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Famous George Chapman Quotations

Best famous George Chapman quotations. Find, read, and share the best famous quotations by George Chapman. These are the most popular quotations and best examples of quotes by George Chapman.

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Quote Left And let a scholar all earth's volumes carry, he will be but a walking dictionary: a mere articulate clock. Quote Right
Quote Left The young always have the same problem- how to rebel and conform at the same time. They have now solved this by defying their parents and copying one another. Quote Right
Quote Left Young men think old men are fools, but old men know young men are fools. Quote Right
Quote Left Ignorance is the mother of admiration. Quote Right
Quote Left They're only truly great who are truly good. Quote Right
Quote Left Young men think old men are fools; but old men know young men are fools. Quote Right
Quote Left Young men think old men are fools but old men know young men are fools. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs