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Eternities Quotations

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Quote Left I remember: it happened yesterday, or eternities ago. A young Jewish boy discovered the Kingdom of Night. I remember his bewilderment, I remember his anguish. It all happened so fast. The ghetto. The deportation. The sealed cattle car. The fiery altar upon which the history of our people and the future of mankind were meant to be sacrificed. I remember he asked his father: Can this be true? This is the twentieth century, not the Middle Ages. Who would allow such crimes to be committed? How could the world remain silent? And now the boy is turning to me. Tell me, he asks, what have you done with my future, what have you done with your life? And I tell him that I have tried. That I have tried to keep memory alive, that I have tried to fight those who would forget. Because if we forget, we are guilty, we are accomplices. And then I explain to him how na Quote Right
Quote Left 'Two Days We Should Not Worry' There are two days in every week about which we should not worry, Two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension. One of these days is Yesterday, with all its mistakes and cares, Its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control. All the money in the world cannot bring back Yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed; We cannot erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone forever. The other day we should not worry about is Tomorrow With all its possible adversities, its burdens, Its large promise and its poor performance; Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control. Tomorrow's sun will rise, Either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds, but it will rise. Until it does, we have no stake in Tomorrow, For it is yet to be born. This leaves only one day, Today. Any person can fight the battle of just one day It is when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternities Yesterday and Tomorrow that we break down. It is not the experience of Today that drives a person mad, It is the remorse and bitterness of something which happened Yesterday And the dread of what Tomorrow may bring. Let us, therefore, live but one day at a time. Quote Right
Quote Left Many times man lives and dies Betweeen his two eternities,... Quote Right
Quote Left Revelation 11:15: The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: 'The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever.' (NIV)

The seventh angel then blew [his] trumpet, and there were mighty voices in heaven, shouting, The dominion (kingdom, sovereignty, rule) of the world has now come into the possession and become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ (the Messiah), and He shall reign forever and ever (for the eternities of the eternities)! [Ps. 22:28; Dan. 7:13, 14, 27.](AMP)

And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. (KJV)

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Quote Left Revelation 1:18: I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades. (NIV)

And the Ever-living One [I am living in the eternity of the eternities]. I died, but see, I am alive forevermore; and I possess the keys of death and Hades (the realm of the dead). (AMP)

I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. (KJV)

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Quote Left The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness... Quote Right
Quote Left Galatians 1:5: To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (NIV)

To Him [be ascribed all] the glory through all the ages of the ages and the eternities of the eternities! Amen (so be it). (AMP)

To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (KJV)

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Quote Left One life - a little gleam of Time between two Eternities. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs