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Famous Gwendolyn Brooks Quotations

Best famous Gwendolyn Brooks quotations. Find, read, and share the best famous quotations by Gwendolyn Brooks. These are the most popular quotations and best examples of quotes by Gwendolyn Brooks.

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Quote Left Sadie was one of the livingest chits In all the land. Quote Right
Quote Left God's Son went home. Among us it is whispered He cried the tears of men. Feeling, in fact, We have no need of peace. Quote Right
Quote Left Each body has its art, its precious prescribed Pose, that even in passion's droll contortions, waltzes,... Quote Right
Quote Left You are the beautiful half Of a golden hurt. Quote Right
Quote Left Each body has its art... Quote Right
Quote Left I swear to keep the dead upon my mind,/Disdain for all time to be overglad./Among spring flowers, under summer trees./By chilling autumn water... Quote Right
Quote Left A cry of bitter dead men who will never Attend a gentle maker of musical joy. Quote Right
Quote Left Maud went to college. Sadie stayed at home. Sadie scraped life With a fine-tooth comb. Quote Right
Quote Left He who was Goodness, Gentleness, And Dignity is free, Translates to public Love Old private charity. Quote Right
Quote Left He was born in Alabama. He was bred in Illinois. He was nothing but a Plain black boy. Quote Right
Quote Left ... is merry glory. Is saltatory. Yet he grips his right of twisting free. Quote Right
Quote Left We Sing sin. We Thin gin. We Jazz June. We Die soon. Quote Right
Quote Left After the baths and bowel-work, he was dead. Quote Right
Quote Left Poetry is life distilled. Quote Right
Quote Left She kisses her killed boy. And she is sorry. Chaos in windy grays through a red prairie. Quote Right
Quote Left Hoping that, when the devil days of my hurt Drag out to their last dregs and I resume... Quote Right
Quote Left I've stayed in the front yard all my life. I want a peek at the back... Quote Right
Quote Left Prepare to meet (sisters, brothers) the brash and terrible weather; the pains; the bruising; the collapse of bestials, idols. Quote Right
Quote Left A dryness is upon the house My father loved and tended. Quote Right
Quote Left With the narcotic milk of peace for men Who find Thy beautiful center ... Quote Right
Quote Left To be in love Is to touch with a lighter hand. In yourself you stretch, you are well. Quote Right
Quote Left Cold an old predicament of the breath: Adroit, the shapely prefaces complete, Accept the university of death. Quote Right
Quote Left ... Live!/and have your blooming in the noise of the whirlwind. Quote Right
Quote Left Forgotten and stinking they stick in the can. And the vase breath's better and all, and all.... Quote Right
Quote Left For I am rightful fellow of their band. My best allegiances are to the dead. Quote Right
Quote Left By the time he had hurt his fourth white man Rudolph Reed was dead.... Quote Right
Quote Left 'Men there were and men there be But never men so many Chief enough to marry me,' Thought the proud late Annie. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Remember When cruelty, metal, public, uncomplex,... Quote Right
Quote Left She went in there to muse on being rid Of relative beneath the coffin lid. No one was by. She stuck her tongue out; slid. Quote Right
Quote Left This morning men deliver wounds and death. They will deliver death and wounds tomorrow. And I doubt all. You. Or a violet. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things