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The Evangelist...notes to those on the journey


Once God confirms His Word with signs following….His Children will seek you out, drawn to “His” Light shining through you. Keep your eye single, no shadow or variance.

Accountability is the Cross you bear. Life and death are truly in your tongue…..only God’s spirit can bridle and direct it. Not with the enticement of mans wisdom , but with the hot , blinding light of truth…..with its radiant , purifying , soul-saturating essence of Heavenly Glory satisfies the earthly hunger of mans desire for unity with his Creator . You are the Host…..the Usher of Gods spiritual presentation. Let God direct and do His job, stand still at your mark and await your cues.

MATTHEW 5:17 & 18

This is Christ’s’ completion of the previous age….fulfillment of the prior Messianic projections. Law and Promise progress toward fruition. Externalized concepts turn inward from the stony hearts of condemnation and restraint toward the fleshy tablets in the heart of man. The kingdom within must subjugate itself to the masters plan of redemption, restoration and reconciliation. The transformation process begins; the body of Christ must die out physically before the resurrecting power of God can reclaim His Children from darkness into the light. His earthly , “Christ like” Christians , by symbolically partaking in His death and resurrection , followed by spiritual “Fire” baptism , shall become conduits for the future progression of externalizing the inner kingdom into the physical realm . This Kingdom shall be taken by force, shaken by the power of Gods spirit that He will pour out on all flesh.

Matthew 7: 21

Lip service or merely professing Jesus is Lord won’t cut it. Walk the walk…..not just talk the talk. Knowing and fulfilling Gods will is the mark you strive for.

Matthew 7: 23

These are those that misuse the Anointing or deceptively use the WORD to mislead or injure the Children. In the last days there will be many false prophets and teachers arise out of the dust and confusion of the countless churches that crumble beneath the weight of erroneous doctrine, dogma and ritual. So many immature Christians, rather than partaking of the Masters Manna, His Holy script directly, straight from the source, would gullibly prefer the tainted offerings presented by Lucifer’s Levites….unholy priests that prey upon these Lost Sheep. Scattered they are, shepherd less, running to and fro, seeking knowledge from Satan’s Scholars….Judas goats that lead them farther and farther from the Truth. Sound doctrine is not for the faint of heart. To embrace God’s directives with an eager and trusting attitude goes against the carnal nature of mans’ will. To surrender oneself toward the higher good of mankind, to become selfless, caring for other peoples needs more than your own desires is far from easy. Knowing the reluctance of men to ingest the pure and undiluted Living Water from God….these wicked water bearers of this so-called Aquarian Age of Enlightenment, have combined evil additives that stimulate the flesh, but weaken the spirit. Just to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Master, to voluntarily place yourself under His command, then fail to be obedient to ALL His directives is self defeating. You cannot pick and choose just those parts of the Gospel that please you, that are easiest to fulfill… doesn’t work that way, it’s all or nothing, in or out….you can’t be lukewarm….no free rides, we all have to pay one way or another….freedom from sin and condemnation isn’t free. Jesus did pay the extreme price for our salvation and reconciliation with God, but we, too, have a cost charged to us. Unto whom much is given, is much required…..the more spiritual knowledge we amass, so much greater are we held accountable for how we share it with others. Do we hoard it like a miser, letting it turn to dust along with our bones when we perish? Do we corrupt and manipulate the masses with enticing words of wisdom that sway and captivate, creating mindless puppets for Satan’s Army…..or do we follow the Masters instruction, freely you received, so freely give….share the wealth of spiritual wisdom you are given, help those struggling to comprehend the tenants of true faith, sound doctrine of divine revelation and Christian Brotherhood. We are all in this grand journey together, for better or worse, it’s up to us to fulfill our destinies in God’s Grace and mercy.

Matthew 7: 29

This is crucial for any servant of God. Teach with authority …..Absolute, unwavering Truth is what dispels the darkness. The author of authority is God.

Matthew 8:8

“Speak the Word” This is not faint, human ramblings….no.

This is the echoing reiteration of Gods own words ….His very speaking into existence of things….miracles , healings , prophecy……whatever the need might be . It is not the man, but God speaking through the man. The level of Faith displayed by this centurion comes from his not just believing , but it also comes from his clear understanding of the boundless and limitless power of the Creator , that transcends physical space and time….omniscient ,omnipresent .

Matthew 9: 8

This is a powerful verse. Miracles and healings in the meetings will always incite praise and a hunger for a deeper connection with the Creator. Christ has truly extended this wondrous anointing to do greater works once we are aligned with His Holy Spirit and following His leadership. Eloquent words, mind massages ….ear tickling quickly becomes vain and repetitious. Talking only goes so far…establishing the parameters of progressive spiritual development is the basis for laying the ground work for individual understanding. This is mostly accomplished through bible studies, prayer, group interaction, but above all, it is the individuals’ hunger and thirst for Truth and Righteousness…..which dictates the pace of enlightenment and spiritual growth. Major encounters with the God Seekers (revivals, camp meetings, etc.) permeate with the anticipation of a “Move” of Gods spirit. They have heard countless times the basic principles and dynamics of the Spiritual Gifts and the “Shekannah”, glory of Gods presence .THEY WANT AND NEED VALIDATION. They believe….. Their little shadows of “self doubt” must be overcome. Let God manifest His glory to them. QUENCH NOT THE SPIRIT…..wherever it goes, FOLLOW. Even if it shines upon you the servant to edify or uphold….or even if it should publicly chastise or correct……ALL things WILL work toward His good and perfect will.

Matthew 9: 22

“THY FAITH” This is individual faith….for as one believes, it is truly unto them. From THE primary measure of faith that is instilled in all of us, exists the sum total of everything. We can bury it and cause it to lay dormant and just occupy space in the physical realm……or we can nurture it with the LIVING WATER and watch it grow supernatural, spiritual roots that tap into the Millennial River of Life, with its mirror physical image branching out into this world, healing leaves of restorative power budding, all manner of fruit to sustain us both spiritually and physically. GOD HONORS FAITH BECAUSE FAITH HONORS GOD.

Matthew 10:1

SPIRITUAL FIRE BAPTISM IS A MUST . SELF cleansing from the shadows of darkness, supplemented with Holy Light will precede heavenly anointing to be used as Gods emissaries. Once endowed with the spiritual gifts, you MUST continually maintain contact with the Holy Spirit. Self doubt and self deception from past (old man) thought processes CAN and WILL try to resurrect themselves and regain control. The human body can only tolerate exposure to the Holy Ghost anointing for a certain length of time. Experience will dictate that this tolerance can be extended with repeated exposure. We are not in Glorified Bodies yet…..these clay ones are still quite fragile, only the potter knows how long to expose us to the flame.

Matthew 10: 8

The Power, the Anointing, the Gifts…..ALL that we are given from God, we must SHARE. FREELY ( without restraint) let what you possess flow unhindered out to them that are starved , bound , sickly , broken-hearted , poor in spirit…

Matthew 10: 16

Be wise and understand worldly ways. But DO NOT intentionally misuse this wisdom to exalt yourself at the expense of the unlearned, susceptible Children…..for there is a Millstone waiting for you.

Matthew 10: 18-20

Whenever or wherever we are exposed to public scrutiny, the Spirit will always shine through, as long as we yield to Him. He knows the right words and the right motions we need to use. Although we may be distracted or confused by a situation within are own understanding, we must lean on the Lords full understanding…..LET HIM HANDLE IT.

Matthew 11: 6

Upon the total surrender to Jesus with a dedicated and committed life (LIVING SACRIFICE), we evoke blessings that we cannot contain from the opened Windows of Heaven. Only God can open them, this He does when we TRY Him. This involves the fully sold out , completely unrestrained yielding to Gods will , His direction , His rules…..they are there for a reason , which will unfold itself to full clarity as we wait upon Him for strength , renewal , purpose and direction .

Matthew 11: 12

Truly the Kingdom of God suffers birth pains, violent convulsions in the spirit realm as the Kingdom prepares to reach forth into the physical realm…..promises and prophesies germinate into fruition. Yes, the Kingdom of God is at hand, at the very doorstep of humanity. The precious first fruit, Jesus, the cornerstone upon which we the Lively Stones have patiently built His Church. As the cross symbolizes Christ bridging the North/South vertical direction of the spirit with the East/West horizontal plane of the physical, we, too, must do the same, become bridges that span from the spirit into the physical (one foot on land and one foot on the sea), open access points for the Holy Spirit to move back and forth to wage war against the forces of darkness that have already constructed their own viaducts to our world. As Christian Soldiers outfitted with Gods armor, we must be zealous to fight the good fight, turning our cheek to our fellow man but never to Satan, of evil spirits controlling a man or situation. Choose the right weapon for our arsenal is limitless…..but remember its not carnal (physically obvious) but spiritual. OUR might and humanly power is insignificant. It’s through the spirit that all things shall be accomplished.

Matthew 11: 25

Human minds are so darkened with false perceptions….self deceit mask out the light of Truth. Only through innocent, childlike trust and faith can real revelation be perceived, whole and pure, undiluted by our human mental filtering processes. Unfortunately our minds can act as a prism….the White Light of Gods Truth flowing through, refracting into a band of many colors. This rainbow token of promise must be kept in its entirety , not dissected by those who would take one color , one aspect of Truth and envelope themselves by that single fraction of the total spectrum . Shaded doctrines, dogmas or a manifesto shrouded beneath a cloak of a single hue becomes drab and unappealing. The true servant must don HIS coat of many (all) colors to fully represent Gods total truth and anointing.

Matthew 11: 27

Father, Son and the Holy Spirit…..the blessed Trinity…….

Our mere mortal minds strain to comprehend the mystery of this immortal trio. Are they fragmented parts of a single entity? God, the mind and soul….Jesus, the physical shell that housed the Creator for His earthly stay…..the Holy Spirit, the animating force that pulses through all life. Endless arguments extol circular reasoning, like a dog chasing its tail, around and around the theologians and philosophers go…..mortal mentality at a loss for an ultimate answer. Like before a mirror darkly, we grasp at shadowy reflections. But the mirror IS becoming a window… longer full of grotesque caricatures of sinful, fallen mortal images, but a Portal into the spirit realm. Illuminated Truth…we can see clearly what God wants and desires for us. What was whispered into the ears of the ancient prophets by the gentle, still voice of the spirit……is now being echoed loudly and boldly by those who have gazed through Gods window of revelation. The Son truly does reveal ALL things to them that would look upon Him, casting away their beggar’s garments …..For He IS our great window of opportunity concerning knowledge and blessings.

Matthew 11: 28-30

The key is learning, fully comprehending what Jesus whole purpose and intent was. God becoming flesh, dealing with a rebellious world that was governed by a corrupt usurper of His authority in a way that challenged established logic and precepts in a manner that was to be a Stumbling Block for the ritualistic, self-righteous ideologies that yoked and bound His children to grievous burdens of the flesh…..barriers to the spirit realm that was as yet jealously guarded behind the “Veil of Secrecy”. A pure and holy , righteous and true Father (Creator) could never find one who would be worthy among the HUMAN seed…..the greatest , most faithful men ever recorded ( Moses , Abraham , Isaac , Jacob , David , Elijah , etc. ) , they all had a carnal , unannointed human side that was marred by Mans’ sinful nature . Only the undefiled essence of Gods purity could survive and fulfill all the promises, contracts and sacrificial supplication that one being needed to qualify and to validate His Agenda.

Like the faithful Father He is, He knew He would have to step in and gently wrap us in His sheltering arms and receive the blows upon His own body that Satan had planned for us, His children. The chains and fetters we are shackled by in the Devils dungeon of darkness , the yokes and burdens of this sinful world that imprison us , will fall away as we embrace the masters hand , letting Him lift us up from the miry clay onto a solid road , narrow and straight , without twisting turns of deception , no insurmountable mountains of doubt or desire , no valleys of impassable despair . The first step is ours and ours alone….in FAITH we reach out toward what we strive to understand, Gods Good and Perfect Will for us, our place as a co-worker and joint-heir to our fast materializing Kingdom. NO man is worthy to partake, only through Gods Mercy and Long-suffering Grace are we permitted to be partakers. WE ALL FALL SHORT OF THE MARK. Only because He so loved His creations was He willing to step into a clay vessel , donning a human body so He could pay Lucifer’s’ ransom out of His own pocket……freeing the captive souls , tearing the Veil down so that we could all look into the spirit realm .

NOTE….WE all have to enter the temple…..where once the secondary sacrifices of animals, their life-giving blood spilt from necessity. Now WE must ALL present our individual flesh bodies back to our Creator as living sacrifices, given of our own FREE WILLS…..then and only then can we step forth into the Holiest of Holies where flesh and spirit merge atop the Ark of the Covenant, to receive instruction direct from His Holy Spirit. With coals of fire placed upon our lips (purification), and the mantle of double anointing we are prepared from our purpose, our mission. REMEMBER….EACH OF US MUST COME FORTH OF THEIR INDIVIDUAL FREE WILL. God does not force us to serve. Only Satan deceives and controls the children like a puppet master and makes men think that God pulls all the strings ….even His , allowing , even forcing Him to be evil , the scrape goat that He is…..HIS GREATEST LIE . God waits for each of us to call out to Him….to voluntarily step out of the Darkness into His Light. The worst thing we can do is stop halfway, one foot in the darkness and one in the light. You can not serve God and the world. Your body has to exist externally, but with spiritual commitment comes Power, Blessing, Comfort, Wisdom, Peace……infinite provision for this world and the one approaching. Once you step forward as a volunteer in Gods’ Army, do not ever do an about face and retreat back to where you were. Gods’ armor only shields the front and He is our rear reward and guard. He protects, lifts us up and whispers direction in our ears. Only through forward progression can we occupy and defeat satanic, negative forces. Should you become fearful from self deception or doubt , not fully trusting in Gods’ strong arm to uphold you…..casting down the sword of truth and the protective shield of faith…..if you flee the heat of battle , the enemy has a fiery dart ready and leveled at your unprotected back ! REMEMBER THIS….the weaker; less seasoned warriors in Gods’ army, likened to the earthly armies MUST be trained before they are sent to the front line. The recruit or the General…..we are all in this together. Rank, promotion and deployment are Gods responsibility. We must serve faithfully, sharing our experiences, our wisdom and our knowledge of spiritual warfare with those taking their initial steps of faith in Gods service.

Unfortunately there are tares among the wheat……angels of darkness shrouded in thin veils of light , projecting shards of truth…..enough to draw the attention of the gullible and trusting immature Christians . Like moths to a flame, they spread their new found wings of freedom and rush toward any and every source of light. There are many false prophets , teachers and guides , with many varied interpretations that claim to answer that big question…..who and what are we , what is our reason or purpose for existence? One can find beliefs, customs and concepts that will cater to any perspective one CHOOSES to embrace. Man continuously builds mortal monuments, sacred sanctuaries ….white sepultures that house the bones of the living dead, all hoping to entice Gods presence and sanctification. Its not in these cold , spiritless tombs that Gods holy spirit seeks to inhabit , no matter how small , quaint and informal…..or how grand and majestic or eye-pleasing . The temples of truth that the Spirit flows through are the plain earthen vessels, not hewn by mans hand, but molded by Gods own hand. The individual body, presented back voluntarily for the service of our creator, is sanctified and blessed by the master, each becoming a Lively Stone. Rock by rock, we are placed upon the cornerstone (JESUS) and the sure foundation (The Apostles), ever building the Temple of God. The Holy Spirit sets us in place, coming together to form the one true church, created by the master carpenter himself.

MATTHEW 12: 18-21

Here we have Gods chosen vessel to bring forth His light of truth. Notice the tri-level affirmation…..PHYSICAL, Jesus chosen body….SPIRIT, God puts His Spirit upon him, the anointing….SOUL, Gods soul is well pleased. This is our pattern, our goal….to bond with our creator on all levels. Physically yielding to his holy service, presenting our bodies and wills to him, our souls knitting with his, pleases our father. God reciprocating by placing his Holy Spirit within us…..His knowledge , power and authority flowing out through us……points of light shining forth , merging with other beacons of light , ever intensifying to push back the Darkness .

On Jesus first visit to this physical realm, he introduced us to Gods transforming, internalized restructuring process of rebirth. Likened unto the caterpillar and the butterfly , we would all have to enter into a spiritual cocoon woven by God himself…..our ugly , sinful and corrupt mortal bodies would emerge as radiant and vibrant , spiritually energized beings that God intended us to be . This period of time that we spend in this cocoon, sheltered from outside pressures, wholly given to communion with God is individualized. Jesus spent forty days and nights fighting his tormentor, overcoming his self doubt and carnal desires……then steps forth a tried and faithful servant. Peter, Paul and all the apostles had to be as He instructed…..BORN AGAIN. Once of the water and again by the spirit (fire).Our mortal eyes view the world, seeing the anguish and the pain inflicted by satanic works, along with the marvelous beauty of Gods creations. Our mortal minds filter the images……separating, categorizing and computing the visual inputs. Good and bad, beautiful and ugly, pleasing and disgusting. Some individuals try to correct or alleviate the disturbing images…..intervening to right the wrongs. Others simply push them back, desensitizing themselves to external stimuli that evoke pain or discomfort. But with REBIRTH, the spiritual eyes of man are opened… the scales over Paul’s eyes, the devil placed blinders will fall away. With spiritual enlightenment, our internal beacons of light shine outward, dispelling the darkness and fully exposing the true images that surround us. Seeing clearly we must step forward, reaching out to a lost and dying world, assisting and correcting as the spirit directs.

MATTHEW 12:28-30

Just as Jesus had instructed, the Kingdom HAS come unto US. And just like the Master, we too, have the power and authority to cast out or exorcise demonic entities. The strong man (Lucifer) and His house (this world) and His goods (the things in this world) are to be under our subjection. We know that Satan will be bound, restrained by the Archangel Michael eventually, but now though, we are given the power and authority to bruise His head (all He rules). We are to turn the tables on Him and exact a hundredfold restitution for what He has done to us while we were blinded by His deceptions. SO COME ON AND STRIKE OUT AND RETALLIATE FOR THE PAIN HE INFLICTED ON YOU AND THOSE YOU CARE ABOUT. Stand in the gap for those you love, swing your sword of truth and hold up your shield of faith (NOTE: you can us your shield as an umbrella also…..when Satan rains down deadly arrows of affliction from above, hold it overhead and you will not only protect yourself from harm, but you might just be surprised to find others may seek shelter under your shield). Although we cannot always tell, we are being watched and scrutinized by those that stand in the shadows. Our lives are a living testimony of Gods’ indwelling presence. Agape, Gods’ love transcends everything. …it is the fuel that sustains us. It is the essence of all that is pure, good and holy. This pure, undiluted force that emanates from God is like rays of sunshine, falling on the just as well as the unjust, those that are good and those that are evil…….one embraces the warm,lifegiving light, while the other turns from it, shunning the brightness of truth, preferring the deceit of darkness. But there are those that cower in the shadows, watching us, enthralled by what they witness. Like a scared child hiding in a closet, they need someone to open the door, freeing them from their fears. So be careful, pull them into the light, and don’t project an image that evokes distain or distrust that scatters them further from Gods’ love and mercy.

MATTHEW 12:31-32

The importance of the Holy Spirit is emphasized here……why is this the one unpardonable sin? Neither by might nor by power will all things be accomplished. We can doubt or rebuke, dissect or scrutinize Jesus and His ministries……accept or reject Him and stumble in darkness as our free will chooses, then ultimately turn to Him and get forgiveness. That’s because we never really knew Him. But He knew us and this deceitful world we were prisoners in. Trapped in the folds of darkness, we were like unlearned children of this world that knows no better than to strike out when hurt or fear and distrust everyone and everything. We have to be taught the things of God so we may fully comprehend His will for us. Once enlightened, we make a conscious choice to serve or reject the Lord…..being fully exposed to the light, we are truly accountable for our decisions and our actions.

This is the premise for the Age span we are in……the dispensation of grace, for by Gods’ grace, He appeared wrapped in human flesh to stop the clock from striking midnight. We understand that since He had set the clock, only He could hold back the hand from ticking off the final seconds. As He had displayed to Daniel, a servant who communed with Him at least three times daily, seeking instruction, answers and direction…….we can also glimpse the Celestial Clock and its eternal time spans. Christ’s initial mission on Earth had three objectives: 1-To declare the approaching Kingdom, the doorway to enter (REBIRTH) and the importance of connecting and bonding with Gods’ Holy Spirit (our teacher and instructor). 2-After crucifixion, while in the heart of the Earth, He had to free the captive souls that were being held by Lucifer. These He led out from Hell (Abrahams Bosom), directing them to Gods’ holy mountain city….New Jerusalem. 3-Gods’ clock was set to end a sinful world of which He had tried to wash clean earlier during Noah’s time…….like our own rebirth, the Earth was born of water, then would be purified and renovated by a fervent heat (FIRE). Daniel had placed seventy weeks (70x7 years=490years) until this end time event occurred. The crucifixion of Christ came as the sixty-ninth week ended…..God sacrificed Himself to stay the clock, throwing mankind into a limboic period of Heavenly Grace. The clock has been motionless for two thousand years, God giving us all the opportunity to seek Him out, to embrace the Gospel, the good news of His love and mercy toward His children… discover His plan of redemption and reconnection to Him through His Holy Spirit.

Jesus said that He had so much to say but they could not understand until the time was right. He had to return to His Heavenly Throne but before He left He promised to send the great teacher, the Holy Spirit to instruct us in all truth. We can see now why that to reject Gods’ spirit of truth is deemed to be the unpardonable sin, for without Gods’ spirit we are empty shells of humanity…..good only for the trafficking spirits of Satan. Without the divine light of Gods’ spirit we are lost. To willfully deny Him access is to willingly accept the cold, darkness of sin and eternal damnation. As free moral agents, we all have to make THE DECISION to serve God or the Devil…..Hot or cold, God will not take lukewarm, half-hearted commitments. All or nothing…..Time is running out.

The person of the Holy Spirit/Ghost evokes much debate and argument. The word spirit alludes to an energy or force that flows out from the Creator to His creations. When you use the term ghost, you quantify and structure an entity of individual composition and character. The interplay of both these concepts tend to get distorted by those that don’t fully understand there meanings and purpose. The phrases Getting or Receiving the Holy Ghost, the baptism of Gods’ Holy Spirit and the Anointing, with the various Gifts of the Spirit need to be properly comprehended and utilized effectively for there specific intentions. The heavenly flow of Gods’ energy, this purifying fire from above that saturates our very being, cleansing us for His holy service is the initial step toward sanctification of our earthly temples. We had already externally stepped forward in faith confessing our sins and vocally announcing our desire to follow our Lord Jesus….we then stepped into our symbolic watery graves, the spirit man symbolically washing away those sins from his physical being (water baptism). Now we receive the Fire baptism of Gods’ Holy Spirit…..This to burn the dross impurities in our temples. At this critical juncture of our journey toward eternity, we, while our temples are swept and garnished, freed from demonic affliction CAN and MUST invite Gods’ holy emissary , His loving Comforter, our Great Teacher….the Holy Ghost to enter into our innermost being…..not to control or manipulate, but guide and direct us on our pilgrimage to paradise. Once His presence is realized, we have to continually commune with Him, listen to His gentle, and still voice whispering into our mortal minds those things He would have us receive. The problems and the distractions of the external realm can and will create barriers, walls between our inner man and our teacher if we aren’t watchful. It is through self abasement, the suppression of our easily inflated egos through prayer and fasting, studying and receiving God’s word, praising and rejoicing or getting quiet before the Lord……Whatever it takes to keep an open channel to our guide. OUR CONNECTION IS CRITICAL FOR OUR VERY EXISTENCE.

MATTHEW 12:34-37

Life and death are truly in the power of the tongue. By the fruit of a mans lips will he yield nourishment for many or he will serve a putrefied, poisonous dish of deadly corruption. We WILL be judged, our vain and idle words are going to be weighed and balanced…..justification or condemnation, the scales lean toward one or the other, there is no balancing point between the two. Gods Husbandman, the Holy Spirit, will cultivate spiritual fruits of His righteous seeds, flowering forth to feed those that hunger for spiritual food. A vessel possessed by demonic entities can only bring forth bitter herbs, poisonous thistles, corrupt fruit that sickens those who garner from them.


The natural or carnal man has a tendency to want to witness supernatural, mind boggling signs and wonders of a miraculous nature……wonders that bewilder their limited comprehension. This “TALK IS CHEAP, SHOW ME” attitude was what Jesus faced. Even though he performed countless miracles, healings and prophetic utterances….still they wanted more. He, in his infinite wisdom knew that there were two groups of people that he addressed. The first were those who embrace his life giving revelations of spiritual knowledge and instruction. The other was them that were bound and shackled with externally structured limitations of intellectual perception, that were dominated by basic sensory analysis( WHAT THEIR FIVE SENSES COULDN’T INTERPRET AND QUANTIFY THEY VOLUNTARILY REJECTED) ……yet, they were amused and awed by these miracles or “magic”, which they lumped together as the same. Knowing as he did the division between these two types of people, He, as foretold in prophecy, was the orator of parables……the dualistic projection of verbal imagery that would on the surface utilize common analogies and everyday symbols of life to which the people were familiar with. To the physically encumbered slave to the world, they appeared to be quaint, simple stories….fables of some kind of moral instruction. But to the receptive individuals, whose spiritual eyes and ears strained to perceive and understand, they were earth shaking instructions that set forth the master plan of the Eternal Kingdom. In his brief ministry, Christ set forth the basic tenets for his faithful, obedient children to follow to establish that kingdom. His short exposure to the crowds, those mobs of curiosity seekers, fault finding hypocrites, religious zealots…….as well as the truly spiritually hungry and thirsty people that would eat His manna and drink His living water, all witnessed countless displays of spiritual power. Yet, Jesus knew their thoughts and intents; He knew the workings of satanic, fleshly influences…..the same stubborn and unyielding spirit that the pharaoh showed Moses. That same heart hardening mind set of deceit and doubt was pervasive among the multitudes.

Jesus said and done all he had to do during his ministry, with the added promise of Gods’ instructor and comforter, the Holy Spirit, would come to Earth to continue our spiritual evolution…..emphasizing our Great Commission of becoming emissaries of the Gospel, with the validation and confirmation of our “Rightful” use of His word by signs and wonders following. The Children of the Light are fully supplied with the necessities to persevere and conquer any and all demonic obstacles or attacks. Once the Physician had treated the injured and the afflicted and had given them their heavenly prescriptions to regain their spiritual health, He made this statement to the doubtful, unbelieving children of deception…..because your eyes are closed and you cover your ears, your understanding has been darkened….you cannot comprehend the Creators intentions….you receive the distorted images that Lucifer deciphers for you. Howbeit, you can all, with some effort sort out this one saying….as the prophet Jonah was three days in the belly of the whale, so shall the son of man be in the heart of the Earth.

The story of Jonah is wrought full of prophetic imagery. The portrayal of each of our own individual spiritual journeys is acted out in this prophet’s journey toward faith. This projected instruction for us unravel, from the simplistic to the philosophically challenging precepts, with their layered strata’s of truth and directions spring forth into the hands of those who would dig out those precious nuggets of golden enlightenment…..treasures of far greater value than any earthly riches. Short and concise, this book is like a compressed spring. Releasing the coils, it surges and expands; the far flung implications manifested by the spiraling loops cover much more area than initially meets the natural eye. On the surface we have the story of a recognized prophet, a servant of God. Like, as in our own spiritual quests, he had sought out the Creator, vowed his vows of servitude, willingly enlisting in Gods’ elite army…..after untold fasting, prayers and continuous ingesting of Gods’ Holy Script….he, as we all have, strived and pleaded for the Creator to use him….whatever, whenever……just to feel His mighty hand upon him, the joy and privilege of a REAL and ORDAINED service. Then, when he had received direct instruction from God, the mission he was to fulfill wasn’t at all what he had hoped for or had envisioned. We all hunger for the Anointing, to be a catalyst for mighty, miraculous moves of God that brings the great, exhilarating waves of joy and harmony to the spiritually starving multitudes. To be a prophet of doom and gloom, proclaiming death and destruction, warnings of impending chastisement and punishment toward the rebellious, sin shrouded people, who by nature tend to reject ultimatums……usually with physical violence, was not a desired aspect of the prophetic ministry…..for it does involve acts of extreme faith and obedience…..self preservation suppressed is very hard to accomplish.

So the scenario is of a man of God, fearful of repercussions and reprisals, disobeying direct instructions from God Himself. As he flees from his calling, we see the fruit of disobedience begin to affect those he comes in contact with, threatening their very existence. ONCE CALLED AND INSTRUCTED WE CANNOT DISOBEY OUR ORDERS. There are no lesser or greater assignments….only opportunities to accomplish a part of the Master Plan….each part and parcel is a vital and necessary act of faith and obedience.

As the pseudo-sovereign entity, Lucifer sends forth violent winds and crashing waves of potential destruction, we find parallel images between Christ and Jonah with opposite results. A sleeping prophet, a boat filled with distressed companions fearful of life and limb, together with destructive forces at play. The difference being that Christ, through obedience and faith could command the very elements that were being manipulated by Satan to cease and desist. The disobedient servant could only acknowledge failure, repent and yield to the elements, hoping and praying that God would forgive and sustain him. Now comes the crux of our spiritual journey…..our “old man” of natural flesh symbolically “dying” out, being rebirthed, and regenerated into the spiritual “new man”. Amidst life’s storms of adversity and conflict, within the bellies of our own whales, we are transported through the spirit realm to be placed upon the shores of our destinies. With doubt and disobedience overcome, the faithful servant steps forth ready to say or do whatever the desires of Gods’ heart would have for him.

We see that, like the rebellious children of Nineveh….the people of all ages who are blindly stumbling in a world of darkness, grasping at any and every object to come within their reach, all desire that one true voice of authority that will shatter the silence of unquestioned carnal submission. These sensually motivated aspirations and desires with their empty, fleeting pleasures and rewards being exposed by the light of truth as the shackles and fleshly chains of bondage that they are. Sensory gratification pales in comparison to the exuberant, soul satisfying, spirit energizing anointing of Gods’ touch. Like the prodigal children we are, what indescribable joy and ecstasy awaits us when we are welcomed by our heavenly Father, with a robe of righteousness and a ring of heir ship and authority….transformed from the darkness into the light. To reiterate, we each follow a similar path like Jonah. (A) Desiring to be used of God, we initially offer our service. (B) After a period of faithful and diligent scriptural programming, basic foundational structuring….we are used in increasingly greater measures for spiritually guided assignments. (C) There comes a time of self doubt, self worth and self esteem…..situations that Satan will manipulate, causing the man of God to step back and regroup (I.E. Elijah the greatly anointed prophet, withdrawing into his secret place, his cave. External pressures and persecutions weakened him physically and emotionally, but yet, his spirit knew to reconnect with Gods’ Holy Spirit. We can learn crucial instruction from the interplay of his spirit man and Gods’ Divine Spirit. We are NEVER the only one used of God. As He promised, His spirit flows out to all that will receive and accept His Anointing. If you are persecuted, be joyful as instructed…..we are partakers with our Master and model, Jesus. IF WE SHARE HIS GLORY, WE CAN SHARE HIS PAIN. The difference is now being that we have The Comforter to lean on, to receive consolation from. The next lesson Elijah shares with us is the external manifestations that we tend to search for God in (i.e. the whirlwind, the fire and the earthquake, symbolizing works we attribute to God in the physical plane). Although Gods’ handprints are clearly visible in many instances…..they are not all His doing. Satan accounts for much of what transpires in the world, some counterfeit tokens of the Creators touch included. The bottom line is this……you cannot always trust what your senses encounter……you MUST maintain that connection to the still, small voice of your spirit guide, the gyroscope that navigates us through ALL waters, calm or troubled….spirit or physical. Without our guidance system, we will become free floating vessels, driven by the winds of despair, cast upon and shipwrecked by the rocks of deception that lie beneath the surface of our natural sight. Once we have recognized these truths, then have re-organized our priorities correctly, then have recharged our spiritual batteries…..we must press on, continue our missions in life. (D) Upon now receiving our commissions, however great or small they appear to us, we have to make a conscious choice…..being the FREE MORAL AGENTS WE ARE, to either accept our mission and strive to fulfill it or do as Jonah done, reject it and run the other way.

DON’T RUN AWAY FROM GODS’ CALLING! You will be the most miserable, most tormented, most undesirable being on the planet. Having been exposed to the light of truth, having bathed in the river of life, having caressed the wounds of the Savior……to of your own free will, step out of the light and try to exist in this demonically dominated world with but a portion of the life sustaining manna and spiritual water….to wander amidst the legions of darkness, disconnected from your Heavenly Guide is foolish and often fatal. You will become a grotesque, hybrid entity….if ever the term Zombie could be applied; it would be here….THE LIVING DEAD. Though you are a living, breathing person, you’re spiritually DEAD…..trapped between the flesh and the spirit realms, you are a stagnant, lukewarm source of water that sickens and repulses both the carnal and the spirit persons that you encounter. YOU CANNOT STAND IN THE SHADOWS AND EXPECT CHRISTS’ BLESSINGS AND REWARDS. You can’t philosophize and argue that your spirit man still believes but your mortal man restricts your obedience to God. Nor can you claim those few works that the Holy Spirit may have manifested through you( Have we not worked miracles in your name lord…..depart you workers of iniquity, for I know you not). How can Jesus acknowledge disobedience and willful departure from His spirit guide? The reason that many are called but few actually become the Chosen Ones is simply because of their lack of total commitment and their voluntary withdrawal from spiritual service. The Chosen Elect of God are the faithful, obedient Children of Light, who follow the Masters voice…..wherever He leads!

Chose wisely before you turn and flee Gods’ presence, for if through obedience, as portrayed by Jonah fulfilling his Ninevite engagement…..many lives are weighed and in balance….you as and emissary of light bring with you the resurrecting power of God to the multitude! But if by your disobedience they continue to dwell in darkness and sin, eventually to embrace the eternal flames of damnation and torment….their screams will echo in your spirit, fingers pointing toward you in accusation of failed obedience. Whatever the results of your acts of obedience are in Gods’ hands…He alone knows what he wants or desires….it is enough to have been a willing vessel to be used in the commission of a heavenly inspired act. Don’t become confused, angry or disheartened if the results don’t meet your mere mortal expectations. When the Ninevites fasted and repented, God repealed the initial sentence of destruction and smiled upon His repentive flock. For all the anguish Jonah had endured, for all the spiritual suffering he had brought upon himself… the hardness of his heart, Jonah wanted God to fulfill the prophecies he had conveyed to them. He had uttered the words God had given him that proclaimed destruction in forty days because of their sinfulness….he wanted his words to be validated, feeling that he would appear to be a False Prophet if they didn’t meet their demise. His self vanity outweighed his compassion for the lost and the dying sinful people. Jonah had initially viewed himself in the wrong light, seeing himself as a harbinger, a messenger of death. In reality he was the mouthpiece of God, warning, giving the children a chance for redemption and reconciliation, just as all the chosen vessels of God are supposed to be. Jonah had erroneously envisioned only the one scenario…..his bold proclamation, then the fulfillment of those words verbatim. He could not see past his part….that of being the spark that ignited the fuse…..the resulting blast, the effect and the measure of Gods’ spiritual explosives was not in his hand or his comprehension. Ninevah was indeed overthrown as he prophesied. The mortal men, their buildings and treasures weren’t destroyed…..the unseen principalities, rulers of darkness with their demonic oppressors were indeed overthrown and exiled. Each and every individual from the least to the greatest had to humble themselves and cry out to God and to turn from their wicked ways……just as we all must do. Jonah, like many ministers today, tends to overlook spiritual warfare in its entirety. They crave resultant physical validation for their efforts, often becoming disillusioned when their faith is tested during spiritual DRY SPELLS, instead of searching the sky for that small hand-sized cloud. The book of Jonah seems to be unfinished; incomplete….this is how it had to be. We see Jonah bemoaning what he perceived as himself to be a false prophet……the city hadn’t been destroyed as he had envisioned it to be….he felt disgraced, aggravated and grieved in the spirit. While he sits outside the city in self exile, trying to comprehend what all had transpired, God gave him and all of us this message…..THOUGH YOU CAN’T ALWAYS FULLY UNDERSTAND MY WAYS, WHEN IT COMES TO MY CHILDREN WHO CANNOT DISCERN FROM THEIR LEFT ( SPIRIT) AND THEIR RIGHT (FLESH), ONLY I CAN KNOW WHAT ACTION TO TAKE. You as an obedient servant can only be patient and trusting that as time progresses, you will spiritually evolve to a fuller understanding of my ways.

As in Jonahs story, there is no end……just an alluded to journey of spiritual understanding that we all must embark upon as we race toward eternity. Now that you have this basic comprehension of our parallel similarities to Jonahs journey, let’s step up onto a higher spiritual plateau and observe the great panorama surrounding Jesus prophetic proclamation that he would enter Hell and be resurrected after three days. All of the allusions that he had made predicting his demise, re-animation and the glorified, exalted state his being would endure…..they weren’t meant to impress us as either a mystifying fortune tellers trick or to be perceived as a self-fulfilling prophecy of a religious fanatic. Having to deal with darkened minds, he couldn’t step down to a communicable level that was easily comprehended by the masses and accomplish any kind of spiritual elevation……rather, he had to use analogies, allegories, similitude’s of a dualistic composition. In order to maintain the established order of FREE MORAL AGENCY ( Mans individual freedom to choose, accept or reject, believe or disbelieve…..his right to follow his own course or destiny had to be kept intact), he projected images of layered truth, presented in the only acceptable fashion that could maintain harmony between spirit and flesh. Those externally, desensitized persons could view these images and freely walk away….no sense of the indepthness of the spiritual implications they possessed. But those that truly hungered and thirsted for divine truth could and would receive the essence of Jesus parables and promises, either by his own divulgence and interpretation ( as he did for his own disciples while they were yet spiritual infants ), or later as he promised, by the Great Teacher and Guide, the Holy Spirit or Comforter. Through diligent study of Gods Holy Script, by prayerfully preparing your mind to receive the information and images that our spirit/teacher will utilize to expound and clarify Gods’ once hidden agenda for us, his children, we can all…..for he is no respecter of persons, stand on that spiritual plateau and view Christ’s first visit in its entirety. As you gaze upon Heavenly conflicts, you will witness the fall of an Archangel, a Being of Light, slowly fading into darkness and corruption…..Lucifer, once elevated to a position of authority next to God himself. Vanity, self-delusion and seeds of rebellion flourished until Satan (his new name) was born…..the evil reflection of the once perfect and unblemished Lucifer.

Overthrown and exiled to this small, insignificant planet, the Heavenly Council watched and waited for the Supreme Judge to pass sentence on him and his accomplices. A vengeful and merciless Creator could have easily destroyed and removed all the negative influence surrounding Satan’s defiant army, forcing complete submission to His will, but no…..even in the spirit dimension, the essence of our free wills is kept intact. Throughout the Universe, word was relayed to countless Archangels of this new and startling event. How would the Creator react? Would He use His ultimate power to annihilate His enemy, His once faithful friend and servant to whom He had entrusted so much knowledge and authority? An action of that nature could not elicit a desirable result because future angelic obedience would come from coercion and fear of reprisals, creating an underlying current of involuntary adherence to supreme policy. This situation had to be dealt with once and for all. The angelic beings had to individually witness the true nature of an evil, negatively motivated course of action and its consequences…..the ultimate effects of pain, death and destruction for those that embraced it. It would not be through Gods might or His power….but through His Spirit, anchored by His Divine Love. His Light would dispel the darkness that Satan had brought to this world, transforming it from a cold and frozen place of blackness and desolation……into a bright and shining, everlasting Kingdom of Righteousness.

When God had Michael imprison Lucifer and his followers on Earth, He had to take certain precautions to keep him confined, knowing the limit of his power and wisdom. What evolving, intelligent life forms that inhabited Earth at this time were terminated as unfortunate victims of Lucifer’s rebellion. Satan had originally been assigned to watch over and inspire spiritual evolution and growth to a primitive civilization on this planet. As the covering Cherub, he had misused his position, neglecting his responsibilities to nurture and instill the inspirational flashes of revelational concepts and ideas to their developing psyches. Like many modern false prophets and leaders that emulate his nature, they would rather garner any revelational knowledge to themselves, feeding tidbits of refracted truths as they saw fit, keeping a mindless multitude subservient to their selves. No bars could contain nor any shackles restrain these exiles, so God created a barrier…..a veil of darkness, a shroud that covered the Earth, imprisoning the rebels on a world without sunlight, its life-giving rays unable to penetrate to the surface. Earth soon became a frozen wasteland of blackness and solitude, the spiritual entities wandered to and fro, pacing the parameters of their prison cell. Denied their external source of radiant energy, they had to utilize the underlying core of power that pulsated from within the planet. Withdrawing within the cold shell to a sustaining ocean of energy, they established their headquarters……ever building and preparing themselves for a future opportunity for retribution and reprisal. Rather than accepting this period, this span of time as not so much as a disciplinary sanction, but more of a duration of introspection and self restructuring was what God wanted. We, as mortals, molded and influenced by external stimuli and trauma, know that there comes a point when an individual, for their own good, as well as for those in their sphere of interactions, have to step in and have them committed and removed from their social environment. Whether motivated by fear or, as with God…..LOVE for someone…..when they get out of control and all other options are exhausted, we sometimes have a tough decision to make. God still loved Lucifer and in His compassion and extreme mercy, wanted to isolate him, giving him time to reflect and get his priorities straight. Not by force would God overpower and torture Satan into submission. Lucifer would have to do the same as the rest of us mortal men must do…..REPENT and come back to the Father of our own free choice. Unfortunately, rehabilitation was the farthest thing from Satan’s ever corrupting mind. Making the most of his situation, he plotted, planned and continually constructed his kingdom within the planet. He knew full well that he would eventually stand before the Heavenly Court and be given a chance to either argue his case for an alternate, negatively charged existence…..his free right of choice, or throw himself on the mercy of the Holy Council, pleading for forgiveness and reinstatement to his prior rank. With time to think and scheme, he sought to find anything he could use for his defense. With his ultimate understanding of creative mechanics that utilized multiple energy sources, manipulation of inner dimensional force fields and molecular structuring, combined with eons of amassed wisdom and knowledge of God’s ever expanding kingdom and its internal hierarchy and agenda. It was that same attitude of self exalted egotism that had caused him to challenge God himself and be the new giver of truth and light. Now in exile, he thought and conspired, drawing upon that great knowledge to devise a counter offensive against God….waiting, ever waiting to strike. While the Earthbound Lucifer mused over his situation, God called together His Holy Council of Elders…..representatives from all across the universe that had come together to assist Him, to bear witness and to advise as needed. Together, they would forge a plan that would fully expose the resultant repercussions of uncontained negative energy, EVIL.

Much like our own scientists in a laboratory would do with a strange new virus, by placing it in an enclosed container, keeping it from escaping while they tested and observed its expansion and destruction through a microscope. These heavenly hosts would likewise do the same, watching Evil run its course, like a fever afflicting this planet…..a controlled experiment for all the Eternal Beings to bear witness to. There would have to be no doubt as to what the corrupted influence of evil would culminate into. Gods plan for a man…..a hybrid entity consisting of flesh and spirit, with a mind to bridge the gap between the two was to take center stage. (The infamous laboratory rat is an image that would evoke much criticism…..but, in a sense it is applicable). A tri-level entity (BODY-MIND-SPIRIT), with free moral agency, would be placed in a great container…Earth. An in depth understanding of what transpired begins to formulate as we search the scriptures. For example, from the book of Job we find that Lucifer was allowed access to the courtroom of God. Through prayerful study of the word, we see that certain rules and limited power was restored to Satan. By deception he regained control of fleshly beings that had separated themselves from Gods spirit….PSUEDO-SOVEREIGNTY.

The first step God took was to remove the veil of darkness from around the Earth, letting the suns radiant energy thaw out this frozen planet. Water dispersed into clouds, onto the surface and beneath, flooding underground chambers and passageways. Initially creating a safe haven for the spirit/man Adam and his helpmate Eve…..a self contained nursery of sorts, in which man could take his first Earthly steps without being assailed by the spiritual inhabitants that were circling beyond Eden’s boundaries, curious spectators that they were. Only Satan could enter…..this by Gods permission. He had argued that a disobedient nature was not just confined to him and his followers, that the desire for alternative goals, prompted from seeds of negativity was lying dormant in any creature of self will. A simple test….a challenge was presented. Would man be obedient and submissive toward Gods will and direction…..or could he be enticed into being disobedient. The fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil epitomized man kinds’ nature. Had he obeyed and refrained from consuming this food that activated the flow of positive and negative thoughts, he would have remained innocent and trusting, believing every word from God to be the nourishment he needed to exist on. But, through this disobedient act, Satan gained his foothold…He was now an established force to be reckoned with.

God knew man would fail……his immature intellect and spiritual perception was no match for Satan’s vast wisdom and deceit. Mans loss of innocence gave way to conscious decisions and accountability for his actions. By his own hand, by his sweat and perseverance would he go forth and build, till the soil and gather the fruits of his labor. With the promise that man would eventually be redeemed and that he would crush the evil head that had bruised his heel by uncovering his disobedient nature, mankind began an odyssey of faith……many battles and assaults by satanic forces were to be encountered as each stage of Gods master plan unfolded itself.

With mankind disconnected from direct spiritual communication with his creator, Lucifer readily projected distorted images and messages to those he could use and exploit. Worship of creations instead of the creator was the accepted belief system…..sun, moon, stars, animals, trees, rocks, whatever they chose to elevate to deification. Ever descending into carnality….fleshly pleasures, external stimuli evoked lust for sensory gratification…..wealth, sex, drinking, gambling….weaknesses then and even now. SIN FOR A SEASON SEEMS TO OVERSHADOW GOOD INTENTIONS. Ill conceived power, negatively introduced by Satan, saturated these Earth men……an evil anointing of false perceptions of their Earthly purpose, their relationship to both visible and the unseen realities that surrounded them. As it became so painfully apparent, Lucifer seemed to be proving his argument that even the very elect of God might possibly be corruptible. Through submission, a negatively charged, decadent people became tools, instruments of Satan to be exploited for furthering his plans to dominate first this world, then to expand his dark kingdom out into the vastness of the universe. Initially Lucifer could only gain access through the spirit of man, instilling corrupt thought patterns, inspirations and images that would captivate and channel his guiding energy toward manifesting submissive obedience. Once the mind with its filtering apparatus for both external stimuli as well as the internal, spiritually coded stimuli was darkened to embrace satanic precepts and reject the light of truth with its positive flow of pure and holy counsel, Lucifer was able to take the next step. Now that he had an external work force as well as a spiritual army rallied around him, he had to try to merge the two. Knowing the precarious nature and frailty of the human mind, a revelational influx of pure light (enlightenment, the dispelling of negative ideas and precepts) would disrupt his plans. Not content to merely subordinate by deception of mans thoughts and emotions; he feared that his puppets in authority might become a threat if God should shine his light upon them. He wanted and needed additional security to maintain his dominance over these spiritually ignorant Earthmen. Having an in depth knowledge of the creative process with its molecular manipulation, he sought to build his own hybrid entity…..he would merge the celestial seed from his own garrison of donors with the mortal seed of man. This way he would create his own super race of beings…..huge giants that would physically appall and intimidate, but more crucially….be programmed for complete, unyielding obedience and defiance to Gods positive force. With this consummation of marriage between mortal and immortal, the unholy product of conception with a destined goal of establishing themselves to monitor and control……to subjugate mankind in Lucifer’s grip, was an overt act that forced God to retaliate. Evil had dominated and corrupted long enough. Adams seed, once entwined within the glorious light of Gods own spirit, had been twisted, torn away by the demonic forces that were at work on the Earth. Only a remnant of uncorrupted seed was left untainted…Noah and his family. They had separated themselves from the social structure about them, choosing to withdraw from the Evil they sensed was not what the Creator desired for them. The world had yielded to sin; a living death sent forth a stench up into the nostrils of God. His children had rejected him and his ways….they had voluntarily embraced the darkness. His creation was afflicted by an incurable disease that could only continue to spread from generation to generation….Satan ever gaining inductees into his army.

It was not out of anger or frustration that God decided to wash clean the Earth to sterilize an evil infection…, it was an act of mercy and compassion that would destroy the flesh so that the spirit could be saved. He afforded them every chance possible to repent and call out for mercy… deny the devil his control. Even as the prophet Noah labored to construct the ark, he was moved by God through his spirit to preach and proclaim their pending doom and last chance to accept God again. Caught and bound in Satan’s lies, they mocked and ridiculed this last earthly emissary of righteousness, freely choosing to serve their new master to the end. With the submersion of the Earth beneath his holy throne came the conclusion of another great spiritual battle between good and evil. From the perspective of Lucifer….he had won! Even though his mortal manikins, his hybrid legions of giants, his newly claimed territories of conquest were stripped and taken away from him…..he boasted victory in that he had proven his theory of corruptibility of Gods creations. The battle seemed to be his, but the war was Gods to win.

When the waters receded, the first thing that Noah did was to offer up a free will offering to God, exhibiting his desire for a closer relationship with the true ruler of righteousness, his creator. This voluntary act so impressed and moved God that he promised to never again flood the Earth, for he knew that this man, through his obedience was the beginning of a continuous line of servants who would seek out the creators will for mankind……faithful, steadfast and unyielding to negative forces. First the prophets would seek him out, and then eventually, one by one, the kindred spirit of Gods love would draw mankind back toward the creator.

A universal signet, a sign for perpetuity was set forth…an ultimate symbol for his children to realize the vow he had made…..the RAINBOW. His pure white light of revelation passing through the droplets of water he had used to baptize the Earth, refracting into an arc of many colors, the many layers embodied within the pure light of truth, without beginning or end…..eternally present….its pot of gold being the wealth of supreme knowledge that truth possesses.

Noah remained true to his creator, by faith he believed and maintained a spiritual conduit for perpetual generations of mortal men. His descendants multiplied and flourished until God had to divide the great land mass (Pangaea) in the days of Peleg, son of Eber. Why did he separate the one ultra continent, pushing apart a central and connected kingdom? There’s an old military axiom….DIVIDE AND CONQUER, meaning that God knew the progression the battles were going to take in the future, considering the spiritual infancy of mankind and the wily and cunning persuasiveness of the dark lord Satan, God knew that the war would have to be fought on many fronts……running skirmishes as his elect were persecuted and driven from one country to another. For any kind of fighting chance, his faithful had to be scattered by the four winds to many sanctuaries around the world. If he had left them united with mankind in one place, the corrupting influence of evil would slowly win out. The moves and countermoves between good and evil, for lack of a better analogy, would be much like a supreme chess match between God and Lucifer. Mortal men, kingdoms, natural resources, wealth….pieces that would be used as the game continued. Lucifer’s wisdom and cunning versus absolute knowledge and understanding…..even the limited intelligence of man could see it would be one-sided, favoring the creators’ omniscience. The devil, Satan as Lucifer had become, would have to cheat if he had any chance at all to win. By then he was the father, the originator of guile and deception.

The separation and creation of continents was an important move for God to make, for as history reveals, the rise and fall of empires, the migratory patterns of humanity, the varied levels of developing human governments and their conscious quest for morality and social-environmental perceptiveness, readily display the outward effects of the ongoing spiritual battles being fought in our behalf. Lucifer’s primary tactic was to suppress any light of righteous revelation, to keep mankind’s spiritual consciousness in the dark…..holding him captive on a primal, animalistic level of superstitious savagery that embraced satanic rituals involving the desecration of Gods prize creation, man. These encompassed perverse distortions of sensual gratification that involved homosexuality, beastiality, incest, even the ultimate act of savagery, human sacrifice…..the destruction of Gods children.

Wherever man would gather to unite and build, there too, would Satan send an emissary to oversee and construct an accompanying headquarters to monitor and manipulate from. PRINCIPALITIES, RULERS IN HIGH PLACES, POWERS OF DARKNESS. The greatest city on Earth in its infancy was Babylon. The foundational work was done by Nimrod and his followers, who through satanic inspiration proposed to construct a towering alter that, would reach Heaven. With its spiraling, pyramidal design, it symbolized mans servitude to a literalized external yielding to the negative forces surrounding them. They had begun to erect a stairway to the lower heavens on Earth…..the prince of the air, Satan’s domain. When God saw mans unity in action, with their common language controlled by Lucifer, he communed with his council of elders (let us go down and confound their language), then swept through their spirit/mind, reprogramming their speech ability. This is the first mention of a single perceived language diversified into many manifested languages (tongues) by the spirit, the power of God. In the End time cycle, Gods spirit will anoint his children and the evidence will be a similar manifesting of tongues or distortion of our consciously controlled mode of communication…proof of the underlying forces that we have yet to fully comprehend.

There was a two fold approach to dividing the people and the land that Satan was assailing…..first God confounded the universal language of the mortals, separating and scattering certain persons in specific areas of land. When an appropriate time had elapsed, God then split apart those lands with their inhabitants to different points on Earths surface….each would have individual parts to play as man kinds’ destiny unfolded. As time progressed, nomadic migration gave way to the construction of cities, which in turn were regulated by human governmental bodies…..laws were established. Lucifer was ever present, relentlessly usurping authority through his deceptiveness, ever reaching to control man kinds spiritual growth….envelope him in darkness. Amidst this pervasive cloud of darkness, God shone his divine light like a beacon, searching for that one special mortal, who, through unwavering faith would be obedient and follow his direction.

Abram, who once spiritually enlightened became Abraham, entered into a contract, a covenant with the creator. By taking stock of Abrams transition from fleshly motivated to the spiritually motivated Abraham, we can gain valuable insight of our own spiritual fulfillment. Just like Abraham, we are called into Gods service, presented with an initial promissory note that outlines our conditional blessing or curses, contingent upon our obedience or disobedience. Through faith, we are directed toward our individualized course of service…..the preparatory exercises to strengthen and develop spiritual muscles are the trials and tribulations that temper and refine us. Stepping out on faith, leaving the security of our carnal caves with their protective walls, being led by the unction of an internal force we have yet to understand is wrought with fear and apprehension….as with Abraham, we are led by the faithful promises of God. Through his insight and direction, we learn to be MORE than merely conquerors of our own self doubts and internal uncertainty, but we, through Gods spiritual anointing, overcome and defeat negative opposition….enemies from Satan.

Like Abraham, who was greeted by the king/priest Melchizedek with the symbolic bread and wine of communion, so will we be met by our king/priest Jesus with this same confirmation and consecration of our earthen vessels for his holy service…..WHEN WE HAVE TRULY EATEN THE BREAD(WORDS) OF GOD AND DRANK FROM THE LIVING SPRINGS OF TRUTH. And like Abraham, we are inspired to give tithes back to our lord and savior Jesus…this to be a conscious, freewill offering of our sustenance, wealth, even of ourselves to yield a portion of our time to do good and confront evil. These outward acts of giving toward our creator, besides showing faith and obedience, activates a perpetual concept of sowing and reaping….seeds that we plant that will yield a bountiful harvest in due season…if we faint not. And like Abraham, once we have been validated by acts of faith and obedience, once we have dined with the master and have consumed manna from heaven…..once we have quenched our thirst for righteousness, allowing that living water to flow through our temples….then the creator will find us worthy to join his army of spiritual warriors. With this mantle of light comes deep, spiritual insight, revelation and prophetic imagery becomes commonplace. Spiritual gifts will flow naturally, undeterred by a veil or barrier of doubt. Once we reach this level of spiritual interaction with Gods spirit, we receive our new name….one that will encompass our individual purpose for his direction and service that he has planned for us. Abram became Abraham….Jacob became Israel…..Saul became Paul, each one exposing the transitional metamorphosis that surrounds the rebirth process. WE ALL MUST BE BORN AGAIN, from the dark kingdom of fleshly unrighteousness into the bright, illuminated spiritual realm of Gods holy righteousness.

Though we all have fallen short of his mark, through satanic manipulation and oppression our earthly garments have become sin-stained, torn and threadbare….our God patiently waits for his children to come back to the great provider, Jehovah-Jireh….to humbly shed our tattered rags, to step beneath the crimson flow, the cascading river of blood emanating from Calvary’s cross….to bath in Jesus’ purifying, sanctifying, life giving blood that washes us clean, heals our bodies, our souls, our minds and our spirits.

Paganistic perception, carnally directed mentality would interpret this procedure in a literal sense. As with the act of communion( eat my flesh and drink my blood), it does not entail the actual concept of human sacrifice followed by a literal blood drinking and flesh eating orgy of cannibalistic consumption. Everything that God/Jesus instructed us to do was applicable to the inner spiritual man, with resulting external repercussions. Consuming Jesus flesh can only be understood in its totality when we rightly divide, or comprehend scriptural inferences that are set forth….like the parables and analogies, dualistic precepts that are a spiritual code of instructional, divine wisdom can only be interpreted by our designated tutor, the Holy Spirit.

A keynote exposition of this flesh ingesting, the symbols of spirit and flesh paradoxes was given through John, who as we can witness was especially close to the God/man, our savior, Jesus. So closely drawn by the magnetic pull of Gods divine love, a force so supreme that it dispels darkness and illuminates our paths…..this internal unction so captivated the apostle John that his pure, unselfish desire to understand and seek Gods will impressed Jesus so much that he set John apart for a special anointed ministry of prophetic revelation. Though each of the other apostles were given specific ministries that best utilized their individual character and independent wills, it was John that bonded so deeply….meshing and intertwining spiritually with the Earthly emissary from heaven, Lord Jesus, that he was granted an ever deepening, revelational insight into the will and the way that God was directing mankind.

In the book of John, chapter one, verses one through fourteen, we are given a crucial blueprint to a model….an example of the entity we are to emulate. Here our master, the king Jesus is portrayed as the ultimate, eternal truth….THE WORD. Though the creator has many manifested perspectives of his divine nature, there is no earthly name that we are given (I AM THAT I AM). He is an eternal deity that encompasses every thought, concept or realization. With no specific term that can encapsulate the essence of the creator, John could only use an open-ended, allegorical concept built around a presuppostionless “WORD”. The depth of these fourteen verses, with their many layers of spiritual revelations expose us to not only the premise that God himself entered an earthen vessel….a mortal body to personally fulfill his plan of reconciliation and redemption, but it extols foundational truths pertaining to the symbolic consumption of his flesh, which is the WORD before becoming literal flesh. Like John himself was to eat the book, as Ezekiel was to eat the scroll, we also are to consume the WORD (not by bread alone, but by every WORD proceeding from the creators’ mouth). We are, simply stated, instructed to internalize the essence, the nature of our creator within the houses of clay that we inhabit……THE TRUE TEMPLES OF GOD. Likewise, by drinking the blood of our savior (IN THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE), we also symbolically conform to his lifestyle…his character. The washing and purification concept of his blood atonement is the cleansing agent that frees us from Satan’s hold. With our newly renovated houses swept and garnished, we are clearly forewarned by Jesus to continually feast at the masters table…..spiritual sustenance rooted in Gods word to supply us the strength and nourishment to repel any intruders of evil that would try to enter our earthly abodes.

As promised, when we receive, embrace and internalize Gods precepts, the light of truth will fill our vessels, shining throughout our mortal shells. The radiant Shekannah, the glorious love of God cannot be contained by mere mortal flesh… Moses experienced this effervescent energy, his countenance was altered, his natural visage was glorified, virtually becoming a holy beacon…..its light shining out upon this world of spiritual darkness, illuminating whoever and whatever it encountered. Mankind, relegated to this dismal, darkened state of being, could not endure the glowing light of Gods essence….sinful eyes were blinded by it….mans reaction was to mask it out with a veil, a buffer to diffuse and reduce the intensity of Divine Truth. Though, in varied degrees we all experience this same anointing, when, through humble submission we receive our savior….when the yokes and shackles of satanic bondage are removed….the sin-marred face of humanity is transformed by that radiant glow, the divine unconditional love we display for each other, unfeigned, beyond mortal control, makes us truly children of righteousness……light bearers to the world.

Unlike these Old Testament characters that had received the Creators foundational instructions, we are the recipients of God’s holy manuscript……THE BIBLE. Within its pages, we are given a complete discourse of his heavenly agenda for his earthly creations. As an ardent student and disciple of this holy text, we are clearly admonished to rightly divide….to study and show ourselves good stewards of Gods words, validated with his approval.

The natural mind, filled with externally received data input (i.e. parental programming, scholastic studies, life experiences), has already acclimated itself toward a routine process of compartmentalizing, filtering and quantifying informational flow……belief systems, moralities and individual codes of conduct are established. Knowledge is an extremely valid source of power to accomplish GOOD or EVIL, dependent upon the direction we are drawn toward. Be cautious, for as Lucifer fell from grace, being lifted up in his own wisdom and knowledge (GETTING THE BIG HEAD), we are every bit as vulnerable to egotistical corruptive ness.

As previously stated, true, in-depth revelation and exposition of Gods word can only come through the interpretive ability of the Holy Spirit. With our limited backlog of experiential data, we are handicapped, restricted by our minute mentality. A lifetime of data influx would only utilize a small percentage of our storage capacity. How then, could we, mere mortals possibly comprehend transcendent truths or precepts with mental faculties that are so varied, dependent on knowledge acquisition. We are multifarious, from primal to genetic geniuses, vastly diversified degrees of intellect. Even the most recognized and universally perceived men of wisdom will admit that they have accumulated so little and understand but a portion of an endless supply of knowledge and infinite wisdom. Solomon, a great discerner of truth and wisdom has enshrouded many insightful instructions for those that would seek truth and ultimate wisdom and knowledge. The FEAR (respect) of the lord God is the starting point, the first step on the wondrous journey toward spiritual enlightenment and revelational understanding. This initial acknowledgement or reverence of the supreme knowledge giver and creator activates an internal switching mechanism that redirects our priorities from externally oriented data ingestion, inwardly, creating a hungering desire for transcendent truths.

The next step involves the regeneration or renewing of the mind, where body and spirit meet. A partial commitment to God and his spirit guide, the Holy Ghost, can and will only achieve partial success in understanding revelational knowledge. Stated as being double-minded, Jesus warned us of this unstable mental condition. To have a form of godliness but to reject the power and the glorious inner light of revelation, being torn between internal and external desires, renders an individual to be helplessly pulled by both good and evil forces…….a tug of war for their souls. Those, who have gained some insight, are very vulnerable to backslide, to return to the miry pools of mud from which they have crawled…….or even worse, they try to maintain their egocentric, self willed servitude to both sources of knowledge, internally balancing and cross-breeding satanically inspired informational input with the golden nuggets of true revelation, creating spiritual fools gold….an eye-catching, shimmering object that draws men’s attention, but worthlessly deceptive in content.

False prophets and teachers…..blind guides leading spiritually blinded men to their eventual fate….millstones are waiting for them. You cannot serve two masters, God or Lucifer….one or the other. Heed Solomon’s advice…commit your works (actions) unto the lord and your thoughts (mental/spiritual interaction, with resultant directives) shall be established. Many people misinterpret Gods counsel on mammon (riches of the world). Wealth or money is only a symbol, an agent of exchange or acquisition. The DESIRE or LOVE of or for this medium of exchange is a force to be dealt with. Jesus warned us of this deadly affinity to accumulate or amass worldly possessions. God GIVES us POWER to GAIN WEALTH……as does Satan. The difference being that Satan’s interest, his hidden charges involve much pain and sorrow, then eternal damnation. SIN AND PLEASURE FOR A SEASON….THEN PHYSICAL FORECLOSURE. God expresses his desire for ALL his children to prosper, even as their souls prosper. Once you have connected with the Holy Spirit, accepting and acting on his directions, you WILL be blessed above and beyond your wildest expectations….BE FAITHFULL OVER LESS AND THE GREATER WILL COME.

This is the key to true, lasting and eternal prosperity ….with the nurturing and growth of our spirit mans essence (soul), with spiritual insight and understanding, comes an external reflection of that growth. Be wise as serpents (Lucifer with his outward wisdom and knowledge of worldly ways and interactions) but harmless (peacefully existing with our fellow men) as doves (symbolic of the Holy Spirit inhabiting our earthen vessels). Like Abraham, Job and so many others, we will endure times of testing of our faith and obedience. FAITH THAT IS UNTRIED doesn’t do any good sitting dormant. Without exercise it will atrophy, becoming weaker until it’s useless. BY WORKS or active use of our faith do we strengthen ourselves….and those we come in contact with. Stepping out in faith, not fully comprehending the repercussions of our actions, leaning not to our continually developing understanding, but by faith looking toward the source of all knowledge and his instructor the Holy Spirit….we align ourselves with the Fathers will, vessels yielded to his service. Whatever direction this entails, the ministry he entrusts us with, the position or office in which we are placed…..wherever or whenever we will be called upon to act, we must be instant in season or out (no set times by our mortal perception).

We will always have at least two of the possible three witnesses to validate our internal directions. 1) The written word of the bible has the total package for everyone’s part in Gods plan….careful search will show confirmation of our purpose in this existence. 2) The interaction between our spirit men (conscious voice) with Gods spirit. At some point in our spiritual growth, we learn to distinguish between the pure, undiluted words and concepts flowing from God and the twisted, deceptive distortions of Satan (SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT). 3) Generally, we can be content or acceptant of the first two witnesses ( IN THE MOUTH OF TWO OR THREE WITNESSES SHALL EVERY WORD BE ESTABLISHED), but sometimes we do need the validation by a third witness. This would be the Holy Spirit impressing upon another individual the specific directions that he had given to you….for that other person to approach you and convey those instructions verbatim, a physical voice re-iterating a specific proposition to you.

There is a reason that FAITH is the only spiritual gift among the nine listed in the New Testament as being both a gift as well as a fruit of the spirit. Aside from being a self evident double witness to its priority and importance in Gods plan for mankind…..the inherent magnitude of an individually vested MEASURE OF FAITH, the latent potential of each embedded SEED placed by the Creator within each of his children, defies any intellectual description or observation. Jesus used allegories and parables to project images which could only allude to the immense power that an individual SEED OF FAITH possessed. God planted this divine seed in earthen vessels for a reason. Only through correct cultivation can we expect to nourish these seeds into fruition. Only in good soil, with rain falling from Gods throne, living water, will we be able to have our faith germinate into an abundant source of power to energize and edify our own selves, but others will find sustenance from the fruit it bears (many spiritually famished people will seek out and draw nourishment from those of great faith). CAUTION to those sharing their living fruit…..though we are to shelter and feed Gods sheep, we must be wary of Satan’s pruners….them that would cut away and slowly attempt to reduce, even destroy our faith. FAITH IS THE KEY TO UNLOCKING EVERYTHING. It is the catalyst, the activating force that opens up the spirit realm, allowing us to become conduits to bridge both spirit and physical realms…..bringing forth a heavenly flow of LIVING WATER to an arid, desolate world that can and will blossom again.

In Hebrews 11:1 we are given the overall definition of faith……the SUBSTANCE of things HOPED for and the EVIDENCE of THINGS not seen. Simplistic and concise, yet it embraces so much. Both terms, substance and evidence denote real and tangible interpretations of as yet unseen and unknown perceptions of the dynamics of our continually unfolding spiritual nature. Liken to seeds of this world, an inherent force lying dormant, encapsulated by a shell….so are we human entities, spirit force enshrouded by flesh, awaiting germination……the activation of our true spirit being to transcend, to break free of its restrictive encasement. It is Gods anointing, his glorious light falling upon us that stirs the inner man, who like the tender shoots, reach toward his life giving rays. Coinciding with our triune nature (body-mind-spirit) are three keys to open up our physical defensive mechanisms….the external boundaries we have constructed around ourselves….FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY.

As already discussed, FAITH is the primary key that unlocks the door to our individual temples (bodies), allowing our spirit man to transcend his physical limitations. HOPE or our individual desires and aspirations are contained within our minds (i.e. THE BLESSED HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE). It is the key to comprehending infinite wisdom…..with it comes the needed SUBSTANCE and EVIDENCE of those THINGS we have yet to understand. But thirdly and most important is CHARITY or AGAPE, Gods pure and undefiled LOVE. Through faith we open up our shells so we can fully interact with the external realm. Through hope we strive to cogitate correctly upon stimuli and data from both worlds, spiritual and physical, working toward our individual contributions to our Fathers Kingdom. Once we are open and vulnerable, once we have overcome our double minded confusion and allowed our Great Teacher to work in us…then God will flood us with his Divine Love….living water begins to flow out of us, spilling upon our fellow men. As Jesus said, by the materialization of Gods love in his disciples, unfeigned and unrestrained, projecting out toward each other and beyond, its light falling upon all Gods creations, would we be made known to be true recipients of Gods divine nature. ARE YOU SHINING?

The words FAITH and BELIEF are synonymous. What a man believes in his heart (has faith) to be true, real or existent, forms the boundaries, however small or infinite around him. Our personal belief systems dictate the basis or prime structuring of all possible spirit/physical interactions. To believe or be a believer of a HIGHER POWER is the initial seedling of faith. Likened to the man with the demon possessed son who cried “I believe….help my unbelief”. On the surface this would appear to be a self canceling statement. But looking deeper we see our own double minded (spirit/physical) nature at work. The spirit, a willing validater of divine truth and the flesh, weak and resistant to non-sensory encounters. The answer that Jesus gave concerning the disciples lack of power to eject the demonic spirit that oppressed the boy, applies not only to this circumstance, but to every potential outward manifestation of a believers acts of faith or belief in Gods confirming power.

PRAYER AND FASTING is the cure for doubt and disbelief. Through fasting, the desires of the flesh, the physical cravings diminish, allowing the inner, spiritual nature of man to step forward. Coupled with fervent, effectual prayer opens up communication with the creator that is clear wisdom and instruction, undiluted by our cognitive mechanisms. Our individual doubt and self abasement yields to the greater spirit source to which we are all linked. Though external witnesses may view our clay temples being illuminated, vibrating with heavenly power, anointed by God to work miracles, heal the sick or afflicted, or any other manifestation of the spiritual gifts…..WE know the truth, we are just earthen vessels carrying LIVING WATER to Gods thirsty children…..and a clay pitcher can be broken when mishandled or misused.

In times past, only a few servants of the LIVING GOD learned about PAYING THE PRICE to acquire this ANOINTING from God. Some would say that it’s denying oneself wealth or other earthly pleasures. Some would say that it’s self sacrifice of time and effort in study and prayer. Jesus told exactly what his payment would be in the parable of the Pearl of Great Price. This analogy of the kingdom involves a merchant (each of us) seeking out pearls (of wisdom and knowledge of the kingdom). When we have gathered bits and pieces of spiritual understanding enough to point us toward the one, ultimate source (Jesus, THE GREAT PEARL), we are faced with a decision… be content with what we have….or do we sellout, completely and totally to gain that PEARL OF GREAT PRICE. To lay down everything (family, home, money, time…etc.), give it all back to God. Naked I came into this world, naked I shall leave. Whatever I say or do, wherever I go, I will exalt and serve our Heavenly Father. To truly become a Christian, a true believing Child of God, is to really yield our members to His Righteousness and to present our bodies as Living Sacrifices for outward examples of Gods Love and Mercy manifested through us.

So, why are there so few of these Shining Christians, with their internal beacons of Holy Light beaming out into this dark, sin shrouded world, exposing corruption and deceit as we were instructed by the Master to do? It all falls back to the parable of the seeds……He, himself being the Sacred Sower of Divine seeds of Truth that he planted two millennia ago. They were given to us all, every human being on this planet to receive and plant within our earthen vessels, to nurture and tend as they sprouted into the spiritual fruits that would nourish and maintain us on our spiritual journeys. Jesus clearly forewarned us to prepare our SOIL to receive these precious seeds, to rid ourselves of the choking Weeds of Worldly Worries and cares….to remove the rocks and stones, those hardened hearts and doubting minds that would deny His Truth any roots to take hold. TILL YOUR SOIL! Rid yourself of those impediments that are restraining you from fully receiving from God. Plowmen….break up your fallow ground…..put your hands on the plow and DO NOT look back to where you once were … keep your rows straight! Once you have prepared your fertile soil and carefully planted those precious seeds within you, let that Living Water saturate and activate your hundredfold promised harvest.

Truly, many are called, but so very few become the CHOSEN ONES…….them that comprise GODS ARMY. Multitudes of eager and earnest recruits storm the doors of Gods enlistment office, THE CHURCH…..vowing their vows of undying loyalty and voluntary servitude to champion His Cause…..pledging body, soul, mind and spirit in the fight against EVIL and its master, SATAN. Fanned by the euphoric thrill that accompanies the experience of rebirth, with its soul saturating exhilaration of new found freedom from sins awesome burden…..that initial surge from within to conquer and retaliate against Lucifer and his minions is quite overpowering. All too many of these Newborn recruits want to bypass the rigorous training that accompanies TRUE spiritual development, as is attained through the leadership and teachings of the HOLY SPIRIT( as many as are led by the spirit….WILL BECOME THE SONS OF GOD). The UNCTION from within to do good and righteous deeds as a fellow worker for the Lord is often misconstrued by our as yet undeveloped spiritual mentality as a green light to charge straight into the pits of Hell, with nothing but our new found faith in Gods might and just knowing he’s on our side. So there they are, standing outside the Dragons lair, shouting their brazen challenges, full of vim and vigor…..but, in reality they are like lambs led to the slaughter. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal…..the weapons are very spiritual…and as such, we must be trained to use them. Every piece of the Christian Soldiers Uniform that we are promised has a specific purpose for the approaching battles we have to face.

As newborn Babes in Christ, we are spiritually naked save for our diapers (loincloth), which is the finally realized TRUTH about Jesus and the newfound reality of the spirit realm. As we are nourished on the milk (the simplified concepts of Gods rules, promises and directions), we take those initial baby steps in childlike faith on our spiritual journey. In time, we outgrow the need for liquid sustenance, we begin to savor the Living Bread with its mind expanding supplements….Knowledge and Wisdom. Then follows the energizing power that comes with a Meaty diet, supernatural strength and Revelation, communion with the Holy Spirit and direct access to the Throne room.

As we grow to realize that our true righteousness is not in ourselves, but rather through the righteousness of our Lord Jesus and adhere to His principles, we don the Breastplate of Righteousness……which shields our hearts from negative emotions (i.e. hatred, bitterness, envy, malice….). Once we have gotten used to our custom fitted breastplate, when we fully comprehend its protective purpose and learn the difference between Anger and Righteous Indignation, then we must prepare for our real journey of faith.

Lacing on our Saviors’ Sandals, we begin to understand how two diametrically opposed concepts…..The Blessed Peacemakers and The Christian Warriors can merge to fulfill our destiny. Having ingested the full meal that God has provided (milk, bread and meat), then having enveloped ourselves with His Holy Righteousness, connected and led by the Holy Spirit…..we ARE PREPARED to carry the gospel banner into Satan’s territory.

Grabbing up our ever enlarging Shield of Faith, we start our slow steady advance to re-enforce the Sainted Soldiers that have marched before us. Crowning our heads with the Helmet of Salvation, we find our minds stable and unwavering, doubts and uncertainty cast aside by the assuredness of our future in Christ. Clutching the double edged SWORD of pure and undefiled TRUTH that IS Gods HOLY SCRIPT…… NOW we are ready to slay that many headed demonic dragon, that great serpent of guile and deceit, SATAN. Onward Christian Soldier, march on to the battle front…..lift the Cross of Jesus ever higher and HE WILL draw ALL men unto Him.

WHERE IS THE BATTLE FRONT? The Earthly emissaries that comprise this elite array of faithful fighters have yet to merge beneath the royal banner of our Commander-in-Chief, this to take place upon His return with our heavenly comrades in arms….the Saints and Angels. At this point in time, Lucifer has the upper hand….his corrupting influence has reached into every facet of our world… institutions, the political arena, the state of our health (both physical and mental), even stretching his hand into the Church….seeding his Agents of Discord. Rather than one united force of faithful followers, there is now many splintered cells of satanic resistance. Through spiritual eyes, you can look out across the horizon and glimpse many campfires. Huddled beneath their self designed RELIGION or DENOMINATION flags, these men of war rally around their leaders, waiting for orders. So, we basically have an ongoing series of skirmishes between the agents of evil and those that make up the body of Christ. As of yet there are no great Generals of God…only Captains of Christ, instructing and directing their troops as best they know how. Their battle plans often drawn up without counsel from our Commander-in-Chief….too often ending with disastrous results. Where as our spiritual eyes see a multitude of fires burning, mostly small and often fading into embers, they also note the billowing bonfires spaced across the horizon…..those fervent, effectual followers of Christ gathered together, stirring the flames from within….Holy Ghost power, merging and uniting….one mind and purpose, to take back there Earthly inheritance that Satan took from their ancestors through guile and deceit.

JOHN 11:35

JESUS WEPT……just two words….the shortest verse in the entire bible…..yet, herein lies the sum total of this Holy Script that was given to us mere mortals…..our inherent FEAR of our eventual deaths and the Promise of Life Everlasting. As our Master and Savior looked about at the grief-stricken people surrounding Him, from the depths of His soul the anguish and the compassion He felt merged, forcing tears to flow down His face. Though Lazarus was indeed a close and beloved friend, what Jesus did next was not just for that reason alone……IT WAS TO SHOW ALL MANKIND THAT WE WERE NOT TO FEAR DEATH….but rather to understand it to be just a transitional state from LIFE to LIFE EVERLASTING, mortality putting on immortality. In an unparalleled act of Authority from God, He proclaimed that He was the RESURRECTION and LIFE of all things, then proceeded to call forth the spirit and soul of Lazarus back into his earthly shell. From deep within this darkened planet….in a special holding area called Abrahams’ Bosom, where the spirits of the Saints of old were being held for that Very Special Ransom that only Jesus could pay….the confining barriers began to vibrate as that absolute voice of ultimate power and authority called out to His beloved friend, Lazarus Come Forth! The demonic guards could only back away in awe and fear of a far greater voice than their own terrible masters’ voice reverberating throughout their domain. As they watched Lazarus pass by on his way back into the physical realm, they shivered with a foreboding premonition of more startling things to come. Soon, very soon Jesus himself would be paying these morbid jailers a personal visit. But it would not just be a single soul to reclaim….He would descend into their midst, His blinding Light of Glory illuminating that dank and darkened dungeon where the Holy Hostages were held…..Demanding the keys to that Satanic Sanctuary, He would be reclaiming Gods captive Children for His own kingdom…freeing them all.

DEATH….How mankind fears their impending mortality, that appointment with the Grim Reaper that we all have scheduled….For It Is Appointed For Man Once To Die, Then Comes The Judgment. Many people live a squandered life of self gratification and self indulgences only to arrive at Deaths Door realizing that it was all for naught. Their hedonistic lifestyle in reality was but an evilly prescribed placebo from the False Physician….Satan. Stripped of earthly raiment and wealth we shall all arrive at Heavens Gate with a different type of acquired treasure that we have accumulated during our lifetime on Earth. The precious jewels we must lay upon the Altar of God are truly priceless….they are the tokens of the Good and Righteous Deeds we have performed during our life quest. These are taken and placed on Gods Holy Scales, where they are weighed and balanced against those unrighteous and defiling acts of trespass we have committed. This will mark our True Worth and Value in the eyes of the Heavenly Host. Every act of kindness and compassion has an intrinsic value and adds to our spiritual treasury…..every act of disobedience or negativity has a penalty or fine charged to our account. Don’t arrive with empty pockets, but hopefully you will have an overflowing bag of jewels fit for The King.

You cannot beg or borrow from another Heavenly bound person…..there is no staging area where our sins can be purged or expunged by any willing donors…..we all arrive with our own life’s savings in hand. These Are Your Treasures In Heaven…..That Does Not Rust Or Decay.


I realize that to use metaphysical/astrological terminology to disclose the hidden mysteries of our Lord and Savior will make many a theologian grimace….their safety zones that buffer the sacred from the profane tends to range from a thin shell to a massive wall….each choosing to either embrace the security of their mortal monasteries or to don their Christian armor and step beyond the gates and challenge those sounds and voices in the Dark. Unfortunately, we are limited by mankind’s accumulated wisdom and stored knowledge…part of which consists of transferred symbols, archetypal imagery that our predecessors, those wily sages, magi and mystics passed down through the years. We know that the Holy men of old, the prophets of God gave sacred wisdom as the Spirit moved upon them….spirit realm to physical realm, unimpeded by the intellectual processing that tends to manipulate and distort…GOD SAID IT SO I BELIEVE IT. Most men’s minds were so darkened by deceit that real truth was seemly undecipherable and elusive….so by FAITH they believed unto salvation and followed the messengers of God. As time progressed, the elevation of human consciousness from the primal, sensory motivated perceptiveness to a higher level of rationalization, deliberate cogitation of philosophical and metaphysical questions that plagued mankind’s curiosity, surviving it’s dormancy in the Dark Ages, to burst forth into the Age of Enlightenment.

With a cornucopia of cosmic consciousness, bursting forth from the minds and mouths of so many self-proclaimed gurus of The Godhead, Masters of Eternal Mysteries, Celestial Cohorts espousing planetary parenthood through both willing and not so willing adherents and abductees…..Gatekeepers, mediums, channelers…..both positively and negatively influenced….dangling tidbits of so-called TRUTHS before a spiritually starved multitude of people, grasping at any source of nourishment for their hungry Souls.

The truly ENLIGHTENED entity will not manipulate or dominate an Adherent or Seeker of Truth….UNLESS they are themselves controlled by negative Forces….Pawns of the Deceiver Himself… be continued


Once God confirms His Word with signs following….His Children will seek you out, drawn to “His” Light shining through you. Keep your eye single, no shadow or variance.

Accountability is the Cross you bear. Life and death are truly in your tongue…..only God’s spirit can bridle and direct it. Not with the enticement of mans wisdom , but with the hot , blinding light of truth…..with its radiant , purifying , soul-saturating essence of Heavenly Glory satisfies the earthly hunger of mans desire for unity with his Creator . You are the Host…..the Usher of Gods spiritual presentation. Let God direct and do His job, stand still at your mark and await your cues.

MATTHEW 5:17 & 18

This is Christ’s’ completion of the previous age….fulfillment of the prior Messianic projections. Law and Promise progress toward fruition. Externalized concepts turn inward from the stony hearts of condemnation and restraint toward the fleshy tablets in the heart of man. The kingdom within must subjugate itself to the masters plan of redemption, restoration and reconciliation. The transformation process begins; the body of Christ must die out physically before the resurrecting power of God can reclaim His Children from darkness into the light. His earthly , “Christ like” Christians , by symbolically partaking in His death and resurrection , followed by spiritual “Fire” baptism , shall become conduits for the future progression of externalizing the inner kingdom into the physical realm . This Kingdom shall be taken by force, shaken by the power of Gods spirit that He will pour out on all flesh.

Matthew 7: 21

Lip service or merely professing Jesus is Lord won’t cut it. Walk the walk…..not just talk the talk. Knowing and fulfilling Gods will is the mark you strive for.

Matthew 7: 23

These are those that misuse the Anointing or deceptively use the WORD to mislead or injure the Children. In the last days there will be many false prophets and teachers arise out of the dust and confusion of the countless churches that crumble beneath the weight of erroneous doctrine, dogma and ritual. So many immature Christians, rather than partaking of the Masters Manna, His Holy script directly, straight from the source, would gullibly prefer the tainted offerings presented by Lucifer’s Levites….unholy priests that prey upon these Lost Sheep. Scattered they are, shepherd less, running to and fro, seeking knowledge from Satan’s Scholars….Judas goats that lead them farther and farther from the Truth. Sound doctrine is not for the faint of heart. To embrace God’s directives with an eager and trusting attitude goes against the carnal nature of mans’ will. To surrender oneself toward the higher good of mankind, to become selfless, caring for other peoples needs more than your own desires is far from easy. Knowing the reluctance of men to ingest the pure and undiluted Living Water from God….these wicked water bearers of this so-called Aquarian Age of Enlightenment, have combined evil additives that stimulate the flesh, but weaken the spirit. Just to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Master, to voluntarily place yourself under His command, then fail to be obedient to ALL His directives is self defeating. You cannot pick and choose just those parts of the Gospel that please you, that are easiest to fulfill… doesn’t work that way, it’s all or nothing, in or out….you can’t be lukewarm….no free rides, we all have to pay one way or another….freedom from sin and condemnation isn’t free. Jesus did pay the extreme price for our salvation and reconciliation with God, but we, too, have a cost charged to us. Unto whom much is given, is much required…..the more spiritual knowledge we amass, so much greater are we held accountable for how we share it with others. Do we hoard it like a miser, letting it turn to dust along with our bones when we perish? Do we corrupt and manipulate the masses with enticing words of wisdom that sway and captivate, creating mindless puppets for Satan’s Army…..or do we follow the Masters instruction, freely you received, so freely give….share the wealth of spiritual wisdom you are given, help those struggling to comprehend the tenants of true faith, sound doctrine of divine revelation and Christian Brotherhood. We are all in this grand journey together, for better or worse, it’s up to us to fulfill our destinies in God’s Grace and mercy.

Matthew 7: 29

This is crucial for any servant of God. Teach with authority …..Absolute, unwavering Truth is what dispels the darkness. The author of authority is God.

Matthew 8:8

“Speak the Word” This is not faint, human ramblings….no.

This is the echoing reiteration of Gods own words ….His very speaking into existence of things….miracles , healings , prophecy……whatever the need might be . It is not the man, but God speaking through the man. The level of Faith displayed by this centurion comes from his not just believing , but it also comes from his clear understanding of the boundless and limitless power of the Creator , that transcends physical space and time….omniscient ,omnipresent .

Matthew 9: 8

This is a powerful verse. Miracles and healings in the meetings will always incite praise and a hunger for a deeper connection with the Creator. Christ has truly extended this wondrous anointing to do greater works once we are aligned with His Holy Spirit and following His leadership. Eloquent words, mind massages ….ear tickling quickly becomes vain and repetitious. Talking only goes so far…establishing the parameters of progressive spiritual development is the basis for laying the ground work for individual understanding. This is mostly accomplished through bible studies, prayer, group interaction, but above all, it is the individuals’ hunger and thirst for Truth and Righteousness…..which dictates the pace of enlightenment and spiritual growth. Major encounters with the God Seekers (revivals, camp meetings, etc.) permeate with the anticipation of a “Move” of Gods spirit. They have heard countless times the basic principles and dynamics of the Spiritual Gifts and the “Shekannah”, glory of Gods presence .THEY WANT AND NEED VALIDATION. They believe….. Their little shadows of “self doubt” must be overcome. Let God manifest His glory to them. QUENCH NOT THE SPIRIT…..wherever it goes, FOLLOW. Even if it shines upon you the servant to edify or uphold….or even if it should publicly chastise or correct……ALL things WILL work toward His good and perfect will.

Matthew 9: 22

“THY FAITH” This is individual faith….for as one believes, it is truly unto them. From THE primary measure of faith that is instilled in all of us, exists the sum total of everything. We can bury it and cause it to lay dormant and just occupy space in the physical realm……or we can nurture it with the LIVING WATER and watch it grow supernatural, spiritual roots that tap into the Millennial River of Life, with its mirror physical image branching out into this world, healing leaves of restorative power budding, all manner of fruit to sustain us both spiritually and physically. GOD HONORS FAITH BECAUSE FAITH HONORS GOD.

Matthew 10:1

SPIRITUAL FIRE BAPTISM IS A MUST . SELF cleansing from the shadows of darkness, supplemented with Holy Light will precede heavenly anointing to be used as Gods emissaries. Once endowed with the spiritual gifts, you MUST continually maintain contact with the Holy Spirit. Self doubt and self deception from past (old man) thought processes CAN and WILL try to resurrect themselves and regain control. The human body can only tolerate exposure to the Holy Ghost anointing for a certain length of time. Experience will dictate that this tolerance can be extended with repeated exposure. We are not in Glorified Bodies yet…..these clay ones are still quite fragile, only the potter knows how long to expose us to the flame.

Matthew 10: 8

The Power, the Anointing, the Gifts…..ALL that we are given from God, we must SHARE. FREELY ( without restraint) let what you possess flow unhindered out to them that are starved , bound , sickly , broken-hearted , poor in spirit…

Matthew 10: 16

Be wise and understand worldly ways. But DO NOT intentionally misuse this wisdom to exalt yourself at the expense of the unlearned, susceptible Children…..for there is a Millstone waiting for you.

Matthew 10: 18-20

Whenever or wherever we are exposed to public scrutiny, the Spirit will always shine through, as long as we yield to Him. He knows the right words and the right motions we need to use. Although we may be distracted or confused by a situation within are own understanding, we must lean on the Lords full understanding…..LET HIM HANDLE IT.

Matthew 11: 6

Upon the total surrender to Jesus with a dedicated and committed life (LIVING SACRIFICE), we evoke blessings that we cannot contain from the opened Windows of Heaven. Only God can open them, this He does when we TRY Him. This involves the fully sold out , completely unrestrained yielding to Gods will , His direction , His rules…..they are there for a reason , which will unfold itself to full clarity as we wait upon Him for strength , renewal , purpose and direction .

Matthew 11: 12

Truly the Kingdom of God suffers birth pains, violent convulsions in the spirit realm as the Kingdom prepares to reach forth into the physical realm…..promises and prophesies germinate into fruition. Yes, the Kingdom of God is at hand, at the very doorstep of humanity. The precious first fruit, Jesus, the cornerstone upon which we the Lively Stones have patiently built His Church. As the cross symbolizes Christ bridging the North/South vertical direction of the spirit with the East/West horizontal plane of the physical, we, too, must do the same, become bridges that span from the spirit into the physical (one foot on land and one foot on the sea), open access points for the Holy Spirit to move back and forth to wage war against the forces of darkness that have already constructed their own viaducts to our world. As Christian Soldiers outfitted with Gods armor, we must be zealous to fight the good fight, turning our cheek to our fellow man but never to Satan, of evil spirits controlling a man or situation. Choose the right weapon for our arsenal is limitless…..but remember its not carnal (physically obvious) but spiritual. OUR might and humanly power is insignificant. It’s through the spirit that all things shall be accomplished.

Matthew 11: 25

Human minds are so darkened with false perceptions….self deceit mask out the light of Truth. Only through innocent, childlike trust and faith can real revelation be perceived, whole and pure, undiluted by our human mental filtering processes. Unfortunately our minds can act as a prism….the White Light of Gods Truth flowing through, refracting into a band of many colors. This rainbow token of promise must be kept in its entirety , not dissected by those who would take one color , one aspect of Truth and envelope themselves by that single fraction of the total spectrum . Shaded doctrines, dogmas or a manifesto shrouded beneath a cloak of a single hue becomes drab and unappealing. The true servant must don HIS coat of many (all) colors to fully represent Gods total truth and anointing.

Matthew 11: 27

Father, Son and the Holy Spirit…..the blessed Trinity…….

Our mere mortal minds strain to comprehend the mystery of this immortal trio. Are they fragmented parts of a single entity? God, the mind and soul….Jesus, the physical shell that housed the Creator for His earthly stay…..the Holy Spirit, the animating force that pulses through all life. Endless arguments extol circular reasoning, like a dog chasing its tail, around and around the theologians and philosophers go…..mortal mentality at a loss for an ultimate answer. Like before a mirror darkly, we grasp at shadowy reflections. But the mirror IS becoming a window… longer full of grotesque caricatures of sinful, fallen mortal images, but a Portal into the spirit realm. Illuminated Truth…we can see clearly what God wants and desires for us. What was whispered into the ears of the ancient prophets by the gentle, still voice of the spirit……is now being echoed loudly and boldly by those who have gazed through Gods window of revelation. The Son truly does reveal ALL things to them that would look upon Him, casting away their beggar’s garments …..For He IS our great window of opportunity concerning knowledge and blessings.

Matthew 11: 28-30

The key is learning, fully comprehending what Jesus whole purpose and intent was. God becoming flesh, dealing with a rebellious world that was governed by a corrupt usurper of His authority in a way that challenged established logic and precepts in a manner that was to be a Stumbling Block for the ritualistic, self-righteous ideologies that yoked and bound His children to grievous burdens of the flesh…..barriers to the spirit realm that was as yet jealously guarded behind the “Veil of Secrecy”. A pure and holy , righteous and true Father (Creator) could never find one who would be worthy among the HUMAN seed…..the greatest , most faithful men ever recorded ( Moses , Abraham , Isaac , Jacob , David , Elijah , etc. ) , they all had a carnal , unannointed human side that was marred by Mans’ sinful nature . Only the undefiled essence of Gods purity could survive and fulfill all the promises, contracts and sacrificial supplication that one being needed to qualify and to validate His Agenda.

Like the faithful Father He is, He knew He would have to step in and gently wrap us in His sheltering arms and receive the blows upon His own body that Satan had planned for us, His children. The chains and fetters we are shackled by in the Devils dungeon of darkness , the yokes and burdens of this sinful world that imprison us , will fall away as we embrace the masters hand , letting Him lift us up from the miry clay onto a solid road , narrow and straight , without twisting turns of deception , no insurmountable mountains of doubt or desire , no valleys of impassable despair . The first step is ours and ours alone….in FAITH we reach out toward what we strive to understand, Gods Good and Perfect Will for us, our place as a co-worker and joint-heir to our fast materializing Kingdom. NO man is worthy to partake, only through Gods Mercy and Long-suffering Grace are we permitted to be partakers. WE ALL FALL SHORT OF THE MARK. Only because He so loved His creations was He willing to step into a clay vessel , donning a human body so He could pay Lucifer’s’ ransom out of His own pocket……freeing the captive souls , tearing the Veil down so that we could all look into the spirit realm .

NOTE….WE all have to enter the temple…..where once the secondary sacrifices of animals, their life-giving blood spilt from necessity. Now WE must ALL present our individual flesh bodies back to our Creator as living sacrifices, given of our own FREE WILLS…..then and only then can we step forth into the Holiest of Holies where flesh and spirit merge atop the Ark of the Covenant, to receive instruction direct from His Holy Spirit. With coals of fire placed upon our lips (purification), and the mantle of double anointing we are prepared from our purpose, our mission. REMEMBER….EACH OF US MUST COME FORTH OF THEIR INDIVIDUAL FREE WILL. God does not force us to serve. Only Satan deceives and controls the children like a puppet master and makes men think that God pulls all the strings ….even His , allowing , even forcing Him to be evil , the scrape goat that He is…..HIS GREATEST LIE . God waits for each of us to call out to Him….to voluntarily step out of the Darkness into His Light. The worst thing we can do is stop halfway, one foot in the darkness and one in the light. You can not serve God and the world. Your body has to exist externally, but with spiritual commitment comes Power, Blessing, Comfort, Wisdom, Peace……infinite provision for this world and the one approaching. Once you step forward as a volunteer in Gods’ Army, do not ever do an about face and retreat back to where you were. Gods’ armor only shields the front and He is our rear reward and guard. He protects, lifts us up and whispers direction in our ears. Only through forward progression can we occupy and defeat satanic, negative forces. Should you become fearful from self deception or doubt , not fully trusting in Gods’ strong arm to uphold you…..casting down the sword of truth and the protective shield of faith…..if you flee the heat of battle , the enemy has a fiery dart ready and leveled at your unprotected back ! REMEMBER THIS….the weaker; less seasoned warriors in Gods’ army, likened to the earthly armies MUST be trained before they are sent to the front line. The recruit or the General…..we are all in this together. Rank, promotion and deployment are Gods responsibility. We must serve faithfully, sharing our experiences, our wisdom and our knowledge of spiritual warfare with those taking their initial steps of faith in Gods service.

Unfortunately there are tares among the wheat……angels of darkness shrouded in thin veils of light , projecting shards of truth…..enough to draw the attention of the gullible and trusting immature Christians . Like moths to a flame, they spread their new found wings of freedom and rush toward any and every source of light. There are many false prophets , teachers and guides , with many varied interpretations that claim to answer that big question…..who and what are we , what is our reason or purpose for existence? One can find beliefs, customs and concepts that will cater to any perspective one CHOOSES to embrace. Man continuously builds mortal monuments, sacred sanctuaries ….white sepultures that house the bones of the living dead, all hoping to entice Gods presence and sanctification. Its not in these cold , spiritless tombs that Gods holy spirit seeks to inhabit , no matter how small , quaint and informal…..or how grand and majestic or eye-pleasing . The temples of truth that the Spirit flows through are the plain earthen vessels, not hewn by mans hand, but molded by Gods own hand. The individual body, presented back voluntarily for the service of our creator, is sanctified and blessed by the master, each becoming a Lively Stone. Rock by rock, we are placed upon the cornerstone (JESUS) and the sure foundation (The Apostles), ever building the Temple of God. The Holy Spirit sets us in place, coming together to form the one true church, created by the master carpenter himself.

MATTHEW 12: 18-21

Here we have Gods chosen vessel to bring forth His light of truth. Notice the tri-level affirmation…..PHYSICAL, Jesus chosen body….SPIRIT, God puts His Spirit upon him, the anointing….SOUL, Gods soul is well pleased. This is our pattern, our goal….to bond with our creator on all levels. Physically yielding to his holy service, presenting our bodies and wills to him, our souls knitting with his, pleases our father. God reciprocating by placing his Holy Spirit within us…..His knowledge , power and authority flowing out through us……points of light shining forth , merging with other beacons of light , ever intensifying to push back the Darkness .

On Jesus first visit to this physical realm, he introduced us to Gods transforming, internalized restructuring process of rebirth. Likened unto the caterpillar and the butterfly , we would all have to enter into a spiritual cocoon woven by God himself…..our ugly , sinful and corrupt mortal bodies would emerge as radiant and vibrant , spiritually energized beings that God intended us to be . This period of time that we spend in this cocoon, sheltered from outside pressures, wholly given to communion with God is individualized. Jesus spent forty days and nights fighting his tormentor, overcoming his self doubt and carnal desires……then steps forth a tried and faithful servant. Peter, Paul and all the apostles had to be as He instructed…..BORN AGAIN. Once of the water and again by the spirit (fire).Our mortal eyes view the world, seeing the anguish and the pain inflicted by satanic works, along with the marvelous beauty of Gods creations. Our mortal minds filter the images……separating, categorizing and computing the visual inputs. Good and bad, beautiful and ugly, pleasing and disgusting. Some individuals try to correct or alleviate the disturbing images…..intervening to right the wrongs. Others simply push them back, desensitizing themselves to external stimuli that evoke pain or discomfort. But with REBIRTH, the spiritual eyes of man are opened… the scales over Paul’s eyes, the devil placed blinders will fall away. With spiritual enlightenment, our internal beacons of light shine outward, dispelling the darkness and fully exposing the true images that surround us. Seeing clearly we must step forward, reaching out to a lost and dying world, assisting and correcting as the spirit directs.

MATTHEW 12:28-30

Just as Jesus had instructed, the Kingdom HAS come unto US. And just like the Master, we too, have the power and authority to cast out or exorcise demonic entities. The strong man (Lucifer) and His house (this world) and His goods (the things in this world) are to be under our subjection. We know that Satan will be bound, restrained by the Archangel Michael eventually, but now though, we are given the power and authority to bruise His head (all He rules). We are to turn the tables on Him and exact a hundredfold restitution for what He has done to us while we were blinded by His deceptions. SO COME ON AND STRIKE OUT AND RETALLIATE FOR THE PAIN HE INFLICTED ON YOU AND THOSE YOU CARE ABOUT. Stand in the gap for those you love, swing your sword of truth and hold up your shield of faith (NOTE: you can us your shield as an umbrella also…..when Satan rains down deadly arrows of affliction from above, hold it overhead and you will not only protect yourself from harm, but you might just be surprised to find others may seek shelter under your shield). Although we cannot always tell, we are being watched and scrutinized by those that stand in the shadows. Our lives are a living testimony of Gods’ indwelling presence. Agape, Gods’ love transcends everything. …it is the fuel that sustains us. It is the essence of all that is pure, good and holy. This pure, undiluted force that emanates from God is like rays of sunshine, falling on the just as well as the unjust, those that are good and those that are evil…….one embraces the warm,lifegiving light, while the other turns from it, shunning the brightness of truth, preferring the deceit of darkness. But there are those that cower in the shadows, watching us, enthralled by what they witness. Like a scared child hiding in a closet, they need someone to open the door, freeing them from their fears. So be careful, pull them into the light, and don’t project an image that evokes distain or distrust that scatters them further from Gods’ love and mercy.

MATTHEW 12:31-32

The importance of the Holy Spirit is emphasized here……why is this the one unpardonable sin? Neither by might nor by power will all things be accomplished. We can doubt or rebuke, dissect or scrutinize Jesus and His ministries……accept or reject Him and stumble in darkness as our free will chooses, then ultimately turn to Him and get forgiveness. That’s because we never really knew Him. But He knew us and this deceitful world we were prisoners in. Trapped in the folds of darkness, we were like unlearned children of this world that knows no better than to strike out when hurt or fear and distrust everyone and everything. We have to be taught the things of God so we may fully comprehend His will for us. Once enlightened, we make a conscious choice to serve or reject the Lord…..being fully exposed to the light, we are truly accountable for our decisions and our actions.

This is the premise for the Age span we are in……the dispensation of grace, for by Gods’ grace, He appeared wrapped in human flesh to stop the clock from striking midnight. We understand that since He had set the clock, only He could hold back the hand from ticking off the final seconds. As He had displayed to Daniel, a servant who communed with Him at least three times daily, seeking instruction, answers and direction…….we can also glimpse the Celestial Clock and its eternal time spans. Christ’s initial mission on Earth had three objectives: 1-To declare the approaching Kingdom, the doorway to enter (REBIRTH) and the importance of connecting and bonding with Gods’ Holy Spirit (our teacher and instructor). 2-After crucifixion, while in the heart of the Earth, He had to free the captive souls that were being held by Lucifer. These He led out from Hell (Abrahams Bosom), directing them to Gods’ holy mountain city….New Jerusalem. 3-Gods’ clock was set to end a sinful world of which He had tried to wash clean earlier during Noah’s time…….like our own rebirth, the Earth was born of water, then would be purified and renovated by a fervent heat (FIRE). Daniel had placed seventy weeks (70x7 years=490years) until this end time event occurred. The crucifixion of Christ came as the sixty-ninth week ended…..God sacrificed Himself to stay the clock, throwing mankind into a limboic period of Heavenly Grace. The clock has been motionless for two thousand years, God giving us all the opportunity to seek Him out, to embrace the Gospel, the good news of His love and mercy toward His children… discover His plan of redemption and reconnection to Him through His Holy Spirit.

Jesus said that He had so much to say but they could not understand until the time was right. He had to return to His Heavenly Throne but before He left He promised to send the great teacher, the Holy Spirit to instruct us in all truth. We can see now why that to reject Gods’ spirit of truth is deemed to be the unpardonable sin, for without Gods’ spirit we are empty shells of humanity…..good only for the trafficking spirits of Satan. Without the divine light of Gods’ spirit we are lost. To willfully deny Him access is to willingly accept the cold, darkness of sin and eternal damnation. As free moral agents, we all have to make THE DECISION to serve God or the Devil…..Hot or cold, God will not take lukewarm, half-hearted commitments. All or nothing…..Time is running out.

The person of the Holy Spirit/Ghost evokes much debate and argument. The word spirit alludes to an energy or force that flows out from the Creator to His creations. When you use the term ghost, you quantify and structure an entity of individual composition and character. The interplay of both these concepts tend to get distorted by those that don’t fully understand there meanings and purpose. The phrases Getting or Receiving the Holy Ghost, the baptism of Gods’ Holy Spirit and the Anointing, with the various Gifts of the Spirit need to be properly comprehended and utilized effectively for there specific intentions. The heavenly flow of Gods’ energy, this purifying fire from above that saturates our very being, cleansing us for His holy service is the initial step toward sanctification of our earthly temples. We had already externally stepped forward in faith confessing our sins and vocally announcing our desire to follow our Lord Jesus….we then stepped into our symbolic watery graves, the spirit man symbolically washing away those sins from his physical being (water baptism). Now we receive the Fire baptism of Gods’ Holy Spirit…..This to burn the dross impurities in our temples. At this critical juncture of our journey toward eternity, we, while our temples are swept and garnished, freed from demonic affliction CAN and MUST invite Gods’ holy emissary , His loving Comforter, our Great Teacher….the Holy Ghost to enter into our innermost being…..not to control or manipulate, but guide and direct us on our pilgrimage to paradise. Once His presence is realized, we have to continually commune with Him, listen to His gentle, and still voice whispering into our mortal minds those things He would have us receive. The problems and the distractions of the external realm can and will create barriers, walls between our inner man and our teacher if we aren’t watchful. It is through self abasement, the suppression of our easily inflated egos through prayer and fasting, studying and receiving God’s word, praising and rejoicing or getting quiet before the Lord……Whatever it takes to keep an open channel to our guide. OUR CONNECTION IS CRITICAL FOR OUR VERY EXISTENCE.

MATTHEW 12:34-37

Life and death are truly in the power of the tongue. By the fruit of a mans lips will he yield nourishment for many or he will serve a putrefied, poisonous dish of deadly corruption. We WILL be judged, our vain and idle words are going to be weighed and balanced…..justification or condemnation, the scales lean toward one or the other, there is no balancing point between the two. Gods Husbandman, the Holy Spirit, will cultivate spiritual fruits of His righteous seeds, flowering forth to feed those that hunger for spiritual food. A vessel possessed by demonic entities can only bring forth bitter herbs, poisonous thistles, corrupt fruit that sickens those who garner from them.


The natural or carnal man has a tendency to want to witness supernatural, mind boggling signs and wonders of a miraculous nature……wonders that bewilder their limited comprehension. This “TALK IS CHEAP, SHOW ME” attitude was what Jesus faced. Even though he performed countless miracles, healings and prophetic utterances….still they wanted more. He, in his infinite wisdom knew that there were two groups of people that he addressed. The first were those who embrace his life giving revelations of spiritual knowledge and instruction. The other was them that were bound and shackled with externally structured limitations of intellectual perception, that were dominated by basic sensory analysis( WHAT THEIR FIVE SENSES COULDN’T INTERPRET AND QUANTIFY THEY VOLUNTARILY REJECTED) ……yet, they were amused and awed by these miracles or “magic”, which they lumped together as the same. Knowing as he did the division between these two types of people, He, as foretold in prophecy, was the orator of parables……the dualistic projection of verbal imagery that would on the surface utilize common analogies and everyday symbols of life to which the people were familiar with. To the physically encumbered slave to the world, they appeared to be quaint, simple stories….fables of some kind of moral instruction. But to the receptive individuals, whose spiritual eyes and ears strained to perceive and understand, they were earth shaking instructions that set forth the master plan of the Eternal Kingdom. In his brief ministry, Christ set forth the basic tenets for his faithful, obedient children to follow to establish that kingdom. His short exposure to the crowds, those mobs of curiosity seekers, fault finding hypocrites, religious zealots…….as well as the truly spiritually hungry and thirsty people that would eat His manna and drink His living water, all witnessed countless displays of spiritual power. Yet, Jesus knew their thoughts and intents; He knew the workings of satanic, fleshly influences…..the same stubborn and unyielding spirit that the pharaoh showed Moses. That same heart hardening mind set of deceit and doubt was pervasive among the multitudes.

Jesus said and done all he had to do during his ministry, with the added promise of Gods’ instructor and comforter, the Holy Spirit, would come to Earth to continue our spiritual evolution…..emphasizing our Great Commission of becoming emissaries of the Gospel, with the validation and confirmation of our “Rightful” use of His word by signs and wonders following. The Children of the Light are fully supplied with the necessities to persevere and conquer any and all demonic obstacles or attacks. Once the Physician had treated the injured and the afflicted and had given them their heavenly prescriptions to regain their spiritual health, He made this statement to the doubtful, unbelieving children of deception…..because your eyes are closed and you cover your ears, your understanding has been darkened….you cannot comprehend the Creators intentions….you receive the distorted images that Lucifer deciphers for you. Howbeit, you can all, with some effort sort out this one saying….as the prophet Jonah was three days in the belly of the whale, so shall the son of man be in the heart of the Earth.

The story of Jonah is wrought full of prophetic imagery. The portrayal of each of our own individual spiritual journeys is acted out in this prophet’s journey toward faith. This projected instruction for us unravel, from the simplistic to the philosophically challenging precepts, with their layered strata’s of truth and directions spring forth into the hands of those who would dig out those precious nuggets of golden enlightenment…..treasures of far greater value than any earthly riches. Short and concise, this book is like a compressed spring. Releasing the coils, it surges and expands; the far flung implications manifested by the spiraling loops cover much more area than initially meets the natural eye. On the surface we have the story of a recognized prophet, a servant of God. Like, as in our own spiritual quests, he had sought out the Creator, vowed his vows of servitude, willingly enlisting in Gods’ elite army…..after untold fasting, prayers and continuous ingesting of Gods’ Holy Script….he, as we all have, strived and pleaded for the Creator to use him….whatever, whenever……just to feel His mighty hand upon him, the joy and privilege of a REAL and ORDAINED service. Then, when he had received direct instruction from God, the mission he was to fulfill wasn’t at all what he had hoped for or had envisioned. We all hunger for the Anointing, to be a catalyst for mighty, miraculous moves of God that brings the great, exhilarating waves of joy and harmony to the spiritually starving multitudes. To be a prophet of doom and gloom, proclaiming death and destruction, warnings of impending chastisement and punishment toward the rebellious, sin shrouded people, who by nature tend to reject ultimatums……usually with physical violence, was not a desired aspect of the prophetic ministry…..for it does involve acts of extreme faith and obedience…..self preservation suppressed is very hard to accomplish.

So the scenario is of a man of God, fearful of repercussions and reprisals, disobeying direct instructions from God Himself. As he flees from his calling, we see the fruit of disobedience begin to affect those he comes in contact with, threatening their very existence. ONCE CALLED AND INSTRUCTED WE CANNOT DISOBEY OUR ORDERS. There are no lesser or greater assignments….only opportunities to accomplish a part of the Master Plan….each part and parcel is a vital and necessary act of faith and obedience.

As the pseudo-sovereign entity, Lucifer sends forth violent winds and crashing waves of potential destruction, we find parallel images between Christ and Jonah with opposite results. A sleeping prophet, a boat filled with distressed companions fearful of life and limb, together with destructive forces at play. The difference being that Christ, through obedience and faith could command the very elements that were being manipulated by Satan to cease and desist. The disobedient servant could only acknowledge failure, repent and yield to the elements, hoping and praying that God would forgive and sustain him. Now comes the crux of our spiritual journey…..our “old man” of natural flesh symbolically “dying” out, being rebirthed, and regenerated into the spiritual “new man”. Amidst life’s storms of adversity and conflict, within the bellies of our own whales, we are transported through the spirit realm to be placed upon the shores of our destinies. With doubt and disobedience overcome, the faithful servant steps forth ready to say or do whatever the desires of Gods’ heart would have for him.

We see that, like the rebellious children of Nineveh….the people of all ages who are blindly stumbling in a world of darkness, grasping at any and every object to come within their reach, all desire that one true voice of authority that will shatter the silence of unquestioned carnal submission. These sensually motivated aspirations and desires with their empty, fleeting pleasures and rewards being exposed by the light of truth as the shackles and fleshly chains of bondage that they are. Sensory gratification pales in comparison to the exuberant, soul satisfying, spirit energizing anointing of Gods’ touch. Like the prodigal children we are, what indescribable joy and ecstasy awaits us when we are welcomed by our heavenly Father, with a robe of righteousness and a ring of heir ship and authority….transformed from the darkness into the light. To reiterate, we each follow a similar path like Jonah. (A) Desiring to be used of God, we initially offer our service. (B) After a period of faithful and diligent scriptural programming, basic foundational structuring….we are used in increasingly greater measures for spiritually guided assignments. (C) There comes a time of self doubt, self worth and self esteem…..situations that Satan will manipulate, causing the man of God to step back and regroup (I.E. Elijah the greatly anointed prophet, withdrawing into his secret place, his cave. External pressures and persecutions weakened him physically and emotionally, but yet, his spirit knew to reconnect with Gods’ Holy Spirit. We can learn crucial instruction from the interplay of his spirit man and Gods’ Divine Spirit. We are NEVER the only one used of God. As He promised, His spirit flows out to all that will receive and accept His Anointing. If you are persecuted, be joyful as instructed…..we are partakers with our Master and model, Jesus. IF WE SHARE HIS GLORY, WE CAN SHARE HIS PAIN. The difference is now being that we have The Comforter to lean on, to receive consolation from. The next lesson Elijah shares with us is the external manifestations that we tend to search for God in (i.e. the whirlwind, the fire and the earthquake, symbolizing works we attribute to God in the physical plane). Although Gods’ handprints are clearly visible in many instances…..they are not all His doing. Satan accounts for much of what transpires in the world, some counterfeit tokens of the Creators touch included. The bottom line is this……you cannot always trust what your senses encounter……you MUST maintain that connection to the still, small voice of your spirit guide, the gyroscope that navigates us through ALL waters, calm or troubled….spirit or physical. Without our guidance system, we will become free floating vessels, driven by the winds of despair, cast upon and shipwrecked by the rocks of deception that lie beneath the surface of our natural sight. Once we have recognized these truths, then have re-organized our priorities correctly, then have recharged our spiritual batteries…..we must press on, continue our missions in life. (D) Upon now receiving our commissions, however great or small they appear to us, we have to make a conscious choice…..being the FREE MORAL AGENTS WE ARE, to either accept our mission and strive to fulfill it or do as Jonah done, reject it and run the other way.

DON’T RUN AWAY FROM GODS’ CALLING! You will be the most miserable, most tormented, most undesirable being on the planet. Having been exposed to the light of truth, having bathed in the river of life, having caressed the wounds of the Savior……to of your own free will, step out of the light and try to exist in this demonically dominated world with but a portion of the life sustaining manna and spiritual water….to wander amidst the legions of darkness, disconnected from your Heavenly Guide is foolish and often fatal. You will become a grotesque, hybrid entity….if ever the term Zombie could be applied; it would be here….THE LIVING DEAD. Though you are a living, breathing person, you’re spiritually DEAD…..trapped between the flesh and the spirit realms, you are a stagnant, lukewarm source of water that sickens and repulses both the carnal and the spirit persons that you encounter. YOU CANNOT STAND IN THE SHADOWS AND EXPECT CHRISTS’ BLESSINGS AND REWARDS. You can’t philosophize and argue that your spirit man still believes but your mortal man restricts your obedience to God. Nor can you claim those few works that the Holy Spirit may have manifested through you( Have we not worked miracles in your name lord…..depart you workers of iniquity, for I know you not). How can Jesus acknowledge disobedience and willful departure from His spirit guide? The reason that many are called but few actually become the Chosen Ones is simply because of their lack of total commitment and their voluntary withdrawal from spiritual service. The Chosen Elect of God are the faithful, obedient Children of Light, who follow the Masters voice…..wherever He leads!

Chose wisely before you turn and flee Gods’ presence, for if through obedience, as portrayed by Jonah fulfilling his Ninevite engagement…..many lives are weighed and in balance….you as and emissary of light bring with you the resurrecting power of God to the multitude! But if by your disobedience they continue to dwell in darkness and sin, eventually to embrace the eternal flames of damnation and torment….their screams will echo in your spirit, fingers pointing toward you in accusation of failed obedience. Whatever the results of your acts of obedience are in Gods’ hands…He alone knows what he wants or desires….it is enough to have been a willing vessel to be used in the commission of a heavenly inspired act. Don’t become confused, angry or disheartened if the results don’t meet your mere mortal expectations. When the Ninevites fasted and repented, God repealed the initial sentence of destruction and smiled upon His repentive flock. For all the anguish Jonah had endured, for all the spiritual suffering he had brought upon himself… the hardness of his heart, Jonah wanted God to fulfill the prophecies he had conveyed to them. He had uttered the words God had given him that proclaimed destruction in forty days because of their sinfulness….he wanted his words to be validated, feeling that he would appear to be a False Prophet if they didn’t meet their demise. His self vanity outweighed his compassion for the lost and the dying sinful people. Jonah had initially viewed himself in the wrong light, seeing himself as a harbinger, a messenger of death. In reality he was the mouthpiece of God, warning, giving the children a chance for redemption and reconciliation, just as all the chosen vessels of God are supposed to be. Jonah had erroneously envisioned only the one scenario…..his bold proclamation, then the fulfillment of those words verbatim. He could not see past his part….that of being the spark that ignited the fuse…..the resulting blast, the effect and the measure of Gods’ spiritual explosives was not in his hand or his comprehension. Ninevah was indeed overthrown as he prophesied. The mortal men, their buildings and treasures weren’t destroyed…..the unseen principalities, rulers of darkness with their demonic oppressors were indeed overthrown and exiled. Each and every individual from the least to the greatest had to humble themselves and cry out to God and to turn from their wicked ways……just as we all must do. Jonah, like many ministers today, tends to overlook spiritual warfare in its entirety. They crave resultant physical validation for their efforts, often becoming disillusioned when their faith is tested during spiritual DRY SPELLS, instead of searching the sky for that small hand-sized cloud. The book of Jonah seems to be unfinished; incomplete….this is how it had to be. We see Jonah bemoaning what he perceived as himself to be a false prophet……the city hadn’t been destroyed as he had envisioned it to be….he felt disgraced, aggravated and grieved in the spirit. While he sits outside the city in self exile, trying to comprehend what all had transpired, God gave him and all of us this message…..THOUGH YOU CAN’T ALWAYS FULLY UNDERSTAND MY WAYS, WHEN IT COMES TO MY CHILDREN WHO CANNOT DISCERN FROM THEIR LEFT ( SPIRIT) AND THEIR RIGHT (FLESH), ONLY I CAN KNOW WHAT ACTION TO TAKE. You as an obedient servant can only be patient and trusting that as time progresses, you will spiritually evolve to a fuller understanding of my ways.

As in Jonahs story, there is no end……just an alluded to journey of spiritual understanding that we all must embark upon as we race toward eternity. Now that you have this basic comprehension of our parallel similarities to Jonahs journey, let’s step up onto a higher spiritual plateau and observe the great panorama surrounding Jesus prophetic proclamation that he would enter Hell and be resurrected after three days. All of the allusions that he had made predicting his demise, re-animation and the glorified, exalted state his being would endure…..they weren’t meant to impress us as either a mystifying fortune tellers trick or to be perceived as a self-fulfilling prophecy of a religious fanatic. Having to deal with darkened minds, he couldn’t step down to a communicable level that was easily comprehended by the masses and accomplish any kind of spiritual elevation……rather, he had to use analogies, allegories, similitude’s of a dualistic composition. In order to maintain the established order of FREE MORAL AGENCY ( Mans individual freedom to choose, accept or reject, believe or disbelieve…..his right to follow his own course or destiny had to be kept intact), he projected images of layered truth, presented in the only acceptable fashion that could maintain harmony between spirit and flesh. Those externally, desensitized persons could view these images and freely walk away….no sense of the indepthness of the spiritual implications they possessed. But those that truly hungered and thirsted for divine truth could and would receive the essence of Jesus parables and promises, either by his own divulgence and interpretation ( as he did for his own disciples while they were yet spiritual infants ), or later as he promised, by the Great Teacher and Guide, the Holy Spirit or Comforter. Through diligent study of Gods Holy Script, by prayerfully preparing your mind to receive the information and images that our spirit/teacher will utilize to expound and clarify Gods’ once hidden agenda for us, his children, we can all…..for he is no respecter of persons, stand on that spiritual plateau and view Christ’s first visit in its entirety. As you gaze upon Heavenly conflicts, you will witness the fall of an Archangel, a Being of Light, slowly fading into darkness and corruption…..Lucifer, once elevated to a position of authority next to God himself. Vanity, self-delusion and seeds of rebellion flourished until Satan (his new name) was born…..the evil reflection of the once perfect and unblemished Lucifer.

Overthrown and exiled to this small, insignificant planet, the Heavenly Council watched and waited for the Supreme Judge to pass sentence on him and his accomplices. A vengeful and merciless Creator could have easily destroyed and removed all the negative influence surrounding Satan’s defiant army, forcing complete submission to His will, but no…..even in the spirit dimension, the essence of our free wills is kept intact. Throughout the Universe, word was relayed to countless Archangels of this new and startling event. How would the Creator react? Would He use His ultimate power to annihilate His enemy, His once faithful friend and servant to whom He had entrusted so much knowledge and authority? An action of that nature could not elicit a desirable result because future angelic obedience would come from coercion and fear of reprisals, creating an underlying current of involuntary adherence to supreme policy. This situation had to be dealt with once and for all. The angelic beings had to individually witness the true nature of an evil, negatively motivated course of action and its consequences…..the ultimate effects of pain, death and destruction for those that embraced it. It would not be through Gods might or His power….but through His Spirit, anchored by His Divine Love. His Light would dispel the darkness that Satan had brought to this world, transforming it from a cold and frozen place of blackness and desolation……into a bright and shining, everlasting Kingdom of Righteousness.

When God had Michael imprison Lucifer and his followers on Earth, He had to take certain precautions to keep him confined, knowing the limit of his power and wisdom. What evolving, intelligent life forms that inhabited Earth at this time were terminated as unfortunate victims of Lucifer’s rebellion. Satan had originally been assigned to watch over and inspire spiritual evolution and growth to a primitive civilization on this planet. As the covering Cherub, he had misused his position, neglecting his responsibilities to nurture and instill the inspirational flashes of revelational concepts and ideas to their developing psyches. Like many modern false prophets and leaders that emulate his nature, they would rather garner any revelational knowledge to themselves, feeding tidbits of refracted truths as they saw fit, keeping a mindless multitude subservient to their selves. No bars could contain nor any shackles restrain these exiles, so God created a barrier…..a veil of darkness, a shroud that covered the Earth, imprisoning the rebels on a world without sunlight, its life-giving rays unable to penetrate to the surface. Earth soon became a frozen wasteland of blackness and solitude, the spiritual entities wandered to and fro, pacing the parameters of their prison cell. Denied their external source of radiant energy, they had to utilize the underlying core of power that pulsated from within the planet. Withdrawing within the cold shell to a sustaining ocean of energy, they established their headquarters……ever building and preparing themselves for a future opportunity for retribution and reprisal. Rather than accepting this period, this span of time as not so much as a disciplinary sanction, but more of a duration of introspection and self restructuring was what God wanted. We, as mortals, molded and influenced by external stimuli and trauma, know that there comes a point when an individual, for their own good, as well as for those in their sphere of interactions, have to step in and have them committed and removed from their social environment. Whether motivated by fear or, as with God…..LOVE for someone…..when they get out of control and all other options are exhausted, we sometimes have a tough decision to make. God still loved Lucifer and in His compassion and extreme mercy, wanted to isolate him, giving him time to reflect and get his priorities straight. Not by force would God overpower and torture Satan into submission. Lucifer would have to do the same as the rest of us mortal men must do…..REPENT and come back to the Father of our own free choice. Unfortunately, rehabilitation was the farthest thing from Satan’s ever corrupting mind. Making the most of his situation, he plotted, planned and continually constructed his kingdom within the planet. He knew full well that he would eventually stand before the Heavenly Court and be given a chance to either argue his case for an alternate, negatively charged existence…..his free right of choice, or throw himself on the mercy of the Holy Council, pleading for forgiveness and reinstatement to his prior rank. With time to think and scheme, he sought to find anything he could use for his defense. With his ultimate understanding of creative mechanics that utilized multiple energy sources, manipulation of inner dimensional force fields and molecular structuring, combined with eons of amassed wisdom and knowledge of God’s ever expanding kingdom and its internal hierarchy and agenda. It was that same attitude of self exalted egotism that had caused him to challenge God himself and be the new giver of truth and light. Now in exile, he thought and conspired, drawing upon that great knowledge to devise a counter offensive against God….waiting, ever waiting to strike. While the Earthbound Lucifer mused over his situation, God called together His Holy Council of Elders…..representatives from all across the universe that had come together to assist Him, to bear witness and to advise as needed. Together, they would forge a plan that would fully expose the resultant repercussions of uncontained negative energy, EVIL.

Much like our own scientists in a laboratory would do with a strange new virus, by placing it in an enclosed container, keeping it from escaping while they tested and observed its expansion and destruction through a microscope. These heavenly hosts would likewise do the same, watching Evil run its course, like a fever afflicting this planet…..a controlled experiment for all the Eternal Beings to bear witness to. There would have to be no doubt as to what the corrupted influence of evil would culminate into. Gods plan for a man…..a hybrid entity consisting of flesh and spirit, with a mind to bridge the gap between the two was to take center stage. (The infamous laboratory rat is an image that would evoke much criticism…..but, in a sense it is applicable). A tri-level entity (BODY-MIND-SPIRIT), with free moral agency, would be placed in a great container…Earth. An in depth understanding of what transpired begins to formulate as we search the scriptures. For example, from the book of Job we find that Lucifer was allowed access to the courtroom of God. Through prayerful study of the word, we see that certain rules and limited power was restored to Satan. By deception he regained control of fleshly beings that had separated themselves from Gods spirit….PSUEDO-SOVEREIGNTY.

The first step God took was to remove the veil of darkness from around the Earth, letting the suns radiant energy thaw out this frozen planet. Water dispersed into clouds, onto the surface and beneath, flooding underground chambers and passageways. Initially creating a safe haven for the spirit/man Adam and his helpmate Eve…..a self contained nursery of sorts, in which man could take his first Earthly steps without being assailed by the spiritual inhabitants that were circling beyond Eden’s boundaries, curious spectators that they were. Only Satan could enter…..this by Gods permission. He had argued that a disobedient nature was not just confined to him and his followers, that the desire for alternative goals, prompted from seeds of negativity was lying dormant in any creature of self will. A simple test….a challenge was presented. Would man be obedient and submissive toward Gods will and direction…..or could he be enticed into being disobedient. The fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil epitomized man kinds’ nature. Had he obeyed and refrained from consuming this food that activated the flow of positive and negative thoughts, he would have remained innocent and trusting, believing every word from God to be the nourishment he needed to exist on. But, through this disobedient act, Satan gained his foothold…He was now an established force to be reckoned with.

God knew man would fail……his immature intellect and spiritual perception was no match for Satan’s vast wisdom and deceit. Mans loss of innocence gave way to conscious decisions and accountability for his actions. By his own hand, by his sweat and perseverance would he go forth and build, till the soil and gather the fruits of his labor. With the promise that man would eventually be redeemed and that he would crush the evil head that had bruised his heel by uncovering his disobedient nature, mankind began an odyssey of faith……many battles and assaults by satanic forces were to be encountered as each stage of Gods master plan unfolded itself.

With mankind disconnected from direct spiritual communication with his creator, Lucifer readily projected distorted images and messages to those he could use and exploit. Worship of creations instead of the creator was the accepted belief system…..sun, moon, stars, animals, trees, rocks, whatever they chose to elevate to deification. Ever descending into carnality….fleshly pleasures, external stimuli evoked lust for sensory gratification…..wealth, sex, drinking, gambling….weaknesses then and even now. SIN FOR A SEASON SEEMS TO OVERSHADOW GOOD INTENTIONS. Ill conceived power, negatively introduced by Satan, saturated these Earth men……an evil anointing of false perceptions of their Earthly purpose, their relationship to both visible and the unseen realities that surrounded them. As it became so painfully apparent, Lucifer seemed to be proving his argument that even the very elect of God might possibly be corruptible. Through submission, a negatively charged, decadent people became tools, instruments of Satan to be exploited for furthering his plans to dominate first this world, then to expand his dark kingdom out into the vastness of the universe. Initially Lucifer could only gain access through the spirit of man, instilling corrupt thought patterns, inspirations and images that would captivate and channel his guiding energy toward manifesting submissive obedience. Once the mind with its filtering apparatus for both external stimuli as well as the internal, spiritually coded stimuli was darkened to embrace satanic precepts and reject the light of truth with its positive flow of pure and holy counsel, Lucifer was able to take the next step. Now that he had an external work force as well as a spiritual army rallied around him, he had to try to merge the two. Knowing the precarious nature and frailty of the human mind, a revelational influx of pure light (enlightenment, the dispelling of negative ideas and precepts) would disrupt his plans. Not content to merely subordinate by deception of mans thoughts and emotions; he feared that his puppets in authority might become a threat if God should shine his light upon them. He wanted and needed additional security to maintain his dominance over these spiritually ignorant Earthmen. Having an in depth knowledge of the creative process with its molecular manipulation, he sought to build his own hybrid entity…..he would merge the celestial seed from his own garrison of donors with the mortal seed of man. This way he would create his own super race of beings…..huge giants that would physically appall and intimidate, but more crucially….be programmed for complete, unyielding obedience and defiance to Gods positive force. With this consummation of marriage between mortal and immortal, the unholy product of conception with a destined goal of establishing themselves to monitor and control……to subjugate mankind in Lucifer’s grip, was an overt act that forced God to retaliate. Evil had dominated and corrupted long enough. Adams seed, once entwined within the glorious light of Gods own spirit, had been twisted, torn away by the demonic forces that were at work on the Earth. Only a remnant of uncorrupted seed was left untainted…Noah and his family. They had separated themselves from the social structure about them, choosing to withdraw from the Evil they sensed was not what the Creator desired for them. The world had yielded to sin; a living death sent forth a stench up into the nostrils of God. His children had rejected him and his ways….they had voluntarily embraced the darkness. His creation was afflicted by an incurable disease that could only continue to spread from generation to generation….Satan ever gaining inductees into his army.

It was not out of anger or frustration that God decided to wash clean the Earth to sterilize an evil infection…, it was an act of mercy and compassion that would destroy the flesh so that the spirit could be saved. He afforded them every chance possible to repent and call out for mercy… deny the devil his control. Even as the prophet Noah labored to construct the ark, he was moved by God through his spirit to preach and proclaim their pending doom and last chance to accept God again. Caught and bound in Satan’s lies, they mocked and ridiculed this last earthly emissary of righteousness, freely choosing to serve their new master to the end. With the submersion of the Earth beneath his holy throne came the conclusion of another great spiritual battle between good and evil. From the perspective of Lucifer….he had won! Even though his mortal manikins, his hybrid legions of giants, his newly claimed territories of conquest were stripped and taken away from him…..he boasted victory in that he had proven his theory of corruptibility of Gods creations. The battle seemed to be his, but the war was Gods to win.

When the waters receded, the first thing that Noah did was to offer up a free will offering to God, exhibiting his desire for a closer relationship with the true ruler of righteousness, his creator. This voluntary act so impressed and moved God that he promised to never again flood the Earth, for he knew that this man, through his obedience was the beginning of a continuous line of servants who would seek out the creators will for mankind……faithful, steadfast and unyielding to negative forces. First the prophets would seek him out, and then eventually, one by one, the kindred spirit of Gods love would draw mankind back toward the creator.

A universal signet, a sign for perpetuity was set forth…an ultimate symbol for his children to realize the vow he had made…..the RAINBOW. His pure white light of revelation passing through the droplets of water he had used to baptize the Earth, refracting into an arc of many colors, the many layers embodied within the pure light of truth, without beginning or end…..eternally present….its pot of gold being the wealth of supreme knowledge that truth possesses.

Noah remained true to his creator, by faith he believed and maintained a spiritual conduit for perpetual generations of mortal men. His descendants multiplied and flourished until God had to divide the great land mass (Pangaea) in the days of Peleg, son of Eber. Why did he separate the one ultra continent, pushing apart a central and connected kingdom? There’s an old military axiom….DIVIDE AND CONQUER, meaning that God knew the progression the battles were going to take in the future, considering the spiritual infancy of mankind and the wily and cunning persuasiveness of the dark lord Satan, God knew that the war would have to be fought on many fronts……running skirmishes as his elect were persecuted and driven from one country to another. For any kind of fighting chance, his faithful had to be scattered by the four winds to many sanctuaries around the world. If he had left them united with mankind in one place, the corrupting influence of evil would slowly win out. The moves and countermoves between good and evil, for lack of a better analogy, would be much like a supreme chess match between God and Lucifer. Mortal men, kingdoms, natural resources, wealth….pieces that would be used as the game continued. Lucifer’s wisdom and cunning versus absolute knowledge and understanding…..even the limited intelligence of man could see it would be one-sided, favoring the creators’ omniscience. The devil, Satan as Lucifer had become, would have to cheat if he had any chance at all to win. By then he was the father, the originator of guile and deception.

The separation and creation of continents was an important move for God to make, for as history reveals, the rise and fall of empires, the migratory patterns of humanity, the varied levels of developing human governments and their conscious quest for morality and social-environmental perceptiveness, readily display the outward effects of the ongoing spiritual battles being fought in our behalf. Lucifer’s primary tactic was to suppress any light of righteous revelation, to keep mankind’s spiritual consciousness in the dark…..holding him captive on a primal, animalistic level of superstitious savagery that embraced satanic rituals involving the desecration of Gods prize creation, man. These encompassed perverse distortions of sensual gratification that involved homosexuality, beastiality, incest, even the ultimate act of savagery, human sacrifice…..the destruction of Gods children.

Wherever man would gather to unite and build, there too, would Satan send an emissary to oversee and construct an accompanying headquarters to monitor and manipulate from. PRINCIPALITIES, RULERS IN HIGH PLACES, POWERS OF DARKNESS. The greatest city on Earth in its infancy was Babylon. The foundational work was done by Nimrod and his followers, who through satanic inspiration proposed to construct a towering alter that, would reach Heaven. With its spiraling, pyramidal design, it symbolized mans servitude to a literalized external yielding to the negative forces surrounding them. They had begun to erect a stairway to the lower heavens on Earth…..the prince of the air, Satan’s domain. When God saw mans unity in action, with their common language controlled by Lucifer, he communed with his council of elders (let us go down and confound their language), then swept through their spirit/mind, reprogramming their speech ability. This is the first mention of a single perceived language diversified into many manifested languages (tongues) by the spirit, the power of God. In the End time cycle, Gods spirit will anoint his children and the evidence will be a similar manifesting of tongues or distortion of our consciously controlled mode of communication…proof of the underlying forces that we have yet to fully comprehend.

There was a two fold approach to dividing the people and the land that Satan was assailing…..first God confounded the universal language of the mortals, separating and scattering certain persons in specific areas of land. When an appropriate time had elapsed, God then split apart those lands with their inhabitants to different points on Earths surface….each would have individual parts to play as man kinds’ destiny unfolded. As time progressed, nomadic migration gave way to the construction of cities, which in turn were regulated by human governmental bodies…..laws were established. Lucifer was ever present, relentlessly usurping authority through his deceptiveness, ever reaching to control man kinds spiritual growth….envelope him in darkness. Amidst this pervasive cloud of darkness, God shone his divine light like a beacon, searching for that one special mortal, who, through unwavering faith would be obedient and follow his direction.

Abram, who once spiritually enlightened became Abraham, entered into a contract, a covenant with the creator. By taking stock of Abrams transition from fleshly motivated to the spiritually motivated Abraham, we can gain valuable insight of our own spiritual fulfillment. Just like Abraham, we are called into Gods service, presented with an initial promissory note that outlines our conditional blessing or curses, contingent upon our obedience or disobedience. Through faith, we are directed toward our individualized course of service…..the preparatory exercises to strengthen and develop spiritual muscles are the trials and tribulations that temper and refine us. Stepping out on faith, leaving the security of our carnal caves with their protective walls, being led by the unction of an internal force we have yet to understand is wrought with fear and apprehension….as with Abraham, we are led by the faithful promises of God. Through his insight and direction, we learn to be MORE than merely conquerors of our own self doubts and internal uncertainty, but we, through Gods spiritual anointing, overcome and defeat negative opposition….enemies from Satan.

Like Abraham, who was greeted by the king/priest Melchizedek with the symbolic bread and wine of communion, so will we be met by our king/priest Jesus with this same confirmation and consecration of our earthen vessels for his holy service…..WHEN WE HAVE TRULY EATEN THE BREAD(WORDS) OF GOD AND DRANK FROM THE LIVING SPRINGS OF TRUTH. And like Abraham, we are inspired to give tithes back to our lord and savior Jesus…this to be a conscious, freewill offering of our sustenance, wealth, even of ourselves to yield a portion of our time to do good and confront evil. These outward acts of giving toward our creator, besides showing faith and obedience, activates a perpetual concept of sowing and reaping….seeds that we plant that will yield a bountiful harvest in due season…if we faint not. And like Abraham, once we have been validated by acts of faith and obedience, once we have dined with the master and have consumed manna from heaven…..once we have quenched our thirst for righteousness, allowing that living water to flow through our temples….then the creator will find us worthy to join his army of spiritual warriors. With this mantle of light comes deep, spiritual insight, revelation and prophetic imagery becomes commonplace. Spiritual gifts will flow naturally, undeterred by a veil or barrier of doubt. Once we reach this level of spiritual interaction with Gods spirit, we receive our new name….one that will encompass our individual purpose for his direction and service that he has planned for us. Abram became Abraham….Jacob became Israel…..Saul became Paul, each one exposing the transitional metamorphosis that surrounds the rebirth process. WE ALL MUST BE BORN AGAIN, from the dark kingdom of fleshly unrighteousness into the bright, illuminated spiritual realm of Gods holy righteousness.

Though we all have fallen short of his mark, through satanic manipulation and oppression our earthly garments have become sin-stained, torn and threadbare….our God patiently waits for his children to come back to the great provider, Jehovah-Jireh….to humbly shed our tattered rags, to step beneath the crimson flow, the cascading river of blood emanating from Calvary’s cross….to bath in Jesus’ purifying, sanctifying, life giving blood that washes us clean, heals our bodies, our souls, our minds and our spirits.

Paganistic perception, carnally directed mentality would interpret this procedure in a literal sense. As with the act of communion( eat my flesh and drink my blood), it does not entail the actual concept of human sacrifice followed by a literal blood drinking and flesh eating orgy of cannibalistic consumption. Everything that God/Jesus instructed us to do was applicable to the inner spiritual man, with resulting external repercussions. Consuming Jesus flesh can only be understood in its totality when we rightly divide, or comprehend scriptural inferences that are set forth….like the parables and analogies, dualistic precepts that are a spiritual code of instructional, divine wisdom can only be interpreted by our designated tutor, the Holy Spirit.

A keynote exposition of this flesh ingesting, the symbols of spirit and flesh paradoxes was given through John, who as we can witness was especially close to the God/man, our savior, Jesus. So closely drawn by the magnetic pull of Gods divine love, a force so supreme that it dispels darkness and illuminates our paths…..this internal unction so captivated the apostle John that his pure, unselfish desire to understand and seek Gods will impressed Jesus so much that he set John apart for a special anointed ministry of prophetic revelation. Though each of the other apostles were given specific ministries that best utilized their individual character and independent wills, it was John that bonded so deeply….meshing and intertwining spiritually with the Earthly emissary from heaven, Lord Jesus, that he was granted an ever deepening, revelational insight into the will and the way that God was directing mankind.

In the book of John, chapter one, verses one through fourteen, we are given a crucial blueprint to a model….an example of the entity we are to emulate. Here our master, the king Jesus is portrayed as the ultimate, eternal truth….THE WORD. Though the creator has many manifested perspectives of his divine nature, there is no earthly name that we are given (I AM THAT I AM). He is an eternal deity that encompasses every thought, concept or realization. With no specific term that can encapsulate the essence of the creator, John could only use an open-ended, allegorical concept built around a presuppostionless “WORD”. The depth of these fourteen verses, with their many layers of spiritual revelations expose us to not only the premise that God himself entered an earthen vessel….a mortal body to personally fulfill his plan of reconciliation and redemption, but it extols foundational truths pertaining to the symbolic consumption of his flesh, which is the WORD before becoming literal flesh. Like John himself was to eat the book, as Ezekiel was to eat the scroll, we also are to consume the WORD (not by bread alone, but by every WORD proceeding from the creators’ mouth). We are, simply stated, instructed to internalize the essence, the nature of our creator within the houses of clay that we inhabit……THE TRUE TEMPLES OF GOD. Likewise, by drinking the blood of our savior (IN THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE), we also symbolically conform to his lifestyle…his character. The washing and purification concept of his blood atonement is the cleansing agent that frees us from Satan’s hold. With our newly renovated houses swept and garnished, we are clearly forewarned by Jesus to continually feast at the masters table…..spiritual sustenance rooted in Gods word to supply us the strength and nourishment to repel any intruders of evil that would try to enter our earthly abodes.

As promised, when we receive, embrace and internalize Gods precepts, the light of truth will fill our vessels, shining throughout our mortal shells. The radiant Shekannah, the glorious love of God cannot be contained by mere mortal flesh… Moses experienced this effervescent energy, his countenance was altered, his natural visage was glorified, virtually becoming a holy beacon…..its light shining out upon this world of spiritual darkness, illuminating whoever and whatever it encountered. Mankind, relegated to this dismal, darkened state of being, could not endure the glowing light of Gods essence….sinful eyes were blinded by it….mans reaction was to mask it out with a veil, a buffer to diffuse and reduce the intensity of Divine Truth. Though, in varied degrees we all experience this same anointing, when, through humble submission we receive our savior….when the yokes and shackles of satanic bondage are removed….the sin-marred face of humanity is transformed by that radiant glow, the divine unconditional love we display for each other, unfeigned, beyond mortal control, makes us truly children of righteousness……light bearers to the world.

Unlike these Old Testament characters that had received the Creators foundational instructions, we are the recipients of God’s holy manuscript……THE BIBLE. Within its pages, we are given a complete discourse of his heavenly agenda for his earthly creations. As an ardent student and disciple of this holy text, we are clearly admonished to rightly divide….to study and show ourselves good stewards of Gods words, validated with his approval.

The natural mind, filled with externally received data input (i.e. parental programming, scholastic studies, life experiences), has already acclimated itself toward a routine process of compartmentalizing, filtering and quantifying informational flow……belief systems, moralities and individual codes of conduct are established. Knowledge is an extremely valid source of power to accomplish GOOD or EVIL, dependent upon the direction we are drawn toward. Be cautious, for as Lucifer fell from grace, being lifted up in his own wisdom and knowledge (GETTING THE BIG HEAD), we are every bit as vulnerable to egotistical corruptive ness.

As previously stated, true, in-depth revelation and exposition of Gods word can only come through the interpretive ability of the Holy Spirit. With our limited backlog of experiential data, we are handicapped, restricted by our minute mentality. A lifetime of data influx would only utilize a small percentage of our storage capacity. How then, could we, mere mortals possibly comprehend transcendent truths or precepts with mental faculties that are so varied, dependent on knowledge acquisition. We are multifarious, from primal to genetic geniuses, vastly diversified degrees of intellect. Even the most recognized and universally perceived men of wisdom will admit that they have accumulated so little and understand but a portion of an endless supply of knowledge and infinite wisdom. Solomon, a great discerner of truth and wisdom has enshrouded many insightful instructions for those that would seek truth and ultimate wisdom and knowledge. The FEAR (respect) of the lord God is the starting point, the first step on the wondrous journey toward spiritual enlightenment and revelational understanding. This initial acknowledgement or reverence of the supreme knowledge giver and creator activates an internal switching mechanism that redirects our priorities from externally oriented data ingestion, inwardly, creating a hungering desire for transcendent truths.

The next step involves the regeneration or renewing of the mind, where body and spirit meet. A partial commitment to God and his spirit guide, the Holy Ghost, can and will only achieve partial success in understanding revelational knowledge. Stated as being double-minded, Jesus warned us of this unstable mental condition. To have a form of godliness but to reject the power and the glorious inner light of revelation, being torn between internal and external desires, renders an individual to be helplessly pulled by both good and evil forces…….a tug of war for their souls. Those, who have gained some insight, are very vulnerable to backslide, to return to the miry pools of mud from which they have crawled…….or even worse, they try to maintain their egocentric, self willed servitude to both sources of knowledge, internally balancing and cross-breeding satanically inspired informational input with the golden nuggets of true revelation, creating spiritual fools gold….an eye-catching, shimmering object that draws men’s attention, but worthlessly deceptive in content.

False prophets and teachers…..blind guides leading spiritually blinded men to their eventual fate….millstones are waiting for them. You cannot serve two masters, God or Lucifer….one or the other. Heed Solomon’s advice…commit your works (actions) unto the lord and your thoughts (mental/spiritual interaction, with resultant directives) shall be established. Many people misinterpret Gods counsel on mammon (riches of the world). Wealth or money is only a symbol, an agent of exchange or acquisition. The DESIRE or LOVE of or for this medium of exchange is a force to be dealt with. Jesus warned us of this deadly affinity to accumulate or amass worldly possessions. God GIVES us POWER to GAIN WEALTH……as does Satan. The difference being that Satan’s interest, his hidden charges involve much pain and sorrow, then eternal damnation. SIN AND PLEASURE FOR A SEASON….THEN PHYSICAL FORECLOSURE. God expresses his desire for ALL his children to prosper, even as their souls prosper. Once you have connected with the Holy Spirit, accepting and acting on his directions, you WILL be blessed above and beyond your wildest expectations….BE FAITHFULL OVER LESS AND THE GREATER WILL COME.

This is the key to true, lasting and eternal prosperity ….with the nurturing and growth of our spirit mans essence (soul), with spiritual insight and understanding, comes an external reflection of that growth. Be wise as serpents (Lucifer with his outward wisdom and knowledge of worldly ways and interactions) but harmless (peacefully existing with our fellow men) as doves (symbolic of the Holy Spirit inhabiting our earthen vessels). Like Abraham, Job and so many others, we will endure times of testing of our faith and obedience. FAITH THAT IS UNTRIED doesn’t do any good sitting dormant. Without exercise it will atrophy, becoming weaker until it’s useless. BY WORKS or active use of our faith do we strengthen ourselves….and those we come in contact with. Stepping out in faith, not fully comprehending the repercussions of our actions, leaning not to our continually developing understanding, but by faith looking toward the source of all knowledge and his instructor the Holy Spirit….we align ourselves with the Fathers will, vessels yielded to his service. Whatever direction this entails, the ministry he entrusts us with, the position or office in which we are placed…..wherever or whenever we will be called upon to act, we must be instant in season or out (no set times by our mortal perception).

We will always have at least two of the possible three witnesses to validate our internal directions. 1) The written word of the bible has the total package for everyone’s part in Gods plan….careful search will show confirmation of our purpose in this existence. 2) The interaction between our spirit men (conscious voice) with Gods spirit. At some point in our spiritual growth, we learn to distinguish between the pure, undiluted words and concepts flowing from God and the twisted, deceptive distortions of Satan (SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT). 3) Generally, we can be content or acceptant of the first two witnesses ( IN THE MOUTH OF TWO OR THREE WITNESSES SHALL EVERY WORD BE ESTABLISHED), but sometimes we do need the validation by a third witness. This would be the Holy Spirit impressing upon another individual the specific directions that he had given to you….for that other person to approach you and convey those instructions verbatim, a physical voice re-iterating a specific proposition to you.

There is a reason that FAITH is the only spiritual gift among the nine listed in the New Testament as being both a gift as well as a fruit of the spirit. Aside from being a self evident double witness to its priority and importance in Gods plan for mankind…..the inherent magnitude of an individually vested MEASURE OF FAITH, the latent potential of each embedded SEED placed by the Creator within each of his children, defies any intellectual description or observation. Jesus used allegories and parables to project images which could only allude to the immense power that an individual SEED OF FAITH possessed. God planted this divine seed in earthen vessels for a reason. Only through correct cultivation can we expect to nourish these seeds into fruition. Only in good soil, with rain falling from Gods throne, living water, will we be able to have our faith germinate into an abundant source of power to energize and edify our own selves, but others will find sustenance from the fruit it bears (many spiritually famished people will seek out and draw nourishment from those of great faith). CAUTION to those sharing their living fruit…..though we are to shelter and feed Gods sheep, we must be wary of Satan’s pruners….them that would cut away and slowly attempt to reduce, even destroy our faith. FAITH IS THE KEY TO UNLOCKING EVERYTHING. It is the catalyst, the activating force that opens up the spirit realm, allowing us to become conduits to bridge both spirit and physical realms…..bringing forth a heavenly flow of LIVING WATER to an arid, desolate world that can and will blossom again.

In Hebrews 11:1 we are given the overall definition of faith……the SUBSTANCE of things HOPED for and the EVIDENCE of THINGS not seen. Simplistic and concise, yet it embraces so much. Both terms, substance and evidence denote real and tangible interpretations of as yet unseen and unknown perceptions of the dynamics of our continually unfolding spiritual nature. Liken to seeds of this world, an inherent force lying dormant, encapsulated by a shell….so are we human entities, spirit force enshrouded by flesh, awaiting germination……the activation of our true spirit being to transcend, to break free of its restrictive encasement. It is Gods anointing, his glorious light falling upon us that stirs the inner man, who like the tender shoots, reach toward his life giving rays. Coinciding with our triune nature (body-mind-spirit) are three keys to open up our physical defensive mechanisms….the external boundaries we have constructed around ourselves….FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY.

As already discussed, FAITH is the primary key that unlocks the door to our individual temples (bodies), allowing our spirit man to transcend his physical limitations. HOPE or our individual desires and aspirations are contained within our minds (i.e. THE BLESSED HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE). It is the key to comprehending infinite wisdom…..with it comes the needed SUBSTANCE and EVIDENCE of those THINGS we have yet to understand. But thirdly and most important is CHARITY or AGAPE, Gods pure and undefiled LOVE. Through faith we open up our shells so we can fully interact with the external realm. Through hope we strive to cogitate correctly upon stimuli and data from both worlds, spiritual and physical, working toward our individual contributions to our Fathers Kingdom. Once we are open and vulnerable, once we have overcome our double minded confusion and allowed our Great Teacher to work in us…then God will flood us with his Divine Love….living water begins to flow out of us, spilling upon our fellow men. As Jesus said, by the materialization of Gods love in his disciples, unfeigned and unrestrained, projecting out toward each other and beyond, its light falling upon all Gods creations, would we be made known to be true recipients of Gods divine nature. ARE YOU SHINING?

The words FAITH and BELIEF are synonymous. What a man believes in his heart (has faith) to be true, real or existent, forms the boundaries, however small or infinite around him. Our personal belief systems dictate the basis or prime structuring of all possible spirit/physical interactions. To believe or be a believer of a HIGHER POWER is the initial seedling of faith. Likened to the man with the demon possessed son who cried “I believe….help my unbelief”. On the surface this would appear to be a self canceling statement. But looking deeper we see our own double minded (spirit/physical) nature at work. The spirit, a willing validater of divine truth and the flesh, weak and resistant to non-sensory encounters. The answer that Jesus gave concerning the disciples lack of power to eject the demonic spirit that oppressed the boy, applies not only to this circumstance, but to every potential outward manifestation of a believers acts of faith or belief in Gods confirming power.

PRAYER AND FASTING is the cure for doubt and disbelief. Through fasting, the desires of the flesh, the physical cravings diminish, allowing the inner, spiritual nature of man to step forward. Coupled with fervent, effectual prayer opens up communication with the creator that is clear wisdom and instruction, undiluted by our cognitive mechanisms. Our individual doubt and self abasement yields to the greater spirit source to which we are all linked. Though external witnesses may view our clay temples being illuminated, vibrating with heavenly power, anointed by God to work miracles, heal the sick or afflicted, or any other manifestation of the spiritual gifts…..WE know the truth, we are just earthen vessels carrying LIVING WATER to Gods thirsty children…..and a clay pitcher can be broken when mishandled or misused.

In times past, only a few servants of the LIVING GOD learned about PAYING THE PRICE to acquire this ANOINTING from God. Some would say that it’s denying oneself wealth or other earthly pleasures. Some would say that it’s self sacrifice of time and effort in study and prayer. Jesus told exactly what his payment would be in the parable of the Pearl of Great Price. This analogy of the kingdom involves a merchant (each of us) seeking out pearls (of wisdom and knowledge of the kingdom). When we have gathered bits and pieces of spiritual understanding enough to point us toward the one, ultimate source (Jesus, THE GREAT PEARL), we are faced with a decision… be content with what we have….or do we sellout, completely and totally to gain that PEARL OF GREAT PRICE. To lay down everything (family, home, money, time…etc.), give it all back to God. Naked I came into this world, naked I shall leave. Whatever I say or do, wherever I go, I will exalt and serve our Heavenly Father. To truly become a Christian, a true believing Child of God, is to really yield our members to His Righteousness and to present our bodies as Living Sacrifices for outward examples of Gods Love and Mercy manifested through us.

So, why are there so few of these Shining Christians, with their internal beacons of Holy Light beaming out into this dark, sin shrouded world, exposing corruption and deceit as we were instructed by the Master to do? It all falls back to the parable of the seeds……He, himself being the Sacred Sower of Divine seeds of Truth that he planted two millennia ago. They were given to us all, every human being on this planet to receive and plant within our earthen vessels, to nurture and tend as they sprouted into the spiritual fruits that would nourish and maintain us on our spiritual journeys. Jesus clearly forewarned us to prepare our SOIL to receive these precious seeds, to rid ourselves of the choking Weeds of Worldly Worries and cares….to remove the rocks and stones, those hardened hearts and doubting minds that would deny His Truth any roots to take hold. TILL YOUR SOIL! Rid yourself of those impediments that are restraining you from fully receiving from God. Plowmen….break up your fallow ground…..put your hands on the plow and DO NOT look back to where you once were … keep your rows straight! Once you have prepared your fertile soil and carefully planted those precious seeds within you, let that Living Water saturate and activate your hundredfold promised harvest.

Truly, many are called, but so very few become the CHOSEN ONES…….them that comprise GODS ARMY. Multitudes of eager and earnest recruits storm the doors of Gods enlistment office, THE CHURCH…..vowing their vows of undying loyalty and voluntary servitude to champion His Cause…..pledging body, soul, mind and spirit in the fight against EVIL and its master, SATAN. Fanned by the euphoric thrill that accompanies the experience of rebirth, with its soul saturating exhilaration of new found freedom from sins awesome burden…..that initial surge from within to conquer and retaliate against Lucifer and his minions is quite overpowering. All too many of these Newborn recruits want to bypass the rigorous training that accompanies TRUE spiritual development, as is attained through the leadership and teachings of the HOLY SPIRIT( as many as are led by the spirit….WILL BECOME THE SONS OF GOD). The UNCTION from within to do good and righteous deeds as a fellow worker for the Lord is often misconstrued by our as yet undeveloped spiritual mentality as a green light to charge straight into the pits of Hell, with nothing but our new found faith in Gods might and just knowing he’s on our side. So there they are, standing outside the Dragons lair, shouting their brazen challenges, full of vim and vigor…..but, in reality they are like lambs led to the slaughter. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal…..the weapons are very spiritual…and as such, we must be trained to use them. Every piece of the Christian Soldiers Uniform that we are promised has a specific purpose for the approaching battles we have to face.

As newborn Babes in Christ, we are spiritually naked save for our diapers (loincloth), which is the finally realized TRUTH about Jesus and the newfound reality of the spirit realm. As we are nourished on the milk (the simplified concepts of Gods rules, promises and directions), we take those initial baby steps in childlike faith on our spiritual journey. In time, we outgrow the need for liquid sustenance, we begin to savor the Living Bread with its mind expanding supplements….Knowledge and Wisdom. Then follows the energizing power that comes with a Meaty diet, supernatural strength and Revelation, communion with the Holy Spirit and direct access to the Throne room.

As we grow to realize that our true righteousness is not in ourselves, but rather through the righteousness of our Lord Jesus and adhere to His principles, we don the Breastplate of Righteousness……which shields our hearts from negative emotions (i.e. hatred, bitterness, envy, malice….). Once we have gotten used to our custom fitted breastplate, when we fully comprehend its protective purpose and learn the difference between Anger and Righteous Indignation, then we must prepare for our real journey of faith.

Lacing on our Saviors’ Sandals, we begin to understand how two diametrically opposed concepts…..The Blessed Peacemakers and The Christian Warriors can merge to fulfill our destiny. Having ingested the full meal that God has provided (milk, bread and meat), then having enveloped ourselves with His Holy Righteousness, connected and led by the Holy Spirit…..we ARE PREPARED to carry the gospel banner into Satan’s territory.

Grabbing up our ever enlarging Shield of Faith, we start our slow steady advance to re-enforce the Sainted Soldiers that have marched before us. Crowning our heads with the Helmet of Salvation, we find our minds stable and unwavering, doubts and uncertainty cast aside by the assuredness of our future in Christ. Clutching the double edged SWORD of pure and undefiled TRUTH that IS Gods HOLY SCRIPT…… NOW we are ready to slay that many headed demonic dragon, that great serpent of guile and deceit, SATAN. Onward Christian Soldier, march on to the battle front…..lift the Cross of Jesus ever higher and HE WILL draw ALL men unto Him.

WHERE IS THE BATTLE FRONT? The Earthly emissaries that comprise this elite array of faithful fighters have yet to merge beneath the royal banner of our Commander-in-Chief, this to take place upon His return with our heavenly comrades in arms….the Saints and Angels. At this point in time, Lucifer has the upper hand….his corrupting influence has reached into every facet of our world… institutions, the political arena, the state of our health (both physical and mental), even stretching his hand into the Church….seeding his Agents of Discord. Rather than one united force of faithful followers, there is now many splintered cells of satanic resistance. Through spiritual eyes, you can look out across the horizon and glimpse many campfires. Huddled beneath their self designed RELIGION or DENOMINATION flags, these men of war rally around their leaders, waiting for orders. So, we basically have an ongoing series of skirmishes between the agents of evil and those that make up the body of Christ. As of yet there are no great Generals of God…only Captains of Christ, instructing and directing their troops as best they know how. Their battle plans often drawn up without counsel from our Commander-in-Chief….too often ending with disastrous results. Where as our spiritual eyes see a multitude of fires burning, mostly small and often fading into embers, they also note the billowing bonfires spaced across the horizon…..those fervent, effectual followers of Christ gathered together, stirring the flames from within….Holy Ghost power, merging and uniting….one mind and purpose, to take back there Earthly inheritance that Satan took from their ancestors through guile and deceit.

JOHN 11:35

JESUS WEPT……just two words….the shortest verse in the entire bible…..yet, herein lies the sum total of this Holy Script that was given to us mere mortals…..our inherent FEAR of our eventual deaths and the Promise of Life Everlasting. As our Master and Savior looked about at the grief-stricken people surrounding Him, from the depths of His soul the anguish and the compassion He felt merged, forcing tears to flow down His face. Though Lazarus was indeed a close and beloved friend, what Jesus did next was not just for that reason alone……IT WAS TO SHOW ALL MANKIND THAT WE WERE NOT TO FEAR DEATH….but rather to understand it to be just a transitional state from LIFE to LIFE EVERLASTING, mortality putting on immortality. In an unparalleled act of Authority from God, He proclaimed that He was the RESURRECTION and LIFE of all things, then proceeded to call forth the spirit and soul of Lazarus back into his earthly shell. From deep within this darkened planet….in a special holding area called Abrahams’ Bosom, where the spirits of the Saints of old were being held for that Very Special Ransom that only Jesus could pay….the confining barriers began to vibrate as that absolute voice of ultimate power and authority called out to His beloved friend, Lazarus Come Forth! The demonic guards could only back away in awe and fear of a far greater voice than their own terrible masters’ voice reverberating throughout their domain. As they watched Lazarus pass by on his way back into the physical realm, they shivered with a foreboding premonition of more startling things to come. Soon, very soon Jesus himself would be paying these morbid jailers a personal visit. But it would not just be a single soul to reclaim….He would descend into their midst, His blinding Light of Glory illuminating that dank and darkened dungeon where the Holy Hostages were held…..Demanding the keys to that Satanic Sanctuary, He would be reclaiming Gods captive Children for His own kingdom…freeing them all.

DEATH….How mankind fears their impending mortality, that appointment with the Grim Reaper that we all have scheduled….For It Is Appointed For Man Once To Die, Then Comes The Judgment. Many people live a squandered life of self gratification and self indulgences only to arrive at Deaths Door realizing that it was all for naught. Their hedonistic lifestyle in reality was but an evilly prescribed placebo from the False Physician….Satan. Stripped of earthly raiment and wealth we shall all arrive at Heavens Gate with a different type of acquired treasure that we have accumulated during our lifetime on Earth. The precious jewels we must lay upon the Altar of God are truly priceless….they are the tokens of the Good and Righteous Deeds we have performed during our life quest. These are taken and placed on Gods Holy Scales, where they are weighed and balanced against those unrighteous and defiling acts of trespass we have committed. This will mark our True Worth and Value in the eyes of the Heavenly Host. Every act of kindness and compassion has an intrinsic value and adds to our spiritual treasury…..every act of disobedience or negativity has a penalty or fine charged to our account. Don’t arrive with empty pockets, but hopefully you will have an overflowing bag of jewels fit for The King.

You cannot beg or borrow from another Heavenly bound person…..there is no staging area where our sins can be purged or expunged by any willing donors…..we all arrive with our own life’s savings in hand. These Are Your Treasures In Heaven…..That Does Not Rust Or Decay.


I realize that to use metaphysical/astrological terminology to disclose the hidden mysteries of our Lord and Savior will make many a theologian grimace….their safety zones that buffer the sacred from the profane tends to range from a thin shell to a massive wall….each choosing to either embrace the security of their mortal monasteries or to don their Christian armor and step beyond the gates and challenge those sounds and voices in the Dark. Unfortunately, we are limited by mankind’s accumulated wisdom and stored knowledge…part of which consists of transferred symbols, archetypal imagery that our predecessors, those wily sages, magi and mystics passed down through the years. We know that the Holy men of old, the prophets of God gave sacred wisdom as the Spirit moved upon them….spirit realm to physical realm, unimpeded by the intellectual processing that tends to manipulate and distort…GOD SAID IT SO I BELIEVE IT. Most men’s minds were so darkened by deceit that real truth was seemly undecipherable and elusive….so by FAITH they believed unto salvation and followed the messengers of God. As time progressed, the elevation of human consciousness from the primal, sensory motivated perceptiveness to a higher level of rationalization, deliberate cogitation of philosophical and metaphysical questions that plagued mankind’s curiosity, surviving it’s dormancy in the Dark Ages, to burst forth into the Age of Enlightenment.

With a cornucopia of cosmic consciousness, bursting forth from the minds and mouths of so many self-proclaimed gurus of The Godhead, Masters of Eternal Mysteries, Celestial Cohorts espousing planetary parenthood through both willing and not so willing adherents and abductees…..Gatekeepers, mediums, channelers…..both positively and negatively influenced….dangling tidbits of so-called TRUTHS before a spiritually starved multitude of people, grasping at any source of nourishment for their hungry Souls.

The truly ENLIGHTENED entity will not manipulate or dominate an Adherent or Seeker of Truth….UNLESS they are themselves controlled by negative Forces….Pawns of the Deceiver Himself… be continued


Once God confirms His Word with signs following….His Children will seek you out, drawn to “His” Light shining through you. Keep your eye single, no shadow or variance.

Accountability is the Cross you bear. Life and death are truly in your tongue…..only God’s spirit can bridle and direct it. Not with the enticement of mans wisdom , but with the hot , blinding light of truth…..with its radiant , purifying , soul-saturating essence of Heavenly Glory satisfies the earthly hunger of mans desire for unity with his Creator . You are the Host…..the Usher of Gods spiritual presentation. Let God direct and do His job, stand still at your mark and await your cues.

MATTHEW 5:17 & 18

This is Christ’s’ completion of the previous age….fulfillment of the prior Messianic projections. Law and Promise progress toward fruition. Externalized concepts turn inward from the stony hearts of condemnation and restraint toward the fleshy tablets in the heart of man. The kingdom within must subjugate itself to the masters plan of redemption, restoration and reconciliation. The transformation process begins; the body of Christ must die out physically before the resurrecting power of God can reclaim His Children from darkness into the light. His earthly , “Christ like” Christians , by symbolically partaking in His death and resurrection , followed by spiritual “Fire” baptism , shall become conduits for the future progression of externalizing the inner kingdom into the physical realm . This Kingdom shall be taken by force, shaken by the power of Gods spirit that He will pour out on all flesh.

Matthew 7: 21

Lip service or merely professing Jesus is Lord won’t cut it. Walk the walk…..not just talk the talk. Knowing and fulfilling Gods will is the mark you strive for.

Matthew 7: 23

These are those that misuse the Anointing or deceptively use the WORD to mislead or injure the Children. In the last days there will be many false prophets and teachers arise out of the dust and confusion of the countless churches that crumble beneath the weight of erroneous doctrine, dogma and ritual. So many immature Christians, rather than partaking of the Masters Manna, His Holy script directly, straight from the source, would gullibly prefer the tainted offerings presented by Lucifer’s Levites….unholy priests that prey upon these Lost Sheep. Scattered they are, shepherd less, running to and fro, seeking knowledge from Satan’s Scholars….Judas goats that lead them farther and farther from the Truth. Sound doctrine is not for the faint of heart. To embrace God’s directives with an eager and trusting attitude goes against the carnal nature of mans’ will. To surrender oneself toward the higher good of mankind, to become selfless, caring for other peoples needs more than your own desires is far from easy. Knowing the reluctance of men to ingest the pure and undiluted Living Water from God….these wicked water bearers of this so-called Aquarian Age of Enlightenment, have combined evil additives that stimulate the flesh, but weaken the spirit. Just to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Master, to voluntarily place yourself under His command, then fail to be obedient to ALL His directives is self defeating. You cannot pick and choose just those parts of the Gospel that please you, that are easiest to fulfill… doesn’t work that way, it’s all or nothing, in or out….you can’t be lukewarm….no free rides, we all have to pay one way or another….freedom from sin and condemnation isn’t free. Jesus did pay the extreme price for our salvation and reconciliation with God, but we, too, have a cost charged to us. Unto whom much is given, is much required…..the more spiritual knowledge we amass, so much greater are we held accountable for how we share it with others. Do we hoard it like a miser, letting it turn to dust along with our bones when we perish? Do we corrupt and manipulate the masses with enticing words of wisdom that sway and captivate, creating mindless puppets for Satan’s Army…..or do we follow the Masters instruction, freely you received, so freely give….share the wealth of spiritual wisdom you are given, help those struggling to comprehend the tenants of true faith, sound doctrine of divine revelation and Christian Brotherhood. We are all in this grand journey together, for better or worse, it’s up to us to fulfill our destinies in God’s Grace and mercy.

Matthew 7: 29

This is crucial for any servant of God. Teach with authority …..Absolute, unwavering Truth is what dispels the darkness. The author of authority is God.

Matthew 8:8

“Speak the Word” This is not faint, human ramblings….no.

This is the echoing reiteration of Gods own words ….His very speaking into existence of things….miracles , healings , prophecy……whatever the need might be . It is not the man, but God speaking through the man. The level of Faith displayed by this centurion comes from his not just believing , but it also comes from his clear understanding of the boundless and limitless power of the Creator , that transcends physical space and time….omniscient ,omnipresent .

Matthew 9: 8

This is a powerful verse. Miracles and healings in the meetings will always incite praise and a hunger for a deeper connection with the Creator. Christ has truly extended this wondrous anointing to do greater works once we are aligned with His Holy Spirit and following His leadership. Eloquent words, mind massages ….ear tickling quickly becomes vain and repetitious. Talking only goes so far…establishing the parameters of progressive spiritual development is the basis for laying the ground work for individual understanding. This is mostly accomplished through bible studies, prayer, group interaction, but above all, it is the individuals’ hunger and thirst for Truth and Righteousness…..which dictates the pace of enlightenment and spiritual growth. Major encounters with the God Seekers (revivals, camp meetings, etc.) permeate with the anticipation of a “Move” of Gods spirit. They have heard countless times the basic principles and dynamics of the Spiritual Gifts and the “Shekannah”, glory of Gods presence .THEY WANT AND NEED VALIDATION. They believe….. Their little shadows of “self doubt” must be overcome. Let God manifest His glory to them. QUENCH NOT THE SPIRIT…..wherever it goes, FOLLOW. Even if it shines upon you the servant to edify or uphold….or even if it should publicly chastise or correct……ALL things WILL work toward His good and perfect will.

Matthew 9: 22

“THY FAITH” This is individual faith….for as one believes, it is truly unto them. From THE primary measure of faith that is instilled in all of us, exists the sum total of everything. We can bury it and cause it to lay dormant and just occupy space in the physical realm……or we can nurture it with the LIVING WATER and watch it grow supernatural, spiritual roots that tap into the Millennial River of Life, with its mirror physical image branching out into this world, healing leaves of restorative power budding, all manner of fruit to sustain us both spiritually and physically. GOD HONORS FAITH BECAUSE FAITH HONORS GOD.

Matthew 10:1

SPIRITUAL FIRE BAPTISM IS A MUST . SELF cleansing from the shadows of darkness, supplemented with Holy Light will precede heavenly anointing to be used as Gods emissaries. Once endowed with the spiritual gifts, you MUST continually maintain contact with the Holy Spirit. Self doubt and self deception from past (old man) thought processes CAN and WILL try to resurrect themselves and regain control. The human body can only tolerate exposure to the Holy Ghost anointing for a certain length of time. Experience will dictate that this tolerance can be extended with repeated exposure. We are not in Glorified Bodies yet…..these clay ones are still quite fragile, only the potter knows how long to expose us to the flame.

Matthew 10: 8

The Power, the Anointing, the Gifts…..ALL that we are given from God, we must SHARE. FREELY ( without restraint) let what you possess flow unhindered out to them that are starved , bound , sickly , broken-hearted , poor in spirit…

Matthew 10: 16

Be wise and understand worldly ways. But DO NOT intentionally misuse this wisdom to exalt yourself at the expense of the unlearned, susceptible Children…..for there is a Millstone waiting for you.

Matthew 10: 18-20

Whenever or wherever we are exposed to public scrutiny, the Spirit will always shine through, as long as we yield to Him. He knows the right words and the right motions we need to use. Although we may be distracted or confused by a situation within are own understanding, we must lean on the Lords full understanding…..LET HIM HANDLE IT.

Matthew 11: 6

Upon the total surrender to Jesus with a dedicated and committed life (LIVING SACRIFICE), we evoke blessings that we cannot contain from the opened Windows of Heaven. Only God can open them, this He does when we TRY Him. This involves the fully sold out , completely unrestrained yielding to Gods will , His direction , His rules…..they are there for a reason , which will unfold itself to full clarity as we wait upon Him for strength , renewal , purpose and direction .

Matthew 11: 12

Truly the Kingdom of God suffers birth pains, violent convulsions in the spirit realm as the Kingdom prepares to reach forth into the physical realm…..promises and prophesies germinate into fruition. Yes, the Kingdom of God is at hand, at the very doorstep of humanity. The precious first fruit, Jesus, the cornerstone upon which we the Lively Stones have patiently built His Church. As the cross symbolizes Christ bridging the North/South vertical direction of the spirit with the East/West horizontal plane of the physical, we, too, must do the same, become bridges that span from the spirit into the physical (one foot on land and one foot on the sea), open access points for the Holy Spirit to move back and forth to wage war against the forces of darkness that have already constructed their own viaducts to our world. As Christian Soldiers outfitted with Gods armor, we must be zealous to fight the good fight, turning our cheek to our fellow man but never to Satan, of evil spirits controlling a man or situation. Choose the right weapon for our arsenal is limitless…..but remember its not carnal (physically obvious) but spiritual. OUR might and humanly power is insignificant. It’s through the spirit that all things shall be accomplished.

Matthew 11: 25

Human minds are so darkened with false perceptions….self deceit mask out the light of Truth. Only through innocent, childlike trust and faith can real revelation be perceived, whole and pure, undiluted by our human mental filtering processes. Unfortunately our minds can act as a prism….the White Light of Gods Truth flowing through, refracting into a band of many colors. This rainbow token of promise must be kept in its entirety , not dissected by those who would take one color , one aspect of Truth and envelope themselves by that single fraction of the total spectrum . Shaded doctrines, dogmas or a manifesto shrouded beneath a cloak of a single hue becomes drab and unappealing. The true servant must don HIS coat of many (all) colors to fully represent Gods total truth and anointing.

Matthew 11: 27

Father, Son and the Holy Spirit…..the blessed Trinity…….

Our mere mortal minds strain to comprehend the mystery of this immortal trio. Are they fragmented parts of a single entity? God, the mind and soul….Jesus, the physical shell that housed the Creator for His earthly stay…..the Holy Spirit, the animating force that pulses through all life. Endless arguments extol circular reasoning, like a dog chasing its tail, around and around the theologians and philosophers go…..mortal mentality at a loss for an ultimate answer. Like before a mirror darkly, we grasp at shadowy reflections. But the mirror IS becoming a window… longer full of grotesque caricatures of sinful, fallen mortal images, but a Portal into the spirit realm. Illuminated Truth…we can see clearly what God wants and desires for us. What was whispered into the ears of the ancient prophets by the gentle, still voice of the spirit……is now being echoed loudly and boldly by those who have gazed through Gods window of revelation. The Son truly does reveal ALL things to them that would look upon Him, casting away their beggar’s garments …..For He IS our great window of opportunity concerning knowledge and blessings.

Matthew 11: 28-30

The key is learning, fully comprehending what Jesus whole purpose and intent was. God becoming flesh, dealing with a rebellious world that was governed by a corrupt usurper of His authority in a way that challenged established logic and precepts in a manner that was to be a Stumbling Block for the ritualistic, self-righteous ideologies that yoked and bound His children to grievous burdens of the flesh…..barriers to the spirit realm that was as yet jealously guarded behind the “Veil of Secrecy”. A pure and holy , righteous and true Father (Creator) could never find one who would be worthy among the HUMAN seed…..the greatest , most faithful men ever recorded ( Moses , Abraham , Isaac , Jacob , David , Elijah , etc. ) , they all had a carnal , unannointed human side that was marred by Mans’ sinful nature . Only the undefiled essence of Gods purity could survive and fulfill all the promises, contracts and sacrificial supplication that one being needed to qualify and to validate His Agenda.

Like the faithful Father He is, He knew He would have to step in and gently wrap us in His sheltering arms and receive the blows upon His own body that Satan had planned for us, His children. The chains and fetters we are shackled by in the Devils dungeon of darkness , the yokes and burdens of this sinful world that imprison us , will fall away as we embrace the masters hand , letting Him lift us up from the miry clay onto a solid road , narrow and straight , without twisting turns of deception , no insurmountable mountains of doubt or desire , no valleys of impassable despair . The first step is ours and ours alone….in FAITH we reach out toward what we strive to understand, Gods Good and Perfect Will for us, our place as a co-worker and joint-heir to our fast materializing Kingdom. NO man is worthy to partake, only through Gods Mercy and Long-suffering Grace are we permitted to be partakers. WE ALL FALL SHORT OF THE MARK. Only because He so loved His creations was He willing to step into a clay vessel , donning a human body so He could pay Lucifer’s’ ransom out of His own pocket……freeing the captive souls , tearing the Veil down so that we could all look into the spirit realm .

NOTE….WE all have to enter the temple…..where once the secondary sacrifices of animals, their life-giving blood spilt from necessity. Now WE must ALL present our individual flesh bodies back to our Creator as living sacrifices, given of our own FREE WILLS…..then and only then can we step forth into the Holiest of Holies where flesh and spirit merge atop the Ark of the Covenant, to receive instruction direct from His Holy Spirit. With coals of fire placed upon our lips (purification), and the mantle of double anointing we are prepared from our purpose, our mission. REMEMBER….EACH OF US MUST COME FORTH OF THEIR INDIVIDUAL FREE WILL. God does not force us to serve. Only Satan deceives and controls the children like a puppet master and makes men think that God pulls all the strings ….even His , allowing , even forcing Him to be evil , the scrape goat that He is…..HIS GREATEST LIE . God waits for each of us to call out to Him….to voluntarily step out of the Darkness into His Light. The worst thing we can do is stop halfway, one foot in the darkness and one in the light. You can not serve God and the world. Your body has to exist externally, but with spiritual commitment comes Power, Blessing, Comfort, Wisdom, Peace……infinite provision for this world and the one approaching. Once you step forward as a volunteer in Gods’ Army, do not ever do an about face and retreat back to where you were. Gods’ armor only shields the front and He is our rear reward and guard. He protects, lifts us up and whispers direction in our ears. Only through forward progression can we occupy and defeat satanic, negative forces. Should you become fearful from self deception or doubt , not fully trusting in Gods’ strong arm to uphold you…..casting down the sword of truth and the protective shield of faith…..if you flee the heat of battle , the enemy has a fiery dart ready and leveled at your unprotected back ! REMEMBER THIS….the weaker; less seasoned warriors in Gods’ army, likened to the earthly armies MUST be trained before they are sent to the front line. The recruit or the General…..we are all in this together. Rank, promotion and deployment are Gods responsibility. We must serve faithfully, sharing our experiences, our wisdom and our knowledge of spiritual warfare with those taking their initial steps of faith in Gods service.

Unfortunately there are tares among the wheat……angels of darkness shrouded in thin veils of light , projecting shards of truth…..enough to draw the attention of the gullible and trusting immature Christians . Like moths to a flame, they spread their new found wings of freedom and rush toward any and every source of light. There are many false prophets , teachers and guides , with many varied interpretations that claim to answer that big question…..who and what are we , what is our reason or purpose for existence? One can find beliefs, customs and concepts that will cater to any perspective one CHOOSES to embrace. Man continuously builds mortal monuments, sacred sanctuaries ….white sepultures that house the bones of the living dead, all hoping to entice Gods presence and sanctification. Its not in these cold , spiritless tombs that Gods holy spirit seeks to inhabit , no matter how small , quaint and informal…..or how grand and majestic or eye-pleasing . The temples of truth that the Spirit flows through are the plain earthen vessels, not hewn by mans hand, but molded by Gods own hand. The individual body, presented back voluntarily for the service of our creator, is sanctified and blessed by the master, each becoming a Lively Stone. Rock by rock, we are placed upon the cornerstone (JESUS) and the sure foundation (The Apostles), ever building the Temple of God. The Holy Spirit sets us in place, coming together to form the one true church, created by the master carpenter himself.

MATTHEW 12: 18-21

Here we have Gods chosen vessel to bring forth His light of truth. Notice the tri-level affirmation…..PHYSICAL, Jesus chosen body….SPIRIT, God puts His Spirit upon him, the anointing….SOUL, Gods soul is well pleased. This is our pattern, our goal….to bond with our creator on all levels. Physically yielding to his holy service, presenting our bodies and wills to him, our souls knitting with his, pleases our father. God reciprocating by placing his Holy Spirit within us…..His knowledge , power and authority flowing out through us……points of light shining forth , merging with other beacons of light , ever intensifying to push back the Darkness .

On Jesus first visit to this physical realm, he introduced us to Gods transforming, internalized restructuring process of rebirth. Likened unto the caterpillar and the butterfly , we would all have to enter into a spiritual cocoon woven by God himself…..our ugly , sinful and corrupt mortal bodies would emerge as radiant and vibrant , spiritually energized beings that God intended us to be . This period of time that we spend in this cocoon, sheltered from outside pressures, wholly given to communion with God is individualized. Jesus spent forty days and nights fighting his tormentor, overcoming his self doubt and carnal desires……then steps forth a tried and faithful servant. Peter, Paul and all the apostles had to be as He instructed…..BORN AGAIN. Once of the water and again by the spirit (fire).Our mortal eyes view the world, seeing the anguish and the pain inflicted by satanic works, along with the marvelous beauty of Gods creations. Our mortal minds filter the images……separating, categorizing and computing the visual inputs. Good and bad, beautiful and ugly, pleasing and disgusting. Some individuals try to correct or alleviate the disturbing images…..intervening to right the wrongs. Others simply push them back, desensitizing themselves to external stimuli that evoke pain or discomfort. But with REBIRTH, the spiritual eyes of man are opened… the scales over Paul’s eyes, the devil placed blinders will fall away. With spiritual enlightenment, our internal beacons of light shine outward, dispelling the darkness and fully exposing the true images that surround us. Seeing clearly we must step forward, reaching out to a lost and dying world, assisting and correcting as the spirit directs.

MATTHEW 12:28-30

Just as Jesus had instructed, the Kingdom HAS come unto US. And just like the Master, we too, have the power and authority to cast out or exorcise demonic entities. The strong man (Lucifer) and His house (this world) and His goods (the things in this world) are to be under our subjection. We know that Satan will be bound, restrained by the Archangel Michael eventually, but now though, we are given the power and authority to bruise His head (all He rules). We are to turn the tables on Him and exact a hundredfold restitution for what He has done to us while we were blinded by His deceptions. SO COME ON AND STRIKE OUT AND RETALLIATE FOR THE PAIN HE INFLICTED ON YOU AND THOSE YOU CARE ABOUT. Stand in the gap for those you love, swing your sword of truth and hold up your shield of faith (NOTE: you can us your shield as an umbrella also…..when Satan rains down deadly arrows of affliction from above, hold it overhead and you will not only protect yourself from harm, but you might just be surprised to find others may seek shelter under your shield). Although we cannot always tell, we are being watched and scrutinized by those that stand in the shadows. Our lives are a living testimony of Gods’ indwelling presence. Agape, Gods’ love transcends everything. …it is the fuel that sustains us. It is the essence of all that is pure, good and holy. This pure, undiluted force that emanates from God is like rays of sunshine, falling on the just as well as the unjust, those that are good and those that are evil…….one embraces the warm,lifegiving light, while the other turns from it, shunning the brightness of truth, preferring the deceit of darkness. But there are those that cower in the shadows, watching us, enthralled by what they witness. Like a scared child hiding in a closet, they need someone to open the door, freeing them from their fears. So be careful, pull them into the light, and don’t project an image that evokes distain or distrust that scatters them further from Gods’ love and mercy.

MATTHEW 12:31-32

The importance of the Holy Spirit is emphasized here……why is this the one unpardonable sin? Neither by might nor by power will all things be accomplished. We can doubt or rebuke, dissect or scrutinize Jesus and His ministries……accept or reject Him and stumble in darkness as our free will chooses, then ultimately turn to Him and get forgiveness. That’s because we never really knew Him. But He knew us and this deceitful world we were prisoners in. Trapped in the folds of darkness, we were like unlearned children of this world that knows no better than to strike out when hurt or fear and distrust everyone and everything. We have to be taught the things of God so we may fully comprehend His will for us. Once enlightened, we make a conscious choice to serve or reject the Lord…..being fully exposed to the light, we are truly accountable for our decisions and our actions.

This is the premise for the Age span we are in……the dispensation of grace, for by Gods’ grace, He appeared wrapped in human flesh to stop the clock from striking midnight. We understand that since He had set the clock, only He could hold back the hand from ticking off the final seconds. As He had displayed to Daniel, a servant who communed with Him at least three times daily, seeking instruction, answers and direction…….we can also glimpse the Celestial Clock and its eternal time spans. Christ’s initial mission on Earth had three objectives: 1-To declare the approaching Kingdom, the doorway to enter (REBIRTH) and the importance of connecting and bonding with Gods’ Holy Spirit (our teacher and instructor). 2-After crucifixion, while in the heart of the Earth, He had to free the captive souls that were being held by Lucifer. These He led out from Hell (Abrahams Bosom), directing them to Gods’ holy mountain city….New Jerusalem. 3-Gods’ clock was set to end a sinful world of which He had tried to wash clean earlier during Noah’s time…….like our own rebirth, the Earth was born of water, then would be purified and renovated by a fervent heat (FIRE). Daniel had placed seventy weeks (70x7 years=490years) until this end time event occurred. The crucifixion of Christ came as the sixty-ninth week ended…..God sacrificed Himself to stay the clock, throwing mankind into a limboic period of Heavenly Grace. The clock has been motionless for two thousand years, God giving us all the opportunity to seek Him out, to embrace the Gospel, the good news of His love and mercy toward His children… discover His plan of redemption and reconnection to Him through His Holy Spirit.

Jesus said that He had so much to say but they could not understand until the time was right. He had to return to His Heavenly Throne but before He left He promised to send the great teacher, the Holy Spirit to instruct us in all truth. We can see now why that to reject Gods’ spirit of truth is deemed to be the unpardonable sin, for without Gods’ spirit we are empty shells of humanity…..good only for the trafficking spirits of Satan. Without the divine light of Gods’ spirit we are lost. To willfully deny Him access is to willingly accept the cold, darkness of sin and eternal damnation. As free moral agents, we all have to make THE DECISION to serve God or the Devil…..Hot or cold, God will not take lukewarm, half-hearted commitments. All or nothing…..Time is running out.

The person of the Holy Spirit/Ghost evokes much debate and argument. The word spirit alludes to an energy or force that flows out from the Creator to His creations. When you use the term ghost, you quantify and structure an entity of individual composition and character. The interplay of both these concepts tend to get distorted by those that don’t fully understand there meanings and purpose. The phrases Getting or Receiving the Holy Ghost, the baptism of Gods’ Holy Spirit and the Anointing, with the various Gifts of the Spirit need to be properly comprehended and utilized effectively for there specific intentions. The heavenly flow of Gods’ energy, this purifying fire from above that saturates our very being, cleansing us for His holy service is the initial step toward sanctification of our earthly temples. We had already externally stepped forward in faith confessing our sins and vocally announcing our desire to follow our Lord Jesus….we then stepped into our symbolic watery graves, the spirit man symbolically washing away those sins from his physical being (water baptism). Now we receive the Fire baptism of Gods’ Holy Spirit…..This to burn the dross impurities in our temples. At this critical juncture of our journey toward eternity, we, while our temples are swept and garnished, freed from demonic affliction CAN and MUST invite Gods’ holy emissary , His loving Comforter, our Great Teacher….the Holy Ghost to enter into our innermost being…..not to control or manipulate, but guide and direct us on our pilgrimage to paradise. Once His presence is realized, we have to continually commune with Him, listen to His gentle, and still voice whispering into our mortal minds those things He would have us receive. The problems and the distractions of the external realm can and will create barriers, walls between our inner man and our teacher if we aren’t watchful. It is through self abasement, the suppression of our easily inflated egos through prayer and fasting, studying and receiving God’s word, praising and rejoicing or getting quiet before the Lord……Whatever it takes to keep an open channel to our guide. OUR CONNECTION IS CRITICAL FOR OUR VERY EXISTENCE.

MATTHEW 12:34-37

Life and death are truly in the power of the tongue. By the fruit of a mans lips will he yield nourishment for many or he will serve a putrefied, poisonous dish of deadly corruption. We WILL be judged, our vain and idle words are going to be weighed and balanced…..justification or condemnation, the scales lean toward one or the other, there is no balancing point between the two. Gods Husbandman, the Holy Spirit, will cultivate spiritual fruits of His righteous seeds, flowering forth to feed those that hunger for spiritual food. A vessel possessed by demonic entities can only bring forth bitter herbs, poisonous thistles, corrupt fruit that sickens those who garner from them.


The natural or carnal man has a tendency to want to witness supernatural, mind boggling signs and wonders of a miraculous nature……wonders that bewilder their limited comprehension. This “TALK IS CHEAP, SHOW ME” attitude was what Jesus faced. Even though he performed countless miracles, healings and prophetic utterances….still they wanted more. He, in his infinite wisdom knew that there were two groups of people that he addressed. The first were those who embrace his life giving revelations of spiritual knowledge and instruction. The other was them that were bound and shackled with externally structured limitations of intellectual perception, that were dominated by basic sensory analysis( WHAT THEIR FIVE SENSES COULDN’T INTERPRET AND QUANTIFY THEY VOLUNTARILY REJECTED) ……yet, they were amused and awed by these miracles or “magic”, which they lumped together as the same. Knowing as he did the division between these two types of people, He, as foretold in prophecy, was the orator of parables……the dualistic projection of verbal imagery that would on the surface utilize common analogies and everyday symbols of life to which the people were familiar with. To the physically encumbered slave to the world, they appeared to be quaint, simple stories….fables of some kind of moral instruction. But to the receptive individuals, whose spiritual eyes and ears strained to perceive and understand, they were earth shaking instructions that set forth the master plan of the Eternal Kingdom. In his brief ministry, Christ set forth the basic tenets for his faithful, obedient children to follow to establish that kingdom. His short exposure to the crowds, those mobs of curiosity seekers, fault finding hypocrites, religious zealots…….as well as the truly spiritually hungry and thirsty people that would eat His manna and drink His living water, all witnessed countless displays of spiritual power. Yet, Jesus knew their thoughts and intents; He knew the workings of satanic, fleshly influences…..the same stubborn and unyielding spirit that the pharaoh showed Moses. That same heart hardening mind set of deceit and doubt was pervasive among the multitudes.

Jesus said and done all he had to do during his ministry, with the added promise of Gods’ instructor and comforter, the Holy Spirit, would come to Earth to continue our spiritual evolution…..emphasizing our Great Commission of becoming emissaries of the Gospel, with the validation and confirmation of our “Rightful” use of His word by signs and wonders following. The Children of the Light are fully supplied with the necessities to persevere and conquer any and all demonic obstacles or attacks. Once the Physician had treated the injured and the afflicted and had given them their heavenly prescriptions to regain their spiritual health, He made this statement to the doubtful, unbelieving children of deception…..because your eyes are closed and you cover your ears, your understanding has been darkened….you cannot comprehend the Creators intentions….you receive the distorted images that Lucifer deciphers for you. Howbeit, you can all, with some effort sort out this one saying….as the prophet Jonah was three days in the belly of the whale, so shall the son of man be in the heart of the Earth.

The story of Jonah is wrought full of prophetic imagery. The portrayal of each of our own individual spiritual journeys is acted out in this prophet’s journey toward faith. This projected instruction for us unravel, from the simplistic to the philosophically challenging precepts, with their layered strata’s of truth and directions spring forth into the hands of those who would dig out those precious nuggets of golden enlightenment…..treasures of far greater value than any earthly riches. Short and concise, this book is like a compressed spring. Releasing the coils, it surges and expands; the far flung implications manifested by the spiraling loops cover much more area than initially meets the natural eye. On the surface we have the story of a recognized prophet, a servant of God. Like, as in our own spiritual quests, he had sought out the Creator, vowed his vows of servitude, willingly enlisting in Gods’ elite army…..after untold fasting, prayers and continuous ingesting of Gods’ Holy Script….he, as we all have, strived and pleaded for the Creator to use him….whatever, whenever……just to feel His mighty hand upon him, the joy and privilege of a REAL and ORDAINED service. Then, when he had received direct instruction from God, the mission he was to fulfill wasn’t at all what he had hoped for or had envisioned. We all hunger for the Anointing, to be a catalyst for mighty, miraculous moves of God that brings the great, exhilarating waves of joy and harmony to the spiritually starving multitudes. To be a prophet of doom and gloom, proclaiming death and destruction, warnings of impending chastisement and punishment toward the rebellious, sin shrouded people, who by nature tend to reject ultimatums……usually with physical violence, was not a desired aspect of the prophetic ministry…..for it does involve acts of extreme faith and obedience…..self preservation suppressed is very hard to accomplish.

So the scenario is of a man of God, fearful of repercussions and reprisals, disobeying direct instructions from God Himself. As he flees from his calling, we see the fruit of disobedience begin to affect those he comes in contact with, threatening their very existence. ONCE CALLED AND INSTRUCTED WE CANNOT DISOBEY OUR ORDERS. There are no lesser or greater assignments….only opportunities to accomplish a part of the Master Plan….each part and parcel is a vital and necessary act of faith and obedience.

As the pseudo-sovereign entity, Lucifer sends forth violent winds and crashing waves of potential destruction, we find parallel images between Christ and Jonah with opposite results. A sleeping prophet, a boat filled with distressed companions fearful of life and limb, together with destructive forces at play. The difference being that Christ, through obedience and faith could command the very elements that were being manipulated by Satan to cease and desist. The disobedient servant could only acknowledge failure, repent and yield to the elements, hoping and praying that God would forgive and sustain him. Now comes the crux of our spiritual journey…..our “old man” of natural flesh symbolically “dying” out, being rebirthed, and regenerated into the spiritual “new man”. Amidst life’s storms of adversity and conflict, within the bellies of our own whales, we are transported through the spirit realm to be placed upon the shores of our destinies. With doubt and disobedience overcome, the faithful servant steps forth ready to say or do whatever the desires of Gods’ heart would have for him.

We see that, like the rebellious children of Nineveh….the people of all ages who are blindly stumbling in a world of darkness, grasping at any and every object to come within their reach, all desire that one true voice of authority that will shatter the silence of unquestioned carnal submission. These sensually motivated aspirations and desires with their empty, fleeting pleasures and rewards being exposed by the light of truth as the shackles and fleshly chains of bondage that they are. Sensory gratification pales in comparison to the exuberant, soul satisfying, spirit energizing anointing of Gods’ touch. Like the prodigal children we are, what indescribable joy and ecstasy awaits us when we are welcomed by our heavenly Father, with a robe of righteousness and a ring of heir ship and authority….transformed from the darkness into the light. To reiterate, we each follow a similar path like Jonah. (A) Desiring to be used of God, we initially offer our service. (B) After a period of faithful and diligent scriptural programming, basic foundational structuring….we are used in increasingly greater measures for spiritually guided assignments. (C) There comes a time of self doubt, self worth and self esteem…..situations that Satan will manipulate, causing the man of God to step back and regroup (I.E. Elijah the greatly anointed prophet, withdrawing into his secret place, his cave. External pressures and persecutions weakened him physically and emotionally, but yet, his spirit knew to reconnect with Gods’ Holy Spirit. We can learn crucial instruction from the interplay of his spirit man and Gods’ Divine Spirit. We are NEVER the only one used of God. As He promised, His spirit flows out to all that will receive and accept His Anointing. If you are persecuted, be joyful as instructed…..we are partakers with our Master and model, Jesus. IF WE SHARE HIS GLORY, WE CAN SHARE HIS PAIN. The difference is now being that we have The Comforter to lean on, to receive consolation from. The next lesson Elijah shares with us is the external manifestations that we tend to search for God in (i.e. the whirlwind, the fire and the earthquake, symbolizing works we attribute to God in the physical plane). Although Gods’ handprints are clearly visible in many instances…..they are not all His doing. Satan accounts for much of what transpires in the world, some counterfeit tokens of the Creators touch included. The bottom line is this……you cannot always trust what your senses encounter……you MUST maintain that connection to the still, small voice of your spirit guide, the gyroscope that navigates us through ALL waters, calm or troubled….spirit or physical. Without our guidance system, we will become free floating vessels, driven by the winds of despair, cast upon and shipwrecked by the rocks of deception that lie beneath the surface of our natural sight. Once we have recognized these truths, then have re-organized our priorities correctly, then have recharged our spiritual batteries…..we must press on, continue our missions in life. (D) Upon now receiving our commissions, however great or small they appear to us, we have to make a conscious choice…..being the FREE MORAL AGENTS WE ARE, to either accept our mission and strive to fulfill it or do as Jonah done, reject it and run the other way.

DON’T RUN AWAY FROM GODS’ CALLING! You will be the most miserable, most tormented, most undesirable being on the planet. Having been exposed to the light of truth, having bathed in the river of life, having caressed the wounds of the Savior……to of your own free will, step out of the light and try to exist in this demonically dominated world with but a portion of the life sustaining manna and spiritual water….to wander amidst the legions of darkness, disconnected from your Heavenly Guide is foolish and often fatal. You will become a grotesque, hybrid entity….if ever the term Zombie could be applied; it would be here….THE LIVING DEAD. Though you are a living, breathing person, you’re spiritually DEAD…..trapped between the flesh and the spirit realms, you are a stagnant, lukewarm source of water that sickens and repulses both the carnal and the spirit persons that you encounter. YOU CANNOT STAND IN THE SHADOWS AND EXPECT CHRISTS’ BLESSINGS AND REWARDS. You can’t philosophize and argue that your spirit man still believes but your mortal man restricts your obedience to God. Nor can you claim those few works that the Holy Spirit may have manifested through you( Have we not worked miracles in your name lord…..depart you workers of iniquity, for I know you not). How can Jesus acknowledge disobedience and willful departure from His spirit guide? The reason that many are called but few actually become the Chosen Ones is simply because of their lack of total commitment and their voluntary withdrawal from spiritual service. The Chosen Elect of God are the faithful, obedient Children of Light, who follow the Masters voice…..wherever He leads!

Chose wisely before you turn and flee Gods’ presence, for if through obedience, as portrayed by Jonah fulfilling his Ninevite engagement…..many lives are weighed and in balance….you as and emissary of light bring with you the resurrecting power of God to the multitude! But if by your disobedience they continue to dwell in darkness and sin, eventually to embrace the eternal flames of damnation and torment….their screams will echo in your spirit, fingers pointing toward you in accusation of failed obedience. Whatever the results of your acts of obedience are in Gods’ hands…He alone knows what he wants or desires….it is enough to have been a willing vessel to be used in the commission of a heavenly inspired act. Don’t become confused, angry or disheartened if the results don’t meet your mere mortal expectations. When the Ninevites fasted and repented, God repealed the initial sentence of destruction and smiled upon His repentive flock. For all the anguish Jonah had endured, for all the spiritual suffering he had brought upon himself… the hardness of his heart, Jonah wanted God to fulfill the prophecies he had conveyed to them. He had uttered the words God had given him that proclaimed destruction in forty days because of their sinfulness….he wanted his words to be validated, feeling that he would appear to be a False Prophet if they didn’t meet their demise. His self vanity outweighed his compassion for the lost and the dying sinful people. Jonah had initially viewed himself in the wrong light, seeing himself as a harbinger, a messenger of death. In reality he was the mouthpiece of God, warning, giving the children a chance for redemption and reconciliation, just as all the chosen vessels of God are supposed to be. Jonah had erroneously envisioned only the one scenario…..his bold proclamation, then the fulfillment of those words verbatim. He could not see past his part….that of being the spark that ignited the fuse…..the resulting blast, the effect and the measure of Gods’ spiritual explosives was not in his hand or his comprehension. Ninevah was indeed overthrown as he prophesied. The mortal men, their buildings and treasures weren’t destroyed…..the unseen principalities, rulers of darkness with their demonic oppressors were indeed overthrown and exiled. Each and every individual from the least to the greatest had to humble themselves and cry out to God and to turn from their wicked ways……just as we all must do. Jonah, like many ministers today, tends to overlook spiritual warfare in its entirety. They crave resultant physical validation for their efforts, often becoming disillusioned when their faith is tested during spiritual DRY SPELLS, instead of searching the sky for that small hand-sized cloud. The book of Jonah seems to be unfinished; incomplete….this is how it had to be. We see Jonah bemoaning what he perceived as himself to be a false prophet……the city hadn’t been destroyed as he had envisioned it to be….he felt disgraced, aggravated and grieved in the spirit. While he sits outside the city in self exile, trying to comprehend what all had transpired, God gave him and all of us this message…..THOUGH YOU CAN’T ALWAYS FULLY UNDERSTAND MY WAYS, WHEN IT COMES TO MY CHILDREN WHO CANNOT DISCERN FROM THEIR LEFT ( SPIRIT) AND THEIR RIGHT (FLESH), ONLY I CAN KNOW WHAT ACTION TO TAKE. You as an obedient servant can only be patient and trusting that as time progresses, you will spiritually evolve to a fuller understanding of my ways.

As in Jonahs story, there is no end……just an alluded to journey of spiritual understanding that we all must embark upon as we race toward eternity. Now that you have this basic comprehension of our parallel similarities to Jonahs journey, let’s step up onto a higher spiritual plateau and observe the great panorama surrounding Jesus prophetic proclamation that he would enter Hell and be resurrected after three days. All of the allusions that he had made predicting his demise, re-animation and the glorified, exalted state his being would endure…..they weren’t meant to impress us as either a mystifying fortune tellers trick or to be perceived as a self-fulfilling prophecy of a religious fanatic. Having to deal with darkened minds, he couldn’t step down to a communicable level that was easily comprehended by the masses and accomplish any kind of spiritual elevation……rather, he had to use analogies, allegories, similitude’s of a dualistic composition. In order to maintain the established order of FREE MORAL AGENCY ( Mans individual freedom to choose, accept or reject, believe or disbelieve…..his right to follow his own course or destiny had to be kept intact), he projected images of layered truth, presented in the only acceptable fashion that could maintain harmony between spirit and flesh. Those externally, desensitized persons could view these images and freely walk away….no sense of the indepthness of the spiritual implications they possessed. But those that truly hungered and thirsted for divine truth could and would receive the essence of Jesus parables and promises, either by his own divulgence and interpretation ( as he did for his own disciples while they were yet spiritual infants ), or later as he promised, by the Great Teacher and Guide, the Holy Spirit or Comforter. Through diligent study of Gods Holy Script, by prayerfully preparing your mind to receive the information and images that our spirit/teacher will utilize to expound and clarify Gods’ once hidden agenda for us, his children, we can all…..for he is no respecter of persons, stand on that spiritual plateau and view Christ’s first visit in its entirety. As you gaze upon Heavenly conflicts, you will witness the fall of an Archangel, a Being of Light, slowly fading into darkness and corruption…..Lucifer, once elevated to a position of authority next to God himself. Vanity, self-delusion and seeds of rebellion flourished until Satan (his new name) was born…..the evil reflection of the once perfect and unblemished Lucifer.

Overthrown and exiled to this small, insignificant planet, the Heavenly Council watched and waited for the Supreme Judge to pass sentence on him and his accomplices. A vengeful and merciless Creator could have easily destroyed and removed all the negative influence surrounding Satan’s defiant army, forcing complete submission to His will, but no…..even in the spirit dimension, the essence of our free wills is kept intact. Throughout the Universe, word was relayed to countless Archangels of this new and startling event. How would the Creator react? Would He use His ultimate power to annihilate His enemy, His once faithful friend and servant to whom He had entrusted so much knowledge and authority? An action of that nature could not elicit a desirable result because future angelic obedience would come from coercion and fear of reprisals, creating an underlying current of involuntary adherence to supreme policy. This situation had to be dealt with once and for all. The angelic beings had to individually witness the true nature of an evil, negatively motivated course of action and its consequences…..the ultimate effects of pain, death and destruction for those that embraced it. It would not be through Gods might or His power….but through His Spirit, anchored by His Divine Love. His Light would dispel the darkness that Satan had brought to this world, transforming it from a cold and frozen place of blackness and desolation……into a bright and shining, everlasting Kingdom of Righteousness.

When God had Michael imprison Lucifer and his followers on Earth, He had to take certain precautions to keep him confined, knowing the limit of his power and wisdom. What evolving, intelligent life forms that inhabited Earth at this time were terminated as unfortunate victims of Lucifer’s rebellion. Satan had originally been assigned to watch over and inspire spiritual evolution and growth to a primitive civilization on this planet. As the covering Cherub, he had misused his position, neglecting his responsibilities to nurture and instill the inspirational flashes of revelational concepts and ideas to their developing psyches. Like many modern false prophets and leaders that emulate his nature, they would rather garner any revelational knowledge to themselves, feeding tidbits of refracted truths as they saw fit, keeping a mindless multitude subservient to their selves. No bars could contain nor any shackles restrain these exiles, so God created a barrier…..a veil of darkness, a shroud that covered the Earth, imprisoning the rebels on a world without sunlight, its life-giving rays unable to penetrate to the surface. Earth soon became a frozen wasteland of blackness and solitude, the spiritual entities wandered to and fro, pacing the parameters of their prison cell. Denied their external source of radiant energy, they had to utilize the underlying core of power that pulsated from within the planet. Withdrawing within the cold shell to a sustaining ocean of energy, they established their headquarters……ever building and preparing themselves for a future opportunity for retribution and reprisal. Rather than accepting this period, this span of time as not so much as a disciplinary sanction, but more of a duration of introspection and self restructuring was what God wanted. We, as mortals, molded and influenced by external stimuli and trauma, know that there comes a point when an individual, for their own good, as well as for those in their sphere of interactions, have to step in and have them committed and removed from their social environment. Whether motivated by fear or, as with God…..LOVE for someone…..when they get out of control and all other options are exhausted, we sometimes have a tough decision to make. God still loved Lucifer and in His compassion and extreme mercy, wanted to isolate him, giving him time to reflect and get his priorities straight. Not by force would God overpower and torture Satan into submission. Lucifer would have to do the same as the rest of us mortal men must do…..REPENT and come back to the Father of our own free choice. Unfortunately, rehabilitation was the farthest thing from Satan’s ever corrupting mind. Making the most of his situation, he plotted, planned and continually constructed his kingdom within the planet. He knew full well that he would eventually stand before the Heavenly Court and be given a chance to either argue his case for an alternate, negatively charged existence…..his free right of choice, or throw himself on the mercy of the Holy Council, pleading for forgiveness and reinstatement to his prior rank. With time to think and scheme, he sought to find anything he could use for his defense. With his ultimate understanding of creative mechanics that utilized multiple energy sources, manipulation of inner dimensional force fields and molecular structuring, combined with eons of amassed wisdom and knowledge of God’s ever expanding kingdom and its internal hierarchy and agenda. It was that same attitude of self exalted egotism that had caused him to challenge God himself and be the new giver of truth and light. Now in exile, he thought and conspired, drawing upon that great knowledge to devise a counter offensive against God….waiting, ever waiting to strike. While the Earthbound Lucifer mused over his situation, God called together His Holy Council of Elders…..representatives from all across the universe that had come together to assist Him, to bear witness and to advise as needed. Together, they would forge a plan that would fully expose the resultant repercussions of uncontained negative energy, EVIL.

Much like our own scientists in a laboratory would do with a strange new virus, by placing it in an enclosed container, keeping it from escaping while they tested and observed its expansion and destruction through a microscope. These heavenly hosts would likewise do the same, watching Evil run its course, like a fever afflicting this planet…..a controlled experiment for all the Eternal Beings to bear witness to. There would have to be no doubt as to what the corrupted influence of evil would culminate into. Gods plan for a man…..a hybrid entity consisting of flesh and spirit, with a mind to bridge the gap between the two was to take center stage. (The infamous laboratory rat is an image that would evoke much criticism…..but, in a sense it is applicable). A tri-level entity (BODY-MIND-SPIRIT), with free moral agency, would be placed in a great container…Earth. An in depth understanding of what transpired begins to formulate as we search the scriptures. For example, from the book of Job we find that Lucifer was allowed access to the courtroom of God. Through prayerful study of the word, we see that certain rules and limited power was restored to Satan. By deception he regained control of fleshly beings that had separated themselves from Gods spirit….PSUEDO-SOVEREIGNTY.

The first step God took was to remove the veil of darkness from around the Earth, letting the suns radiant energy thaw out this frozen planet. Water dispersed into clouds, onto the surface and beneath, flooding underground chambers and passageways. Initially creating a safe haven for the spirit/man Adam and his helpmate Eve…..a self contained nursery of sorts, in which man could take his first Earthly steps without being assailed by the spiritual inhabitants that were circling beyond Eden’s boundaries, curious spectators that they were. Only Satan could enter…..this by Gods permission. He had argued that a disobedient nature was not just confined to him and his followers, that the desire for alternative goals, prompted from seeds of negativity was lying dormant in any creature of self will. A simple test….a challenge was presented. Would man be obedient and submissive toward Gods will and direction…..or could he be enticed into being disobedient. The fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil epitomized man kinds’ nature. Had he obeyed and refrained from consuming this food that activated the flow of positive and negative thoughts, he would have remained innocent and trusting, believing every word from God to be the nourishment he needed to exist on. But, through this disobedient act, Satan gained his foothold…He was now an established force to be reckoned with.

God knew man would fail……his immature intellect and spiritual perception was no match for Satan’s vast wisdom and deceit. Mans loss of innocence gave way to conscious decisions and accountability for his actions. By his own hand, by his sweat and perseverance would he go forth and build, till the soil and gather the fruits of his labor. With the promise that man would eventually be redeemed and that he would crush the evil head that had bruised his heel by uncovering his disobedient nature, mankind began an odyssey of faith……many battles and assaults by satanic forces were to be encountered as each stage of Gods master plan unfolded itself.

With mankind disconnected from direct spiritual communication with his creator, Lucifer readily projected distorted images and messages to those he could use and exploit. Worship of creations instead of the creator was the accepted belief system…..sun, moon, stars, animals, trees, rocks, whatever they chose to elevate to deification. Ever descending into carnality….fleshly pleasures, external stimuli evoked lust for sensory gratification…..wealth, sex, drinking, gambling….weaknesses then and even now. SIN FOR A SEASON SEEMS TO OVERSHADOW GOOD INTENTIONS. Ill conceived power, negatively introduced by Satan, saturated these Earth men……an evil anointing of false perceptions of their Earthly purpose, their relationship to both visible and the unseen realities that surrounded them. As it became so painfully apparent, Lucifer seemed to be proving his argument that even the very elect of God might possibly be corruptible. Through submission, a negatively charged, decadent people became tools, instruments of Satan to be exploited for furthering his plans to dominate first this world, then to expand his dark kingdom out into the vastness of the universe. Initially Lucifer could only gain access through the spirit of man, instilling corrupt thought patterns, inspirations and images that would captivate and channel his guiding energy toward manifesting submissive obedience. Once the mind with its filtering apparatus for both external stimuli as well as the internal, spiritually coded stimuli was darkened to embrace satanic precepts and reject the light of truth with its positive flow of pure and holy counsel, Lucifer was able to take the next step. Now that he had an external work force as well as a spiritual army rallied around him, he had to try to merge the two. Knowing the precarious nature and frailty of the human mind, a revelational influx of pure light (enlightenment, the dispelling of negative ideas and precepts) would disrupt his plans. Not content to merely subordinate by deception of mans thoughts and emotions; he feared that his puppets in authority might become a threat if God should shine his light upon them. He wanted and needed additional security to maintain his dominance over these spiritually ignorant Earthmen. Having an in depth knowledge of the creative process with its molecular manipulation, he sought to build his own hybrid entity…..he would merge the celestial seed from his own garrison of donors with the mortal seed of man. This way he would create his own super race of beings…..huge giants that would physically appall and intimidate, but more crucially….be programmed for complete, unyielding obedience and defiance to Gods positive force. With this consummation of marriage between mortal and immortal, the unholy product of conception with a destined goal of establishing themselves to monitor and control……to subjugate mankind in Lucifer’s grip, was an overt act that forced God to retaliate. Evil had dominated and corrupted long enough. Adams seed, once entwined within the glorious light of Gods own spirit, had been twisted, torn away by the demonic forces that were at work on the Earth. Only a remnant of uncorrupted seed was left untainted…Noah and his family. They had separated themselves from the social structure about them, choosing to withdraw from the Evil they sensed was not what the Creator desired for them. The world had yielded to sin; a living death sent forth a stench up into the nostrils of God. His children had rejected him and his ways….they had voluntarily embraced the darkness. His creation was afflicted by an incurable disease that could only continue to spread from generation to generation….Satan ever gaining inductees into his army.

It was not out of anger or frustration that God decided to wash clean the Earth to sterilize an evil infection…, it was an act of mercy and compassion that would destroy the flesh so that the spirit could be saved. He afforded them every chance possible to repent and call out for mercy… deny the devil his control. Even as the prophet Noah labored to construct the ark, he was moved by God through his spirit to preach and proclaim their pending doom and last chance to accept God again. Caught and bound in Satan’s lies, they mocked and ridiculed this last earthly emissary of righteousness, freely choosing to serve their new master to the end. With the submersion of the Earth beneath his holy throne came the conclusion of another great spiritual battle between good and evil. From the perspective of Lucifer….he had won! Even though his mortal manikins, his hybrid legions of giants, his newly claimed territories of conquest were stripped and taken away from him…..he boasted victory in that he had proven his theory of corruptibility of Gods creations. The battle seemed to be his, but the war was Gods to win.

When the waters receded, the first thing that Noah did was to offer up a free will offering to God, exhibiting his desire for a closer relationship with the true ruler of righteousness, his creator. This voluntary act so impressed and moved God that he promised to never again flood the Earth, for he knew that this man, through his obedience was the beginning of a continuous line of servants who would seek out the creators will for mankind……faithful, steadfast and unyielding to negative forces. First the prophets would seek him out, and then eventually, one by one, the kindred spirit of Gods love would draw mankind back toward the creator.

A universal signet, a sign for perpetuity was set forth…an ultimate symbol for his children to realize the vow he had made…..the RAINBOW. His pure white light of revelation passing through the droplets of water he had used to baptize the Earth, refracting into an arc of many colors, the many layers embodied within the pure light of truth, without beginning or end…..eternally present….its pot of gold being the wealth of supreme knowledge that truth possesses.

Noah remained true to his creator, by faith he believed and maintained a spiritual conduit for perpetual generations of mortal men. His descendants multiplied and flourished until God had to divide the great land mass (Pangaea) in the days of Peleg, son of Eber. Why did he separate the one ultra continent, pushing apart a central and connected kingdom? There’s an old military axiom….DIVIDE AND CONQUER, meaning that God knew the progression the battles were going to take in the future, considering the spiritual infancy of mankind and the wily and cunning persuasiveness of the dark lord Satan, God knew that the war would have to be fought on many fronts……running skirmishes as his elect were persecuted and driven from one country to another. For any kind of fighting chance, his faithful had to be scattered by the four winds to many sanctuaries around the world. If he had left them united with mankind in one place, the corrupting influence of evil would slowly win out. The moves and countermoves between good and evil, for lack of a better analogy, would be much like a supreme chess match between God and Lucifer. Mortal men, kingdoms, natural resources, wealth….pieces that would be used as the game continued. Lucifer’s wisdom and cunning versus absolute knowledge and understanding…..even the limited intelligence of man could see it would be one-sided, favoring the creators’ omniscience. The devil, Satan as Lucifer had become, would have to cheat if he had any chance at all to win. By then he was the father, the originator of guile and deception.

The separation and creation of continents was an important move for God to make, for as history reveals, the rise and fall of empires, the migratory patterns of humanity, the varied levels of developing human governments and their conscious quest for morality and social-environmental perceptiveness, readily display the outward effects of the ongoing spiritual battles being fought in our behalf. Lucifer’s primary tactic was to suppress any light of righteous revelation, to keep mankind’s spiritual consciousness in the dark…..holding him captive on a primal, animalistic level of superstitious savagery that embraced satanic rituals involving the desecration of Gods prize creation, man. These encompassed perverse distortions of sensual gratification that involved homosexuality, beastiality, incest, even the ultimate act of savagery, human sacrifice…..the destruction of Gods children.

Wherever man would gather to unite and build, there too, would Satan send an emissary to oversee and construct an accompanying headquarters to monitor and manipulate from. PRINCIPALITIES, RULERS IN HIGH PLACES, POWERS OF DARKNESS. The greatest city on Earth in its infancy was Babylon. The foundational work was done by Nimrod and his followers, who through satanic inspiration proposed to construct a towering alter that, would reach Heaven. With its spiraling, pyramidal design, it symbolized mans servitude to a literalized external yielding to the negative forces surrounding them. They had begun to erect a stairway to the lower heavens on Earth…..the prince of the air, Satan’s domain. When God saw mans unity in action, with their common language controlled by Lucifer, he communed with his council of elders (let us go down and confound their language), then swept through their spirit/mind, reprogramming their speech ability. This is the first mention of a single perceived language diversified into many manifested languages (tongues) by the spirit, the power of God. In the End time cycle, Gods spirit will anoint his children and the evidence will be a similar manifesting of tongues or distortion of our consciously controlled mode of communication…proof of the underlying forces that we have yet to fully comprehend.

There was a two fold approach to dividing the people and the land that Satan was assailing…..first God confounded the universal language of the mortals, separating and scattering certain persons in specific areas of land. When an appropriate time had elapsed, God then split apart those lands with their inhabitants to different points on Earths surface….each would have individual parts to play as man kinds’ destiny unfolded. As time progressed, nomadic migration gave way to the construction of cities, which in turn were regulated by human governmental bodies…..laws were established. Lucifer was ever present, relentlessly usurping authority through his deceptiveness, ever reaching to control man kinds spiritual growth….envelope him in darkness. Amidst this pervasive cloud of darkness, God shone his divine light like a beacon, searching for that one special mortal, who, through unwavering faith would be obedient and follow his direction.

Abram, who once spiritually enlightened became Abraham, entered into a contract, a covenant with the creator. By taking stock of Abrams transition from fleshly motivated to the spiritually motivated Abraham, we can gain valuable insight of our own spiritual fulfillment. Just like Abraham, we are called into Gods service, presented with an initial promissory note that outlines our conditional blessing or curses, contingent upon our obedience or disobedience. Through faith, we are directed toward our individualized course of service…..the preparatory exercises to strengthen and develop spiritual muscles are the trials and tribulations that temper and refine us. Stepping out on faith, leaving the security of our carnal caves with their protective walls, being led by the unction of an internal force we have yet to understand is wrought with fear and apprehension….as with Abraham, we are led by the faithful promises of God. Through his insight and direction, we learn to be MORE than merely conquerors of our own self doubts and internal uncertainty, but we, through Gods spiritual anointing, overcome and defeat negative opposition….enemies from Satan.

Like Abraham, who was greeted by the king/priest Melchizedek with the symbolic bread and wine of communion, so will we be met by our king/priest Jesus with this same confirmation and consecration of our earthen vessels for his holy service…..WHEN WE HAVE TRULY EATEN THE BREAD(WORDS) OF GOD AND DRANK FROM THE LIVING SPRINGS OF TRUTH. And like Abraham, we are inspired to give tithes back to our lord and savior Jesus…this to be a conscious, freewill offering of our sustenance, wealth, even of ourselves to yield a portion of our time to do good and confront evil. These outward acts of giving toward our creator, besides showing faith and obedience, activates a perpetual concept of sowing and reaping….seeds that we plant that will yield a bountiful harvest in due season…if we faint not. And like Abraham, once we have been validated by acts of faith and obedience, once we have dined with the master and have consumed manna from heaven…..once we have quenched our thirst for righteousness, allowing that living water to flow through our temples….then the creator will find us worthy to join his army of spiritual warriors. With this mantle of light comes deep, spiritual insight, revelation and prophetic imagery becomes commonplace. Spiritual gifts will flow naturally, undeterred by a veil or barrier of doubt. Once we reach this level of spiritual interaction with Gods spirit, we receive our new name….one that will encompass our individual purpose for his direction and service that he has planned for us. Abram became Abraham….Jacob became Israel…..Saul became Paul, each one exposing the transitional metamorphosis that surrounds the rebirth process. WE ALL MUST BE BORN AGAIN, from the dark kingdom of fleshly unrighteousness into the bright, illuminated spiritual realm of Gods holy righteousness.

Though we all have fallen short of his mark, through satanic manipulation and oppression our earthly garments have become sin-stained, torn and threadbare….our God patiently waits for his children to come back to the great provider, Jehovah-Jireh….to humbly shed our tattered rags, to step beneath the crimson flow, the cascading river of blood emanating from Calvary’s cross….to bath in Jesus’ purifying, sanctifying, life giving blood that washes us clean, heals our bodies, our souls, our minds and our spirits.

Paganistic perception, carnally directed mentality would interpret this procedure in a literal sense. As with the act of communion( eat my flesh and drink my blood), it does not entail the actual concept of human sacrifice followed by a literal blood drinking and flesh eating orgy of cannibalistic consumption. Everything that God/Jesus instructed us to do was applicable to the inner spiritual man, with resulting external repercussions. Consuming Jesus flesh can only be understood in its totality when we rightly divide, or comprehend scriptural inferences that are set forth….like the parables and analogies, dualistic precepts that are a spiritual code of instructional, divine wisdom can only be interpreted by our designated tutor, the Holy Spirit.

A keynote exposition of this flesh ingesting, the symbols of spirit and flesh paradoxes was given through John, who as we can witness was especially close to the God/man, our savior, Jesus. So closely drawn by the magnetic pull of Gods divine love, a force so supreme that it dispels darkness and illuminates our paths…..this internal unction so captivated the apostle John that his pure, unselfish desire to understand and seek Gods will impressed Jesus so much that he set John apart for a special anointed ministry of prophetic revelation. Though each of the other apostles were given specific ministries that best utilized their individual character and independent wills, it was John that bonded so deeply….meshing and intertwining spiritually with the Earthly emissary from heaven, Lord Jesus, that he was granted an ever deepening, revelational insight into the will and the way that God was directing mankind.

In the book of John, chapter one, verses one through fourteen, we are given a crucial blueprint to a model….an example of the entity we are to emulate. Here our master, the king Jesus is portrayed as the ultimate, eternal truth….THE WORD. Though the creator has many manifested perspectives of his divine nature, there is no earthly name that we are given (I AM THAT I AM). He is an eternal deity that encompasses every thought, concept or realization. With no specific term that can encapsulate the essence of the creator, John could only use an open-ended, allegorical concept built around a presuppostionless “WORD”. The depth of these fourteen verses, with their many layers of spiritual revelations expose us to not only the premise that God himself entered an earthen vessel….a mortal body to personally fulfill his plan of reconciliation and redemption, but it extols foundational truths pertaining to the symbolic consumption of his flesh, which is the WORD before becoming literal flesh. Like John himself was to eat the book, as Ezekiel was to eat the scroll, we also are to consume the WORD (not by bread alone, but by every WORD proceeding from the creators’ mouth). We are, simply stated, instructed to internalize the essence, the nature of our creator within the houses of clay that we inhabit……THE TRUE TEMPLES OF GOD. Likewise, by drinking the blood of our savior (IN THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE), we also symbolically conform to his lifestyle…his character. The washing and purification concept of his blood atonement is the cleansing agent that frees us from Satan’s hold. With our newly renovated houses swept and garnished, we are clearly forewarned by Jesus to continually feast at the masters table…..spiritual sustenance rooted in Gods word to supply us the strength and nourishment to repel any intruders of evil that would try to enter our earthly abodes.

As promised, when we receive, embrace and internalize Gods precepts, the light of truth will fill our vessels, shining throughout our mortal shells. The radiant Shekannah, the glorious love of God cannot be contained by mere mortal flesh… Moses experienced this effervescent energy, his countenance was altered, his natural visage was glorified, virtually becoming a holy beacon…..its light shining out upon this world of spiritual darkness, illuminating whoever and whatever it encountered. Mankind, relegated to this dismal, darkened state of being, could not endure the glowing light of Gods essence….sinful eyes were blinded by it….mans reaction was to mask it out with a veil, a buffer to diffuse and reduce the intensity of Divine Truth. Though, in varied degrees we all experience this same anointing, when, through humble submission we receive our savior….when the yokes and shackles of satanic bondage are removed….the sin-marred face of humanity is transformed by that radiant glow, the divine unconditional love we display for each other, unfeigned, beyond mortal control, makes us truly children of righteousness……light bearers to the world.

Unlike these Old Testament characters that had received the Creators foundational instructions, we are the recipients of God’s holy manuscript……THE BIBLE. Within its pages, we are given a complete discourse of his heavenly agenda for his earthly creations. As an ardent student and disciple of this holy text, we are clearly admonished to rightly divide….to study and show ourselves good stewards of Gods words, validated with his approval.

The natural mind, filled with externally received data input (i.e. parental programming, scholastic studies, life experiences), has already acclimated itself toward a routine process of compartmentalizing, filtering and quantifying informational flow……belief systems, moralities and individual codes of conduct are established. Knowledge is an extremely valid source of power to accomplish GOOD or EVIL, dependent upon the direction we are drawn toward. Be cautious, for as Lucifer fell from grace, being lifted up in his own wisdom and knowledge (GETTING THE BIG HEAD), we are every bit as vulnerable to egotistical corruptive ness.

As previously stated, true, in-depth revelation and exposition of Gods word can only come through the interpretive ability of the Holy Spirit. With our limited backlog of experiential data, we are handicapped, restricted by our minute mentality. A lifetime of data influx would only utilize a small percentage of our storage capacity. How then, could we, mere mortals possibly comprehend transcendent truths or precepts with mental faculties that are so varied, dependent on knowledge acquisition. We are multifarious, from primal to genetic geniuses, vastly diversified degrees of intellect. Even the most recognized and universally perceived men of wisdom will admit that they have accumulated so little and understand but a portion of an endless supply of knowledge and infinite wisdom. Solomon, a great discerner of truth and wisdom has enshrouded many insightful instructions for those that would seek truth and ultimate wisdom and knowledge. The FEAR (respect) of the lord God is the starting point, the first step on the wondrous journey toward spiritual enlightenment and revelational understanding. This initial acknowledgement or reverence of the supreme knowledge giver and creator activates an internal switching mechanism that redirects our priorities from externally oriented data ingestion, inwardly, creating a hungering desire for transcendent truths.

The next step involves the regeneration or renewing of the mind, where body and spirit meet. A partial commitment to God and his spirit guide, the Holy Ghost, can and will only achieve partial success in understanding revelational knowledge. Stated as being double-minded, Jesus warned us of this unstable mental condition. To have a form of godliness but to reject the power and the glorious inner light of revelation, being torn between internal and external desires, renders an individual to be helplessly pulled by both good and evil forces…….a tug of war for their souls. Those, who have gained some insight, are very vulnerable to backslide, to return to the miry pools of mud from which they have crawled…….or even worse, they try to maintain their egocentric, self willed servitude to both sources of knowledge, internally balancing and cross-breeding satanically inspired informational input with the golden nuggets of true revelation, creating spiritual fools gold….an eye-catching, shimmering object that draws men’s attention, but worthlessly deceptive in content.

False prophets and teachers…..blind guides leading spiritually blinded men to their eventual fate….millstones are waiting for them. You cannot serve two masters, God or Lucifer….one or the other. Heed Solomon’s advice…commit your works (actions) unto the lord and your thoughts (mental/spiritual interaction, with resultant directives) shall be established. Many people misinterpret Gods counsel on mammon (riches of the world). Wealth or money is only a symbol, an agent of exchange or acquisition. The DESIRE or LOVE of or for this medium of exchange is a force to be dealt with. Jesus warned us of this deadly affinity to accumulate or amass worldly possessions. God GIVES us POWER to GAIN WEALTH……as does Satan. The difference being that Satan’s interest, his hidden charges involve much pain and sorrow, then eternal damnation. SIN AND PLEASURE FOR A SEASON….THEN PHYSICAL FORECLOSURE. God expresses his desire for ALL his children to prosper, even as their souls prosper. Once you have connected with the Holy Spirit, accepting and acting on his directions, you WILL be blessed above and beyond your wildest expectations….BE FAITHFULL OVER LESS AND THE GREATER WILL COME.

This is the key to true, lasting and eternal prosperity ….with the nurturing and growth of our spirit mans essence (soul), with spiritual insight and understanding, comes an external reflection of that growth. Be wise as serpents (Lucifer with his outward wisdom and knowledge of worldly ways and interactions) but harmless (peacefully existing with our fellow men) as doves (symbolic of the Holy Spirit inhabiting our earthen vessels). Like Abraham, Job and so many others, we will endure times of testing of our faith and obedience. FAITH THAT IS UNTRIED doesn’t do any good sitting dormant. Without exercise it will atrophy, becoming weaker until it’s useless. BY WORKS or active use of our faith do we strengthen ourselves….and those we come in contact with. Stepping out in faith, not fully comprehending the repercussions of our actions, leaning not to our continually developing understanding, but by faith looking toward the source of all knowledge and his instructor the Holy Spirit….we align ourselves with the Fathers will, vessels yielded to his service. Whatever direction this entails, the ministry he entrusts us with, the position or office in which we are placed…..wherever or whenever we will be called upon to act, we must be instant in season or out (no set times by our mortal perception).

We will always have at least two of the possible three witnesses to validate our internal directions. 1) The written word of the bible has the total package for everyone’s part in Gods plan….careful search will show confirmation of our purpose in this existence. 2) The interaction between our spirit men (conscious voice) with Gods spirit. At some point in our spiritual growth, we learn to distinguish between the pure, undiluted words and concepts flowing from God and the twisted, deceptive distortions of Satan (SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT). 3) Generally, we can be content or acceptant of the first two witnesses ( IN THE MOUTH OF TWO OR THREE WITNESSES SHALL EVERY WORD BE ESTABLISHED), but sometimes we do need the validation by a third witness. This would be the Holy Spirit impressing upon another individual the specific directions that he had given to you….for that other person to approach you and convey those instructions verbatim, a physical voice re-iterating a specific proposition to you.

There is a reason that FAITH is the only spiritual gift among the nine listed in the New Testament as being both a gift as well as a fruit of the spirit. Aside from being a self evident double witness to its priority and importance in Gods plan for mankind…..the inherent magnitude of an individually vested MEASURE OF FAITH, the latent potential of each embedded SEED placed by the Creator within each of his children, defies any intellectual description or observation. Jesus used allegories and parables to project images which could only allude to the immense power that an individual SEED OF FAITH possessed. God planted this divine seed in earthen vessels for a reason. Only through correct cultivation can we expect to nourish these seeds into fruition. Only in good soil, with rain falling from Gods throne, living water, will we be able to have our faith germinate into an abundant source of power to energize and edify our own selves, but others will find sustenance from the fruit it bears (many spiritually famished people will seek out and draw nourishment from those of great faith). CAUTION to those sharing their living fruit…..though we are to shelter and feed Gods sheep, we must be wary of Satan’s pruners….them that would cut away and slowly attempt to reduce, even destroy our faith. FAITH IS THE KEY TO UNLOCKING EVERYTHING. It is the catalyst, the activating force that opens up the spirit realm, allowing us to become conduits to bridge both spirit and physical realms…..bringing forth a heavenly flow of LIVING WATER to an arid, desolate world that can and will blossom again.

In Hebrews 11:1 we are given the overall definition of faith……the SUBSTANCE of things HOPED for and the EVIDENCE of THINGS not seen. Simplistic and concise, yet it embraces so much. Both terms, substance and evidence denote real and tangible interpretations of as yet unseen and unknown perceptions of the dynamics of our continually unfolding spiritual nature. Liken to seeds of this world, an inherent force lying dormant, encapsulated by a shell….so are we human entities, spirit force enshrouded by flesh, awaiting germination……the activation of our true spirit being to transcend, to break free of its restrictive encasement. It is Gods anointing, his glorious light falling upon us that stirs the inner man, who like the tender shoots, reach toward his life giving rays. Coinciding with our triune nature (body-mind-spirit) are three keys to open up our physical defensive mechanisms….the external boundaries we have constructed around ourselves….FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY.

As already discussed, FAITH is the primary key that unlocks the door to our individual temples (bodies), allowing our spirit man to transcend his physical limitations. HOPE or our individual desires and aspirations are contained within our minds (i.e. THE BLESSED HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE). It is the key to comprehending infinite wisdom…..with it comes the needed SUBSTANCE and EVIDENCE of those THINGS we have yet to understand. But thirdly and most important is CHARITY or AGAPE, Gods pure and undefiled LOVE. Through faith we open up our shells so we can fully interact with the external realm. Through hope we strive to cogitate correctly upon stimuli and data from both worlds, spiritual and physical, working toward our individual contributions to our Fathers Kingdom. Once we are open and vulnerable, once we have overcome our double minded confusion and allowed our Great Teacher to work in us…then God will flood us with his Divine Love….living water begins to flow out of us, spilling upon our fellow men. As Jesus said, by the materialization of Gods love in his disciples, unfeigned and unrestrained, projecting out toward each other and beyond, its light falling upon all Gods creations, would we be made known to be true recipients of Gods divine nature. ARE YOU SHINING?

The words FAITH and BELIEF are synonymous. What a man believes in his heart (has faith) to be true, real or existent, forms the boundaries, however small or infinite around him. Our personal belief systems dictate the basis or prime structuring of all possible spirit/physical interactions. To believe or be a believer of a HIGHER POWER is the initial seedling of faith. Likened to the man with the demon possessed son who cried “I believe….help my unbelief”. On the surface this would appear to be a self canceling statement. But looking deeper we see our own double minded (spirit/physical) nature at work. The spirit, a willing validater of divine truth and the flesh, weak and resistant to non-sensory encounters. The answer that Jesus gave concerning the disciples lack of power to eject the demonic spirit that oppressed the boy, applies not only to this circumstance, but to every potential outward manifestation of a believers acts of faith or belief in Gods confirming power.

PRAYER AND FASTING is the cure for doubt and disbelief. Through fasting, the desires of the flesh, the physical cravings diminish, allowing the inner, spiritual nature of man to step forward. Coupled with fervent, effectual prayer opens up communication with the creator that is clear wisdom and instruction, undiluted by our cognitive mechanisms. Our individual doubt and self abasement yields to the greater spirit source to which we are all linked. Though external witnesses may view our clay temples being illuminated, vibrating with heavenly power, anointed by God to work miracles, heal the sick or afflicted, or any other manifestation of the spiritual gifts…..WE know the truth, we are just earthen vessels carrying LIVING WATER to Gods thirsty children…..and a clay pitcher can be broken when mishandled or misused.

In times past, only a few servants of the LIVING GOD learned about PAYING THE PRICE to acquire this ANOINTING from God. Some would say that it’s denying oneself wealth or other earthly pleasures. Some would say that it’s self sacrifice of time and effort in study and prayer. Jesus told exactly what his payment would be in the parable of the Pearl of Great Price. This analogy of the kingdom involves a merchant (each of us) seeking out pearls (of wisdom and knowledge of the kingdom). When we have gathered bits and pieces of spiritual understanding enough to point us toward the one, ultimate source (Jesus, THE GREAT PEARL), we are faced with a decision… be content with what we have….or do we sellout, completely and totally to gain that PEARL OF GREAT PRICE. To lay down everything (family, home, money, time…etc.), give it all back to God. Naked I came into this world, naked I shall leave. Whatever I say or do, wherever I go, I will exalt and serve our Heavenly Father. To truly become a Christian, a true believing Child of God, is to really yield our members to His Righteousness and to present our bodies as Living Sacrifices for outward examples of Gods Love and Mercy manifested through us.

So, why are there so few of these Shining Christians, with their internal beacons of Holy Light beaming out into this dark, sin shrouded world, exposing corruption and deceit as we were instructed by the Master to do? It all falls back to the parable of the seeds……He, himself being the Sacred Sower of Divine seeds of Truth that he planted two millennia ago. They were given to us all, every human being on this planet to receive and plant within our earthen vessels, to nurture and tend as they sprouted into the spiritual fruits that would nourish and maintain us on our spiritual journeys. Jesus clearly forewarned us to prepare our SOIL to receive these precious seeds, to rid ourselves of the choking Weeds of Worldly Worries and cares….to remove the rocks and stones, those hardened hearts and doubting minds that would deny His Truth any roots to take hold. TILL YOUR SOIL! Rid yourself of those impediments that are restraining you from fully receiving from God. Plowmen….break up your fallow ground…..put your hands on the plow and DO NOT look back to where you once were … keep your rows straight! Once you have prepared your fertile soil and carefully planted those precious seeds within you, let that Living Water saturate and activate your hundredfold promised harvest.

Truly, many are called, but so very few become the CHOSEN ONES…….them that comprise GODS ARMY. Multitudes of eager and earnest recruits storm the doors of Gods enlistment office, THE CHURCH…..vowing their vows of undying loyalty and voluntary servitude to champion His Cause…..pledging body, soul, mind and spirit in the fight against EVIL and its master, SATAN. Fanned by the euphoric thrill that accompanies the experience of rebirth, with its soul saturating exhilaration of new found freedom from sins awesome burden…..that initial surge from within to conquer and retaliate against Lucifer and his minions is quite overpowering. All too many of these Newborn recruits want to bypass the rigorous training that accompanies TRUE spiritual development, as is attained through the leadership and teachings of the HOLY SPIRIT( as many as are led by the spirit….WILL BECOME THE SONS OF GOD). The UNCTION from within to do good and righteous deeds as a fellow worker for the Lord is often misconstrued by our as yet undeveloped spiritual mentality as a green light to charge straight into the pits of Hell, with nothing but our new found faith in Gods might and just knowing he’s on our side. So there they are, standing outside the Dragons lair, shouting their brazen challenges, full of vim and vigor…..but, in reality they are like lambs led to the slaughter. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal…..the weapons are very spiritual…and as such, we must be trained to use them. Every piece of the Christian Soldiers Uniform that we are promised has a specific purpose for the approaching battles we have to face.

As newborn Babes in Christ, we are spiritually naked save for our diapers (loincloth), which is the finally realized TRUTH about Jesus and the newfound reality of the spirit realm. As we are nourished on the milk (the simplified concepts of Gods rules, promises and directions), we take those initial baby steps in childlike faith on our spiritual journey. In time, we outgrow the need for liquid sustenance, we begin to savor the Living Bread with its mind expanding supplements….Knowledge and Wisdom. Then follows the energizing power that comes with a Meaty diet, supernatural strength and Revelation, communion with the Holy Spirit and direct access to the Throne room.

As we grow to realize that our true righteousness is not in ourselves, but rather through the righteousness of our Lord Jesus and adhere to His principles, we don the Breastplate of Righteousness……which shields our hearts from negative emotions (i.e. hatred, bitterness, envy, malice….). Once we have gotten used to our custom fitted breastplate, when we fully comprehend its protective purpose and learn the difference between Anger and Righteous Indignation, then we must prepare for our real journey of faith.

Lacing on our Saviors’ Sandals, we begin to understand how two diametrically opposed concepts…..The Blessed Peacemakers and The Christian Warriors can merge to fulfill our destiny. Having ingested the full meal that God has provided (milk, bread and meat), then having enveloped ourselves with His Holy Righteousness, connected and led by the Holy Spirit…..we ARE PREPARED to carry the gospel banner into Satan’s territory.

Grabbing up our ever enlarging Shield of Faith, we start our slow steady advance to re-enforce the Sainted Soldiers that have marched before us. Crowning our heads with the Helmet of Salvation, we find our minds stable and unwavering, doubts and uncertainty cast aside by the assuredness of our future in Christ. Clutching the double edged SWORD of pure and undefiled TRUTH that IS Gods HOLY SCRIPT…… NOW we are ready to slay that many headed demonic dragon, that great serpent of guile and deceit, SATAN. Onward Christian Soldier, march on to the battle front…..lift the Cross of Jesus ever higher and HE WILL draw ALL men unto Him.

WHERE IS THE BATTLE FRONT? The Earthly emissaries that comprise this elite array of faithful fighters have yet to merge beneath the royal banner of our Commander-in-Chief, this to take place upon His return with our heavenly comrades in arms….the Saints and Angels. At this point in time, Lucifer has the upper hand….his corrupting influence has reached into every facet of our world… institutions, the political arena, the state of our health (both physical and mental), even stretching his hand into the Church….seeding his Agents of Discord. Rather than one united force of faithful followers, there is now many splintered cells of satanic resistance. Through spiritual eyes, you can look out across the horizon and glimpse many campfires. Huddled beneath their self designed RELIGION or DENOMINATION flags, these men of war rally around their leaders, waiting for orders. So, we basically have an ongoing series of skirmishes between the agents of evil and those that make up the body of Christ. As of yet there are no great Generals of God…only Captains of Christ, instructing and directing their troops as best they know how. Their battle plans often drawn up without counsel from our Commander-in-Chief….too often ending with disastrous results. Where as our spiritual eyes see a multitude of fires burning, mostly small and often fading into embers, they also note the billowing bonfires spaced across the horizon…..those fervent, effectual followers of Christ gathered together, stirring the flames from within….Holy Ghost power, merging and uniting….one mind and purpose, to take back there Earthly inheritance that Satan took from their ancestors through guile and deceit.

JOHN 11:35

JESUS WEPT……just two words….the shortest verse in the entire bible…..yet, herein lies the sum total of this Holy Script that was given to us mere mortals…..our inherent FEAR of our eventual deaths and the Promise of Life Everlasting. As our Master and Savior looked about at the grief-stricken people surrounding Him, from the depths of His soul the anguish and the compassion He felt merged, forcing tears to flow down His face. Though Lazarus was indeed a close and beloved friend, what Jesus did next was not just for that reason alone……IT WAS TO SHOW ALL MANKIND THAT WE WERE NOT TO FEAR DEATH….but rather to understand it to be just a transitional state from LIFE to LIFE EVERLASTING, mortality putting on immortality. In an unparalleled act of Authority from God, He proclaimed that He was the RESURRECTION and LIFE of all things, then proceeded to call forth the spirit and soul of Lazarus back into his earthly shell. From deep within this darkened planet….in a special holding area called Abrahams’ Bosom, where the spirits of the Saints of old were being held for that Very Special Ransom that only Jesus could pay….the confining barriers began to vibrate as that absolute voice of ultimate power and authority called out to His beloved friend, Lazarus Come Forth! The demonic guards could only back away in awe and fear of a far greater voice than their own terrible masters’ voice reverberating throughout their domain. As they watched Lazarus pass by on his way back into the physical realm, they shivered with a foreboding premonition of more startling things to come. Soon, very soon Jesus himself would be paying these morbid jailers a personal visit. But it would not just be a single soul to reclaim….He would descend into their midst, His blinding Light of Glory illuminating that dank and darkened dungeon where the Holy Hostages were held…..Demanding the keys to that Satanic Sanctuary, He would be reclaiming Gods captive Children for His own kingdom…freeing them all.

DEATH….How mankind fears their impending mortality, that appointment with the Grim Reaper that we all have scheduled….For It Is Appointed For Man Once To Die, Then Comes The Judgment. Many people live a squandered life of self gratification and self indulgences only to arrive at Deaths Door realizing that it was all for naught. Their hedonistic lifestyle in reality was but an evilly prescribed placebo from the False Physician….Satan. Stripped of earthly raiment and wealth we shall all arrive at Heavens Gate with a different type of acquired treasure that we have accumulated during our lifetime on Earth. The precious jewels we must lay upon the Altar of God are truly priceless….they are the tokens of the Good and Righteous Deeds we have performed during our life quest. These are taken and placed on Gods Holy Scales, where they are weighed and balanced against those unrighteous and defiling acts of trespass we have committed. This will mark our True Worth and Value in the eyes of the Heavenly Host. Every act of kindness and compassion has an intrinsic value and adds to our spiritual treasury…..every act of disobedience or negativity has a penalty or fine charged to our account. Don’t arrive with empty pockets, but hopefully you will have an overflowing bag of jewels fit for The King.

You cannot beg or borrow from another Heavenly bound person…..there is no staging area where our sins can be purged or expunged by any willing donors…..we all arrive with our own life’s savings in hand. These Are Your Treasures In Heaven…..That Does Not Rust Or Decay.


I realize that to use metaphysical/astrological terminology to disclose the hidden mysteries of our Lord and Savior will make many a theologian grimace….their safety zones that buffer the sacred from the profane tends to range from a thin shell to a massive wall….each choosing to either embrace the security of their mortal monasteries or to don their Christian armor and step beyond the gates and challenge those sounds and voices in the Dark. Unfortunately, we are limited by mankind’s accumulated wisdom and stored knowledge…part of which consists of transferred symbols, archetypal imagery that our predecessors, those wily sages, magi and mystics passed down through the years. We know that the Holy men of old, the prophets of God gave sacred wisdom as the Spirit moved upon them….spirit realm to physical realm, unimpeded by the intellectual processing that tends to manipulate and distort…GOD SAID IT SO I BELIEVE IT. Most men’s minds were so darkened by deceit that real truth was seemly undecipherable and elusive….so by FAITH they believed unto salvation and followed the messengers of God. As time progressed, the elevation of human consciousness from the primal, sensory motivated perceptiveness to a higher level of rationalization, deliberate cogitation of philosophical and metaphysical questions that plagued mankind’s curiosity, surviving it’s dormancy in the Dark Ages, to burst forth into the Age of Enlightenment.

With a cornucopia of cosmic consciousness, bursting forth from the minds and mouths of so many self-proclaimed gurus of The Godhead, Masters of Eternal Mysteries, Celestial Cohorts espousing planetary parenthood through both willing and not so willing adherents and abductees…..Gatekeepers, mediums, channelers…..both positively and negatively influenced….dangling tidbits of so-called TRUTHS before a spiritually starved multitude of people, grasping at any source of nourishment for their hungry Souls.

The truly ENLIGHTENED entity will not manipulate or dominate an Adherent or Seeker of Truth….UNLESS they are themselves controlled by negative Forces….Pawns of the Deceiver Himself… be continued


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Book: Shattered Sighs