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Famous Aborigines Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Aborigines poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous aborigines poems. These examples illustrate what a famous aborigines poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

by Whitman, Walt Soul, with equal
 one Dilation or Pride; 
—In arriere, the peace-talk with the Iroquois, the aborigines—the calumet, the
 good-will, arbitration, and indorsement, 
The sachem blowing the smoke first toward the sun and then toward the earth, 
The drama of the scalp-dance enacted with painted faces and guttural exclamations,
The setting out of the war-party—the long and stealthy march, 
The single-file—the swinging hatchets—the surprise and ...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...unding the essences of real things, old times and present times, 
Surrounding just found shores, islands, tribes of red aborigines,
Weather-beaten vessels, landings, settlements, embryo stature and muscle, 
The haughty defiance of the Year 1—war, peace, the formation of the Constitution, 
The separate States, the simple, elastic scheme, the immigrants, 
The Union, always swarming with blatherers, and always sure and impregnable, 
The unsurvey’d interior, log-houses, clearings...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...oo whom the meanest of the rest look down upon, for all your glimmering
You low expiring aborigines of the hills of Utah, Oregon, California! 
You dwarf’d Kamtschatkan, Greenlander, Lapp! 
You Austral *****, naked, red, sooty, with protrusive lip, grovelling, seeking your food!

You Caffre, Berber, Soudanese!
You haggard, uncouth, untutor’d, Bedowee! 
You plague-swarms in Madras, Nankin, Kaubul, Cairo! 
You bather bathing in the Ganges! 
You ben...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...ll the Future of The States I harbinge,
 glad and sublime; 
And for the Past, I pronounce what the air holds of the red aborigines. 

The red aborigines! 
Leaving natural breaths, sounds of rain and winds, calls as of birds and animals
 in the woods, syllabled to us for names;
Okonee, Koosa, Ottawa, Monongahela, Sauk, Natchez, Chattahoochee, Kaqueta,
Wabash, Miami, Saginaw, Chippewa, Oshkosh, Walla-Walla; 
Leaving such to The States, they melt, they depart, cha...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...t nothing, 
The barbarians of Africa and Asia are not nothing,
The common people of Europe are not nothing—the American aborigines are not nothing, 
The infected in the immigrant hospital are not nothing—the murderer or mean person is
The perpetual successions of shallow people are not nothing as they go, 
The lowest prostitute is not nothing—the mocker of religion is not nothing as he

Of and in all these things,
I have dream’d that we are not t...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Aborigines poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things