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Famous Beatrice Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Beatrice poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous beatrice poems. These examples illustrate what a famous beatrice poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Dickinson, Emily
...Competitions ran --
When Plato -- was a Certainty --
And Sophocles -- a Man --

When Sappho -- was a living Girl --
And Beatrice wore
The Gown that Dante -- deified --
Facts Centuries before

He traverses -- familiar --
As One should come to Town --
And tell you all your Dreams -- were true --
He lived -- where Dreams were born --

His presence is Enchantment --
You beg him not to go --
Old Volume shake their Vellum Heads
And tantalize -- just so --...Read more of this...

by Wilde, Oscar
Which sent up lilies, dove-like, to his knees.
Now at their sight, my heart being lit with flame,
I cried to Beatrice, 'Who are these?'
And she made answer, knowing well each name,
'AEschylos first, the second Sophokles,
And last (wide stream of tears!) Euripides.'...Read more of this...

by Sherrick, Fannie Isabelle
...O beautiful woman, too well we know
The terrible weight of thy woman's woe,
So great that the world, in its careless way,
Remembered thy beauty for more than a day.
In the name of the truth from thy brow is torn
The crown of redemption thou long hast worn,
And into the valley of sin thou art hurled
To be trampled anew by the feet of the world.
The b...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Christ's Triumph, and the angelic roundelays, 
With splendor upon splendor multiplied; 
And Beatrice again at Dante's side 
No more rebukes, but smiles her words of praise. 
And then the organ sounds, and unseen choirs 

Sing the old Latin hymns of peace and love 

And benedictions of the Holy Ghost; 

And the melodious bells among the spires 

O'er all the house-tops and through heaven above 

Proclaim...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...tared at it with empty eyes.

"It is," said I, "the storied stream
Where Dante used to pace and dream,
And wait for Beatrice to pass."
(Oh how I felt a silly ass
Explaining this.) With eyes remote
He asked: "Was Beatrice a boat?"

Then tranced by far Fiesole
Softly I sought to steal away;
But his adhesiveness was grim,
I could not pry apart from him:
And so in our hotel-ward walk
Meekly I listened to his talk.

"Bologna! Say, the lunch was swell;
Them wops kno...Read more of this...

by Alighieri, Dante
...l - 
 Left her High Place, and crossed to where I sat 
 In speech with Rachel (of the first of all 
 God saved). "O Beatrice, Praise of God," 
 - So said she to me - "sitt'st thou here so slow 
 To aid him, once on earth that loved thee so 
 That all he left to serve thee? Hear'st thou not 
 The anguish of his plaint? and dost not see, 
 By that dark stream that never seeks a sea, 
 The death that threats him?" 
 None, as thus she
 None ever was swift on earth his...Read more of this...

by Alighieri, Dante
...i, e con la tua parola ornata

e con ci? c'ha mestieri al suo campare

l'aiuta, s? ch'i' ne sia consolata.

 I' son Beatrice che ti faccio andare;

vegno del loco ove tornar disio;

amor mi mosse, che mi fa parlare.

 Quando sar? dinanzi al segnor mio,

di te mi loder? sovente a lui".

Tacette allora, e poi comincia' io:

 "O donna di virt?, sola per cui

l'umana spezie eccede ogne contento

di quel ciel c'ha minor li cerchi sui,

 tanto m'aggrada il tuo comandame...Read more of this...

by Alighieri, Dante
...sive word, with all 
that is required to see that he escapes, 
bring help to him, that I may be consoled. 

I' son Beatrice che ti faccio andare; 
vegno del loco ove tornar disio; 
amor mi mosse, che mi fa parlare . 

For I am Beatrice who send you on; 
I come from where I most long to return; 
Love prompted me, that Love which makes me speak. 

Quando sar? dinanzi al segnor mio, 
di te mi loder? sovente a lui". 
Tacette allora, e poi comincia' io : 

When o...Read more of this...

by Masters, Edgar Lee
...gray, untidy,
Toothless, discarded, rural Don Juan. . .
There is a mighty shade here who sings
Of one named Beatrice;
And I see now that the force that made him great
Drove me to the dregs of life....Read more of this...

by Wilde, Oscar
...hout cease,
Even to kiss her feet I am not bold,
Being o'ershadowed by the wings of awe,
Like Dante, when he stood with Beatrice
Beneath the flaming Lion's breast, and saw
The seventh Crystal, and the Stair of Gold....Read more of this...

by Lanier, Sidney
...ial sands
That glimmer marginal to the monstrous night.
Comes him a Southwind from the scented vine,
It breathes of Beatrice through all his blades,
North, East or West, Guelph-wind or Ghibelline,
'Tis shredded into music down the shades;
All sea-breaths, land-breaths, systol, diastol,
Sway, minstrels of that grief-melodious Soul....Read more of this...

by Alighieri, Dante
...tto avea di l? mane e di qua sera
tal foce, e quasi tutto era l? bianco
quello emisperio, e l'altra parte nera,
 quando Beatrice in sul sinistro fianco
vidi rivolta e riguardar nel sole:
aquila s? non li s'affisse unquanco.
 E s? come secondo raggio suole
uscir del primo e risalire in suso,
pur come pelegrin che tornar vuole,
 cos? de l'atto suo, per li occhi infuso
ne l'imagine mia, il mio si fece,
e fissi li occhi al sole oltre nostr'uso.
 Molto ? licito l?, che qui...Read more of this...

by Brautigan, Richard
...alk Stream, by H. C. Cutcliffe,

published in 1910. No mention of it in Truth Is Stranger than Fishin',

by Beatrice Cook, published in 1955. No mention of it in

Northern Memoirs, by Richard Franck, published in 1694.

No mention of it in I Go A-Fishing, by W. C. Prime, published

in 1873. No mention of it in Trout Fishing and Trout Flies, by Jim

Quick, published in 1957. No mention of it in Certaine Experiments

Concerning Fish and Fruit...Read more of this...

by Alighieri, Dante
non ti fermar, se quella nol ti dice
che lume fia tra 'l vero e lo 'ntelletto.
 Non so se 'ntendi: io dico di Beatrice;
tu la vedrai di sopra, in su la vetta
di questo monte, ridere e felice».
 E io: «Segnore, andiamo a maggior fretta,
ché già non m'affatico come dianzi,
e vedi omai che 'l poggio l'ombra getta».
 «Noi anderem con questo giorno innanzi»,
rispuose, «quanto più potremo omai;
ma 'l fatto è d'altra forma che non stanzi.
 Prima che sie là sù, ...Read more of this...

by Wilde, Oscar
And begs in vain the ashes of her son.

O mightiest exile! all thy grief is done:
Thy soul walks now beside thy Beatrice;
Ravenna guards thine ashes: sleep in peace.


How lone this palace is; how grey the walls!
No minstrel now wakes echoes in these halls.
The broken chain lies rusting on the door,
And noisome weeds have split the marble floor:
Here lurks the snake, and here the lizards run
By the stone lions blinking in the sun.
Byron dwelt her...Read more of this...

by McGonagall, William Topaz
...of greys in grand harness;
And Her Majesty seemed to be in deep distress. 

By Her Majesty's side sat the Princess Beatrice
And the two younger Battenberg children, looking very nice;
And by the coffin walked the elder Prince, immediately
Between Prince Louis and Prince Joseph, holding their hands tenderly. 

The "Dead March" was played by the Marine Band;
And the music was solemn and very grand,
And accompanied by the roll of muffled drums;
Whilst among the spectato...Read more of this...

by Murray, Les
...having thrown up:
sprawl is never Calum, who, in the loud hallway of our house
reinvented the Festoon. Rather
it's Beatrice Miles going twelve hundred ditto in a taxi,
No Lewd Advances, no Hitting Animals, no Speeding,
on the proceeds of her two-bob-a-sonnet Shakespeare readings.
An image of my country. And would thatit were more so. 

No, sprawl is full gloss murals on a council-house wall.
Sprawl leans on things. It is loose-limbed in its mind.
...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Beatrice poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs