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Read Poems by Taronda Ellis

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Below are poems written by poet Taronda Ellis. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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Sometimes I feel like I can't  take it, Sometimes I feel like I want make It
In this world today here me when I say the world isnt getting easier it's getting 
harder by the day.
It came a a point in my life when I wished I was dead I couldn't take it know more 
was all in my head
I wanted out of this life I didn't want to be here anymore so I took a bottle of pills 
after awhile I fell to the floor
My body was weak I couldn't even move then I heard a voice in my head say 
Taronda what did you do I couldn't respond cause I had to catch my breath man 
that night I felt myself getting closer to death
Two days I was walking around was like walking on clouds I couldn't go outdoors 
so I stayed in the house 
When I came to my senses I realized god was on my side because if he wasn't I 
would have died when I tried to commit suicide
I now know it's a reason why Im here on earth I have learned to trust god and put 
him first
I put my faith in god cause I know he will handle it all cause even though I'm 
young I've been through alot and I'm still standing strong and tall 
I now know the meaning of a testimony because he stayed by my side it wasn't 
the doctors or the nurse it's because of god that  I'm alive
He brought me out of darkness and showed me the light of day it's because of 
his grace and mercy I'm still here today
My god is powerful and theres nothing he can't do all you have to do is trust and 
believe and he'll take care of you
So when you feel life problems wearing you down and you feel theres nothing 
you can do just stop and think and say to yourself  lord I give it all to you.

Copyright © Taronda Ellis | Year Posted 2006

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Date: 5/21/2016 9:35:00 AM

Taronda Ellis,, i do like this write about life... skat


Book: Shattered Sighs