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Hilarious Quotations

Hilarious quotations. Find, read, and share Hilarious quotations. These are the best examples of Hilarious quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Um, not sure. I just had the most hilarious recollection of this episode on the Discovery Channel I saw with rabbits having sex. Truly a representation of the human experience, the male was humping away, about 300 strokes a minute, while the female had this look on her face that I can only equate with 'I wonder what shade I should get my nails done with tomorrow'. True to form, the male kept on going at it, even up until the point where he fell over to the side, losing penetration, yet still pumping away like mad. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Hilarious

Quote Left Burst into hard laughter, because the hilarious state of things will not change suddenly. Quote Right
Quote Left To a depressed person, everything is hilarious. Quote Right

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