Shall by the waning Cresent shine, And light us to our leafy bed,­ But ah! nor leafy beds nor bow'rs Fring'd with soft MAY's enamell'd flow'rs, Nor pearly leaves, nor Cynthia's beams, Nor smiling Pleasure's shad'wy dreams, Sweet BIRD, not e'en THY melting Strains Can calm the Heart, where TYRANT SORROW REIGNS.
Written by Mary Darby Robinson | Create an image from this poem

The Adieu to Love

 LOVE, I renounce thy tyrant sway,
I mock thy fascinating art,
MINE, be the calm unruffled day,
That brings no torment to the heart; 
The tranquil mind, the noiseless scene, 
Where FANCY, with enchanting mien, 
Shall in her right-hand lead along 
The graceful patroness of Song;
Where HARMONY shall softly fling 
Her light tones o'er the dulcet string; 
And with her magic LYRE compose 
Each pang that throbs, each pulse that glows; 
Till her resistless strains dispense, 
The balm of blest INDIFFERENCE.
LOVE, I defy thy vaunted pow'r! In still Retirement's sober bow'r I'll rest secure;­no fev'rish pain Shall dart its hot-shafts thro' my brain, No start'ling dreams invade my mind No spells my stagnate pulses bind; No jealous agonies impart Their madd'ning poisons to my heart But sweetly lull'd to placid rest, The sensate tenant of my breast Shall one unshaken course pursue, Such as thy vot'ries never knew.
­ SWEET SOLITUDE ! pure Nature's child, Fair pensive daughter of the wild; Nymph of the Forest; thee I press My weary sick'ning soul to bless; To give my heart the dear repose, That smiles unmov'd at transient woes; That shelter'd from Life's trivial cares, Each calm delicious comfort shares; While conscious rectitude of mind, Blends with each thought a bliss refin'd, And scorning fear's soul-chilling pow'r, Dares court REFLECTION'S dang'rous hour, To scrutinize with cautious art, Each hidden channel of the heart.
­ Ah, gentle maiden, let me stray, Where Innocence for ever gay, Shall lead me to her loveliest bow'rs And crown my brow with thornless flow'rs; And strew the weedy paths of time With Resignation's balm sublime; While Rosy SPRING, shall smiling haste, On light steps o'er the dewy waste, Eager her brightest gems to shed Around my verdant perfum'd bed; And in her train the glowing hours Shall bathe their wings in scented show'rs; And shake the fost'ring drops to earth, To nurse meek blossoms into birth; And when autumnal zephyrs fly Sportive, beneath the sapphire sky, Or in the stream their pinions lave, Or teach the golden sheaves to wave; I'll watch the ruby eye of day In awful lustre glide away, And closing sink to transient rest, On panting Ocean's pearly breast.
O SOLITUDE ! how blest the lot Of her who shares thy silent cot! Who with celestial peace, pursues The pensive wand'rings of the MUSE; To stray unseen where'er she leads, O'er grassy hills and sunny meads, Or at the still of Night's cold noon To gaze upon the chilly Moon, While PHILOMELA'S mournful Song Meanders fairy haunts among, To tell the hopeless LOVER'S ear, That SYMPATHY'S FOND BIRD is near; Whose note shall soothe his aching heart, Whose grief shall emulate his smart; And by its sadly proud excess, Make every pang he suffers less; For oft in passion's direst woes, The veriest wretch can yield repose; While from the voice of kindred grief, We gain a sad, but kind relief.
AH LOVE! thou barb'rous fickle boy, Thou semblance of delusive joy, Too long my heart has been thy slave: For thou hast seen me wildly rave, And with impetuous frenzy haste, Heedless across the thorny waste, And drink the cold dews, ere they fell On my bare bosom's burning swell; When bleak the wintry whirlwinds blew; And swift the sultry meteors flew; Yes, thou hast seen me, tyrant pow'r, At freezing midnight's witching hour, Start from my couch, subdu'd, oppres'd, While jealous anguish wrung my breast, While round my eager senses flew, Dark brow'd Suspicion's wily crew, Taunting my soul with restless ire, That set my pulsate brain on fire.
What didst thou then ? Inhuman Boy! Didst thou not paint each well-feign'd joy, Each artful smile, each study'd grace That deck'd some sordid rival's face; Didst thou not feed my madd'ning sense With Love's delicious eloquence, While on my ear thy accents pour'd The voice of him my soul ador'd, His rapt'rous tones­his strains divine, And all those vows that once were mine.
But mild Reflection's piercing ray, Soon chas'd the fatal dream away, And with it all my rending woes, While in its place majestic rose The Angel TRUTH !­her stedfast mien Bespoke the conscious breast serene; Her eye more radiant than the day Beam'd with persuasion's temper'd ray; Sweet was her voice, and while she sung Myriads of Seraphs hover'd round, Eager to iterate the sound, That on her heav'n-taught accents hung.
Wond'ring I gaz'd! my throbbing breast, Celestial energies confest; Transports, before unfelt, unknown, Throng'd round my bosom's tremb'ling throne, While ev'ry nerve with rapture strange, Seem'd to partake the blissful change.
Now with unmov'd and dauntless Eye, I mark thy winged arrows fly; No more thy baneful spells shall bind The purer passions of my mind; No more, false Love, shall jealous fears Inflame my check with scalding tears; Or shake my vanquish'd sense, or rend My aching heart with poignant throes, Or with tumultuous fevers blend, Self-wounding, visionary woes.
­ No more I'll waste the midnight hour In expectation's silent bow'r; And musing o'er thy transcripts dear, Efface their sorrows with a tear.
No more with timid fondness wait Till morn unfolds her glitt'ring gate, When thy lov'd song's seraphic sound, Wou'd on my quiv'ring nerves rebound With proud delight;­no more thy blush Shall o'er my cheek unbidden rush, And scorning ev'ry strong controul, Unveil the tumults of my soul.
No more when in retirement blest, Shalt thou obtrude upon my rest; And tho' encircled with delight, Absorb my sense, obscure my sight, Give to my eye the vacant glance, The mien that marks the mental trance; The fault'ring tone­the sudden start, The trembling hand, the bursting heart; The devious step, that strolls along Unmindful of the gazing throng; The feign'd indiff'rence prone to chide; That blazons­what it seeks to hide.
Nor do I dread thy vengeful wiles, Thy soothing voice, thy winning smiles, Thy trick'ling tear, thy mien forlorn, Thy pray'r, thy sighs, thy oaths I scorn; No more on ME thy arrows show'r, Capricious Love­! I BRAVE THY POW'R.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things