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Famous Bella Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Bella poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous bella poems. These examples illustrate what a famous bella poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Petrarch, Francesco
...CANZONE II. O aspettata in ciel, beata e bella. IN SUPPORT OF THE PROPOSED CRUSADE AGAINST THE INFIDELS.  O spirit wish'd and waited for in heaven,That wearest gracefully our human clay,Not as with loading sin and earthly stain,Read more of this...

by Petrarch, Francesco
...CANZONE VIII. Vergine bella che di sol vestita. TO THE VIRGIN MARY.  Beautiful Virgin! clothed with the sun,Crown'd with the stars, who so the Eternal SunWell pleasedst that in thine his light he hid;Love...Read more of this...

by Petrarch, Francesco
...CANZONE XII. Una donna più bella assai che 'l sole. GLORY AND VIRTUE.  A lady, lovelier, brighter than the sun,Like him superior o'er all time and space,Of rare resistless grace,Me to her train in early life h...Read more of this...

by Alighieri, Dante
...fia a ci? pi? di me degna:

con lei ti lascer? nel mio partire;

 ch? quello imperador che l? s? regna,

perch'i' fu' ribellante a la sua legge,

non vuol che 'n sua citt? per me si vegna.

 In tutte parti impera e quivi regge;

quivi ? la sua citt? e l'alto seggio:

oh felice colui cu' ivi elegge!».

 E io a lui: «Poeta, io ti richeggio

per quello Dio che tu non conoscesti,

acci? ch'io fugga questo male e peggio,

 che tu mi meni l? dov'or dicesti,

s? ch'io veggia...Read more of this...

by Alighieri, Dante
when I first felt compassion for your pain. 

Io era tra color che son sospesi, 
e donna mi chiam? beata e bella, 
tal che di comandare io la richiesi . 

I was among those souls who are suspended; 
a lady called to me, so blessed, so lovely 
that I implored to serve at her command. 

Lucevan li occhi suoi pi? che la stella; 
e cominciommi a dir soave e piana, 
con angelica voce, in sua favella : 

Her eyes surpassed the splendor of the star's; 
and she ...Read more of this...

by Wilde, Oscar
...My limbs are wasted with a flame,
My feet are sore with travelling,
For, calling on my Lady's name,
My lips have now forgot to sing.

O Linnet in the wild-rose brake
Strain for my Love thy melody,
O Lark sing louder for love's sake,
My gentle Lady passeth by.

She is too fair for any man
To see or hold his heart's delight,
Fairer than Queen or cour...Read more of this...

by Hayden, Robert
...ews gone blind, the jungle hatred crawling 
up on deck. 

Thou Who Walked On Galilee 

"Deponent further sayeth The Bella J 
left the Guinea Coast 
with cargo of five hundred blacks and odd 
for the barracoons of Florida: 

"That there was hardly room 'tween-decks for half 
the sweltering cattle stowed spoon-fashion there; 
that some went mad of thirst and tore their flesh 
and sucked the blood: 

"That Crew and Captain lusted with the comeliest 
of the savage girls kept ...Read more of this...

by Alighieri, Dante
...e mirabil cosa
mi torse il viso a s?; e per? quella
cui non potea mia cura essere ascosa,
 volta ver' me, s? lieta come bella,
«Drizza la mente in Dio grata», mi disse,
«che n'ha congiunti con la prima stella».
 Parev'a me che nube ne coprisse
lucida, spessa, solida e pulita,
quasi adamante che lo sol ferisse.
 Per entro s? l'etterna margarita
ne ricevette, com'acqua recepe
raggio di luce permanendo unita.
 S'io era corpo, e qui non si concepe
com'una dimensione a...Read more of this...

by Alighieri, Dante
...con le Bilance,
che le caggion di man quando soverchia;
 sì che le bianche e le vermiglie guance,
là dov'i' era, de la bella Aurora
per troppa etate divenivan rance.
 Noi eravam lunghesso mare ancora,
come gente che pensa a suo cammino,
che va col cuore e col corpo dimora.
 Ed ecco, qual, sorpreso dal mattino,
per li grossi vapor Marte rosseggia
giù nel ponente sovra 'l suol marino,
 cotal m'apparve, s'io ancor lo veggia,
un lume per lo mar venir sì ratto,
che 'l muo...Read more of this...

by Abercrombie, Lascelles seem
Running in golden tides to Ryton Firs,
To make the knot of steep little wooded hills
Their brightest show: O bella età de l'oro!
Now I breathe you again, my woods of Ryton:
Not only golden with your daffodil-fires
Lying in pools on the loose dusky ground
Beneath the larches, tumbling in broad rivers
Down sloping grass under the cherry trees
And birches: but among your branches clinging
A mist of that Ferrara-gold I first
Loved in the easy hours then green w...Read more of this...

by Joyce, James
...O bella bionda,
Sei come l'onda!

Of cool sweet dew and radiance mild
The moon a web of silence weaves
In the still garden where a child
Gathers the simple salad leaves.

A moondew stars her hanging hair
And moonlight kisses her young brow
And, gathering, she sings an air:
Fair as the wave is, fair, art thou!

Be mine, I pray, a waxen ear
To shield me fro...Read more of this...

by Milton, John

Qual in colle aspro, al imbrunir di sera
L'avezza giovinetta pastorella
Va bagnando l'herbetta strana e bella
Che mal si spande a disusata spera
Fuor di sua natia alma primavera,
Cosi Amor meco insu la lingua snella
Desta il fior novo di strania favella,
Mentre io di te, vezzosamente altera,
Canto, dal mio buon popol non inteso
E'l bel Tamigi cangio col bel Arno 
Amor lo volse, ed io a l'altrui peso
Seppi ch' Amor cosa mai volse indarno.
Deh! foss' il mio ...Read more of this...

by Petrarch, Francesco
...SONNET CLXVI. O bella man, che mi distringi 'l core. THE STOLEN GLOVE.  O beauteous hand! that dost my heart subdue,And in a little space my life confine;Hand where their skill and utmost efforts joinRead more of this...

by Petrarch, Francesco
...SONNET CLXVII. Non pur quell' una bella ignuda mano. HE RETURNS THE GLOVE, BEWAILING THE EFFECT OF HER BEAUTY.  Not of one dear hand only I complain,Which hides it, to my loss, again from view,But its fair fellow and her soft arms tooRead more of this...

by Petrarch, Francesco
...SONNET LXX. La bella donna che cotanto amavi. TO HIS BROTHER GERARDO, ON THE DEATH OF A LADY TO WHOM HE WAS ATTACHED.  The beauteous lady thou didst love so wellToo soon hath from our regions wing'd her flight,To find, I we...Read more of this...

by Petrarch, Francesco
...SONNET VIII. A piè de' colli ove la bella vesta. HE FEIGNS AN ADDRESS FROM SOME BIRDS WHICH HE HAD PRESENTED.  Beneath the verdant hills—where the fair vestOf earthly mould first took the Lady dear,Who him that sends us, feather'd captives, her...Read more of this...

by Petrarch, Francesco
...SONNET XXVI. Soleasi nel mio cor star bella e viva. SINCE HER DEATH, NOTHING IS LEFT TO HIM BUT GRIEF.  She stood within my heart, warm, young, alone,As in a humble home a lady bright;By her last flight not merely am I grownRead more of this...

by Petrarch, Francesco
...SONNET XXXVII. Anima bella, da quel nodo sciolta. HE PRAYS LAURA TO LOOK DOWN UPON HIM FROM HEAVEN.  Bright spirit, from those earthly bonds released,The loveliest ever wove in Nature's loom,From thy bright skies compassionate th...Read more of this...

by Abercrombie, Lascelles seem
Running in golden tides to Ryton Firs,
To make the knot of steep little wooded hills
Their brightest show: O bella età de l'oro!
Now I breathe you again, my woods of Ryton:
Not only golden with your daffodil-fires
Lying in pools on the loose dusky ground
Beneath the larches, tumbling in broad rivers
Down sloping grass under the cherry trees
And birches: but among your branches clinging
A mist of that Ferrara-gold I first
Loved in the easy hours then green w...Read more of this...

by von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
...thes white and long;

She turn'd, and----*

(* This ballad is introduced in Act II. of Claudine 
of Villa Bella, where it is suddenly broken off, as it is here.)...Read more of this...

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things