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 Oh! To be a flower
Nodding in the sun,
Bending, then upspringing
As the breezes run;
Holding up
A scent-brimmed cup,
Full of summer's fragrance to the summer sun.
Oh! To be a butterfly Still, upon a flower, Winking with its painted wings, Happy in the hour.
Blossoms hold Mines of gold Deep within the farthest heart of each chaliced flower.
Oh! To be a cloud Blowing through the blue, Shadowing the mountains, Rushing loudly through Valleys deep Where torrents keep Always their plunging thunder and their misty arch of blue.
Oh! To be a wave Splintering on the sand, Drawing back, but leaving Lingeringly the land.
Rainbow light Flashes bright Telling tales of coral caves half hid in yellow sand.
Soon they die, the flowers; Insects live a day; Clouds dissolve in showers; Only waves at play Last forever.
Shall endeavor Make a sea of purpose mightier than we dream to-day?

Poem by Amy Lowell
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