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Famous Avaricious Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Avaricious poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous avaricious poems. These examples illustrate what a famous avaricious poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Lehman, David
 who thinks he is the agent of world history.
But most of them are neither ostentatiously pious nor
 excessively avaricious.
How I envy them! They believe.
How I envy them their annual family reunion on Passover,
 anniversary of the Exodus, when all the uncles and aunts and
 cousins get together.
They wonder about the heritage of Judaism they are passing along
 to their children.
Have they done as much as they could to keep the old embers
Othe...Read more of this...

by Byron, George (Lord)
...t their way
To pay him honour,—and myself whate'er
Your honour pleases,"—then most pleased I shook
From out my pocket's avaricious nook
Some certain coins of silver, which as 'twere
Perforce I gave this man, though I could spare
So much but inconveniently:—Ye smile,
I see ye, ye profane ones! all the while,
Because my homely phrase the truth would tell.
You are the fools, not I—for I did dwell
With a deep thought, and with a softened eye,
On that Old Sexton's natural homi...Read more of this...

by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler tall church spires point above, 
While priests proclaim the law of Christ, the King of Love.

The avaricious and encroaching rail
Seized the wide fields which knew the Indians' trail.
Back to the reservations in the West
The native owners of the land were pressed, 
And selfish cities, harbingers of want, 
Shut from their vision each accustomed haunt.
Yet hungry Progress, never satisfied, 
Gazed on the western plains, and gazing, longed and sighed...Read more of this...

by Wilmot, John
...Thousand Slaves: 
In Witt alone, it has beene Magnificent, 
Of which, soe just a share, to each is sent 
That the most Avaricious are content. 
For none e're thought, (the due Division's such), 
His owne too little, or his Friends too much. 
Yet most Men shew, or find great want of Witt, 
Writeing themselves, or Judging what is writ: 
But I, who am of sprightly Vigour full 
Looke on Mankind, as Envious, and dull. 
Borne to my self, my self I like alone, 
And must...Read more of this...

by McGonagall, William Topaz came in view;
Consisting of archers and horsemen, bold and true;
The main body was led on by King Edward himself,
An avaricious man, and fond of pelf. 

The Abbot of Inchaffray celebrated mass,
And all along the Scottish lines barefoot he did pass,
With the crucifix in his hand, a most beautitul sight to see,
Exhorting them to trust in God, and He would set them free. 

Then the Scottish army knelt down on the field,
And King Edward he thought they were going to yi...Read more of this...

by Sexton, Anne
...I don't know whether it was gold or silver.
I don't know why he betrayed him
other than his motives,
other than the avaricious and dishonest man.
And then there were the forbidden crimes,
those that were expressly foretold,
and then overlooked
and then forgotten
except by me . . .
Judas had a mother
just as I had a mother.
Oh! Honor and relish the facts!
Do not think of the intense sensation
I have as I tell you this
but think only . . .

J...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Avaricious poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things