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Allusion Quotations

Allusion quotations. Find, read, and share Allusion quotations. These are the best examples of Allusion quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Life has been compared to a race, but the allusion improves by observing, that the most swift are usually the least manageable and the most likely to stray from the course. Great abilities have always been less serviceable to the possessors than moderate ones. Quote Right
Quote Left An accent mark, perhaps, instead of a whole western accent -- a point of punctuation rather than a uniform twang. That is how it should be worn: as a quiet point of character reference, an apt phrase of sartorial allusion -- macho, sotto voce. Quote Right
Quote Left Apparently the Torah was in principle opposed to the eating of meat. When Noah and his descendants were permitted to eat meat this was a concession conditional on the prohibition of the blood. This prohibition implied respect for the principle of life (‘for the blood is the life’) and an allusion to the fact that in reality all meat should have been prohibited. This partial prohibition was designed to call to mind the previously total one. Quote Right
Quote Left Allusion has been made to [Proust's] contempt for the literature that 'describes,' for the realists and naturalists worshipping the offal of e... Quote Right
Quote Left I think we must quote whenever we feel that the allusion is interesting or helpful or amusing. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Allusion

Quote Left “Heart that pure to you will remain with you rest become the allusion” __Tajalla Qureshi Quote Right
Quote Left What was predestined will occur in a specific place and time: whoever tries to prevent it, will not succeed. I've pondered over ruined lives for disobeying the fate's will, but sadly the consequences were unfavorable and catastrophic. I've seen people weep, not happy about the outcome of their dream; their allusion was too discernable...what was missing was their strength of defiance! Quote Right
Quote Left And so i realized that most virtues are admirable but before patience, they all wither... still even patience if she lacks self control becomes unworthy of the praise we render...and then i thought, if one should not always display aggression because it only superficially covers insecurity...then my best bet is DISCERNMENT... knowing what battles to lose and which to win.. that my dear friends is the pinnacle of wisdom.... before it, all virtues stand in ovation.TEST THE SPIRIT- it's an allusion Quote Right

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