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Famous Arn Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Arn poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous arn poems. These examples illustrate what a famous arn poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Eliot, T S (Thomas Stearns)
If thou craue batayl bare,
Here faylez thou not to fyyght."
"Nay, frayst I no fyyght, in fayth I the telle,
Hit arn aboute on this bench bot berdlez chylder.
If I were hasped in armes on a heyghe stede,

Here is no mon me to mach, for myyghtez so wayke.
Forthy I craue in this court a Crystemas gomen,
For hit is Yghol and Nwe Ygher, and here ar yghep mony:
If any so hardy in this hous holdez hymseluen,
Be so bolde in his blod, brayn in hys hede,
That da...Read more of this...

by Chaucer, Geoffrey
...dermost a-yein a lawe,
And ben converted from hir wikked werkes
Thorugh grace of god, that list hem to him drawe, 
Than arn they folk that han most god in awe,
And strengest-feythed been, I understonde,
And conne an errour alder-best withstonde.'
Whan Troilus had herd Pandare assented
To been his help in loving of Criseyde, 
Wex of his wo, as who seyth, untormented,
But hotter wex his love, and thus he seyde,
With sobre chere, al-though his herte pleyde,
'Now blisful Venu...Read more of this...

by Chaucer, Geoffrey
And som men seyn that nedely ther is noon; 
But that free chois is yeven us everichoon.
O, welaway! So sleye arn clerkes olde,
That I not whos opinion I may holde.

'For som men seyn, if god seth al biforn,
Ne god may not deceyved ben, pardee, 
Than moot it fallen, though men hadde it sworn,
That purveyaunce hath seyn bifore to be.
Wherfor I seye, that from eterne if he
Hath wist biforn our thought eek as our dede,
We have no free chois, as these clerkes re...Read more of this...

by Chaucer, Geoffrey honde,
Upon the sight of matere of your sonde.

'Myn eyen two, in veyn with which I see,
Of sorweful teres salte arn waxen welles;
My song, in pleynte of myn adversitee; 
My good, in harm; myn ese eek waxen helle is.
My Ioye, in wo; I can sey yow nought elles,
But turned is, for which my lyf I warie,
Everich Ioye or ese in his contrarie.

'Which with your cominge hoom ayein to Troye 
Ye may redresse, and, more a thousand sythe
Than ever ich hadde, encressen in ...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Arn poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things