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The Origin of Death

The Origin of Death

The Beginning

In the beginning, there was nothing, then Time happened. Of course, Time didn’t know what it was or what it was meant to do. All Time knew was that it was and nothing more. Almost immediately after appearing, though there was no way Time could tell how long it was, for Time really didn’t know what time was, Light appeared. Along with Light, came darkness. Immediately, Light and Darkness began to argue which one was there first. Dark argued that it was there first as it was only able to be known once light appeared. Dark insisted that it was there before Time, though it was also unable to describe what anything was like before Time and Light. All it knew was that it was and that it didn’t like Light.

Of course, Time couldn’t answer the questions that Light and Dark posed, as Time itself was still new. The fact was, Dark might have been first all along, but Time wouldn’t have known it. That, of course, started a new argument. Light still refused to believe that Dark was older than itself and certainly not older than Time, as Light saw Time as soon as it appeared. The two began arguing once more, which bothered Time, which had known nothing but solitude until the noisy siblings arrived. Not knowing what else to do, Time moved away from Light and Dark.

To the utter dismay of Time, the very moment it moved, Light and Dark followed it, continuing their argument, as if they had to keep close to Time. Once more, Time moved and Light and Dark followed, only this time, it looked as if they were getting larger and louder. Now, Time was really worried. It didn’t wish to be around those squabbling siblings, so it fled, trying to move away from the constant noise as quickly as possible. For a little while, it seemed as if Time would be able to escape the constantly arguing siblings, who were now beginning to fight, but not for long.

Soon, Light and Dark were positively enormous. No matter how far Time went, they grew equally far. And, o matter how far Time went, their argument continued to grow along with them. Soon, they were coming to blows. Light wished everything to be like it was and Dark wished for the return of when it was alone, saying that Light was nothing more that an intruder. That, of course, infuriated Light, which tried to fill everywhere that Time fled to with itself. Of course, Dark would have none of that and immediately began throwing itself upon light, trying to return everything to the singleness that it desired. The two really began fighting, attacking each other physically, rather than with just their opinions. Soon, all was a complete mess of Light and Dark, and each blamed the other for the mess.

Time began to look about it. While Light and Dark did make a mess of things and hurt each other, they had also created new things. When Light was hurt by Dark, something new came out of it. It was called Color. Color was a truly strange thing. It constantly chased Light and Dark around, as if it wanted nothing more than to fight with them, but it never did. Instead, it simply sat and spread out where they had especially hurt each other. At first, Time thought that Color was there to mend Light and Dark, but it never did anything to mend anything. Rather, it just remained where it would go, spreading out everywhere. Time supposed that Color was just lazy. Still, Color made things better to look at.

As soon as Light and Dark realized what Color was doing, they began arguing which one was responsible for its creation. Time suspected that they were both responsible, but neither wanted to hear that, preferring to argue and fight instead. As Time fled and Light and Dark grew in size, so did Color. As all three did so, new entities began to emerge from the constant fighting and the covering of the fighting by Color. Light was determined to be everywhere, but Dark was too strong, so Light finally settled on creating orbs everywhere, thinking that individually, Dark might ruin a few, but the light from all would drive Dark away.

Instead, Dark crept between the individual lights, separating them from each other, diminishing their light. Thus did the eternal battle between Light and Dark form the other entities. At first, no one had any names for the entities that found themselves uncovered by the titanic battle, and neither Light nor Dark paid them any heed, though Color decided to cover them, too. Time touched the new entities and wandered between them all. Some were smaller balls light those of light, but these shone of no light of their own, depending on the stray light cast by the innumerable orbs of light to warm them. These entities had no names, so Time decided to call them all Worlds.

The Worlds were as varied as Color and the colors that Color painted them. Some were nothing more than cold, solid chunks carving their way through the Void, between Light and Dark, never knowing much of anything. Others gathered around the orbs of light and warmed themselves. Of those that were close, but not too close to the orbs, other beings began to form on their surfaces. Those being were even more varied than the worlds themselves and began wandering across them all. Not one of them knew what they were meant to do or what they were, but each one sensed that Time was older than they were, and so asked Time.

Time had little more understanding than the beings that found themselves upon the worlds uncovered during the bickering of Light and Dark. Not knowing what else to do, Time began naming them, though Time had no more understanding than they about what they were to do. Instead, Time let them learn for themselves, making mistakes along the way and helping each one as they encountered a difficulty. Thus, did Time find itself among all beings and across the worlds, teaching them to circle the orbs of light at an even distance according to their natures, whether they preferred more heat and light or less. So, did Order arise, as the being Chaos was continuously being stoped by Time and corrected. Chaos never did lose its wild ways, but with Order learning from Time how to set things in predictable motions, even the antics of Chaos began to lessen. Eventually, Chaos and Order learned to work together, Order preventing Chaos from causing too much of a mess and Chaos making things just messy enough to be interesting to Time.

Through their efforts, Color began to find ways to cover everything and make them wondrous to behold. Even the entities that wandered the whirling orbs asked Color to come down to them, as they were only made of the remains of the great battle between Light and Dark. Color spread itself all about in accordance to the wishes of Chaos and its own laziness, not wanting to do anything precisely, preferring to blend all about. Then, Order began to instruct Color where to go and how to behave. Only in the void between the worlds where Light and Dark did Order truly allow Color and Chaos to have fun. Soon, even Void was filled with wonder and Void was happy, only now understanding that it really was something, even though it really was nothing. Void was very confused.

Light and Dark soon saw that there were new beings and new things to see, and began arguing about them, not able to agree what they were or what they needed, though Light soon found out that many preferred Light to Dark. Since there were so few that preferred Dark, Dark held those closely, afraid that Light might harm them. Light couldn’t understand why anything would prefer Dark to Light and set out to convince the other creatures to come one and all to Light. Dark hid the creatures, trying to shelter them from Light. And, so their fighting began again, only now they each had other beings that might fight for them.

Thus, did Light and Dark try to send the beings against each other, trying to convince them to join their constant bickering. And, so did the first real wars come about. Now, Chaos was supreme, for none of the entities knew if they really wanted Light or Dark or a mixture of each. Because of that, the beings would often fight against those they were just fighting with, to the confusion of all. Making matters worse, new beings came bout because of the fighting. Worlds, where once there was but rock, now found themselves with Air, Water, Cold, and Heat, among other things. The new beings didn’t know what they’re any more that the others did and were quickly dragged into the bickering of Light and Dark.

The Worlds found themselves at war, or rather those thing upon them were at war with each other. Water filled huge hollows in the rock and smashed against it. Rock fought against Water by making the hollows even deeper and wider, trying to contain the damage. Air swept up Water and cast it down upon the barren rock, wearing it away and making Sand. The Worlds gathered the Heat within them and sent it against the Air and Water, driving them away and creating new things that Time later called Clouds and Storms. Everything was being torn apart and built up again while Order was cast aside, neither Light nor Dark having any use for it. Order cried out to Time for relief.

Time found itself in the worst place possible: not with Light nor with Dark. For the moment, both were ignoring Time, but Time knew that would end soon. Time spread across every corner of every world and into the Void, from end to end, if End had any more meaning than Time. Then, Time grasped everything and held it still. Light and Dark found that they could not move any more than any of the other beings which were frozen in place. Light was enraged, but Dark was fearful, for that meant that Time was older than Dark or Light were. Time spoke to Light and Dark, the first time that anything had actually spoken.

“Your fight is to end,” Time decided, “or I will keep everything as it is for as long as I wish.”

“This is impossible!” Light railed against Time. “I am older that Dark and Dark was here before you.”

“Light,” Dark cautioned its twin, “if Time can hold everything, including us, then it was here first. I accept that. I ask Time, what will you do?”

“I will decide what is to happen,” Time decided. “When a question needs answering, I will be there. If you two begin to fight again, I will be there, for I am everywhere. I am in those places of Light and Dark. I am greater than both of you. I cause the Void to grow.

“Your fighting has caused the creation of new beings,” Time continued. “Order has been shoved aside and Chaos is making your squabble worse. Now it is in my place to work to undo what you have done. I do not believe that you will ever stop fighting. Because of that, I will slow everything down, including you, Light. Now, you will obey Time. I have decided.”

With that, Time released everything. The Worlds were allowed to move again, as were the Stars, which was what Time named the giant balls of light that Light created to drive away Dark. Time then set about gathering the Stars and bringing them into large groups, where they could shine with each other and enjoy each other’s company, leaving vast stretches of the Void for Dark, where it could remain in peace. While Light was furious, it wasn’t about to be trapped by Time again, so it calmed itself and continued to bicker and fight with Dark whenever possible.

Time felt something it never had before. As it watched Light continue to argue and fight with Dark, a new being appeared right next to Time. It seemed to represent what Time was experiencing. Not having a word for it, Time named it Sadness. Other beings appeared, scattered behind Light and Dark, all seeming to represent what others were experiencing. Time named them all and named the entire group Emotion. Time looked at everything and realized that with Light and Dark continuing to fight, new things would be uncovered until Time itself ceased to exist.

The Middle

The Worlds found themselves covered with new things that they had never imagined possible, nor wanted. Many wished for the simpler times before Time had to stop the fighting and promised to be wherever it was needed and name things. Instead, things now grew more complicated. Many things emerged not only from the titanic battle between Light and Dark, but also from Time, though Time knew it not, nor did anything else, for Time couldn’t be seen, only felt. All anything knew was that Time was everywhere and nowhere and allowed everything to move.

The battle between Light and Dark continued on, though it was slower now, as Time had promised, though nothing expected that to be the result of that promise. Light slowed down, but also Dark. Darkness crept across the lands followed slowly by Light, eternally chasing it away and being chased away in turn. Meanwhile, Color covered all, including Light and Dark, though Color was lessened by Dark somehow. It seemed that Color needed both to survive, but it needed Light to be complete. Color was very strange.

More and more things emerged as a result of Time. Not one of them knew what it was, but each one presented itself before Time to receive a name. And, so did the Worlds take shape, as did the Void, which still continued to be the battleground between Light and Dark, for in the Void, Time seemed to have less power over them, though Light and Dark were foolish, for Time was everywhere. Time just allowed Light and Dark to move more quickly in the Void.

On the Worlds, things appeared in pairs more often than not, and many related things appeared. Water found itself surrounded by Steam, Clouds, Rain, Sleet, Snow, Ice, and many others. Fire found itself locked within the hearts of the worlds, sometimes to be released. More often, it found itself created by Lightning, which considered itself related to Fire, though Time didn’t seem to be too sure of that. Air found itself covering Earth, but not always. There were many places in the Void where there was no Air, but Air found a way to appear in the Void, even though it was in different forms, and so spread beyond the embrace of the Worlds close to the Stars.

For an existence that seemed to be an eternity and nothing at the same time, the beings wandered. Sometimes, Light and Dark would send their allies flying into each other, as they still do today. In those times, pieces of rock from the Void try to strike the Worlds and smite the lands of Light, for Dark never did forgive Light for ruining the perfection of Dark nor insisting that it came before Dark. When those rocks of the Void struck the Worlds, wherever they were, the rocks slowly became part of the World and found themselves renewed within the Worlds, taking new forms through the power of Time. It was an age of wonder.

Of the most mysterious beings that emerged upon the oldest World, were the twins Life and Death. As before, neither knew what they were nor what they were meant to do, but Time named them, their names not having been used yet. Those names were odd, even to Time, which seemed appropriate, as the twins were truly equal in many measures. Each had part of the other within them. Often, they would wander across the World, hand in hand, marveling at everything that they saw. No matter where Life went, Death followed, and wherever Death went, Life followed, for they were inseparable.

Strangely, both preferred Light and Dark, rejoicing in both, beholden to neither, which infuriated both Light and Dark, though it must be said that Dark was less upset, grateful that anyone would prefer it to Light. Light was furious and did everything possible to convince them to join its side. When that failed, Light would at times send its allies to either bother them or to try to persuade them to join its cause against Dark, but the twins never listened and continued to love Dark as much as Light. Even stranger, Light seemed to have little ability to affect them, as if there was any strength over one, the other would rush to its twin’s defense. Thus, Light was unable to separate the twins and take one or both to its desires.

The twins walked the oldest World, stepping over the boiling pools of water among the rocks, not leaving marks of their passing on the newly formed Sand, for they were as the other entities: neither there nor not there. They simply were. They watched as Lightning struck the rock, at times splintering it. Other times Lightning would strike the polls of water, causing it to foam and boil. They watched as the Wind and Water combined and created a new thing that time called Storm. They allowed themselves to be carried in to the Air by Wind, watching the marvelous things that were happening. They never imagined that water could have so many forms. Here, where it was closer to the Void, it was colder and Water took the form of Snow and Ice, those two twins always being near each other much the way Life and Death were.

They found many things that were twins and many others that, while opposites, worked together to create new things. It seemed that everything knew what it was meant to do, or was on its way to understanding. They yet had no idea. Even the eternal conflict between Light and Dark produced everything, from what they could tell. The sheer wonder of everything could be traced back to their constant fighting and bickering, as Time fled their bickering, allowing them to increase in size. Yet, Life and Death had no idea what they were meant to do and had no forms because of that. Many things tried to help them, but found themselves equally wondering why those two mysterious twins were meant to do. Even Time had no idea.

Light wished them to become mighty warriors to help it in its fight against Dark, while Dark wished for the same thing. Lightning wanted them to become other forms of its cousin Fire, but Water wanted to see if it could have new forms and they could become them. Everything tried to help them become what they were meant to be, but not one thing could figure out Life and Death. And, so the twins wandered the most ancient World, not knowing. Life kept finding itself drawn to the pools of Water and suspected that it was some form of Water after all, but Death disagreed, insisting the it had no attraction to Water or anything else, only wanting to be close to Life. It was strange, Life had to admit.

They were staring at a pool of Water when it was struck by Lightning yet again. Life wished to see if it could even feel what Water was, for Life had no form, nor did Death. As Life touched the boiling Water, it clouded. Both peered at the clouded Water with interest and then at each other. Life had begun to take a cloudy form as well. Perhaps Life was right, after all, Death considered. After all, Life was drawn to Water and seemed to work with it, though Death had no explanation for itself. Life flitted about, touching water, finding itself not making any of it cloudy, until one time it touched water that was being heated by Fire that was being released for a short time from the world itself. Then, the water became cloudy, too.

Water was not pleased with becoming cloudy, but was still interested in the new form. It seemed that Life needed both Fire and Water to do anything. Thus did Life learn that it really wasn’t related to Water, after all, nor was it related to Fire, but needed them and Air and Earth to do anything. It seemed that Life was the weakest thing to come as it needed everything simply to make Water cloudy. It was quite sad for Life, but even more so for Death as Death had no idea what it was meant to do. At least Life could make Water cloudy. Death seemed to be able to do nothing. The others began ignoring Life and Death. Even Light was no longer interested in such weak things and Color decided that they weren’t interesting enough to attach to, and Color would rest on anything.

Together, they continued to walk the World, Life continuing to poke at the pools of water that were heated, turning them cloudy, but nothing more. Death considered that. All Life had been doing was poking at the pools, watching them grow cloudy for a time before they turned clear again. One time, after Lightning had struck a pool of Water already heated by the Fire from deep within the World, Life poked at it, as was Life’s habit, only this time, Death held Life fast and kept it within the pool. Life was startled, for Death had never really touched it before, always following or sometimes leading, but never forcing it. Now, Death was keeping Life within the pool of Water and refused to let Life withdraw after the Water had turned cloudy.

Now the Water turned dark, as if Life had somehow managed to take Dark and put it into Water. While that was not unheard of, as Water grew very dark the deeper it was until no light could be seen, this was a very shallow pool. Life stared at the Water and then at Death, wondering. The Water became even more murky and Life began to see things within it, as if somehow the murkiness was becoming something in of itself. Life wished to withdraw, but Death felt that it needed to keep Life within the pool for some reason, even though Water was now becoming angry at being turned so dark and murky and began to froth, the way it did at the Seashore.

“Silence, Water!” Death spoke for the first time.

Strangely, Water stopped its complaining, as if Death had some strange power over it, though neither Life nor Death, and especially not Water could say why. There was something about Death speaking with a voice that quieted Water and surprised even Life, for Death and Life had no forms yet so they should also have no voices, but Death obviously had one. Life decided to say a word. It was a strange word and had no meaning, but Life felt that it needed to be said.

“Arise!” Life commanded the murkiness.

The murkiness became darker, but both Life and Death could see strange things within it that had strange forms. Stranger still, unlike all the beings that existed, these seemed to have no understanding that they were even there. The things simply moved according to the water, and yet moved within it. These were strange things. Time peered past Life and Death, looking into the Water at the murkiness that was taking a new form, though even Time couldn’t understand why that form looked so strange and why the things didn’t know the they were.

“What is this, Life?” Time asked. “I see things there that have no voices, no wills, and yet seem to still exist separate from you.”

“I do not know, Time,” Life replied. “Death kept me in the pool unlike the other times. The longer I was in the pool, the murkier it became until I said a word that I do not know what it means, but it seems important. I said, ‘Arise’!”

“That is indeed a strange word,” Time agreed. “I have never heard it before.”

“Nor, I,” complained Water. “I do not want these things within me. I was pure before. Now I have Life’s mess. Time, I ask that you clean me out.”

Time peered at the things within Water and reached out to them. It paused and withdrew. Life looked at Time questioningly, while Death studied the murky Water. Time seemed confused.

“I will not,” Time decided. “There is something here that I can control and have great power over, yet I understand it not. I have seen nothing stranger than this, for when I reached out to it, the things grew in number. I am sorry, Water, but I think Life has done something that cannot be changed.”

“Then, I shall ask Lightning or Fire to clean me, if you will not, or Wind to blow it all away, or the World to have Rock to take it deep within and destroy it.”

“You might do one or all of those,” Time cautioned Water, “but I deem that will not stop what Life has started.”

“It was Death’s fault as well!” Water was truly angry. “It was bad enough before when Life only poked at me. Death forced Life to do this. Well, I shall do them all. I shan’t have Life making a mess of me!”

Water was determined to clean itself. It asked Fire, Lightning, Air, and Rock to aid it in cleaning it. Fire tried to boil Water until it turned to steam and the mess remained. Sadly, Water came back down as Rain and filled the hollow again. Then, the things came back. Lightning came next, boiling Water again, but not nearly enough, for the things remained and increased in size. Wind tried blowing the mess away, but it landed in other pools that had not yet been touched by Life and turned those murky as well. By now, everything was a mess and Water was truly angry. Now, Water asked Rock to take the mess away.

Rock was not as eager to take the mess into itself, having seen what had happened when Wind blew it around, but eventually it gave into the nagging Water. Everywhere the things Life had created had spread to, Rock drew into itself, cleaning the surface along with Fire. Life’s mess had finally been cleaned. Water began to flow again over the cooling surface, enjoying the feeling of turning into Steam. Eventually, the World began to cool there, allowing Water to seep into the cracks of the world, cooling it some more. Life’s mess was finally gone, except that it wasn’t.

There were places that Fire and Rock did not complete their task and Life’s mess survived. When Water came again, the mess grew in the cracks of the World, which was now angry at Water for nagging Rock into taking the mess into itself. Now, Life’s mess was within the cracks of the Rock, deep within the World itself. Water couldn’t believe it. Somehow, Life had managed to succeed, despite being fought by the most powerful of the beings that made up the World and everything else. Water began to fear the power of Life.

While Water was trying to clean itself on the oldest World, Life and Death flitted to other Worlds and began to cross them, trying to find pools of Water that were hot and near Rock with many cracks in it. Again and again, Life poked at the Water and remained there until the murkiness became great. Water began to get distracted by their antics, trying everything to chase them away, but Life always found a way into the innumerable pools. By now, even Light was beginning to become concerned and took hold of Life and Death and cast them into the deepest depths of the roaring Oceans that covered so many of the Worlds.

At the bottom of this Ocean, Life and Death stayed in the eternal Dark. Dark liked having them around, for they didn’t hate Dark like the others, nor did they prefer Dark. It was a very unique experience to find those who simply did not care and couldn’t be talked into one side or the other. Color usually didn’t find its way down here, Dark told them. There were only a few places where Color could be found, and those were where Fire had been unlocked from the Rock and would course along the depths, boiling the Water as it had turned Rock into a Water of its own. Down in the depths, Rock found itself flowing like Water.

Down in the depths, Death took Life to explore. There were many places that were dark and cold, but there were other places where Rock flowed with the power of Fire and those places Color could be found as well, though Color didn’t seem to have very much creativity down there. Life and Death flitted about, exploring the strange formations that could be found in the depths. Here, it was different than on the surface where things were wild. Here, it was calm and peaceful, far removed from the Storms. Death felt happy, which Life did not expect and took hold of Life and dragged its twin to the flowing Rock. Life understood.

Down here, there was no poking at anything. Warmth and Water were everywhere, so Life simply remained near to the flowing Rock and waited. Almost instantly, the Water began to become murky. Strangely, the murkiness refused to get too close the flowing Rock, nor to leave it too far. It seemed as if the murkiness needed Fire more than anything. There, Life waited, along with Death, watching the murkiness spread. Water finally realized the mistake of Light. It had been assumed that where the was no Light, Life couldn’t cause any problems, but it was obvious now that Life had a strange power that even Light couldn’t control or understand. Down here, in the utter Dark, Life continued.

Life and Death waited as the murkiness continued to spread. Then, as Life continued to merely remain, the murkiness began to clear and new things took shape. Like the tiny things in the murkiness, they seemed to have no understanding that they even were there, but they moved and continued to live. Death simply waited, for Death had no purpose yet.

The End

Life continued to use its strange new powers, such that even Time was beginning to become concerned. Light had no real power over Life, nor did Dark, for Life seemed to care for neither, using both. As far as anyone could tell, Life only needed Fire and Water to create the new things that were rapidly spreading across the World and changing forms, sometimes in accordance to their own wills and sometimes it was those things that emerged from the older things that were changed. Whatever power Life had, it was utterly confusing and strange, not following Order or Chaos, separate from them, but using them somehow. The older beings began to worry.

Water was frightened because Life had spread everywhere there was Water, and the World was frightened because some of the strange things that were growing were growing deep within the Rock, close to the trapped Fire and even away from where Water liked to stay. Life was making a mess of the World. Finally, the World and all within its circles demanded that Time remove Life and Death, for even though Death had not done much other than to shove Life along and force it to use its strange powers, if Life could do such things, all were afraid of what Death might do, for Life and Death were the strangest twins to come to anyone’s memory.

With regret, Time scooped up Life and Death, taking far from the circles of the World and into the Void, where Light and Dark still fought their cosmic battle. Apologizing, Time cast Life and Death into the Void, among the Stars and Dust and frozen Water, among other things. Life sighed. It was really Life’s fault, Life reasoned, for it refused to stop. Death was not sorry, but was rather quite angry. It wasn’t Life’s fault that Life’s power wasn’t understood, Death reasoned. All the other beings had untold time to understand what they were and what they were meant to do and what their powers would allow. Life and Death were the youngest of the beings and were given no chance from the others to understand themselves. Now, they were banished to the cold light of the Stars to watch Light and Dark continue their argument.

Well, Death reasoned, if Life could begin where there was only Fire and Water, it stood to reason that Life only needed things to use and wasn’t really dependent on anything. Life wasn’t convinced, but Death was sure of its reasoning and gathered together Dust and Ice and held them in the cold light of the Stars. Then, Death made Life cover the Dust and Ice and told Life to wait, as it had before. At first it seems that Death was wrong, but then Life saw that a black smudge began to appear on the Dust and Ice. Dark turned away from its argument with Light to watch the smudge grow, which only made Light angry for Light believed that Dark was just ignoring it. Only when Dark told Light to shut up did Light stop to see the wonder that was appearing before it.

The smudge grew, until it covered the Dust and Ice completely. It was obvious now, that Life could even work in the Void. With a certain amount of satisfaction, Death too the small chunk of Dust and Ice and hurled it to an unsuspecting World. If the others on the oldest World wouldn’t allow Life and Death, Death would take them to other Worlds whether they wanted them or not. Death was not about to let anyone forget just who was banished. Light and Dark had finally stopped arguing and watched as Death forced Life to spread among the Stars in Void and to send Life’s creations to Worlds across the Void, even to those that had no warmth of their own. On those Worlds, the black smudges continued to exist and to grow, waiting for the single chance to find their way to other places.

It was the Worlds that finally alerted Time to what Life and Death were doing, for they found themselves covered with Life’s creations and Life and Death were banished to the Void. Time approached them and demanded to know what they had been doing. Death was angry and demanded to return to the Worlds as Life was now powerful enough to exist in the Void and use its powers there. Then, Death had an idea - it was a terrible idea, an idea that had never been thought of before. Taking Life, Death simply turned to the oldest World and informed Time that they were leaving the Void. Time had never found anyone who would disobey it, but somehow Death and Life were now as powerful as it was, at least for now.

Death took Life to the oldest World and informed the World and everyone in it that they would go where and when they pleased and did whatever they pleased. Death was proud to have a twin as powerful as Life, for Life could exist everywhere, it seemed, except where the Stars were too close together. There, Life couldn’t even go, though Death did not understand why. As they descended to the World, Life found Color sticking to it. Color was pleased, for that meant that Life was finally learning its powers and could be a resting place for it. Color always did like having others to stick to and always wanted more places to rest. Interestingly, Life had several colors now, including green, which was a rare color only seen in the Void in the conflict of Light and Dark or occasionally when Light shone through Rain.

When they finally came to rest on the surface of the World, they understood why. The things Life had created had begun to spread and to change. They themselves had many colors, but green was becoming more common. Those that did not have the color green were being driven away, not to be seen except in the deepest parts of the World, where Dark still was supreme. There, Life yet had those things that had little color but, on the surface, green was spreading fast. Other things could now be seen, but they also were not green, but different colors yet unlike those in the deep. Those things seemed to attack those that were green the way that Light and Dark attacked each other. Just like Light and Dark, those things that attacked the green things seemed to take the pieces that they took to make themselves bigger. Unlike Light and Dark, the green things never fought back in the same way. Instead, the green things made themselves bad to attack, filling themselves with new creations that the World had never seen before to try to destroy the things that attacked them.

Life suddenly found itself feeling a new feeling: Pain. Pain had finally come about and attached itself to Life. Life found itself with the constant companion of Pain and was not happy about that, but worse was yet to come. Both the things that were green and those that were not grew. As the Stars whirled overhead and the Sun the World circled rose and fell, giving Night and Day, the things changed and grew, becoming even greater and more different. Time stopped by, watching them, wondering. Soon, the things that attacked the green things grew to be too many and began to slow, for there was nothing around for them to take and make a part of themselves. Pain attached itself to them as well. Those things that were left that were still green also found Pain upon them, though they didn’t seem to mind as much.

Death was in a panic. It didn’t know what to do. Life was now always in the company of Pain, as were the things Life had created. The more things there were that tried to attack the green things, the more pain there was. Then, one of them attacked another that wasn’t moving. It took the parts that it had ripped away and made them a part of itself and Pain left it. All within the World wondered about that. More and more, those things that before had attacked the green things left the green things alone and attacked others like them. Now, there was even more pain, for those things that were being attacked could only lay there to suffer and Life didn’t know what to do about it, for Pain covered Life completely.

Death couldn’t pry Pain away from Life, but was pushed away by Pain, who not had Life completely under its control. The World cheered, for finally something had come that could control Life and push away Death, who had always been Life’s greatest friend. It seemed that Life would be overcome by Pain. Death felt Pain as well, even though Pain didn’t know, nor did anything else, except for Time, who witnessed Death’s silent suffering, for Time knew that Death was so attached to Life that Death willingly took some of the Pain away from Life without Life or Pain knowing, to help its twin survive. The Pain was becoming too much even for Death to accept, so Death would go to the World more and more where Pain was attaching itself to everything, laughing at Death, calling it weak.

Death rested in front of a thing that had been attacked by several things that took most of it away to ease their own Pain and left it there to suffer. Pain covered it all, glad to have something to do and shouted at Death to leave, for this thing belonged to Pain. Death could feel how much Pain had become a part of the thing and felt it, too. That was too much for anything. Death wanted a way to stop Pain from hurting the thing. Death reached out to the thing and touched it. There was a sudden new emotion, and Fear sprang out of the thing, casting off Pain. Pain couldn’t believe it. Something that Death had created was even stronger that it was. Death continued to touch the suffering thing and it stopped living. Death withdrew, wondering what had happened. Pain was no longer able to attache to the thing and was angry, but now also had Fear on it. Pain tried to pry Fear off, but Fear refused to leave Pain.

Death flitted around, touching the things that suffered the most, ending their Pain, making Fear slowly blend with Pain, the attachment was so strong. Death looked up and saw Life high above, ridding itself of Pain’s embrace and looking down in wonder, as did everything else. Time was by Death’s side, watching very closely at what Death was doing. Life came down, too, freed of Pain and watched as Death ended the suffering of Life’s creations. Order came down and watched, beginning to understand the Order within the obvious Chaos and set things in motion. Life pulled Death aside.

“Twin,” Life asked, “what is it that you are doing?”

“I felt you in too much pain,” Death replied. “I tried to take the Pain away from you, but there was too much, so I went to the World and saw one of your things suffering. While it lay there, I touched it and took away both Life and Pain. I do not understand it.”

“I do,” Time rumbled. “Death, you are the opposite of Life. When Life suffers, you must take it away. You need Life and Life needs you. Without one, the other cannot be. You two are strange beyond measure. You understood Life better any any. Life, I ask you: do you understand you twin?”

“I do,” Life whispered, watching Color place a new color upon it: red. “Death is what allows me to continue on. I need you, my twin. As much as you were always there for me, helping me, I need you still and always will.”

“I am sad that all I an do is to destroy what you have created,” Death felt Sadness cover it. “I only wanted you to be happy.”

“If I am with you, I shall be happy,” Life said in return. “I know now that those things I created only need me to help them continue. They will do what they wish. They need Death to end their Pain. This, I think, is why we are together. Look! Two new beings have come because of us.”

All looked upon the World and saw that Life spoke the truth. A new set of twins appeared that looked even stranger than Life and Death. Time flew to them in an instant. The twins attached themselves to the things that ate those things that ate the green things and to them as well. Even a few of the green things the twins attached themselves to. Time was just asa confused as everyone else, but named the new twins Male and Female. They were strange, having no form except for those things that they touched, but at least they could take a form rather than only colors, for as many colors as Life had, Death had Black only and was covered in it. In many ways, it made Death look like Night and Dark, but its strange power over Life made the others fear it. Even the new twins seemed to fear Death, so the other, older beings feared Death even more for, if the strange twins of Life feared Death, then what power might Death have over them?

Death, it was found to be had an even greater power than just that over the things Life had created. Death seemed to also work with Time, much as Life was now discovering that it had all along, to the surprise of all. Before, all anyone thought was that Light and Dark could only chase Time, but Life and Death seemed to need Time. They were truly strange twins. As Time grew, so did Life grow in so many forms. It amazed Death that Life could have so many creations and forms while it always remained without form and black. It saddened Death to understand that it was so limited, even though it had strange powers.

Death, it seemed worked with Time to cool Fire. Fire found that it could grow by attaching itself to the green things, but that also called Death to the green things, which Time eventually named Plants. It was hard for Fire to grow that way and it made Life feel Pain, so one day when a very large Plant fell down and was caught by Pain, Death ended it. Time took the Plant and found that it, too, had a strange power. Time made the Plant dry and crumble. Fire leaped over to the dead Plant and found that it grew even larger on the dead Plants than the living ones. Thus, did Death, Time, and Fire find a new purpose. Fire still obeyed Death, for when the Plant was gone, Fire had to die, too.

Death also found that its power could cool the Fire within the Worlds, turning them into cold places where there was no Life and few other things, with only the Rock and Water remaining, for the Air found itself turned into new forms of liquid and snow that it had only known in the vast Void. So, too, were the mighty Stars answering to Death. When Death saw that they were too old and Pain found a way to find them, it pushed Pain away and helped the Stars to quietly or angrily meet their ends. Those that went to their ends with anger often exploded, sending pieces of themselves into the Void. Not wanting to waste even the life of a Star, Death gathered the remains together and created new places for new Stars to form. And, so, did the others understand that even Light needed Death.

Death was still saddened by knowing that all it could really do was to end the very things it loved to see. Time was no help, insisting that all things had to end, for Time knew that now. Even Time had to end, so it would hope that Death was there to help it, but it suspected that not to be the case as Time came before all. The thought of existing until only Time was left made everything worse for Death, so Death began to walk alone. All things seemed to fear it, even though it appeared that they would gladly use Death, such as when Fire leaped onto things Death had struck down and Time had aged. Life couldn’t allow its twin to walk alone, and so flitted down to Death in all of its colors and forms.

“Why do you come to me?” Death asked, watching Life walk alongside it in its new, strange, always-changing form. “All I can do is to destroy what was made. Even Time hopes that I will destroy it. That seems to be all I’m good at.”

“Silly!” Life laughed.

Death always loved to hear Life’s laughter. Laughter was something Death could never seem to do, for it needed an emotion called Joy, which feared Death the most of all. Life was full of Joy, as it was full of Pain and everything else. It seemed that Life was everything. Death wished it could be more like Life. Even Light and Dark would stop their fighting when Life came by, agreeing to work together to allow such a wonderful thing to be near them, though they still insisted on fighting in the Void. Death, though, was confused.

“Why do you call me silly?”

“Because you are!” Life laughed again. “Look at me,” Life grew serious, drawing Death’s attention to it. “Do you think I could be like this without you?”

“Of course you can,” Death denied Life’s question. “Look at what you are able to do with Time! All you really need is Time.”

“Death,” Life drew Death close to it, “you saved me, remember? All I knew was Pain. Pain took you away from me. You helped me begin. How or why you knew what to do, I’ll never know, but you helped me. Then, you freed me from Pain. After that, you helped Fire by ending the lives of Plants. Fire burned the Plants and made it possible for new Plants to grow.”

Life drew Death into itself, to the point that they were beginning to blend, “You ended the Fire within the Worlds, ending Life on them, but not all Life. Some remains and has changed, just as Water and Air have changed to new forms. The Stars you ended, allowing new Stars to be born. I told Light to do that. Believe me, Dark was happy when you ended the Stars and very angry when Light made new ones out of the old, but Dark wasn’t about to argue with you or me.”

Death looked at Life as Life was blending into it. All the colors of Life began to streak Death’s form, but not very far, as if Color refused to approach Death. Then, something strange happened yet again to Death. Within the Blackness that wrapped it, colors began to form. These were the colors of the Void and the vast places where Stars had died and Death convinced Light to make new Stars in. Those colors were evermore fantastic than those of Life. Life laughed again.

“Now, you understand,” Life said at last. “You are the one that makes the wonder of this existence that much more amazing, for you forced Order and Chaos to create something new between them. You probably didn’t notice. Time called it Change, and Change affects everything, even Time itself. Believe me, that was hard for Time to accept.

“So, if you want to think of it in this way,” Life continued to blend with Death to the point that they were almost the same thing, “I cannot exist without you. You help everyone to create new things. Even the Rock has worked with Fire to create new things from the Plants and Animals that you destroyed. Water, too, has worked with Rock using the dead. So, you see, you are as much of a force of creation as I.”

Life finally stopped blending with Death, allowing them both to remain apart a little bit. Life, though refused to separate from Death. Death wondered about that. Life laughed again.

“I’m never going to let you go again,” Life promised.

And, so did Death understand what it was and why it was there, and Death clung to Life like nothing before or since, for Life wouldn’t have had it any other way.


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  1. Date: 1/25/2018 12:23:00 PM
    Fanciful story. Interesting fantasy, though check your title - origen should be origin

Book: Reflection on the Important Things