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Famous Accompaniment Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Accompaniment poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous accompaniment poems. These examples illustrate what a famous accompaniment poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Whittier, John Greenleaf
The moonlit skater's keen delight, 
The sleigh-drive through the frosty night, 
The rustic party, with its rough 
Accompaniment of blind-man's-buff, 
And whirling-plate, and forfeits paid, 
His winter task a pastime made. 
Happy the snow-locked homes wherein 
He tuned his merry violin, 
Or played the athlete in the barn, 
Or held the good dame's winding-yarn, 
Or mirth-provoking versions told 
Of classic legends rare and old, 
Wherein the scenes of Greece and Rome 
...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...rock-bound shore, and the caves,
In the saline air from the sea, in the Mendocino country, 
With the surge for bass and accompaniment low and hoarse, 
With crackling blows of axes, sounding musically, driven by strong arms, 
Riven deep by the sharp tongues of the axes—there in the Redwood forest dense, 
I heard the mighty tree its death-chant chanting.

The choppers heard not—the camp shanties echoed not; 
The quick-ear’d teamsters, and chain and jack-screw men, heard not...Read more of this...

by Bishop, Elizabeth rain and dark I see his face
 across the street at Flossie's place.
 He's drinking in the warm pink glow
 to th' accompaniment of the piccolo.*

The time has come to call a halt.
I met him walking with Varella
and hit him twice with my umbrella.
Perhaps that occasion was my fault,
but the time has come to call a halt.

Go drink your wine and go get tight.
 Let the piccolo play.
 I'm sick of all your fussing anyway.
 Now I'm pursuing my own w...Read more of this...

by Khayyam, Omar
...and, then mingle thy voice
with that of the nightingale, for, if it were meet to drink
this juice of the vine without accompaniment of harmonious
sound, the wine itself would make no noise in
slipping out of the flask....Read more of this...

by Lowell, Amy
...a. Cream 
for your coffee
to drink to-night, thick, and smooth, and sweet, and white,"
and the man's sabots beat an accompaniment: "Plop! trop! 
milk for your tea.
Plop! trop! drink it to-night." It was very pleasant 
out there,
but it was lonely here in the big room. The little boy 
gulped at a tear.

It was ***** how dull all his toys were. They were so 
Nothing was still in the square. If he took his eyes 
away a moment
it had changed...Read more of this...

by Chesterton, G K
...ute your three violinists, endlessly making vibrations, 
Rigid, relentless, capable of going on for ever; 
They play my accompaniment; but I shall take no notice of any accompaniment; 
I myself am a complete orchestra. 
So long....Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Accompaniment poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs