Famous Badges Poems by Famous Poets
These are examples of famous Badges poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous badges poems. These examples illustrate what a famous badges poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).
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red tapists,
down the row,
They strut around
as peacocks,
badges and fountain pens
studding their chests.
We’ll lick the lot of ’em-
to lick ’em
is no easy job
at the very best.
On snow-covered lands
and on stubbly fields,
in smoky plants
and on factory sites,
with you in our hearts,
Comrade Lenin,
we build,
we think,
we breathe,
we live,
and we fight!”
Awhirl with events,
packed with jobs o...Read more of this...
Mayakovsky, Vladimir
...th and water wrought,
I must attend time's leisure with my moan,
Receiving nought by elements so slow,
But heavy tears, badges of either's woe....Read more of this...
Shakespeare, William
...arth and water wrought
I must attend time's leisure with my moan,
Receiving nought by elements so slow
But heavy tears, badges of either's woe....Read more of this...
Shakespeare, William
...s hurt
for someone else. Christ knows enough
staunch guys have hitched him in trouble.
thinking his sticks were badges to wear.
Spring rusts on its skinny branch
and last summer's lawn
is soggy and brown.
Yesterday is just a number.
All of its winters avalanche
out of sight. What was, is gone.
Mother, last night I slept
in your Bonwit Teller nightgown.
Divided, you climbed into my head.
There in my jabbering dream
I heard my own ang...Read more of this...
Sexton, Anne
...s that cinch such
And what about the staunch neighbor tabulations,
with all their zest for doom?
I'm wearing badges
that cancel all your kindness. Forthright
I watch the silver Zeppelin
destroy the sky. To
stir your confidence?
To rouse what sanctions—?
The silver strophe... the canto
bright with myth ... Such
distances leap landward without
evil smile. And, as for me....
The window weight throbs in its blind
pa...Read more of this...
Crane, Hart
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