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Nito Quotations

Nito quotations. Find, read, and share Nito quotations. These are the best examples of Nito quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Surviving well is your finest revenge. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Nito

Quote Left Avoid monitoring other people's lives. Stop pointing out what others are doing wrong , thats not your call to make...If God wanted you to be a referee you would have been born with a whistle around your neck #Poetic_Ra*_Quotes???? Quote Right
Quote Left I am not saying be mean to you children, but please try to monitor the programmes they watch on tv...Tv has lost it's innocence & if we are not careful, we are going to leave behind a generation of perverts #Poetic_Ra*_Quotes???? Quote Right
Quote Left Monitor by skills and creativity is known as design Quote Right
Quote Left A felicidade perfeita chega com respeito a dez mandamentos. 1 — nunca faça nada pela fama. 2 — sempre tenha a intenção de fazer pessoas felizes 3 — nunca pense que sabe 4 — reconheça que existe algo no infinito 5 — aprecie o caminho quando busca o êxito 6 — ande onde não existe caminho 7 — Seja tudo o que o céu lhe deu 8 — aja como se nada tivesse recebido. 9 — Esteja vazia e com a mente aberta. 10 — Isso é tudo. Quote Right
Quote Left In my harbor, there was no lighthouse. Just two sharks that circled my innocence, grabbing a feel. A second-grade teacher followed by a ninth-grade janitor scenting blood, bait, boy as if I was their prey. The sea held this secret for fifty years and in its aftermath, nothing was ever at bay. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things