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Famous Arrivals Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Arrivals poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous arrivals poems. These examples illustrate what a famous arrivals poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Stojanovic, Dejan
...cause the tides, 
Earth is never late to greet the Sun and the Moon; 
Thus accidents are not accidents 
But precise arrivals at the wrong right time.
 Love is almost never simple; 
Too often, feelings arrive too soon, 
Waiting for thoughts that often come too late.
 I wanted too, to be simple and precise 
Like the Sun, 
Like the Moon, 
Like the Earth
But the Earth was booked 
Billions of years in advance; 
Designed to meet all desires, 
All arrivals, al...Read more of this...

by Brodsky, Joseph
...A hotel in whose ledgers departures are more prominent than arrivals.
With wet Koh-i-noors the October rain
strokes what's left of the naked brain.
In this country laid flat for the sake of rivers,
beer smells of Germany and the seaguls are
in the air like a page's soiled corners.
Morning enters the premises with a coroner's
punctuality, puts its ear 
to the ribs of a cold radiator, detects sub-ze...Read more of this...

by Webb, Charles
...> Treasury? Is my flight number

already flashing as cameras grind and the newly-
bereaved moan? Or does it gleam under Arrivals,
digits turned innocuous as those that didn't

win the raffle for a new Ford truck?
If, somewhere, I'm en route now, am I
praying the winged ballpoint I'm strapped into

will write on Denver's runway, "Safe and Sound"?
Was my pocket picked in Burbank,
and I've just noticed at thirty thousand feet?

Am I smiling, watching the clouds' icefields
melt t...Read more of this...

by Olds, Sharon
...I pull the bed slowly open, I
open the lips of the bed, get
the stack of fresh underpants
out of the suitcase—peach, white,
cherry, quince, pussy willow, I
choose a color and put them on,
I travel with the stack for the stack's caress,
dry and soft. I enter the soft
birth-lips of the bed, take off my
glasses, and the cabbage-roses on the curtain
blur t...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
... Better not be at all 
Than not be noble. Leave us: you may go: 
Today the Lady Psyche will harangue 
The fresh arrivals of the week before; 
For they press in from all the provinces, 
And fill the hive.' 
She spoke, and bowing waved 
Dismissal: back again we crost the court 
To Lady Psyche's: as we entered in, 
There sat along the forms, like morning doves 
That sun their milky bosoms on the thatch, 
A patient range of pupils; she herself 
Erect behind a desk of ...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Arrivals poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things