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Famous Philip Larkin Quotations

Best famous Philip Larkin quotations. Find, read, and share the best famous quotations by Philip Larkin. These are the most popular quotations and best examples of quotes by Philip Larkin.

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Quote Left And the waves sing because they are moving. And the waves sing above a cemetery of waters. Quote Right
Quote Left Courage is no good: It means not scaring others. Being brave... Quote Right
Quote Left My mother, who hates thunderstorms, Holds up each summer day and shakes It out suspiciously, lest swarms Of grape-dark clouds are lurking there.... Quote Right
Quote Left Life is an immobile, locked, Three-handed struggle between... Quote Right
Quote Left Books; china; a life Reprehensibly perfect. Quote Right
Quote Left Endlessly, time-honoured irritant, A bubble is restively forming at your tip.... Quote Right
Quote Left For nations vague as weed, For nomads among stones,... Quote Right
Quote Left In fact, may you be dull If that is what a skilled,... Quote Right
Quote Left Living toys are something novel, But it soon wears off somehow.... Quote Right
Quote Left ... everyone young going down the long slide To happiness, endlessly. Quote Right
Quote Left ... a unique endeavour To bring to bloom the million-petalled flower Of being here. Quote Right
Quote Left Sixty years ago they smiled At lover, husband, first-born child.... Quote Right
Quote Left Why should I let the toad work Squat on my life? Can't I use my wit as a pitchfork and drive the brute off? Quote Right
Quote Left Half life is over now, And I meet full face on dark mornings... Quote Right
Quote Left Surely, to think the lion's share Of happiness is found by couples sheer... Quote Right
Quote Left A slight relax of air. All is not dead. Quote Right
Quote Left And yet spend all our life on imprecisions, That when we start to die Have no idea why. Quote Right
Quote Left A decent chap, a real good sort, Straight as a die, one of the best,... Quote Right
Quote Left Joy has no cause: Though cut to pieces with a knife,... Quote Right
Quote Left And yet the sun pardons our voices still, And berries in the hedge... Quote Right
Quote Left Never to walk from the station's lamps and laurels Carrying my father's lean old leather case... Quote Right
Quote Left The first day after a death, the new absence Is always the same; we should be careful... Quote Right
Quote Left 'O what unlucky streak Twisting inside me, made me break the line?... Quote Right
Quote Left For we have thought the longer thoughts And gone the shorter way. And we have danced to devil's tunes Shivering home to pray; I take you now and for always, For always is always now. Quote Right
Quote Left You still might trace Uncalled-for to this day Your person, your place. Quote Right
Quote Left Though living is a dreadful thing And a dreadful thing is it... Quote Right
Quote Left All that's left to happen Is some deaths (my own included). Their order, and their manner, Remain to be learnt. Quote Right
Quote Left Can even death dry up These new delighted lakes, conclude Our kneeling as cattle by all-generous waters? Quote Right
Quote Left Since the majority of me Rejects the majority of you, Debating ends forthwith, and we Divide. Quote Right
Quote Left And the case of butterflies so rich it looks As if all summer settled there and died. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things