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Famous Alights Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Alights poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous alights poems. These examples illustrate what a famous alights poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Betjeman, John
...Gaily into Ruislip Gardens
Runs the red electric train,
With a thousand Ta's and Pardon's
Daintily alights Elaine;
Hurries down the concrete station
With a frown of concentration,
Out into the outskirt's edges
Where a few surviving hedges
Keep alive our lost Elysium - rural Middlesex again.

Well cut Windsmoor flapping lightly,
Jacqmar scarf of mauve and green
Hiding hair which, Friday nightly,
Delicately drowns in Dreen;
Fair Elaine the bobby-soxer,
...Read more of this...

by Hugo, Victor marge 
 Bears her slight footfall, tim'rous half, yet free, 
 In innocent extravagance of glee 
 The graceful elf alights from out the spheres, 
 While the quick spirit—thing of eyes and ears— 
 As now she goes, now comes, mounts, and anon 
 Descends, those delicate degrees upon, 
 Hears her melodious spirit from step to step run on. 
 Fraser's Magazine 


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by Milton, John necessity, 
The tyrant's plea, excused his devilish deeds. 
Then from his lofty stand on that high tree 
Down he alights among the sportful herd 
Of those four-footed kinds, himself now one, 
Now other, as their shape served best his end 
Nearer to view his prey, and, unespied, 
To mark what of their state he more might learn, 
By word or action marked. About them round 
A lion now he stalks with fiery glare; 
Then as a tiger, who by chance hath spied 
In some purl...Read more of this...

by Hugo, Victor

 ("Soyez comme l'oiseau.") 
 {XXXIII. vi.} 

 Thou art like the bird 
 That alights and sings 
 Though the frail spray bends— 
 For he knows he has wings. 


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Dont forget to view our wonderful member Alights poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs