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Below are poems written by poet C.C Bloomsfield. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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The poem(s) are below...


Sunshine Boy and Sol Fun Girl

I''m a Hush Marshmallow
Silky Sunshine Yellow,
above sea so shallow
far from Moony mellow,
Spelling spells of Hello

Rising above the Hill
Just behind the mill,
With much love to spill
Giving you a thrill,
from your window sill

You're my Cuddly bear
Full of tender care,
You're the One I miss
You're a life of bliss,
Passion flame of Hiss

You're my twinkling dream
in a glittered stream,
You're a wish wish star
 shining from afar,
sparkling where you are

I'm a lusty flight
of Non stop delight,
Naughty grown up child
playing husky wild,
on a dusky night

I'm your cadbury
almond joy candy,
Red soft jelly bean
box of A.b.c,
Caramel nut me

You're my sandwich lunch
with that crispy crunch,
I'm your Cuchi munch
You're my fruity punch,
A Sweet Honey Bunch

I'm all you could think,
I'll be your everything,
Just to watch you smile
Just to hear you sing,
Rainbows I shall bring

You're my Sunshine man,
I'm your best pen fan,
I'm your Island girl,
with the lips to kiss
with a hug to share.

Copyright © C.C Bloomsfield | Year Posted 2010


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Date: 6/23/2024 4:56:00 AM

Thanks for sharing this... exposing your thoughts through your unique poetic style. Meanwhile, I greet you with the love of the Lord, expressed by John 3:16 of the Bible, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Be blessed.
Date: 10/12/2018 7:20:00 AM

Love the mushy stuff, seems to come from the heart much truer. God Bless. D.
Date: 7/11/2010 11:20:00 AM

Lovely your funny write, so well done!! Enjoyed reading your poetry this evening! Thank you for commenting my work and have a great week!... :) Gert
Date: 7/10/2010 4:06:00 AM

Yummy poetry at it's best Celene >> James
Date: 7/8/2010 11:34:00 PM

Smile ~ Come here dear; a little bit closer; closer....Can "You" hear that? Can "You" hear the beating of my heart; beating to the melodies, of "Your Beautiful Soul;" pounding; this rushing; can "You" hear the waves? Crashing, their turbulence inside, "My Love For 'You'" ~ Smile, can "You" feel my love; my heart beating? Smile, come closer; closer; can "You" hear me whispering to "You," from my deepest soul...."I Love 'You,' So Much, 'I Do!!!'" ~ Can "You" hear me, now? ~ Ssssh....
Date: 7/8/2010 7:35:00 PM

charming and colourful!
Date: 7/7/2010 3:41:00 PM

Hi my dear sweet friend.. I have posted a new blog with some vacation photos from Hawaii and the seashore in Jersey ..last night so if u want to view a little island magic go check out the blog.. also on there are photos of my four sons and three cutie grand babies... and Ron of course..he is 007 and 010 frames.. hope all is well with u my friend.. will be home July 11th.. going to Italy in August.. with Ron..luv.. "Sweetheart"
Date: 7/7/2010 11:30:00 AM

I will be your Peter Pan, waiting for you to land, letting you know yes I can....This is just so wonderful, lovable, and from an adorable heart which shines with the ray of the sun as it melts the dew of the morning away. Great job! Joseph
Date: 7/6/2010 9:37:00 PM

Celene, a little birdie told me I'd been calling you Celest. Sorry, I always confuse the two names and in fact, I prefer Celeste. But I will try to remember you are Celene. haha. Luv ya, andrea (as we both know, what is really in a name!!)
Date: 7/6/2010 4:57:00 PM

holy cow! Celene! even...HOLY RADISHES!!!! jimbo
Date: 7/6/2010 3:43:00 PM

springy and spongy, well done!
Date: 7/6/2010 12:53:00 PM

Such a warm, sweet write from the Island Girl. You gave me big smiles with this delightful poem, dear Cuchi! Love, Carolyn
Date: 7/5/2010 6:40:00 PM

You have enchanted the Soup with this lovely confection!! Anyone with a sweet tooth, will be in are indeed a lovely Island girl!! :) Hope all is well....and by the sound of this happy poem....things are terrific...I'm so glad!! :)
Date: 7/5/2010 4:34:00 PM

--smile, speechless, -- "You Are" surely histories pages someday -- i am peering upon this painting and, it blows my soul away!! smile, beautiful poem beyond any doubt and, majestic, could not compare, to its magnificence!! "You Are A Treasure Celene Cresent, Completely Priceless!!!":) -- my love to You always, christopher -- "sweet dreams to You and, someone is extremely happy!!":) smile, until we meet again, keep brushing these beauties amid, Your colourful brilliance of bright -- bye dear
Date: 7/5/2010 4:24:00 PM

--this love songs sweet melody -- smile, that's all i can do, when, i gather in the feel of this magical moment of two hearts as one...."You," paint such canvas' of splendor which, leave the patrons standing there for hours on end sometimes just, viewing every wonderous brush stroke and finding another brighter colour which, simply enchants them so--cont:)
Date: 7/5/2010 4:19:00 PM

--"You" have this unique and very rare quality about yourself dear -- You carry this purity and innocence of a child within such a wonderful light while as, amid the same breath of truth, You truly are, a strong and dignified and classy and elegant woman and lady -- You stop hearts, period!! I see both the girl and the boy within this classic poetics verse -- and i can also envision them both within my minds eye and sharing--cont:)
Date: 7/5/2010 4:06:00 PM

smile--this is soo amazingly brilliant!! "You" blow me away, with your ever evolving astonishments as "A Poetess Extraordinare" -- so very creative; as a never endings flowing river which, never seems to ever cease, these sparkling waters of its, everflowing beauties...."Wow," just when I somehow imagine, how could she ever get any better --"You" freeze my heart within place amid, "Spellbounds Awe"--Cont:)
Date: 7/5/2010 1:32:00 PM

Very descriptive write..descriptive of passion..Sara
Date: 7/5/2010 12:40:00 PM

ok, that's better what u did with that line now! Well, I sure know what you mean. Since I wrote three friendship poems this week, I keep thinking I wish I could do one for such and such; then I think of OTHER people, & I realize I would never be able to do do them all! Adeleke sure opened up a can of worms with that contest of his. hahaha. but I really enjoyed the three friend poems I did anyway. You are right up there on my list, Celene. a purely delightful woman I really relate to. LUv, Andrea
Date: 7/5/2010 11:20:00 AM

.... ~ "From, 'One Of The Most Beautiful Ladies Hearts & Souls,' Which My Soul, Has Ever Known; 'You!!!'" ~ Smile, we all have our purposes in this life-"You" remember mine and I remember "Yours"-Smile, "'Yours,' Is To Brighten Up The World, With Simply 'Your Smile,' &, 'Your Endless & Undeniable, Beautiful Light!!!'" ~ Smile, "My Love 'To You Always,' Beyond The Oceans of Time, 'Forevermore,'" John! ~ Smile, "'Beautiful Tinkerbell,' Have A Very Beautiful Night," Bye My Dear, "Lady!":) ~
Date: 7/5/2010 11:13:00 AM

.... ~ Smile, leave a token of loves forever bound, once upon a time and, (Smile) "You'll" make my heart happy--Smile, but I want a full page--Smile, and I also reserve the possible right; given this true loves written upon the pages of history to, share a dance, perhaps a waltz, from time to time--Smile, albeit, a different kind of waltz--Smile, "I Love 'You Dear'" ~ And, "I Love The Beauty of 'The Treasure' That I See, 'Once More,' Penned" ~ ....Cont....
Date: 7/5/2010 11:06:00 AM

.... ~ "Be Happy-Truly Happy"--every moment of every minute of everyday unto, the ends of all time, "Forevermore" ~ Smile, but remember, I danced with "Your Beauty" first and, I know that I shall dance with "Your Treasures" again someday, "Upon Those Streets of Gold," so, henceforth, when "Your Beauty" comes to sprinkle I hope, pretty colourful glittering stardust, upon my humbled yet, sincerely penned post ~ ....Cont....
Date: 7/5/2010 10:58:00 AM

.... ~ This innocence and sincerety and purity of, such a special and beautiful heart--Smile, it was these beauties from inside "Your Beautiful Soul," which eventually and somehow eternally, captured my very own soul....Now bound unto "Your" own, amid whatever light, "Heaven" may ever choose and or bring!!? ~ Smile, when one truly loves another, at the end of the day; at the end of it all; it is the love of their hearts desires that, the one they so deeply care for ~ ....Cont....
Date: 7/5/2010 10:49:00 AM

.... ~ Smile, not so very long ago and, continues still today; and yet, this light is far beyond this world and, can never deny, the brightness within "Your Beautiful Caramel Eyes" ~ Smile, "You Are Soo Beautiful" &, I can only "Love 'You," until the ends of all time; no matter how again, the petals of "This Roses Beautiful Flower," may ever fall....Smile, I love this pretty poem-it reminds myself of when I first met "Your Beauty" ~ ....Cont....
Date: 7/5/2010 10:41:00 AM

Smile ~ "Ow," whom can deny the precious heart's, feelings of emotions which course, through the veins of tomorrows hopes perhaps--Smile, "Yes," true love; sincere love; pure love; I too believe, can be held in Angels hands; just as "Your Beautiful Heart & Soul, 'Beautiful Celene Cresent,'" shall forever be held gently and lovingly, within my own unconditional and loving hands....Smile, it is "Your Soul," which danced with my own ~ ....Cont....
Date: 7/5/2010 9:16:00 AM

Well I don't know which part of this creation I like the best I am making it all my new fav as I need to read this a few more times.. its that awesome... enjoyd my dear sweet Celene.. or Selene.. thankxxx for your nice comment on my contest entry for Dr. Ram... with luv from the "Sweetheart" in AlohA Land..
Date: 7/5/2010 7:40:00 AM

ps. So you thought Nikko was a guy? I can see now that there were others reading my poem who thought the same! Isn't that funny? Remember when P.D first came here with those slams? I really thought she was a guy. haha. LUv, Andrea
Date: 7/5/2010 7:38:00 AM

Sweet as can be, Celene. The only line I did not get was 'passion hiss of glare" Not to be rude, but I think that line was out of place. Other than that, I thought the whole thing was utterly delightful. You are so good at using universal symbols such as light of sun, and something like a Cadbury bar to show us your affectionate nature. I keep thinking how I wish I could write a poem about all my best friends here, like you and a few others I can think of, you are all so wonderful! LUv, Andrea
Date: 7/4/2010 10:53:00 PM

Nice one Celene, enjoyed your cute poem,..p.d.


Book: Reflection on the Important Things