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Famous Aid Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Aid poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous aid poems. These examples illustrate what a famous aid poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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...our tiger-lily breast.
We --- oh what lingering doubt or fear betrayed
My life to fate! --- we parted. Was I afraid?
I was afraid, afraid to live my love,
Afraid you played the serpent, I the dove,
Afraid of what I know not. I am glad 
Of all the shame and wretchedness I had,
Since those six weeks have taught me not to doubt you,
And also that I cannot live without you.

Then I came back to you; black treasons rear
Their heads, blind hates, deaf agonies of fea...Read more of this...
by Crowley, Aleister

Want as much more, to turn it to its use,
For Wit and Judgment often are at strife,
Tho' meant each other's Aid, like Man and Wife.
'Tis more to guide than spur the Muse's Steed;
Restrain his Fury, than provoke his Speed;
The winged Courser, like a gen'rous Horse,
Shows most true Mettle when you check his Course.

Those RULES of old discover'd, not devis'd,
Are Nature still, but Nature Methodiz'd;
Nature, like Liberty, is but restrain'd
By the same Laws wh...Read more of this...
by Pope, Alexander morn
Seems to give forth its light in very scorn
Of our dull, uninspired, snail-paced lives.
Long have I said, how happy he who shrives
To thee! But then I thought on poets gone,
And could not pray:--nor can I now--so on
I move to the end in lowliness of heart.----

 "Ah, woe is me! that I should fondly part
From my dear native land! Ah, foolish maid!
Glad was the hour, when, with thee, myriads bade
Adieu to Ganges and their pleasant fields!
To one so friend...Read more of this...
by Keats, John
...hing light - a fleeting shade -
Beginning, end, and middle
Of all that human art hath made
Or wit devised! Go, seek HER aid,
If you would read my riddle!...Read more of this...
by Carroll, Lewis
...ts the human heart, as if just there,
Though an immortal, she felt cruel pain:
The other upon Saturn's bended neck
She laid, and to the level of his ear
Leaning with parted lips, some words she spake
In solemn tenor and deep organ tone:
Some mourning words, which in our feeble tongue
Would come in these like accents; O how frail
To that large utterance of the early Gods!
"Saturn, look up!---though wherefore, poor old King?
I have no comfort for thee, no not one:
I cannot say,...Read more of this...
by Keats, John, ye scarce should ask, who see 
 The beast that turned me, nor faint hope have I 
 To force that passage if thine aid deny." 
 He answered, "Would ye leave this wild and live, 
 Strange road is ours, for where the she-wolf lies 
 Shall no man pass, except the path he tries 
 Her craft entangle. No way fugitive 
 Avoids the seeking of her greeds, that give 
 Insatiate hunger, and such vice perverse 
 As makes her leaner while she feeds, and worse 
 Her craving.Read more of this...
by Alighieri, Dante
...d oft, in sudden mood, for many a day 
From all communion he would start away: 
And then, his rarely call'd attendants said, 
Through night's long hours would sound his hurried tread 
O'er the dark gallery, where his fathers frown'd 
In rude but antique portraiture around. 
They heard, but whisper'd — "/that/ must not be known — 
The sound of words less earthly than his own. 
Yes, they who chose might smile, but some had seen 
They scarce knew what, but more than shou...Read more of this...
by Byron, George (Lord)
...put down, 
For an experiment upon the crown, 
She p?rfected that engine, oft assayed, 
How after childbirth to renew a maid, 
And found how royal heirs might be matured 
In fewer months than mothers once endured. 
Hence Crowther made the rare inventress free 
Of's Higness's Royal Society-- 
Happiest of women, if she were but able 
To make her glassen Dukes once malle?ble! 
Paint her with oyster lip and breath of fame, 
Wide mouth that 'sparagus may well proclaim; 
With Ch...Read more of this...
by Marvell, Andrew of clay, son of despite, 
Whom, us the more to spite, his Maker raised 
From dust: Spite then with spite is best repaid. 
So saying, through each thicket dank or dry, 
Like a black mist low-creeping, he held on 
His midnight-search, where soonest he might find 
The serpent; him fast-sleeping soon he found 
In labyrinth of many a round self-rolled, 
His head the midst, well stored with subtile wiles: 
Not yet in horrid shade or dismal den, 
Nor nocent yet; but, on the ...Read more of this...
by Milton, John
...and guile. 
Whence Adam, faltering long, thus answered brief. 
I heard thee in the garden, and of thy voice 
Afraid, being naked, hid myself. To whom 
The gracious Judge without revile replied. 
My voice thou oft hast heard, and hast not feared, 
But still rejoiced; how is it now become 
So dreadful to thee? That thou art naked, who 
Hath told thee? Hast thou eaten of the tree, 
Whereof I gave thee charge thou shouldst not eat? 
To whom thus Adam sore beset re...Read more of this...
by Milton, John
...t was antiently compos'd, hath been ever held the
gravest, moralest, and most profitable of all other Poems:
therefore said by Aristotle to be of power by raising pity and fear,
or terror, to purge the mind of those and such like passions, that is
to temper and reduce them to just measure with a kind of delight,
stirr'd up by reading or seeing those passions well imitated. Nor is
Nature wanting in her own effects to make good his assertion: for
so in Physic things of mela...Read more of this...
by Milton, John another's case.

No voice divine the storm allay'd,
No light propitious shone;
When, snatch'd from all effectual aid,
We perish'd, each alone:
But I beneath a rougher sea,
And whelm'd in deeper gulfs than he....Read more of this...
by Cowper, William
...ina, cap of Spain, imperative haw 
25 Of hum, inquisitorial botanist, 
26 And general lexicographer of mute 
27 And maidenly greenhorns, now beheld himself, 
28 A skinny sailor peering in the sea-glass. 
29 What word split up in clickering syllables 
30 And storming under multitudinous tones 
31 Was name for this short-shanks in all that brunt? 
32 Crispin was washed away by magnitude. 
33 The whole of life that still remained in him 
34 Dwindled to one soun...Read more of this...
by Stevens, Wallace village of the plain,
Where health and plenty cheered the labouring swain,
Where smiling spring its earliest visits paid,
And parting summer's lingering blooms delayed:
Dear lovely bowers of innocence and ease,
Seats of my youth, where every sport could please,
How often have I loitered o'er your green,
Where humble happiness endeared each scene;
How often have I paused on every charm,
The sheltered cot, the cultivated farm,
The never-failing brook, the busy mill,
The dece...Read more of this...
by Goldsmith, Oliver
...well.  My gentle reader, I perceive  How patiently you've waited,  And I'm afraid that you expect  Some tale will be related.   O reader! had you in your mind  Such stores as silent thought can bring,  O gentle reader! you would find  A tale in every thing.  What more I have to say is short,  I hope you'll kindly take it; ...Read more of this...
by Wordsworth, William
...s I began  To lisp, he made me kneel beside my bed,  And in his hearing there my prayers I said:  And afterwards, by my good father taught,  I read, and loved the books in which I read;  For books in every neighbouring house I sought,  And nothing to my mind a sweeter pleasure brought.   Can I forget what charms did once adorn  My garden, stored with pease, a...Read more of this...
by Wordsworth, William
...d half a hint of this  With, "God forbid it should be true!"  At the first word that Susan said  Cried Betty, rising from the bed,  "Susan, I'd gladly stay with you."   "I must be gone, I must away,  Consider, Johnny's but half-wise;  Susan, we must take care of him,  If he is hurt in life or limb"—  "Oh God forbid!" poor Susan cries.Read more of this...
by Wordsworth, William
...tains murmuring,
        Still must thy sweeter sounds their silence keep,
     Nor bid a warrior smile, nor teach a maid to weep?

     Not thus, in ancient days of Caledon, 10
        Was thy voice mute amid the festal crowd,
     When lay of hopeless love, or glory won,
        Aroused the fearful or subdued the proud.
     At each according pause was heard aloud
        Thine ardent symphony sublime and high!
     Fair dames and crested chiefs attention bowed;
...Read more of this...
by Scott, Sir Walter
...niel come to judgment! yes a Daniel!
I thank thee, Jew for teaching me that word.' 


It hath been wisely said, that 'One fool makes many;' and it hath been poetically observed —

'That fools rush in where angels fear to tread.' - Pope 

If Mr. Southey had not rushed in where he had no business, and where he never was before, and never will be again, the following poem would not have been written. It is not impossible that it may be as good as his own...Read more of this...
by Byron, George (Lord)
...en everywhere, 
Tall young men with English faces 
Standing rigidly in their places, 
Rows and rows of them stiff and staid 
In powder and breeches and bright gold braid; 
And high above them on the wall 
Hung other English faces-all 
Part of the pattern of English life—
General Sir Charles, and his pretty wife, 
Admirals, Lords-Lieutenant of Shires, 
Men who were served by these footmen's sires 
At their great parties-none of them knowing 
How soon or late they would all be ...Read more of this...
by Miller, Alice Duer

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Aid poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things