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Sg Quotations

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Quote Left When one overcommits, one becomes vulnerable to counterattack. When one achieves balance in combat, one will survive to achieve balance in life. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Sg

Quote Left "Angels are God's helpers disguised as a Mother." Quote Right
Quote Left Quotes means msgs Mari nabhi Mai peat Mai bakare ki Tati sukhane key baad bhang bosda bandha hua hai yantra tantra mantra Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left Keep pushing no matter what you face cause someday you'll know it's worth the disgrace. Quote Right
Quote Left "If I am disgust for being a lazy in solid works, I am be loved for being a hardworker in soft works. The solid works can be benefited by very few people within some countable moments, while the works of pen and brush (soft works) can be benefited by all and the coming generations. So every da Vinci has his own brush to paint his own Lisa." Quote Right
Quote Left Honesty always make one bold enough to establish the naked truth irrespective of any shame. Whereas, the best dressed lie disgraces its speaker when time is right. Quote Right
Quote Left Certain laws are meant to be broken, like the law of the misguided men and women, be yourself and don't let anybody stand in the way. This advice is not only false but completely misguided because it falls under the misguided notion that we can do what we please, and even as the Simplist of nature shows, we must evolve with the times and follow the rules, except when they are deemed a danger to our well-being. Quote Right
Quote Left Sometimes blessing in disguise turns into imminent peril. Quote Right
Quote Left A misguided system is often guided by misguided actions of individuals. Quote Right
Quote Left When a misguided and irate society honors villains as heroes, who take statues down and show their immoral concept of deception: mockery, and absurdity create a farse. Which side are you on? Truth or falsity? Quote Right
Quote Left When an irate and misguided society honors villains and takes statues down: it shows its immoral concept of deception. Quote Right
Quote Left Success means repetition, often followed by failure. Disguised as Opportunity and Achieved through Effort! Quote Right
Quote Left Na vida e nos negócios é importante mostrar caminhos as outras pessoas e nunca ajudar para agradar. Confundir uma atitude com outra quase sempre é extremamente prejudicial. Quando prestamos um serviço para agradar outras pessoas esgotamos nossa energia, e vamos direto à depressão, doenças físicas e opressão. Quando mostramos caminhos à outras pessoas, mais e mais caminhos são descobertos e todas as pessoas se beneficiam. Quote Right
Quote Left Truque para perpetuar a relação. Quando quero perpetuar uma relação [...] faço de conta... Faço de conta... Faço de conta que posso reviver, faço aquilo que não fiz... Inovo, tento, invento. Quando quero perpetuar uma relação faço as perguntas que faltou fazer, reparo em tudo o que não vi; vivo uma última oportunidade de resguardar e de reter. Esse é o truque para perpetuar a relação na vida pessoal ou negocial. Quote Right
Quote Left IDADE CONTA POUCO. Em todas as idades e em todos os grupos, uma pessoa que acredita e propaga o que acredita aumenta a felicidade em cerca de trinta por cento e a produtividade em mais de sessenta por cento. Por isso creia sempre. Fara mais e melhor com menos desgaste e uso de recursos. Pouco importa a idade. Creia. Quote Right
Quote Left Law and justice in a democracy should be very strict, transparent and upright for one and all. otherwise democracy becomes a book of rights and crimes in disguise. It becomes a lethal tool. Quote Right
Quote Left Swim against the current, be "weird". Be the butterfly in the midst of caterpillars. I've asked a question many times but have never gotten the correct answer, "What is weird?" Weird is befriending the friendless. Standing up to the worst jeers from the worst bullies. "Weird is unique". It's doing what no one else will because they are afraid to be seen by others as something different. "Normal" is just ununiqueness disguised as something beautiful. Be the star that lights the path for millions. Quote Right
Quote Left By Sweat of Brow a Blessed Harvest from Pilgrims of Old to People of the WORLD... Happy Thanksgiving DAY Quote Right
Quote Left "The eyes can be deceiving, what you think stands before you is a sheep, but, it could be a wolf in disguise. Always trust your Spirit; the Spirit never lies." Poet: Ken Jordan Quote Right
Quote Left clothing carries an important role in earthly life and disguising snatches important rights of life Quote Right
Quote Left PART 2 Therefore, science will move us forward to a time when it will test our faith. Science will prove that faith in Religion is not misguided. As energy cannot be destroyed but converted, the energy of life changes when the body expires. Hand in hand science will prove the faith of religion as soon as we figure out where to look for the next step in the cycle beyond life. Quote Right
Quote Left "Thanksgiving Day, everyone running about like turkeys. I am staying put, eating beef." Quote Right
Quote Left The ego disguises itself. The ego tells us we are separate. When in essence we are one.. Quote Right
Quote Left Irony is the monosodium glutamate (MSG) of writing. Quote Right
Quote Left Impossibility is possibility in disguise Quote Right
Quote Left Normal is a myth perpetuated by advertising media and misguided mental health professionals. Quote Right
Quote Left A Confused mind is an easy target to misguide. Quote Right
Quote Left IDADE CONTA POUCO. Em todas as idades e em todos os grupos, uma pessoa que acredita e propaga o que acredita aumenta a felicidade em cerca de trinta por cento e a produtividade em mais de sessenta por cento. Por isso creia sempre. Fara mais e melhor com menos desgaste e uso de recursos. Pouco importa a idade. Creia. Quote Right
Quote Left A tongue to worship or to disgrace, cure your intentions and assure you will assure your lips Quote Right
Quote Left Forgive transgressions committed by you or others today. Only then can you have peace tomorrow. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs