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Famous Alleviate Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Alleviate poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous alleviate poems. These examples illustrate what a famous alleviate poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Butler, Ellis Parker
...them look into the matter
 Ere the thing went farther yet.

And the merry burgomasters
 Did decide the only way
To alleviate the evil
 Without worry or delay
Would be just to call a meeting
 Of the burghers, great and small,
And then open every wine cask
 And proceed to drink it all.

“For,” they said, “when we have swallowed
 Every drop that’s in the land,
There can be no more of drinking,
 It is plain to understand.”
So they called a monster meeting,
 And the b...Read more of this...

by McGonagall, William Topaz
...rom the windows into the street below. 

The crushed and charred bodies were carried into London Hotel yard,
And to alleviate their sufferings the doctors tried hard;
But, alas! their attendance on many was thrown away,
But those that survived were conveyed to Exeter Hospital without delay. 

And all those that had their wounds dressed proceeded home,
Accompanied by their friends, and making a loud moan;
While the faces and necks of others were sickening to behold,
En...Read more of this...

by Southey, Robert
In dreams it comes, and brings with it the DAYS
And JOYS that are no more, Or when, perchance
With power permitted to alleviate ill
And fit the sufferer for the coming woe,
Some strange presage the SPIRIT breathes, and fills
The breast with ominous fear, and disciplines
For sorrow, pours into the afflicted heart
The balm of resignation, and inspires
With heavenly hope. Even as a Child delights
To visit day by day the favorite plant
His hand has sown, to mark its gradual...Read more of this...

by Killigrew, Anne Care. 

Thou who, times past, a Lover wer't, 
 Ah! pity me, who now am so, 
And by a sense of thine own smart, 
 Alleviate my Mighty Woe. 

Come Flatter then, or Chide my Grief; 
 Catch my last Words, and call me Fool;
Or say, she Loves, for my Relief; 
 My Passion either sooth, or School....Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Alleviate poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs