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Read Poems by Gotita Shukla

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Below are poems written by poet Gotita Shukla. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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The poem(s) are below...

Why Not

Why not we open up our minds?
Why not we enlengthen ourselves to the upcoming times?
Do we think that there is an end to advancement?
Are we incarcerated within some limits of Prime?
Why not we embrace the Space-Time lucidity?
The inter-dimensional ethnic groups,
Why not are we United?
Why not are we open to the Truth?
Why not we exhibit our spirit?
Do we not know that,
There isn't any end to our potential?
There isn't any end to perfection?
Why not we open up our hearts?
Why not we strengthen up our souls?
We have no time for our own selves.
So it's obvious,
How can we afford to love another?
How can we afford to extend out vicinity?
Why don't we know that our world isn't so finite ?
It is universal and as an infinite light.
Why not we embrace each day so bright ?
Is it just because the portals of our brain are unlocked?
Why are we still fighting to talk and dictate.
Why don't we realise that we humans have build,
A language to communicate?
Why are our minds enslaved ?
Or denied ?
Or deceived?
Why not we preach our knowledge?
Why not we preach our belief?

Copyright © Gotita Shukla | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 8/25/2021 8:18:00 AM

You have enlisted almost every question of humanity . thank . Well put and composed .


Book: Shattered Sighs