Famous Approval Poems by Famous Poets
These are examples of famous Approval poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous approval poems. These examples illustrate what a famous approval poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).
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...ful cities, and arm of the sea between.
But drill and parade are over—they march back to quarters;
Only hear that approval of hands! hear what a clapping!
As wending, the crowds now part and disperse—but we, old man,
Not for nothing have I brought you hither—we must remain;
You to speak in your turn, and I to listen and tell.
When I clutch’d your hand, it was not with terror;
But suddenly, pouring about me here, on every side,
And below t...Read more of this...
Whitman, Walt
While Zeno pointed to it silently.
But eyes met eyes, and Joss, well pleased, was fain
By nod of head to make approval plain.
If sulphurous light had shone from this vile well
One might have said it was a mouth of hell,
So large the trap that by some sudden blow
A man might backward fall and sink below.
Who looked could see a harrow's threatening teeth,
But lost in night was everything beneath.
Partitions blood...Read more of this...
Hugo, Victor
...the awareness
Of things ill done and done to others' harm
Which once you took for exercise of virtue.
Then fools' approval stings, and honour stains.
From wrong to wrong the exasperated spirit
Proceeds, unless restored by that refining fire
Where you must move in measure, like a dancer.'
The day was breaking. In the disfigured street
He left me, with a kind of valediction,
And faded on the blowing of the horn.
There are three conditions which ...Read more of this...
Eliot, T S (Thomas Stearns)
Give up this medical concern,
buttoned, attentive,
permit yourself anger
and permit me mine
which needs neither
your approval nor your suprise
which does not need to be made legal
which is not against a disease
but agaist you,
which does not need to be understood
or washed or cauterized,
which needs instead
to be said and said.
Permit me the present tense....Read more of this...
Atwood, Margaret
...ose crippling years when friends were few,
And fearful to be known by their own names
When mine was vilified for their approval.
Yet friends they are, and they did what was given
Their will to do; they could have done no more.
I was the one man mad enough, it seems,
To do my work; and now my work is over.
And you, my dear, are not to mourn for me,
Or for your sons, more than a soul should mourn
In Paradise, done with evil and with earth.
There is not m...Read more of this...
Robinson, Edwin Arlington
...ounce the government and embrace
the flag. Hope to live in that free
republic for which it stands.
Give your approval to all you cannot
understand. Praise ignorance, for what man
has not encountered he has not destroyed.
Ask the questions that have no answers.
Invest in the millenium. Plant sequoias.
Say that your main crop is the forest
that you did not plant,
that you will not live to harvest.
Say that the leaves are harvested
wh...Read more of this...
Berry, Wendell
Should be bared for all to see
In colour and in line.
So dear ladies, recognise
The dimpling of your waist
Has approval in my eyes,
Favour in my taste.
Darlings, please you, paint them gold,
Or some pastel hue;
Make them starry to behold,
Witching to the view.
Though I know I never should
Say such things as this:
How a rosebud navel would
Be sweet to kiss!...Read more of this...
Service, Robert William
...ind that the principle laid
down by me to myself in translating Schiller met with the very general,
if not universal, approval of the reader. At the same time, I have
endeavoured to profit in the case of this, the younger born of the
two attempts made by me to transplant the muse of Germany to the
shores of Britain, by the criticisms, whether friendly or hostile,
that have been evoked or provoked by the appearance of its elder
As already mentioned, th...Read more of this...
von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
...that purpose, received in my brain
``And pronounced on the rest of his hand-work---returned him again
``His creation's approval or censure: I spoke as I saw:
``I report, as a man may of God's work---all's love, yet all's law.
``Now I lay down the judgeship he lent me. Each faculty tasked
``To perceive him, has gained an abyss, where a dewdrop was asked.
``Have I knowledge? confounded it shrivels at Wisdom laid bare.
``Have I forethought? how purblind, how bla...Read more of this...
Browning, Robert
Rest without toil I would not ask;
I would not shun the hardest task:
Toil is my glory - Grief my gain,
If God's approval they obtain.
Could I but hear my Saviour say, -
"I know thy patience and thy love;
How thou hast held the narrow way,
For my sake laboured night and day,
And watched, and striven with them that strove;
And still hast borne, and didst not faint," -
Oh, this would be reward indeed!'
'Press forward, then, without complaint;
Labour and love - a...Read more of this...
Bronte, Anne
...R>So courteously her eyes and brow he press'd,All at his choice in fond approval vied—Envy through my sole veins at that sweet freedom run. Macgregor. A sovereign nature,—an exalted mind,—A soul proud—sleepless—with a lynx's eye,—Read more of this...
Petrarch, Francesco
...ditty to you,
In my necktie of red and my jacket of blue;
I'm sure you'll prefer the song that was mine
And smile your approval on your valentine.
Who I am I shall not say,
But I send you this bouquet
With this query, baby mine:
"Will you be my valentine?"
See these roses blushing blue,
Very like your eyes of hue;
While these violets are the red
Of your cheeks. It can be said
Ne'er before was babe like you.
And I think it is quite true...Read more of this...
Field, Eugene
...d on the left like that red tick
they never marked his work with much at school.
Half this skinhead's age but with approval
I helped whitewash a V on a brick wall.
No one clamoured in the press for its removal
or thought the sign, in wartime, rude at all.
These Vs are all the versuses of life
From LEEDS v. DERBY, Black/White
and (as I've known to my cost) man v. wife,
Communist v. Fascist, Left v. Right,
Class v. class as bitter as before,
t...Read more of this...
Harrison, Tony
...the good people forgot their old Saint
Not applying at all for the leave of Saint Swithin
And that William of Wykeham's approval was faint.
The races however were fixed and determined
The company came and the Weather was charming
The Lords and the Ladies were satine'd and ermined
And nobody saw any future alarming.--
But when the old Saint was informed of these doings
He made but one Spring from his Shrine to the Roof
Of the Palace which now lies so sadly in ruins...Read more of this...
Austen, Jane
Dont forget to view our wonderful member Approval poems.