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Rua Quotations

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Quote Left Everything we want to learn, must be for the sake of improving our lives and the world we live in. February 2024. Quote Right
Quote Left The eyes reveal much more than any word, sound, or even subtle body shift. Let the other person’s optics be your cue to leave or stay. Posted in poetry section as well. 16 th February 2022. All my own work to the best of my knowledge Quote Right
Quote Left Distractions make the body sluggish, the soul fragile and the mind weak. February 2018. Quote Right
Quote Left Wisdom isn't raised out from a book, but from the bottom of the heart. February 2021. Quote Right
Quote Left Education is self-awareness of our own existence and purpose. February 2021 Quote Right
Quote Left If war drives a man to insanity, then the insane are the most likely to fit in. February 2018. Quote Right
Quote Left If you don't know your ideals, then you don't know why are you living. February 2017. Quote Right
Quote Left Coward people doesn't exist, just people that lacks of motivation or humor to do things. February 2020. Quote Right
Quote Left The name of an anonymous soldier is completely unknown by the people or the Pages of History but his actions are the ones that have repercussions the world. February 2018. Quote Right
Quote Left Life doesn't advance throughout days, but by the descisions that are taken in a certain moment. February 2018. Quote Right
Quote Left Suicide is not the hideous part, the things that made the person do it before it happened, that is the hideous one. February 2018. Quote Right
Quote Left The stories behind us are interesting but the stories towards us...those are the most curious ones. February 2018. Quote Right
Quote Left Heroes are not the ones who are in magazines or movies, but the ones who are completely unknown. February 2018. Quote Right
Quote Left He who is a good man, can be good at anything he does. February 2017. Quote Right
Quote Left History is made by millions of events throughout thousands of years, but it is explained in only a few words. February 2018. Quote Right
Quote Left Seek for the good of other ones is not only the right thing, but it is our obligation as civilized human beings. February 2017 Quote Right
Quote Left A kid cries due to physical pain, a man cries due to internal one. February 2017. Quote Right
Quote Left Where there is lust there is no respect Where there is no respect there is no love Where there is no love...there is nothing. February 2017. Quote Right
Quote Left Those who feel hatred is because they don't feel that they are loved. February 2017. Quote Right
Quote Left Qualquer pessoa pode fazer milagres! Sim, podemos fazer nossos próprios milagres se acreditarmos fortemente em nós mesmos e em nossa missão na Terra. No mais, é andar na rua e sempre sentir que, ao virar da esquina, há algo maravilhoso esperando por mim. Quote Right
Quote Left A escolha para viver uma vida plena é feita dia a dia. Uma vida plena está destinada aquela pessoa que acende uma grande luz no mundo, que coloca tochas nas ruas escuras da vida para que todas as pessoas enxerguem melhor. Escolha passar a palavra escolha passar a tocha da força do trabalho e do conhecimento que você tem para o momento. Escolha “queimar” o máximo da sua tocha antes de passá-la para as gerações futuras. Quote Right
Quote Left A inovação é o instrumento específico do empreendedorismo. Inovar é um ato que dota recursos com uma nova capacidade de criar riqueza. Especificamente a inovação social significa consertar nossos sistemas humanos quebrados. Para mudar ou transformar a sociedade construa um novo modelo que torne o modelo existente obsoleto. Quote Right
Quote Left A girl does not become a woman because she gets her menstrual cycle, and to assume she is ready for sexy and to raise children just because her body can bear children is a great error in judgement. Quote Right
Quote Left Courage is staying the course that one believe's is right inspite of the mind playing truant umpteen number of times during the journey. Quote Right
Quote Left I may be a crazy old man and I may be over the Damn hill mount Everest. But I reached the top of it in February 2007. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things