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Best Famous Faux Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Faux poems. This is a select list of the best famous Faux poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Faux poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of faux poems.

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Written by Robert Burns | Create an image from this poem

39. Ballad on the American War

 WHEN Guilford good our pilot stood
 An’ did our hellim thraw, man,
Ae night, at tea, began a plea,
 Within America, man:
Then up they gat the maskin-pat,
 And in the sea did jaw, man;
An’ did nae less, in full congress,
 Than quite refuse our law, man.
Then thro’ the lakes Montgomery takes, I wat he was na slaw, man; Down Lowrie’s Burn he took a turn, And Carleton did ca’, man: But yet, whatreck, he, at Quebec, Montgomery-like did fa’, man, Wi’ sword in hand, before his band, Amang his en’mies a’, man.
Poor Tammy Gage within a cage Was kept at Boston-ha’, man; Till Willie Howe took o’er the knowe For Philadelphia, man; Wi’ sword an’ gun he thought a sin Guid Christian bluid to draw, man; But at New York, wi’ knife an’ fork, Sir-Loin he hacked sma’, man.
Burgoyne gaed up, like spur an’ whip, Till Fraser brave did fa’, man; Then lost his way, ae misty day, In Saratoga shaw, man.
Cornwallis fought as lang’s he dought, An’ did the Buckskins claw, man; But Clinton’s glaive frae rust to save, He hung it to the wa’, man.
Then Montague, an’ Guilford too, Began to fear, a fa’, man; And Sackville dour, wha stood the stour, The German chief to thraw, man: For Paddy Burke, like ony Turk, Nae mercy had at a’, man; An’ Charlie Fox threw by the box, An’ lows’d his tinkler jaw, man.
Then Rockingham took up the game, Till death did on him ca’, man; When Shelburne meek held up his cheek, Conform to gospel law, man: Saint Stephen’s boys, wi’ jarring noise, They did his measures thraw, man; For North an’ Fox united stocks, An’ bore him to the wa’, man.
Then clubs an’ hearts were Charlie’s cartes, He swept the stakes awa’, man, Till the diamond’s ace, of Indian race, Led him a sair faux pas, man: The Saxon lads, wi’ loud placads, On Chatham’s boy did ca’, man; An’ Scotland drew her pipe an’ blew, “Up, Willie, waur them a’, man!” Behind the throne then Granville’s gone, A secret word or twa, man; While slee Dundas arous’d the class Be-north the Roman wa’, man: An’ Chatham’s wraith, in heav’nly graith, (Inspired bardies saw, man), Wi’ kindling eyes, cry’d, “Willie, rise! Would I hae fear’d them a’, man?” But, word an’ blow, North, Fox, and Co.
Gowff’d Willie like a ba’, man; Till Suthron raise, an’ coost their claise Behind him in a raw, man: An’ Caledon threw by the drone, An’ did her whittle draw, man; An’ swoor fu’ rude, thro’ dirt an’ bluid, To mak it guid in law, man.

Written by Mark Doty | Create an image from this poem


at century's end,
compounded metallic lusters

in reference
to natural sheens (dragonfly
and beetle wings,

marbled light on kerosene)
and invented names
as coolly lustrous

as their products'
scarab-gleam: Quetzal,
Aurene, Favrile.
Suggesting, respectively, the glaze of feathers, that sun-shot fog of which halos are composed, and -- what? What to make of Favrile, Tiffany's term for his coppery-rose flushed with gold like the alchemized atmosphere of sunbeams in a Flemish room? Faux Moorish, fake Japanese, his lamps illumine chiefly themselves, copying waterlilies' bronzy stems, wisteria or trout scales; surfaces burnished like a tidal stream on which an excitation of minnows boils and blooms, artifice made to show us the lavish wardrobe of things, the world's glaze of appearances worked into the thin and gleaming stuff of craft.
A story: at the puppet opera --where one man animated the entire cast while another ghosted the voices, basso to coloratura -- Jimmy wept at the world of tiny gestures, forgot, he said, these were puppets, forgot these wire and plaster fabrications were actors at all, since their pretense allowed the passions released to be-- well, operatic.
It's too much, to be expected to believe; art's a mercuried sheen in which we may discern, because it is surface, clear or vague suggestions of our depths, Don't we need a word for the luster of things which insist on the fact they're made, which announce their maker's bravura? Favrile, I'd propose, for the perfect lamp, too dim and strange to help us read.
For the kimono woven, dipped in dyes, unraveled and loomed again that the pattern might take on a subtler shading For the sonnet's blown-glass sateen, for bel canto, for Faberge For everything which begins in limit (where else might our work begin?) and ends in grace, or at least extravagance.
For the silk sleeves of the puppet queen, held at a ravishing angle over her puppet lover slain, for her lush vowels mouthed by the plain man hunched behind the stage.
Written by Ogden Nash | Create an image from this poem

PG Wooster Just as he Useter

 Bound to your bookseller, leap to your library,
Deluge your dealer with bakshish and bribary,
Lean on the counter and never say when,
Wodehouse and Wooster are with us again.
Flourish the fish-slice, your buttons unloosing, Prepare for the fabulous browsing and sluicing, And quote, til you're known as the neighborhood nuisance, The gems that illumine the browsance and sluicance.
Oh, fondle each gem, and after you quote it, Kindly inform me just who wrote it.
Which came first, the egg or the rooster? P.
Wodehouse or Bertram Wooster? I know hawk from handsaw, and Finn from Fiji, But I can't disentangle Bertram from PG.
I inquire in the school room, I ask in the road house, Did Wodehouse write Wooster, or Wooster Wodehouse? Bertram Wodehouse and PG Wooster, They are linked in my mind like Simon and Schuster.
No matter which fumbled in '41, Or which the woebegone figure of fun.
I deduce how the faux pas came about, It was clearly Jeeves's afternoon out.
Now Jeeves is back, and my cheeks are crumply From watching him glide through Steeple Bumpleigh.
Written by Marriott Edgar | Create an image from this poem

Magna Carta

 I'll tell of the Magna Charter
As were signed at the Barons' command 
On Runningmead Island in t' middle of t' Thames 
By King John, as were known as "Lack Land.
" Some say it were wrong of the Barons Their will on the King so to thrust, But you'll see if you look at both sides of the case That they had to do something, or bust.
For John, from the moment they crowned him, Started acting so cunning and sly, Being King, of course, he couldn't do wrong, But, by gum, he'd a proper good try.
He squandered the ratepayers' money, All their cattle and corn did he take, 'Til there wasn't a morsel of bread in the land, And folk had to manage on cake.
The way he behaved to young Arthur Went to show as his feelings was bad; He tried to get Hubert to poke out his eyes, Which is no way to treat a young lad.
It were all right him being a tyrant To vassals and folks of that class, But he tried on his tricks with the Barons an' all, And that's where he made a 'faux pas'.
He started bombarding their castles, And burning them over their head, 'Til there wasn't enough castles left to go round, And they had to sleep six in a bed.
So they went to the King in a body, And their spokesman, Fitzwalter by name, He opened the 'ole in his 'elmet and said, Conciliatory like, " What's the game?" The King starts to shilly and shally, He sits and he haws and he hums, 'Til the Barons in rage started gnashing their teeth, And them with no teeth gnashed their gums Said Fitz, through the 'ole in his 'elmet, "It was you as put us in this plight.
" And the King having nothing to say to this, murmured "Leave your address and I'll write".
This angered the gallant Fitzwalter; He stamped on the floor with his foot, And were starting to give John a rare ticking off, When the 'ole in his 'elmet fell shut.
"We'll get him a Magna Charter," Said Fitz when his face he had freed; Said the Barons "That's right and if one's not enough, Get a couple and happen they'll breed.
'' So they set about making a Charter, When at finish they'd got it drawn up, It looked like a paper on cattle disease, Or the entries for t' Waterloo Cup.
Next day, King John, all unsuspecting, And having the afternoon free, To Runningmead Island had taken a boat, And were having some shrimps for his tea.
He'd just pulled the 'ead off a big 'un, And were pinching its tail with his thumb, When up came a barge load of Barons, who said, "We thought you'd be here so we've come" When they told him they'd brought Magna Charter, The King seemed to go kind of limp, But minding his manners he took off his hat And said " Thanks very much, have a shrimp.
" " You'd best sign at once," said Fitzwalter, " If you don't, I'll tell thee for a start The next coronation will happen quite soon, And you won't be there to take part.
" So they spread Charter out on t' tea table, And John signed his name like a lamb, His writing in places was sticky and thick Through dipping his pen in the jam.
And it's through that there Magna Charter, As were signed by the Barons of old, That in England to-day we can do what we like, So long as we do what we're told.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things