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Famous Assembling Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Assembling poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous assembling poems. These examples illustrate what a famous assembling poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Gluck, Louise
...Even now this landscape is assembling.
The hills darken. The oxen
Sleep in their blue yoke,
The fields having been
Picked clean, the sheaves
Bound evenly and piled at the roadside
Among cinquefoil, as the toothed moon rises:

This is the barrenness
Of harvest or pestilence
And the wife leaning out the window
With her hand extended, as in payment,
And the seeds
Distinct, gold, ...Read more of this...

by Thomas, Dylan
...e locks, and rang.
Dig no more for the chains of his grey-haired heart.
The heavenly ambulance drawn by a wound
Assembling waits for the spade's ring on the cage.
O keep his bones away from the common cart,
The morning is flying on the wings of his age
And a hundred storks perch on the sun's right hand....Read more of this...

by Wilmot, John
'Tis therefore not enough, when your false Sense 
Hits the false Judgment of an Audience 
Of Clapping-Fooles, assembling a vast Crowd 
'Till the throng'd Play-House, crack with the dull Load; 
Tho' ev'n that Tallent, merrits in some sort, 
That can divert the Rabble and the Court: 
Which blundring Settle, never cou'd attaine, 
And puzling Otway, labours at in vaine. 
But within due proportions, circumscribe 
What e're you write; that with a flowing Tyde, 
The St...Read more of this...

by Dickinson, Emily
...Tis more pitiful Endeavor
Than did Loaded Sea
O'er the Curls attempt to caper
It had cast away --

Never Bride had such Assembling --
Never kinsmen kneeled
To salute so fair a Forehead --
Garland be indeed --

Fitter Feet -- of Her before us --
Than whatever Brow
Art of Snow -- or Trick of Lily
Possibly bestow

Of Her Father -- Whoso ask Her --
He shall seek as high
As the Palm -- that serve the Desert --
To obtain the Sky --

Distance -- be Her only Motion --
If 'tis Nay -- ...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
...that Nahma, King of Fishes, 
Lay there dead upon the margin.
Then he heard a clang and flapping, 
As of many wings assembling, 
Heard a screaming and confusion, 
As of birds of prey contending, 
Saw a gleam of light above him, 
Shining through the ribs of Nahma, 
Saw the glittering eyes of sea-gulls, 
Of Kayoshk, the sea-gulls, peering, 
Gazing at him through the opening, 
Heard them saying to each other, 
"'T is our brother, Hiawatha!"
And he shouted from below them, 
C...Read more of this...

by Watts, Isaac
From him that sits upon the throne;
Jesus, my Lord, prevails to look
On dark decrees and things unknown.]

All the assembling saints around
Fall worshipping before the Lamb,
And in new songs of gospel sound
Address their honors to his name.

[The Joy, the shout, the harmony,
Flies o'er the everlasting hills
"Worthy art thou alone," they cry,
To read the book, to loose the seals."]

Our voices join the heav'nly strain,
And with transporting pleasure sing,
"Worthy ...Read more of this...

by Lanier, Sidney
...s, in the dark of the dungeon-keep
Of the Castle of Captives hid in the City of Sleep,
Upstarted, by twos and by threes assembling:
The gates of sleep fell a-trembling
Like as the lips of a lady that forth falter `Yes,'
Shaken with happiness:
The gates of sleep stood wide.

I have waked, I have come, my beloved! I might not abide:
I have come ere the dawn, O beloved, my live-oaks, to hide
In your gospelling glooms, -- to be
As a lover in heaven, the marsh my marsh and the...Read more of this...

by Nicolson, Adela Florence Cory as they go.

   Oh, my dearest hasten, hasten!  It is lonely here.  Already
   Have I heard the jackals' first assembling cry,
   And among the purple shadows of the mangroves and the marshes
   Fitful echoes of their footfalls passing by.

   Ah, come soon! my arms are empty, and so weary for your beauty,
   I am thirsty for the music of your voice.
   Come to make the marshes joyous with the sweetness of your presence,
   Let your nearing feet bid all the sa...Read more of this...

by Milton, John
...l? Thither let us tend 
From off the tossing of these fiery waves; 
There rest, if any rest can harbour there; 
And, re-assembling our afflicted powers, 
Consult how we may henceforth most offend 
Our enemy, our own loss how repair, 
How overcome this dire calamity, 
What reinforcement we may gain from hope, 
If not, what resolution from despair." 
 Thus Satan, talking to his nearest mate, 
With head uplift above the wave, and eyes 
That sparkling blazed; his other parts ...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth lines descending from it.

Footprints pointing towards a wigwam
Were a sign of invitation,
Were a sign of guests assembling;
Bloody hands with palms uplifted
Were a symbol of destruction,
Were a hostile sign and symbol.
All these things did Hiawatha
Show unto his wondering people,
And interpreted their meaning,
And he said: "Behold, your grave-posts
Have no mark, no sign, nor symbol,
Go and paint them all with figures;
Each one with its household symbol,
With its o...Read more of this...

by Lowell, Amy
...Theodore, her belated guardian,
Emerged. She snuggled up against him, trembling,
Half out of fear, half out of the assembling
Of all the thoughts and needs his playing had given.
Had she enjoyed herself, he wished to know.
"Oh! Theodore, can't you feel that it was Heaven!"
"Heaven! My Lottachen, and was it so?
Gebnitz was in good voice, but all the flow
Of her last aria was spoiled by Klops,
A wretched flutist, she was mad as hops."
He was so simple, so matte...Read more of this...

by Lanier, Sidney
...le sigh
Of true love's least, least ecstasy?"
Then, with a bridegroom's heart-beats trembling,
All the mightier strings assembling
Ranged them on the violins' side
As when the bridegroom leads the bride,
And, heart in voice, together cried:
"Yea, what avail the endless tale
Of gain by cunning and plus by sale?
Look up the land, look down the land
The poor, the poor, the poor, they stand
Wedged by the pressing of Trade's hand
Against an inward-opening door
That pressure tighte...Read more of this...

by Levine, Philip
...ourning in shadow 
a nerve waking in the groin 

the distant hills 
turning their white heads away 

told by the clouds assembling 
in the trees, told by the blooming 

of a black mouth beneath the rose 
the worm sobbing, the dust 

settling on my eyelid, told 
by salt, by water, told and told....Read more of this...

by Verhaeren, Emile
...e black days a calm and steadfast sanctuary.
All is centred there: your fervour and your brightness and your movements assembling the flowers of your goodness; but all is drawn together closely in a deep peace against the sharp winds piercing the winter of the world.
My happiness keeps warm there within your folded arms; your pretty, artless words, in their gladness and familiarity, sing still with as great a charm to my ears as in the days of the white lilac or of the red ...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Assembling poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs