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Best Famous Cruz Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Cruz poems. This is a select list of the best famous Cruz poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Cruz poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of cruz poems.

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Written by Robinson Jeffers | Create an image from this poem

The Purse-Seine

 Our sardine fishermen work at night in the dark
 of the moon; daylight or moonlight
They could not tell where to spread the net, 
 unable to see the phosphorescence of the 
 shoals of fish.
They work northward from Monterey, coasting Santa Cruz; off New Year's Point or off Pigeon Point The look-out man will see some lakes of milk-color light on the sea's night-purple; he points, and the helmsman Turns the dark prow, the motorboat circles the gleaming shoal and drifts out her seine-net.
They close the circle And purse the bottom of the net, then with great labor haul it in.
I cannot tell you How beautiful the scene is, and a little terrible, then, when the crowded fish Know they are caught, and wildly beat from one wall to the other of their closing destiny the phosphorescent Water to a pool of flame, each beautiful slender body sheeted with flame, like a live rocket A comet's tail wake of clear yellow flame; while outside the narrowing Floats and cordage of the net great sea-lions come up to watch, sighing in the dark; the vast walls of night Stand erect to the stars.
Lately I was looking from a night mountain-top On a wide city, the colored splendor, galaxies of light: how could I help but recall the seine-net Gathering the luminous fish? I cannot tell you how beautiful the city appeared, and a little terrible.
I thought, We have geared the machines and locked all together into inter-dependence; we have built the great cities; now There is no escape.
We have gathered vast populations incapable of free survival, insulated From the strong earth, each person in himself helpless, on all dependent.
The circle is closed, and the net Is being hauled in.
They hardly feel the cords drawing, yet they shine already.
The inevitable mass-disasters Will not come in our time nor in our children's, but we and our children Must watch the net draw narrower, government take all powers--or revolution, and the new government Take more than all, add to kept bodies kept souls--or anarchy, the mass-disasters.
These things are Progress; Do you marvel our verse is troubled or frowning, while it keeps its reason? Or it lets go, lets the mood flow In the manner of the recent young men into mere hysteria, splintered gleams, crackled laughter.
But they are quite wrong.
There is no reason for amazement: surely one always knew that cultures decay, and life's end is death.

Written by Delmira Agustini | Create an image from this poem

Intima (Intimate)

Spanish    Yo te diré los sueños de mi vidaEn lo más hondo de la noche azul…Mi alma desnuda temblará en tus manos,Sobre tus hombros pesará mi cruz.
Las cumbres de la vida son tan solas,Tan solas y tan frías! Y encerréMis ansias en mí misma, y toda enteraComo una torre de marfil me alcé.
Hoy abriré a tu alma el gran misterio;Tu alma es capaz de penetrar en mí.
En el silencio hay vértigos de abismo:Yo vacilaba, me sostengo en ti.
Muero de ensueños; beberé en tus fuentesPuras y frescas la verdad, yo séQue está en el fondo magno de tu pechoEl manantial que vencerá mi sed.
Y sé que en nuestras vidas se produjoEl milagro inefable del reflejo…En el silencio de la noche mi almaLlega a la tuya como a un gran espejo.
Imagina el amor que habré soñadoEn la tumba glacial de mi silencio!Más grande que la vida, más que el sueño,Bajo el azur sin fin se sintió preso.
Imagina mi amor, amor que quiereVida imposible, vida sobrehumana,Tú que sabes si pesan, si consumenAlma y sueños de Olimpo en carne humana.
Y cuando frente al alma que sentiaPoco el azur para bañar sus alas,Como un gran horizonte aurisoladoO una playa de luz se abrió tu alma:Imagina! Estrecha vivo, radianteEl Imposible! La ilusión vivida!Bendije a Dios, al sol, la flor, el aire,La vida toda porque tú eras vida!Si con angustia yo compré esta dicha,Bendito el llanto que manchó mis ojos!¡Todas las llagas del pasado ríenAl sol naciente por sus labios rojos!¡Ah! tú sabrás mi amor, mas vamos lejosA través de la noche florecida;Acá lo humano asusta, acá se oye,Se ve, se siente sin cesar la vida.
Vamos más lejos en la noche, vamosDonde ni un eco repercuta en mí,Como una flor nocturna allá en la sombraY abriré dulcemente para ti.
              EnglishI will tell you the dreams of my lifeOn this deepest of blue nights.
In your hands my soul will tremble,On your shoulders my cross will rest.
The summits of life are lonely,So lonely and so cold! I lockedMy yearnings inside, and all resideIn the ivory tower I raised.
Today I will reveal a great mystery;Your soul has the power to penetrate me.
In silence are vertigos of the abyss:I hesitate, I am sustained in you.
I die of dreams; I will drink truth,Pure and cool, from your springs.
I know in the well of your breastIs a fountain that vanquishes my thirst.
And I know that in our lives, thisIs the inexpressible miracle of reflection…In the silence, my soul arrives at yoursAs to a magnificent mirror.
Imagine the love I dreamedIn the glacial tomb of silence!Larger than life, larger than dream,A love imprisoned beneath an azure without end.
Imagine my love, love which desiresImpossible life, superhuman life,You who know how it burdens and consumes,Dreams of Olympus bound by human flesh.
And when met with a soul which foundA bit of azure to bathe its wings,Like a great, golden sun, or a shoreMade of light, your soul opened:Imagine! To embrace the Impossible!Radiant! The lived illusion!Blessed be God, the sun, the flower, the air,And all of life, because you are life!If I bought this happiness with my anguish,Bless the weeping that stains my eyes!All the ulcers of the past laughAt the sun rising from red lips!Ah you will know, My Love,We will travel far across the flowery night;There what is human frightens, there you can hear it,See it, feel it, life without end.
We go further into night, we goWhere in me not an echo reverberates,Like a nocturnal flower in the shade,I will open sweetly for you.

Written by Julie Hill Alger | Create an image from this poem

Pictures of Home

  In the red-roofed stucco house
of my childhood, the dining room 
was screened off by folding doors 
with small glass panes.
Our neighbors the Bertins, who barely escaped Hitler, often joined us at table.
One night their daughter said, In Vienna our dining room had doors like these.
For a moment, we all sat quite still.
And when Nath Nong, who has to live in Massachusetts now, saw a picture of green Cambodian fields she said, My father have animal like this, name krebey English? I told her, Water buffalo.
She said, Very very good animal.
She put her finger on the picture of the water buffalo and spoke its Khmer name once more.
So today, when someone (my ex- husband) sends me a shiny picture of a church in Santa Cruz that lost its steeple in the recent earthquake there's no reason at all for my throat to ache at the sight of a Pacific-blue sky and an old church three thousand miles away, because if I can only save enough money I can go back there any time and stay as long as I want.
-Julie Alger
Written by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz | Create an image from this poem

You Men

Hombres necios que acusáis
a la mujer sin razón,
sin ver que sois la ocasión
de lo mismo que culpáis:

si con ansia sin igual
solicitáis su desdén,
¿por qué quereis que obren bien
si las incitáis al mal?

Combatís su resistencia
y luego, con gravedad,
decís que fue liviandad
lo que hizo la diligencia.

Parecer quiere el denuedo
de vuestro parecer loco,
al niño que pone el coco
y luego le tiene miedo.

Queréis, con presunción necia,
hallar a la que buscáis,
para pretendida, Thais,
y en la posesión, Lucrecia

¿Qué humor puede ser más raro
que el que, falto de consejo,
el mismo empaña el espejo
y siente que no esté claro?

Con el favor y el desdén
tenéis condición igual,
quejándoos, si os tratan mal,
burlándoos, si os quieren bien.

Opinión, ninguna gana:
pues la que más se recata,
si no os admite, es ingrata,
y si os admite, es liviana

Siempre tan necios andáis
que, con desigual nivel,
a una culpáis por crüel
y a otra por fácil culpáis.

¿Pues cómo ha de estar templada
la que vuestro amor pretende,
si la que es ingrata, ofende,
y la que es fácil, enfada?

Mas, entre el enfado y pena
que vuestro gusto refiere,
bien haya la que no os quiere
y quejaos en hora buena.

Dan vuestras amantes penas
a sus libertades alas,
y después de hacerlas malas
las queréis hallar muy buenas.

¿Cuál mayor culpa ha tenido
en una pasión errada:
la que cae de rogada
o el que ruega de caído?

¿O cuál es más de culpar,
aunque cualquiera mal haga:
la que peca por la paga
o el que paga por pecar?

Pues ¿para quée os espantáis
de la culpa que tenéis?
Queredlas cual las hacéis
o hacedlas cual las buscáis.

Dejad de solicitar,
y después, con más razón,
acusaréis la afición
de la que os fuere a rogar.

Bien con muchas armas fundo
que lidia vuestra arrogancia,
pues en promesa e instancia
juntáis diablo, carne y mundo.

Silly, you men-so very adept
at wrongly faulting womankind,
not seeing you're alone to blame
for faults you plant in woman's mind.

After you've won by urgent plea
the right to tarnish her good name,
you still expect her to behave--
you, that coaxed her into shame.

You batter her resistance down
and then, all righteousness, proclaim
that feminine frivolity,
not your persistence, is to blame.

When it comes to bravely posturing,
your witlessness must take the prize:
you're the child that makes a bogeyman,
and then recoils in fear and cries.

Presumptuous beyond belief,
you'd have the woman you pursue
be Thais when you're courting her,
Lucretia once she falls to you.

For plain default of common sense,
could any action be so *****
as oneself to cloud the mirror,
then complain that it's not clear?

Whether you're favored or disdained,
nothing can leave you satisfied.
You whimper if you're turned away,
you sneer if you've been gratified.

With you, no woman can hope to score;
whichever way, she's bound to lose;
spurning you, she's ungrateful--
succumbing, you call her lewd.

Your folly is always the same:
you apply a single rule
to the one you accuse of looseness
and the one you brand as cruel.

What happy mean could there be
for the woman who catches your eye,
if, unresponsive, she offends,
yet whose complaisance you decry?

Still, whether it's torment or anger--
and both ways you've yourselves to blame--
God bless the woman who won't have you,
no matter how loud you complain.

It's your persistent entreaties
that change her from timid to bold.
Having made her thereby naughty,
you would have her good as gold.

So where does the greater guilt lie
for a passion that should not be:
with the man who pleads out of baseness
or the woman debased by his plea?

Or which is more to be blamed--
though both will have cause for chagrin:
the woman who sins for money
or the man who pays money to sin?

So why are you men all so stunned
at the thought you're all guilty alike?
Either like them for what you've made them
or make of them what you can like.

If you'd give up pursuing them,
you'd discover, without a doubt,
you've a stronger case to make
against those who seek you out.

I well know what powerful arms
you wield in pressing for evil:
your arrogance is allied
with the world, the flesh, and the devil! 
Written by Philip Levine | Create an image from this poem

On The Meeting Of García Lorca And Hart Crane

 Brooklyn, 1929.
Of course Crane's been drinking and has no idea who this curious Andalusian is, unable even to speak the language of poetry.
The young man who brought them together knows both Spanish and English, but he has a headache from jumping back and forth from one language to another.
For a moment's relief he goes to the window to look down on the East River, darkening below as the early light comes on.
Something flashes across his sight, a double vision of such horror he has to slap both his hands across his mouth to keep from screaming.
Let's not be frivolous, let's not pretend the two poets gave each other wisdom or love or even a good time, let's not invent a dialogue of such eloquence that even the ants in your own house won't forget it.
The two greatest poetic geniuses alive meet, and what happens? A vision comes to an ordinary man staring at a filthy river.
Have you ever had a vision? Have you ever shaken your head to pieces and jerked back at the image of your young son falling through open space, not from the stern of a ship bound from Vera Cruz to New York but from the roof of the building he works on? Have you risen from bed to pace until dawn to beg a merciless God to take these pictures away? Oh, yes, let's bless the imagination.
It gives us the myths we live by.
Let's bless the visionary power of the human— the only animal that's got it—, bless the exact image of your father dead and mine dead, bless the images that stalk the corners of our sight and will not let go.
The young man was my cousin, Arthur Lieberman, then a language student at Columbia, who told me all this before he died quietly in his sleep in 1983 in a hotel in Perugia.
A good man, Arthur, he survived graduate school, later came home to Detroit and sold pianos right through the Depression.
He loaned my brother a used one to compose his hideous songs on, which Arthur thought were genius.
What an imagination Arthur had!

Written by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz | Create an image from this poem


Disillusionment (Español)

    Ya, desengaño mío,
llegasteis al extremo
que pudo en vuestro ser
verificar el serlo.

    Todo los habéis perdido;
mas no todo, pues creo
que aun a costa es de todo
barato el escarmiento.

    No envidiaréis de amor
los gustos lisonjeros:
que está un escarmentado
muy remoto del riesgro.

    El no esperar alguno
me sirve de consuelo;
que también es alivio
el no buscar remedio.

    En la pérdida misma
los alivios encuentro:
pues si perdi el tesoro,
también se perdió el miedo.

    No tener qué perder
me sirve de sosiego;
que no teme ladrones,
desnudo, el pasajero.

    Ni aun la libertad misma
tenerla por bien quiero:
que luego será daño
si por tal la poseo.

    No quiero más cuidados
de bienes tan inciertos,
sino tener el alma
como que no la tengo.

Top of page
Disillusionment (English)

this is the bitter end,
this proves you're rightly called
the end of illusion.

   You've made me lose all,
yet no, losing all
is not paying too dear
for being undeceived.

   No more will you envy
the allurements of love,
for one undeceived
has no risk left to run.

   It's some consolation
to be expecting none:
there's relief to be found
in seeking no cure.

   In loss itself
I find assuagement:
having lost the treasure,
I've nothing to fear.

   Having nothing to lose
brings peace of mind:
one traveling without funds
need not fear thieves.

   Liberty itself
for me is no boon:
if I hold it such,
it will soon be my bane.

   No more worries for me
over boons so uncertain:
I will own my very soul
as if it were not mine.
Written by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz | Create an image from this poem

My Lady

My Lady (Español)

    Perdite, señora, quiero
de mi silencio perdón,
si lo que ha sido atención
le hace parecer grosero.

    Y no me podrás culpar
si hasta aquí mi proceder,
por ocuparse en querer,
se ha olvidado de explicar.

    Que en mi amorosa pasión
no fue desuido, ni mengua,
quitar el uso a la lengua
por dárselo al corazón.

    Ni de explicarme dejaba:
que, como la pasión mía
acá en el alma te vía,
acá en el alma te hablaba.

    Y en esta idea notable
dichosamenta vivía,
porque en mi mano tenia
el fingirte favorable.

    Con traza tan peregrina
vivió mi esperanza vana,
pues te pudo hacer humana
concibiéndote divina.

    ¡Oh, cuán loca llegué a verme
en tus dichosos amores,
que, aun fingidos, tus favroes
pudieron enloquecerme!

    ¡Oh, cómo, en tu sol hermoso
mi ardiente afecto encendido,
por cebarse en lo lucido,
olvidó lo peligroso!

    Perdona, si atrevimiento
fue atreverme a tu ardor puro;
que no hay sagrado seguro
de culpas de pensamiento.

    De esta manera engañaba
la loca esperanza mía,
y dentro de mí tenía
todo el bien que deseaba.

    Mas ya tu precepto grave
rompe mi silencio mudo;
que él solamente ser pudo
de mi respeto la llave.

    Y aunque el amar tu belleza
es delito sin disculpa
castígueseme la culpa
primero que la tibieza.

    No quieras, pues, rigurosa,
que, estando ya declarada,
sea de veras desdichada
quien fue de burlas dichosa.

    Si culpas mi desacato,
culpa también tu licencia;
que si es mala mi obediencia,
no fue justo tu mandato

    Y si es culpable mi intento,
será mi afecto precito,
porque es amarte un delito
de que nunca me arrepiento.

    Esto en mis afectos hallo,
y más, que explicar no sé;
mas tú, de lo que callé,
inferirás lo que callo.

Top of page
My Lady (English)

    My lady, I must implore
forgiveness for keeping still,
if what I meant as tribute
ran contrary to your will.

    Please do not reproach me
if the course I have maintained
in the eagerness of my love
left my silence unexplained.

    I love you with so much passion,
neither rudeness nor neglect
can explain why I tied my tongue,
yet left my heart unchecked.

    The matter to me was simple:
love for you was so strong,
I could see you in my soul
and talk to you all day long.

    With this idea in mind,
I lived in utter delight,
pretending my subterfuge
found favor in your sight.

    In this strange, ingenious fashion,
I allowed the hope to be mine
that I still might see as human
what I really conceived as divine.

    Oh, how mad I became
in my blissful love of you,
for even though feigned, your favor
made all my madness seem true!

    How unwisely my ardent love,
which your glorious sun inflamed,
sought to feed upon your brightness,
though the risk of your fire was plain!

    Forgive me if, thus emboldened,
I made bold with that sacred fire:
there's no sanctuary secure
when thought's transgressions conspire.

    Thus it was I kept indulging
these foolhardy hopes of mine,
enjoying within myself
a happiness sublime.

    But now, at your solemn bidding,
this silence I herewith suspend,
for your summons unlocks in me
a respect no time can end.

    And, although loving your beauty
is a crime beyond repair,
rather the crime be chastised
than my fervor cease to dare.

    With this confession in hand,
I pray, be less stern with me.
Do not condemn to distress
one who fancied bliss so free.

    If you blame me for disrespect,
remember, you gave me leave;
thus, if obedience was wrong,
your commanding must be my reprieve.

    Let my love be ever doomed
if guilty in its intent,
for loving you is a crime
of which I will never repent.

    This much I descry in my feelings--
and more that I cannot explain;
but you, from what I've not said,
may infer what words won't contain.
Written by Andrew Marvell | Create an image from this poem

Blakes Victory

 On the Victory Obtained by Blake over the Spaniards in the Bay of Santa Cruz, in the Island of Tenerife, 1657

Now does Spain's fleet her spacious wings unfold, 
Leaves the New World and hastens for the old: 
But though the wind was fair, they slowly swum 
Freighted with acted guilt, and guilt to come: 
For this rich load, of which so proud they are, 
Was raised by tyranny, and raised for war; 
Every capacious gallion's womb was filled, 
With what the womb of wealthy kingdoms yield, 
The New World's wounded entrails they had tore, 
For wealth wherewith to wound the Old once more: 
Wealth which all others' avarice might cloy, 
But yet in them caused as much fear as joy.
For now upon the main, themselves they saw-- That boundless empire, where you give the law-- Of winds' and waters' rage, they fearful be, But much more fearful are your flags to see.
Day, that to those who sail upon the deep, More wished for, and more welcome is than sleep, They dreaded to behold, lest the sun's light, With English streamers, should salute their sight: In thickest darkness they would choose to steer, So that such darkness might suppress their fear; At length theirs vanishes, and fortune smiles; For they behold the sweet Canary Isles; One of which doubtless is by Nature blessed Above both Worlds, since 'tis above the rest.
For lest some gloominess might strain her sky, Trees there the duty of the clouds supply; O noble trust which heav'n on this isle pours, Fertile to be, yet never need her show'rs.
A happy people, which at once do gain The benefits without the ills of rain.
Both health and profit fate cannot deny; Where still the earth is moist, the air still dry; The jarring elements no discord know, Fuel and rain together kindly grow; And coolness there, with heat doth never fight, This only rules by day, and that by night.
Your worth to all these isles, a just right brings, The best of lands should have the best of kings.
And these want nothing heaven can afford, Unless it be--the having you their Lord; But this great want will not a long one prove, Your conquering sword will soon that want remove.
For Spain had better--she'll ere long confess-- Have broken all her swords, than this one peace, Casting that legue off, which she held so long, She cast off that which only made her strong.
Forces and art, she soon will feel, are vain, Peace, against you, was the sole strength of Spain.
By that alone those islands she secures, Peace made them hers, but war will make them yours.
There the indulgent soil that rich grape breeds, Which of the gods the fancied drink exceeds; They still do yield, such is their precious mould, All that is good, and are not cursed with gold-- With fatal gold, for still where that does grow, Neither the soil, not people, quiet know.
Which troubles men to raise it when 'tis ore, And when 'tis raised, does trouble them much more.
Ah, why was thither brought that cause of war, Kind Nature had from thence removed so far? In vain doth she those islands free from ill, If fortune can make guilty what she will.
But whilst I draw that scene, where you ere long, Shall conquests act, your present are unsung.
For Santa Cruz the glad fleet makes her way, And safely there casts anchor in the bay.
Never so many with one joyful cry, That place saluted, where they all must die.
Deluded men! Fate with you did but sport, You 'scaped the sea, to perish in your port.
'Twas more for England's fame you should die there, Where you had most of strength, and least of fear.
The Peak's proud height the Spaniards all admire, Yet in their breasts carry a pride much high'r.
Only to this vast hill a power is given, At once both to inhabit earth and heaven.
But this stupendous prospect did not near, Make them admire, so much as they did fear.
For here they met with news, which did produce, A grief, above the cure of grapes' best juice.
They learned with terror that nor summer's heat, Nor winter's storms, had made your fleet retreat.
To fight against such foes was vain, they knew, Which did the rage of elements subdue, Who on the ocean that does horror give, To all besides, triumphantly do live.
With haste they therefore all their gallions moor, And flank with cannon from the neighbouring shore.
Forts, lines, and scones all the bay along, They build and act all that can make them strong.
Fond men who know not whilst such works they raise, They only labour to exalt your praise.
Yet they by restless toil became at length, So proud and confident of their made strength, That they with joy their boasting general heard, Wish then for that assault he lately feared.
His wish he has, for now undaunted Blake, With wing?d speed, for Santa Cruz does make.
For your renown, his conquering fleet does ride, O'er seas as vast as is the Spaniards' pride.
Whose fleet and trenches viewed, he soon did say, `We to their strength are more obliged than they.
Were't not for that, they from their fate would run, And a third world seek out, our arms to shun.
Those forts, which there so high and strong appear, Do not so much suppress, as show their fear.
Of speedy victory let no man doubt, Our worst work's past, now we have found them out.
Behold their navy does at anchor lie, And they are ours, for now they cannot fly.
' This said, the whole fleet gave it their applause, And all assumes your courage, in your cause.
That bay they enter, which unto them owes, The noblest of wreaths, that victory bestows.
Bold Stayner leads: this fleet's designed by fate, To give him laurel, as the last did plate.
The thundering cannon now begins the fight, And though it be at noon creates a night.
The air was soon after the fight begun, Far more enflamed by it than by the sun.
Never so burning was that climate known, War turned the temperate to the torrid zone.
Fate these two fleets between both worlds had brought, Who fight, as if for both those worlds they fought.
Thousands of ways thousands of men there die, Some ships are sunk, some blown up in the sky.
Nature ne'er made cedars so high aspire, As oaks did then urged by the active fire, Which by quick powder's force, so high was sent, That it returned to its own element.
Torn limbs some leagues into the island fly, Whilst others lower in the sea do lie, Scarce souls from bodies severed are so far By death, as bodies there were by the war.
The all-seeing sun, ne'er gazed on such a sight, Two dreadful navies there at anchor fight.
And neither have or power or will to fly, There one must conquer, or there both must die.
Far different motives yet engaged them thus, Necessity did them, but Choice did us.
A choice which did the highest worth express, And was attended by as high success.
For your resistless genius there did reign, By which we laurels reaped e'en on the main.
So properous stars, though absent to the sense, Bless those they shine for, by their influence.
Our cannon now tears every ship and sconce, And o'er two elements triumphs at once.
Their gallions sunk, their wealth the sea doth fill-- The only place where it can cause no ill.
Ah, would those treasures which both Indies have, Were buried in as large, and deep a grave, Wars' chief support with them would buried be, And the land owe her peace unto the sea.
Ages to come your conquering arms will bless, There they destroy what had destroyed their peace.
And in one war the present age may boast The certain seeds of many wars are lost.
All the foe's ships destroyed, by sea or fire, Victorious Blake, does from the bay retire, His siege of Spain he then again pursues, And there first brings of his success the news: The saddest news that e'er to Spain was brought, Their rich fleet sunk, and ours with laurel fraught, Whilst fame in every place her trumpet blows, And tells the world how much to you it owes.
Written by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz | Create an image from this poem

Arraignment Of The Men

Males perverse, schooled to condemn
Women by your witless laws,
Though forsooth you are prime cause
Of that which you blame in them:

If with unexampled care
You solicit their disdain,
Will your fair words ease their pain,
When you ruthless set the snare?

Their resistance you impugn,
Then maintain with gravity
That it was mere levity
Made you dare to importune.

What more elevating sight
Than of man with logic crass,
Who with hot breath fogs the glass,
Then laments it is not bright!

Scorn and favor, favor, scorn,
What you will, result the same,
Treat you ill, and earn your blame,
Love you well, be left forlorn.

Scant regard will she possess
Who with caution wends her way,—
Is held thankless for her “nay,”
And as wanton for her “yes.”

What must be the rare caprice
Of the quarry you engage:
If she flees, she wakes your rage,
If she yields, her charms surcease.

Who shall bear the heavier blame,
When remorse the twain enthralls,
She, who for the asking, falls,
He who, asking, brings to shame?

Whose the guilt, where to begin,
Though both yield to passion's sway,
She who weakly sins for pay,
He who, strong, yet pays for Sin?

Then why stare ye, if we prove
That the guilt lies at your gate?
Either love those you create,
Or create those you can love.

To solicitation truce,—
Then, sire, with some show of right
You may mock the hapless plight
Or the creatures of your use! 
Written by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz | Create an image from this poem

On the death of that most excellent lady, the Marquise de Mancera

On the death of that most excellent lady,
the Marquise de Mancera (Español)

    Mueran contigo, Laura, pues moriste,
los afectos que en vano te desean,
los ojos a quien privas de que vean
hermosa luz que a un tiempo concediste.

    Muera mi lira infausta en que influiste
ecos, que lamentables te vocean,
y hasta estos rasgos mal formados sean
lágrimas negras de mi pluma triste.

    Muévase a compasión la misma muerte
que, precisa, no pudo perdonarte;
y lamente el amor su amarga suerte,

    pues si antes, ambicioso de gozarte,
deseó tener ojos para verte,
ya le sirvieran sólo de llorarte.

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On the death of that most excellent lady,
the Marquise de Mancera (English)

    Let them die with you, Laura, now you are dead,
these longings that go out to you in vain,
these eyes on whom you once bestowed
a lovely light never to gleam again.

    Let this unfortunate lyre that echoes still
to sounds you woke, perish calling your name,
and may these clumsy scribblings represent
black tears my pen has shed to ease its pain.

    Let Death himself feel pity, and regret
that, bound by his own law, he could not spare you,
and Love lament the bitter circumstance

    that if once, in his desire for pleasure,
he wished for eyes that they might feast on you,
now weeping is all those eyes could ever do.

Book: Shattered Sighs