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Famous Mari Evans Quotations

Best famous Mari Evans quotations. Find, read, and share the best famous quotations by Mari Evans. These are the most popular quotations and best examples of quotes by Mari Evans.

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Quote Left I have said and I continue to say that it's getting worse. I hate to say that because it suggests that there's been no change. Quote Right
Quote Left All I ever really tried to do is speak the truth. Quote Right
Quote Left You know, I only ever wrote when I had something to say. So I still feel that on occasion I have something to say. Quote Right
Quote Left If people here really read my work then maybe they wouldn't want to honor me so much. Quote Right
Quote Left I don't call myself a poet because I hope I can do more than be a poet. Quote Right
Quote Left I can say that everything I've ever written has been an effort to speak with integrity and to say things I feel are genuinely true. Quote Right
Quote Left I think I'm a stand-up comic and I don't really care what people think. Quote Right
Quote Left I don't write as a profession. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things