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Explanations Quotations

Explanations quotations. Find, read, and share Explanations quotations. These are the best examples of Explanations quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Age affects how people experience time. The observations on this are well known, so it is only necessary to outline briefly what has been the experience of everyone I have ever talked to or read about: the years go faster as one gets older. At the age of four or six, a year seems interminable; at sixty, the years begin to blend and are frequently hard to separate from each other because they move so fast! There are, of course, a number of common-sense explanations for this sort of thing. If you have only lived five years, a year represents 20 percent of your life; if you have lived fifty years, that same year represents only 2 percent of your life, and since lives are lived as wholes, this logarithmic element would make it difficult to maintain the same perspective on the experience of a year Quote Right
Quote Left The one man who should never attempt an explanation of a poem is its author. If the poem can be improved by it's author's explanations it never should have been published, and if the poem cannot be improved by its author's explanations the explanations are scarcely worth reading. Quote Right
Quote Left Let my reader who is puzzled by my awkward explanations close his eyes for no more than two minutes, and see if he does not find himself suddenly not a compact human being at all, but only a consciousness on a sea of sound and touch . . . Quote Right
Quote Left A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanations. Quote Right
Quote Left The Bible is good enough for me, just the old book under which I was brought up. I do not want notes or criticisms, or explanations about auth... Quote Right
Quote Left [There are, of course, several reasonable explanations for what happened. In the three years prior to last season, Miami lost eight underclassmen that went on to become first-round NFL draft picks. It was bound to catch up at some point] Last year we could have had [safety Sean ] Taylor , [tight end Kellen ] Winslow , [defensive tackle Vince ] Wilfork and McGahee , ... I don't know, does that win you a game in overtime or erase a six-point deficit [against Virginia Tech?] Quote Right
Quote Left I think it is an immutable law in business that words are words, explanations are explanations, promises are promises -- but only performance is reality. Quote Right
Quote Left We are tired of aristocratic explanations in Harvard words. Quote Right
Quote Left Mystical explanations are considered deep. The truth is that they are not even superficial. Quote Right
Quote Left In business, words are words; explanations are explanations, promises are promises, but only performance is reality. Quote Right
Quote Left It is no longer my moral duty as a human being to achieve an integrated and unitary set of explanations for my thoughts and feelings. Quote Right
Quote Left Mystical explanations are thought to be deep; the truth is that they are not even shallow. Quote Right
Quote Left There is no waste of time in life like that of making explanations. Quote Right
Quote Left I fear explanations explanatory of things explained. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Explanations

Quote Left All Explanations with creations origin the creator of all; I'm just Man, for me It's impossible to explain outside what I've been taught, experienced, and learned....Enjoy!!!! Quote Right
Quote Left Sometimes you just know something deep inside with no explanation, then there are things with many explanations and no meaning. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things