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Famous Abusing Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Abusing poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous abusing poems. These examples illustrate what a famous abusing poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Stevenson, Robert Louis
...etter, braver men,
My own way freely through the city.

My own way freely, and not yours;
And, careless of a town's abusing,
Seek real friendship that endures
Among the friends of my own choosing.
I'll choose my friends myself, do you hear?
And won't let Mrs. Grundy do it,
Tho' all I honour and hold dear
And all I hope should move me to it.

I take my old coat from the shelf -
I am a man of little breeding.
And only dress to please myself -
I own, a very s...Read more of this...

by von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
..., the empty and full,
All too witty, and all too dull,
A lash he flourish'd overhead,
As though a dance of apes he led,
Abusing them with bitterness,
As though his wrath would ne'er grow less.

While on this sight our master gazed,
His head was growing well-nigh crazed:
What words for all could he e'er find,
Could such a medley be combined?
Could he continue with delight
For evermore to sing and write?
When lo, from out a cloud's dark bed
In at the upper window sped
The M...Read more of this...

by Paterson, Andrew Barton
...h he can at the least talk its head off. 

So he sharpened his lance of Freetrade and he practised in loud-mouthing abusing, 
"Poodlehead," "Craven," and "Mole-eyes" were things that he purposed to call it, 
He went to the fight full of valour and all men are waiting the issue, 
Though they know not his armour nor weapons excepting his power of abusing. 

Loud sang the lunatic his song of the champions of valour 
Until he was sighted and captured by fleet-footed keepe...Read more of this...

by Clare, John
...rom thy destiny
Self interest saw thee stand in freedoms ways
So thy old shadow must a tyrant be
Thoust heard the knave abusing those in power
Bawl freedom loud and then oppress the free
Thoust sheltered hypocrites in many an hour
That when in power would never shelter thee
Thoust heard the knave supply his canting powers
With wrongs illusions when he wanted friends
That bawled for shelter when he lived in showers
And when clouds vanished made thy shade ammends
With axe at ro...Read more of this...

by Smart, Christopher
...The poker lost, poor Susan storm'd, 
And all the rites of rage perform'd; 
As scolding, crying, swearing, sweating, 
Abusing, fidgetting, and fretting. 
"Nothing but villany, and thieving; 
Good heavens! what a world we live in! 
If I don't find it in the morning, 
I'll surely give my master warning. 
He'd better far shut up his doors, 
Than keep such good for nothing whores; 
For wheresoe'er their trade they drive, 
We vartuous bodies cannot thrive." 
Well may...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Abusing poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs