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Famous Admirers Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Admirers poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous admirers poems. These examples illustrate what a famous admirers poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by McGonagall, William Topaz
...I'm sure 'tie really grand.
Immortal! Bard of Avon, your writings are divine,
And will live in the memories of you admirers until the end of time;
Your plays are read in family ciFcles with wonder and delight,
While seated around the fireside on a cold winter's night....Read more of this...

by McGonagall, William Topaz
...s written the life of Sir Waiter Scott,
And while he lives he will never be forgot,
Nor when he is dead,
Because by his admirers it will be often read;
And fill their minds with wonder and delight,
And wile away the tedious hours on a cold winter's night.
He has also written about the Bards of the Bible,
Which occupied nearly three years in which he was not idle,
Because when he sits down to write he does it with might and main,
And to get an interview with him it would b...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...ass away—poems distill’d from foreign poems pass away, 
The swarms of reflectors and the polite pass, and leave ashes; 
Admirers, importers, obedient persons, make but the soul of literature;
America justifies itself, give it time—no disguise can deceive it, or conceal from
 it—it is impassive enough, 
Only toward the likes of itself will it advance to meet them, 
If its poets appear, it will in due time advance to meet them—there is no fear of

(The proof of a poet...Read more of this...

by Wagoner, David with themselves, there at the feet
 Of their fathers in the evergreen shade

Of their replacements. Remember, admirers
 Long ago would sometimes weave fresh clippings
 Into crowns and place them squarely on the heads
Of their most peculiar poets....Read more of this...

by Auden, Wystan Hugh (W H)
...The squares of his mind were empty,Silence invaded the suburbs,The current of his feeling failed; he became his admirers. Now he is scattered among a hundred citiesAnd wholly given over to unfamiliar affections,To find his happiness in another kind of woodAnd be punished under a foreign code of conscience.The words of a dead manAre modified in the guts of the living. But in the importance and noise of to-morrowWhen the brokers are roari...Read more of this...

by Plath, Sylvia
...chers and Coronation goblets
Like Monday drunkards. The milky berries
Bow down, a local constellation,
Toward their admirers in the tabletop:
Mobs of eyeballs looking up.
Are those petals of leaves you've paried with them ---
Those green-striped ovals of silver tissue?
The red geraniums I know.
Friends, friends. They stink of armpits
And the invovled maladies of autumn,
Musky as a lovebed the morning after.
My nostrils prickle with nostalgia.
Henna hag...Read more of this...

by Popa, Vasko
...Sing little box

Don't let sleep overtake you
The world's awake within you

In your four-sided emptiness
We turn distance into nearness
Forgetfulness into memory

Don't let your nails come loose

For the very first time
We watch sights beyond this world
Through your keyhole

Turn your key in our mouths
Swallow words and numbers
Out of your song

Don't let ...Read more of this...

by McGonagall, William Topaz
...ind gentlemen. 

And in conclusion, I must say
I never received better treatment in my day,
Than I received from my admirers in bonnie Inverness.
This on my soul and conscience I do confess....Read more of this...

by Matthew, John
...nd virtual chats and emoticons
That in joyous moments I watched.

Now that you are gone; are you
Among your charmed admirers?
I wish you well, I will miss you,
May you be ever happy and smiling!

Distances and togetherness,
Opposites, can’t networks cross,
I could never bridge the distances
Of your sweet kindness.

Someday, if you feel betrayed,
And, as weepy as a monsoon cloud,
Remember this friend who still cares,
And felt fulfilled by your brief warmth....Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt in your rooms,
Who am I, that I should call you more obscene than myself? 

O culpable! 
I acknowledge—I exposé! 
(O admirers! praise not me! compliment not me! you make me wince, 
I see what you do not—I know what you do not.)

Inside these breast-bones I lie smutch’d and choked; 
Beneath this face that appears so impassive, hell’s tides continually run; 
Lusts and wickedness are acceptable to me; 
I walk with delinquents with passionate love; 
I feel I am of them—I b...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Admirers poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things