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Famous Balances Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Balances poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous balances poems. These examples illustrate what a famous balances poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

by Keats, John
...ounted in that region
Where falling stars dart their artillery forth,
And eagles struggle with the buffeting north
That balances the heavy meteor-stone;--
Felt too, I was not fearful, nor alone,
But lapp'd and lull'd along the dangerous sky.
Soon, as it seem'd, we left our journeying high,
And straightway into frightful eddies swoop'd;
Such as ay muster where grey time has scoop'd
Huge dens and caverns in a mountain's side:
There hollow sounds arous'd me, and I sigh'd
To ...Read more of this...

by Blake, William
...epare for war!' he cries--
Gordred appears!--his frowning brow
Troubles our northern skies.

The armies stand, like balances
Held in th' Almighty's hand;--
`Gwin, thou hast fill'd thy measure up:
Thou'rt swept from out the land.'

And now the raging armies rush'd
Like warring mighty seas;
The heav'ns are shook with roaring war,
The dust ascends the skies!

Earth smokes with blood, and groans and shakes
To drink her children's gore,
A sea of blood; nor can the eye
See ...Read more of this...

by Wylie, Elinor; 
The sun has strapped it to his wheel; 
Its course is crooked to escape 
Traps and gins of stone and steel.

It balances on air, and spins 
Snared by strong transparent space; 
I forgive it all its sins; 
I kiss the scars upon its face....Read more of this...

by Tzara, Tristan DADA,
PLESIOSAURUS, or handkerchief

The talent THAT CAN BE LEARNED makes the
poet a druggist TODAY the criticism
of balances no longer challenges with resemblances

Hypertrophic painters hyperaes-
theticized and hypnotized by the hyacinths
of the hypocritical-looking muezzins


Hypodrome of immortal guarantees: there is
no such thing as importance there is no transparence 
or appearance

BLI...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William postage stamps;
My room is cold and bare as you can see,
My coat is old and shabby as a tramp's;
Yet more to me than balances in banks,
My albums three are worth a million francs.

I keep them in that box beside my bed,
For who would dream such treasures it could hold;
But every day I take them out and spread
Each page, to gloat like miser o'er his gold:
Dearer to me than could be child or wife,
I would defend them with my very life.

They are my very life, for eve...Read more of this...

by Twain, Mark
...tered under carts
In lee of barn the cows,
The skurrying swine with straw in mouth,
The wild spray from our bows!

"She balances!
She wavers!
Now let her go about!
If she misses stays and broaches to,
We're all"--then with a shout,]
"Huray! huray!
Avast! belay!
Take in more sail!
Lord, what a gale!
Ho, boy, haul taut on the hind mule's tail!"
"Ho! lighten ship! ho! man the pump!
Ho, hostler, heave the lead!

"A quarter-three!--'tis shoaling fast!
Three feet large!--t-h-r-e-e ...Read more of this...

by Dryden, John
...wer might never cease, 
Secured succession to secure our peace. 
Thus property and sovereign sway at last 
In equal balances were justly cast; 
But this new Jehu spurs the hot-mounted horse, 
Instructs the beast to know his native force, 
To take the bit between his teeth and fly 
To the next headlong steep of anarchy. 
Too happy Engand, if our good we knew, 
Would we possess the freedom we pursue! 
The lavish government can give no more; 
Yet we repine, and plenty ma...Read more of this...

by Desnos, Robert
...your eyes.
I'd like to shut them with my lips.
But the window opens and the breeze, the breeze
which strangely balances flame and flag surrounds my escape
with its cloak.
The window opens: it's not you.
I knew it all along....Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Balances poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs