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Run Away Love

On one of the nicest days Freya was on her porch reading the newspaper. As she read an artical about the first woman surgon her cusin came hand in hand with Nick Halden. "I see that you found the other James house Miss.Halden. How do you like our little town so far?" Nick patted Ayden's hand and gave a sly smile. "Oh I love it such a nice place to live. Maybe I can talk my family to move down here. Maybe while I'm down here you can tell me some Ayden stories. Sure you got some good ones." The two girls gave a little laugh. "Oh no Freya has no stories on me at all. If she tries to tell you one it's not true." Mitchell Myer came out of the house wondering why there was laughing.

He saw the newspaper in Freya's hand and took it from her. "Hasn't anyone taught you to ask before you take? Or did you ever not learn that as a child?" Freya said taking the paper back from him. "You know that woman surgon is a fake right? I mean this Dr. Mary Edwards Walker isn't real and if she is real then she took a man's title and his credit. Women are not Doctors they are only nurses nothing more." While he told them such talk Mr.Myer took back the paper and ripped it to nothing at all. William James came out right after with a big smile on his face. "Why are you smiling father? You finally find your cigars that you lost a few months ago?" (Truth was Freya took the cigars and threw them out. A man with a bad heart shouldn't be smoking them.)

"No my dear no idea where they got off to. I was just thinking that we should go to church tommorrow. Besides we have to talk to the pastor before the summer's end. To get your wedding on the books. How about it? You two can come too if you wish." Freya said "Sure father you think it would be ok if I brought my knitting with me? Maybe I can focus better and it will give my hands something to do when we listen. You know how I get sitting too long." Mr.James gave his daughter a kind smile. "Good idea just make sure you keep the ball of yarn in your bag. Now have you seen my newspaper I got from New York? I wanted to read it before dinner later on."

Mitchell picked up the newspaper bites he torn up to prove a point. "I'm sorry Mr.James it got tore up. There was a piece in the paper that was not real and your daughter well you know how women can get." Nick stompped onto the porch letting go of Ayden's hand. "Escuse me but it wasn't Freya who ripped up the paper Mr.James it was Mr.Myer here. As for the piece about the first woman surgon it's a true story. It's a step to the future." Mr. James glared at Mitchell for trying to tell a lie about his daughter. "It's a good thing we are going to church tommorrow maybe you can ask God forgiveness for lying." Freya walked off the porch with Miss.Halden thinking something funny in her head. Her cusin came up behind them asked what was funny that was giving the lady of the house a smirk. "Oh just thinking more like wishing soon as Mr.Myer walks into church tommorrow he'll burst into flames for being so evil." The three of them laughed while walking down the street.

"Oh I almost forgot why we came over to your house Fre'. A mail person came by with a letter but he got the wrong James house. No one in our house knows a Lavender Rose." Freya took the letter and saw it said State Asylum Of Virginia. The letter was opened up. The lady of the house took the letter out and read it. (no harm in reading an already opened letter.) It took her a few times to get through it all the way. Ayden took the letter back and folded it back up. "So you know who Laevender Rose is? Why is the letter calling her his wife? If he is already married then why is Uncle William trying to get you to marry at the end of the summer?" Nick took the letter and read it for herself. "Those are all good questions. Who else has read this letter other then you two? Did your father read it? We don't need Mr.Myer being tipped off that we know."

The next morning the five of them went to church fitting all in one buggy. The church has been passed down father to son for four generations. When they got there the lady of the house walked over to her horse and petted her. "How are you and your soon to be baby doing today?" Cinnamon tried to nibble Freya's hair in a playful way. Miss.Halden petted Cinnamon on the back. The men of the group were at the churches doors waitting for them. Mr.Myer walked back to Freya and grabbed her arm. "You shouldn't let your horse try to eat your hair. For now on you have your hair pulled up in something so she can't have at it!" He said in a deep whisper voice. Freya pulled her arm out of his grip and went up the stairs of the church.

As they all got seats in the middle of church so they can see but still can get ouf of church fast. Freya sat at the end of the aisle two people away from the control freak Mr.Myer himself. As she got her yarn out the knitting needles rolled off towards the doors. "Dang it!" The lady of the house went after them trying to get them before they made their own way home. They got picked up by a tall strong man in a nice tan suite. Soon as she stood up Freya saw his face and looked into his eyes. "Lose something Southrenfire? This time it was a knitting needle maybe next time it'll be something more important." She took the needle from his hand and gave him a smile. "Can one of those things I lose be Mr.Myer? Maybe take him on enemy lines and use him for target practice?" The Union Soldier stroked her face and said "Sure if that will make you happy." They smiled at each other getting closer almost forgetting where they were.

The pair of them went outside so no one could watch their moment. As the door slammed shut Mitchell turned his head wonder where the lady of the house got to this time. Miss.James hugged the man she loves to show how she missed him. "I should show up out of no where more often." She let go of him but keeping him close. "So my horse is going to have a baby soon. The only horse that was close to her was your horse Thunder." "So we are conacted already. Maybe you and I can get closer like meeting at our spot say around two today?" Freya blushed almost matching her hair. "Why Mr.Rosemen you are standding on the steps of a church. You shouldn't speak in such a way. As for meeting you at our spot I'll be there. Now we better get back in there before my father or Mr.Myer thinks I ran off with the stranger with the pretty eyes."

They went back in church to sit down right before the pastor started the service. "So that knitting needle got pretty far dear cusin. Didn't think you would come back." She rolled her eyes at him and gave a smirk. Before she could say something smart back to him the whole church stood up to sing. After church Mr.James,Freya and Mitchell went to the pastor to talk about the upcoming wedding. "Mr.Myer this is Pastor Jason Camden he has been the pastor here for the last fifteen years. Pastor camden this is Mitchell Myer one of friend's sons and at the end of the summer will be Freya's husbend. Permitting that you can marry them of course that is. So what is the first step pastor?" The pastor cleared his throat a couple times. "Well the first step is meetings so I can get to know the lovely couple. Plus I believe couples need to know every little thing about one another to a point that is." The pastor had a rough raspey voice when he spoke.

Mitchell wrapped Freya's arm around his tightly and holding it there in a vice grip. "So when can we get the meets on the books soon as possible right? It is July after all. But I don't think we need to know every little detail about one another. We should save some for when we are married." The lady of the house pulled out of his grip and put her hands behind her back. "What are you hidding something my betrothed? Afraid the good pastor will find something like I don't know a wife you already have? Maybe children?" The men gave a laugh like the lady of the house was making a joke of some kind. "Oh my sweet Freya always saying such funny things. Maybe it's time to go home have some lunch. We'll meet with you soon Pastor possible Wednesday." Mr.Myer rushed Freya out of the church almost makeing her trip on her skirts.

Mr.Myer threw Freya in the carriage not being too gentle about it whats so ever. "Will you tell me what made you ask me such questions in public? If you are trying to get out of this up coming wedding it isn't going to happen. I don't like looking like an idiot or stupid!" He grabbed her by the throat almost choking her crushing her wind pipe. The lady of the house wrapped her hand around his wrist and pulled his hand off her throat. She quicky grabbed her knitting needle and stabbed his hand breaking the skin just enough that it bleed.

Miss.James grabbed her bag and jumpped out of the carraige; before she shut the door Freya said "Can't wait until you try to explain this to my father. See you there good-bye." Freya walked into town and passed back and forth in front of her favorite watering hole until it opened up. When it got close to one o'clock she started towards home when a horse stopped right next to her. A woman with long dark golden hair jumpped down and said hi to her friend smoothing out her pants. "Don't you ever dress like a woman? If I didn't know you I would think you were one of my father's workers at the bank. Maybe if you dressed like a woman then you can get married like i'm going to." Ceillia gave a huff of a laugh grabbing her horse. "Oh please if I had a choice in marrying some up tight guy or just run around and gamble. let's just say chaces are you'll see me beatting every guy from this side of the Missippi to the other and back again before I walk down the aisle." Freya gave a little laugh knowing how true her statement was.

"I thought you would have left by now Ceillia. What is keeping you here? Not that I'm compling or anything. Just surprised that the bars haven't banded together and kicked you out of Jasper yet." Miss.Swan gave a sly smile then said "Oh I would like to see them try to. They would rather take their chances at playing me again to win their money back before they ran me out. Trust me I'm not going anywhere soon." As the two of them walk down the street to Freya's home. "Wow you are the only ill mannered well behaved lady I have ever met." Miss.Swan said after the lady of the James house told her what had happen the last few weeks. As the two of them got closer to the house Freya grabbed Ceillia's wrist and saw the time closing in on two o'clock. "Damn it I'm going to be late metting Johnothan. It was nice seeing you again my friend but I have to run. Bye." With a quick hug and kiss on the cheek Freya started running as fast as her dress would let her dropping a ball of yarn that she was holding her hands. Fast as she could the lady of the house doubled back to get the yarn.

Freya ran past the house to the barn throwing down her bag and unlocked the stable gate of Cinnamon's space. "Come on girl you want to go and visit your boyfriend? Maybe you can tell him about your soon to be child. Come on sweet girl." The two of them started to the woods with Freya on Cinnamon's bare back not wantting to waste time putting on saddle. "FREYA JEAN JAMES!!" Mr.Myer came out of the house with a bandage around his hand where she got him with the knitting needle. "One I don't have time for this right now Mitchell and another thing my middle name isn't Jean so why don't you go back into the house and find out what it is. Good-bye. Be back in time for dinner." The lady of the house gave a little click and her horse started moving. Before she got too farMr.Myer grabbed Freya's long crimson hair and pulled her down making her land in the dirt on her back. "Next time you'll listen to me and do as you are told by me or well you know what will happen." Mr.Myer spit on the ground next to her and went back into the house.

Soon as Mitchell went into the house Freya got up fast as she could grabbed her horse and ran into the woods towards the Union Soldier. The lady of the house ran straight into the man and fell back landing on the ground. "Wow I must bath more often if I'm going to knock people off their feet. That or it was my stunning good looks." Johnathon helped her up and saw the tears going down her face. She wrapped her arms around his neck still crying. "Hey what's wrong?" Freya stopped crying enough to tell him what happened. "Can we please just leave go some place? Maybe go up north. I can live with your grandmother and little sister." Mr.Rosemen kissed her forehead and cleared off the tears from her face. "If that will make you happy I'll gladdly take you there but there are few things we both need to tie off loose ends. You should talk to your father and say good bye to him. I have to see if I can get some leave." Freya didn't have to take long to think about it. "Yes when can we go please soon right?" Johnothan nodded his head yes to her. "I can get everything done and tied up in a few weks time honey. You think you can stire clear of that asshole's grip for that long?" Freya whipped away her face and sniffed her nose. "If I have to deal with him Mr.Myer will have another knitting needle stuck in him in not in a place he won't like either." The couple hugged gentely. The Union Soldier pushed back her hair behind her ears and kissed her sweetly. "To wait an hour is long if love be just beyond. To wait eternity is short if love reward the end." Mr.Rosmen said to her in a whisper. Freya smiled with some tears left in her pricing blue eyes. "Oh you will only have to wait a short while for me to go with you. But I'll make it easy for you my sweet Union Soldier. I love you and I can't wait to marry you soon as possible." The couple kissed again holding on to one another. "Only a few weeks time you'll be my run away southren fire bride." Freya gave a giggle at the thought being a bride to the man she only known a short while. "I can't wait I hope the weeks pass quickly to start my new life with you." The Union Soldier gave her a smile and said "Me too sweetheart me too." The couple kissed spending the rest of the day together.


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Book: Shattered Sighs